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1. 口袋觉醒精灵传说是一款手机游戏,可以通过应用商店进行下载。


2. 你可以打开你的手机应用商店(如App Store或Google Play),在搜索框中输入"口袋觉醒精灵传说",然后点击搜索按钮。



3. 请确保你的手机是连接互联网的,而且有足够的存储空间来下载和安装游戏。










LZ如果是游戏机,是不能下的,要到商店里买口袋妖怪的游戏卡带 而下的话,只有在电脑上用模拟器玩 总之游戏机上是下不了口袋妖怪的游戏



1. 打开天猫精灵,进入主界面。

2. 点击左上角的“应用中心”图标。

3. 在应用中心界面中,找到您需要下载的游戏,点击进入游戏详情页。

4. 在详情页中,点击“立即下载”按钮。

5. 等待下载完成后,即可在天猫精灵主界面中的“我的应用”中找到已下载的游戏。

















15、第十五名:吉拉奇 。


第三名. 谜拟Q,票数99077,谜拟Q是妖精+恶属性的口袋妖怪,因为嫉妒皮卡丘的可爱外表所以特意模仿皮卡丘,但一个幽灵属性的精灵模仿皮卡丘怎么看都感到诡异,不过这诡异的外表居然排在第三名,据说看过破布下他的真面目都会被诅咒,常用招式有影子袭击,暗影爪,嬉闹等

第二名. 路卡利欧,票数102259,路卡利欧是格斗+钢属性的口袋妖怪,因为外形俊朗还有特殊招式波导弹,曾经在剧场版中担当过主角,所以票数高无可议非,而且路卡利欧的波导能量可以跟人沟通,也能探测一公里内的敌人,还能Mega进化是个非常厉害的口袋妖怪,常用招式有波导弹,彗星拳,骨棒乱打等

第一名. 甲贺忍蛙,票数140559,这里的甲贺忍蛙应该是说小智的甲贺忍蛙,甲贺忍蛙是水+恶属性的口袋妖怪,而小智的甲贺忍蛙因为和小智有着特殊的羁绊所以能够不依靠Mega进化石而做到进化一般的形态,在联盟大赛中与劲敌艾岚的Mega喷火龙一战令人十分的难忘,常用招式有水手里剑,水之波动,影子分身等












One, how does fokelore of pocket arousal demon download?

1.Fokelore of pocket arousal demon is game of a mobile phone, can undertake download through using a store.

Above all fokelore of pocket arousal demon is to be able to pass download to have play.

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In the meantime, the experience of OK still and referenced other player and evaluation will choose reliable download origin.

2, how is demon fragment examined in pocket demon game?

The word that demon fragment examines in pocket monster is to need to read entree sheet, glance his menu next the economy that can see him piece, which to need?

3, is conveniently of demon of pocket of the download that install eminent interactive?

Basic now it is intelligent machine hand swims draw wind, estimation of this kind of pocket did not move, can try other pocket monster to bring eminent game nevertheless.

4, how does card of pocket demon game play?

Lose game game Zhang date and password to click login to be able to play

5, how to download pet elf game?

If LZ is sport plane, cannot fall, the game cassette that should purchase pocket monster in the shop and if falling, playing anyhow game with simulator on computer only is the game that cannot play pocket monster on machine

6, how does day cat demon download game?

You can download game of day cat demon through the following measure:

1.Open day cat demon, enter advocate interface.

2.Click top left corner " use a center " icon.

3.In applying central interface, find you to need the play of download, click enter game detail page.

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5.After awaiting download to finish, can be in day cat demon advocate in the interface " my application " in find the game that already downloaded.

Attention: Partial play may need to pay cost to buy or need undertakes Fu Feicai can have game in game interior.

7, demon of Wang Zuijiang of pocket monster game?

1, the first: A Erzhou this;

2, the 2nd: Phoenix king;

3, the 3rd: Luo Jiya;

4, the 4th: Diyalu dragon of king of Jia, Palujiya, dark;

5, the 5th: Animal of divine column king, lava, dark crack demon;

6, the 6th: Tooth of emperor of Guladu, sea, crack sit for nothing;

7, the 7th: Exceed dream, dream;

8, the 8th: Bird of cliff god column, steel god column, column glacial a god, phlogistic emperor, Thunder God, Shui Jun, urgent aspic, blaze bird, lightning bird;

9, the 9th: Acting Oujixisi;

10, the 10th: Snow rabbi;

11, eleventh name: Pull Diousi, Ladiyasi;

12, dozenth name: Fond dream animal;

13, thirteenth name: Gong Shenggu, Huang Shenggu, La Shenggu;

14, the 14th: Careless hedgehog;

15, the 15th: Ji Laji.

8, does king of pocket monster game recommend demon?

The 3rd. The mystery drafts Q, the ticket is counted 99077, the mystery drafts Q is an alluring woman + the pocket monster of evil attribute, because envious skin blocks the lovely appearance of grave to imitate Pikaqiu designedly so, but the demon of a ghostliness attribute imitates Pikaqiu how to look to feel weird, nevertheless this weird appearance is discharged unexpectedly be in the 3rd, had seen his real features below clout can be cursed allegedly, type of commonly used action has shadow assault, umbra claw, frolic etc

The 2nd. Lukaliou, the ticket is counted 102259, lukaliou is fistfight + the pocket monster of steel attribute, because appearance Jun Lang still has the special wave guide that provoke type to play, once had taken on in theatrical edition leading role, so ticket number is not had high can discuss blame, and wave guide energy of Lukaliou can be communicated with the person, also can explore the enemy inside one kilometer, still can Mega evolution is a very fierce pocket monster, type of commonly used action has wave missile, comet fist, bone club is hit in disorder etc

The first. Armour congratulate bears frog, the ticket is counted 140559, the Jia Heren frog here should be to say small wisdom Jia Heren frog, jia Heren frog is water + the pocket monster of evil attribute, and small wisdom Jia Heren frog is having special fetter to be able to not rely on Mega evolution so because of He Xiaozhi stone and accomplish evolution general pattern, one battle of as eruptive as the Mega of strong opponent Ai Lan in allied contest dragon makes a person very unforgettable, type of commonly used action has the sword in jack-tar, the wave motion of water, shadow spare time from one's main work to attend to sth else

9, how does pocket demon reclaim demon?

1. goes to gules demon center, open computer

The demon that 2. does not want you puts random in a case

3. points to pressing with a finger to demon above, open option, choose " free captive animals "

4. other people can ask you to want not to want free captive animals after all again, anthology " be " (noticed here does not choose a fault)

The pet that can throw away you do not want so.

10, how does pocket demon change demon?

How does pocket monster exchange demon

Nod above all right of next horn " demon " option, can give 6 demon that reveal fight, choose you to mean changing spirit, cannot change to did not give the demon of battle.

After the demon that clicks a choice, take out the option that replaces demon, have green arrowhead commonly to exercise restraint current the demon of the demon opposite side, click replace change successfully give battle demon.

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