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荆州城现存砖城为明末清初建筑。整座城呈不规则长方形,东西长3.75公里,南北宽1.2公里,城垣周长10.5公里,城内面积4.5平方公里,1970年后,随着交通事业发展的需要,经国务院批准,城垣上新开3座三孔城门,原有的6座城门,共有9座城门。砖城内有土筑城墙,与砖城相依,城上可通行。砖城外有外环道与水城环绕。水城俗称护城河。荆州城墙高9米左右,城墙厚10米左右,城墙上有3座藏兵洞,24座炮台。原有城楼6栋,其中5栋毁于战乱,仅存拱极门(大北门) 城楼朝宗楼。

八十年代,政府拨款重建寅宾门城楼,沿用旧名,曰宾阳楼。荆州城自明末清初最后一次修复以来,已有350年历史, 至今保存完好,是中国现存为数很少的古代城垣中较完好的一座,是长江中游地区唯一一座完好的古城垣,在国内外享有盛名。尤其是《三国演义》故事的广泛流传,使得荆州名扬四海。荆州城已成为中国三国旅游线上的一个重要的旅游区,有30多处三国遗踪和文化景点供游客探寻。


Ancient city wall of chaste tree city only then establish period of Yu Chunqiu the Warring States, ever was the government-owned boat dock of Hunan country and Zhu Gong, epigenesis governs place for river hill county, appeared first city outline.

Of city of the Kingdom of Wei, Sichuan, Wu Jing contend for, formed the main shaft that history of the Three Kingdoms develops, left rich history for later ages

City of chaste tree state, be located in the city zone of city of chaste tree state western, it is the State Council one of component of historical culture famous city that first announcing. Its city name is gotten because of be located in chaste tree Shan Zhina. Jing Zhou is one of the world a poetic name of China. When the Western Han Dynasty, change a poetic name of China to be ministry of 13 feudal provincial or prefectural governor (city) , jing Zhou is resided among them. Wei Jin in order to fall, jing Zhou all is the name of city, government office. Its treat place to be not secured more, until bright first, jing Zhoucai is secured as city name come down.

City of chaste tree state calls Jiang Ling the city again, because here defeats county of hill of river of postposition of capital of the State of Chu in the Qin Dynasty,be, serve as a county and get a name. Ever since in more than 2000 years, jiang Ling serves as place name, past dynasties continue to use, reason has one city 2. History of city of chaste tree state is long. Be in early BC capital of the State of Chu of move the capital to another place of king of article of 689 years of Hunan (today north of Jing Zhou city the Ji Nacheng of 5 kilometers) hind, here is the government-owned boat dock of Hunan country. Chu Cheng king (BC 671 - before 626 years of v/arc be on the throne) still be in this build fasten palace, name Zhu Gong.

BC 278 years, the Qin Dynasty razzias Bai Qi capital of the State of Chu, river hill county becomes here govern place. At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty year, here of Feng Linjiang Wang Yu. Ever since the Eastern Jin dynasty installs the Southern Qi Dynasty and the Supreme Being, emperor, Liang Yuan emperor, the later Liang dynasty, Sui Mo south Liang Wang, Tang Dynasty, Jing Na country here found a capital. Hunan, the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Western Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin dynasty, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, bright wait for face, seal Wang Hou hereat.

The inner and outer city walls of city of chaste tree state, form in last years of a dynasty or reign of the Warring States. Chinese generation already had a city wall. Sichuan defends Guan Yu, Wutai Zhu Ran, tall season of king of emperor of lukewarm, Liang Yuan, Na Ping promotes post of the Eastern Jin dynasty etc, have repair to Jing Zhou, last years of a dynasty or reign of Northen Song Dynasty, the city is destroyed. Chun Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty year, build a city wall again, honest Dai 10 years (the Christian era 1250) dig moat. Yuan first, hu Bilie gives orders to demolish city of chaste tree state. Yuan end, when Zhu Mozhang weighs Wu Wang, the member that send as before base rebuild Jing Zhou city.

Bright end, zhang Nazhong is led justice army razzia Jing Zhou city, demolish the city wall likely. Qing Shunzhi 3 years (the Christian era 1646) , depend on bright generation again city radical is new city of state of build chaste tree, and rechristen city gate: The door says east door of the third of the twelve Earthly Branches guest, southeast door (small east the door) say public security door, door of Ximen Yuean billows, south door of Men Yuena discipline, big north door says arch pole door, small north Men Yueyuan installs the gate.

Existent brick wall is city of chaste tree state the building at the beginning of Ming Moqing. Whole city shows irregular rectangle, the stuff is long 3. 75 kilometers, north and south is wide 1. 2 kilometers, circumference citying wall 10. 5 kilometers, the area inside the city 4. 5 square kilometer, after 1970, as the need that traffic facilities admits, via approval of the State Council, city wall go up to open city gate of 3 3 aperture newly, 6 original city gate, share 9 city gate. There is earthy fortification wall inside bricky wall, with bricky wall depend on each other, on the city negotiable. The brick is suburban outer shroud path and water city surround. Water city common weighs moat. City wall of chaste tree city is 9 meters or so tall, the city wall is large 10 meters or so, there is hole of 3 Tibets arms on the city wall, 24 fort. Original a tower over a city gate 6, among them 5 are destroyed at chaos caused by war, live arch pole door only (big north door) Chao Zonglou of a tower over a city gate.

80 time, the government allocates funds rebuild a tower over a city gate of door of the third of the twelve Earthly Branches guest, old name of continue to use, say Bin Yang building. City of chaste tree state is axiomatic since rehabilitate of the last time at the beginning of end Qing Dynasty, already had 350 years of histories, save up to now in good condition, it is the ancient time with Chinese existent very few amount to in citying wall a more in good condition, it is area of middle reaches of the Yangtse River exclusive in good condition ancient city wall, in enjoy great reputation domestic and internationally. Especially " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " the from mouth to mouth of the story, make Jing Zhou well-known in the world. City of chaste tree state already became on-line of travel of Chinese the Three Kingdoms a main travel area, 30 is in footprint of involuntary discharge of urine of the Three Kingdoms and culture tourist attraction to be sought for the tourist more.

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