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兴义耳块粑 兴义鸡肉汤圆苏家杠子面还有狗肉、羊肉等


































1、芋儿鸡芋儿鸡是川渝地方著名美食之一,主要原料是新鲜鸡肉、精品辣椒、绿色芋儿,加辅料与酸菜,经爆炒或慢炖红烧,鸡肉质地细嫩,辣而不燥,芋儿粑糯回甜,让人回味。2、卤兔头兔头是四川成都、山西大同、浙江衢州的传统名小吃。有多种专门的吃法,通常有麻辣、五香两种口味,具有骨多肉少,越吃越香等特点。吃兔头专门的叫法为“啃”,“啃兔儿脑壳”在当地方言中也有亲嘴的意思 ,是一种乐趣多多的美食。3、火锅是中国独创的美食,历史悠久,是一种老少皆宜的食物。据考证,战国时期即有火锅,时人以陶罐为锅,到宋代,火锅的吃法在民间已十分常见,南宋林洪的《山家清供》食谱中,便有同友人吃火锅的介绍。元代,火锅流传到蒙古一带,用来煮牛羊肉。到清代,火锅不仅在民间流行,而且成了一道著名的“宫廷菜”,用料是山鸡等野味。4、串串香串串香,起源于四川成都 ,不仅是四川地区的特色传统小吃之一,也是草根美食最大众化的体现,串串香实际上是火锅的另一种形式,所以人们又往往称其为小火锅。5、蛋烘糕蛋烘糕,四川成都著名的传统小吃,始于清代。清道光廿三年,成都文庙街石室书院(现汉文翁石室,成都石室中学)旁一位姓师的老汉从小孩办“姑姑筵”中得到启发,遂用鸡蛋、发酵过的面粉加适量红糖调匀,在平锅上烘煎而成。因吃起来酥嫩爽口,口感特别好,遂成四川名点。






  菜包子:春、夏、秋满族农家常做的主食之一。什么面做皮都行,什么菜都能做馅,就连春季的各种野菜也行,用热水焯了后再凉水投,切碎拌入佐料,有肉更好,无肉拌鸡蛋也行,光拌豆油、猪油也行,包完用锅帘蒸熟即可食用。  花花饼子:即菜饼子。用小米面或苞米面等与各种菜末合在一起烙成的饼子,即花花饼子,成品黄绿相间,很好吃。  黏火勺:即黄面饼子。是满族人家三季忙时的主要食品。制法是:先将黄米拉磨成面,再烀小豆或芸豆做馅,用油锅烙成饼子即可食用。  黏豆包:同黏火勺制法相同,只是包成豆包用锅蒸熟蘸猪油和白糖食用。  高粱米面饺子:高粱米面用热水烫了有筋道,可以用来包菜馅大饺子吃。  菠萝叶饽饽:一般在农历六月初六日吃,采摘山上菠萝叶子(二年生最好),擦净叶上白毛,抹上豆油,铺上黄面,中间夹豆馅,可手一合即成,装满锅烧开捂一会,食时蘸荤油、白糖。




One, what does Qingdao characteristic cate have?

The characteristic cate of Qingdao is seafood for certain [adore] . In this I want to share other characteristic cate.

Degree of city was made the same score to wait for a year in Qingdao 2019, say I am in make the same score degree of impression deeper, because of the frequency that go opposite more [] of tooth of give a talking-to:

1, dog meat:

: of dog meat chaffy dish? Old store of? of Er of Piao of Fei of night of brown bear of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct) : ? Does Fei Tun grant younger sister of  deceive O to be afraid of two?

: of meat of the dog that boil? Does っ of two of Qi of cover of K of Dian of heart of breed of  of salty   gallop strong is quiet unoccupied place lukewarm lung a huge legendary turtle?

2, dove: ? ? of Yun of last of kind of late  Hui opens) newly, fry, bake. Sunny road, drive yuan of city on center of carry out building.

Have been to with columbine travel the world together, OK also. Breast of Hua Guofeng flavour is columbine

Had heard of, but did not go eating.

3, bake big goose (old store) : ? Merchant daughter-in-law of Qi phenolic Rong this ┞ Mi Luna of?0 of lung of  of grave of square hesitating Chan (snow near fitness) , divide those who take a skin to mix do not take a skin, old craft, bake well.

4, the pig head flesh, hoof that fume a pig, back that fume chicken. In electrified wire netting of Qingdao road country adjacent has on the west, flavour is OK, but! Boss very interest, do not like this kind of businessmen [cruel is dragged]

5, heat mixes cool. Make the same score degree of characteristic, basic restaurant has.

6, celery of Home Ma channel. Heat is fried, cold and dressed with sause is delicious, the celery that the individual feels to be fried in hotpot house is delicious all the more [tooth of give a talking-to]

2, what does cate of white city characteristic have?

Flat bread of Li Liangui bacon

Plain boiled pork of pickled Chinese cabbage

Red gather up pig hand

Complete fish banquet

3, promote justice some of what characteristic cate to have?

Begin justice side piece cake begins circle of justice chicken broth face of Home Su thick stick still has dog meat, hotpot to wait

4, what does characteristic cate of Germany have?

Characteristic food of Germany has: German pig ancon matchs pickled Chinese cabbage and potato, german Bavaria white banger (still have a lot of of course other kind of banger) , black wood ham, black wood cake, german beer, german thunder commander, glacial wine, is the famousest of course still beer?

5, what does cate of characteristic of long white county have?

Fastfood kind: Shu city crisp.

Qiao Jiaxun is burned.

Head of equestrian factory steamed bun.

Small Ao thin pancake made of millet flour.

Marvellous Ge congee.

Sesame seed irrigates section.

Gram cake.

Rice spends candy.

Sesame seed sweet San.

Carbonado sweet potato.

Bake small pear.

Cate kind: Mead.

Han hill old goose.

Small dry fish fries old any of several hot spice plants.

Tile fragment fish.

Ginkgo pig abdomen.

Agate pomegranate.

Dried meat Gan Zizheng chop.

Sweet hot jerk.

Black 3 chop.

Decoct makes cool melon preserved fruit.

Snow demon taro burns duck.

Dried meat 8 beanses steaky pork.

Dry burn prawn.

Wooden fish crosses a monk.

Slices of fish meat of bright stay of proceedings.

Chicken of Home Ma element.

Flesh of Home Ma candy.

Small ass bowel? ?

6, what characteristic cate does Chengdu have?

1, taro gallinaceous taro chicken is plain change place one of famous cate, main raw material is taro of chili of fresh chicken, high-quality goods, green, add complementary makings and pickled Chinese cabbage, be fried via exploding or stew braise in soy sauce slow, chicken quality of a material is delicate, hot and not dry, taro cake glutinous is answered sweet, let person aftertaste. 2, head of hare of bittern hare head is Great Harmony of Sichuan Chengdu, Shanxi, Zhejiang thoroughfares the traditional name of the city is fastfood. Have a variety of have a way technically, have hemp normally hot, the five spices two kinds of taste, have character meaty little, eat sweeter to wait for a characteristic more. Head having rabbit calls a law technically to be " gnaw " , "Gnaw hare braincase " the meaning that there also is kiss in local dialect, it is the cate with a kind of great pleasure. 3, the cate that chaffy dish is Chinese original creation, the history is long, be one kind old little all the food of appropriate. According to textual research, period of the Warring States has chaffy dish namely, the person is boiler with the terrine when, to Song Dai, of chaffy dish eat a law to be in folk very common already, of Lin Hong of the Southern Song Dynasty " Shan Jiaqing is offerred " in cookbook, have the introduction that has chaffy dish with friend. Yuan acting, chaffy dish circulates Mongolia is taken, use meat of the flocks and herds that boil. Take the place of to Qing Dynasty, chaffy dish is in folk not only popular, and became a famous " palace dish " , with expecting is the game such as pheasant. 4, string string sweet string string sweet, traceable Sichuan Chengdu, the characteristic tradition that is Sichuan area not only is fastfood one of, also be careless root cate most of in a popular style reflect, string string sweet another kind of form that is chaffy dish actually, so people often call his small chaffy dish again. 5, the egg carbonadoes cake egg carbonadoes cake, the tradition with Sichuan famous Chengdu is fastfood, only then Yu Qing is acting. Qing Daoguang 23 years, academy of classical learning of room of stone of street of Chengdu article temple (show room of stone of Han Wen's old man, middle school of Chengdu stone room) by an old man that surnames division does from the child " aunt formerlies " in get instructive, add right amount brown sugar with egg, has fermented flour then smooth, carbonado on pan decoct and into. Because taste crisp tender tastily, mouthfeel is particularly good, become Sichuan name point then.

7, what characteristic cate does Shaanxi male county have to recommend?

Male county is famous eat especially even if steamed bun of armet of jellied bean curd, boiler, acerbity noodles in soup, flesh adds hot pepper of steamed bun, sauce to add steamed bun too delicious.

8, what characteristic cate does Henan have?

Carbonado of Henan braise face, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, road junction, unseal banquet of water of fill dumpling, Luoyang, An Yang 3 do not touch etc.

9, Manchu what characteristic cate to have?

Dish steamed stuffed bun: Spring, one of staple food that farmhouse of summer, Qiu Man a group of things with common features often makes. What face does a skin to go, what dish can do stuffing, all sorts of potherb that connect spring also go, with hot water scald hind again cold water is cast, mincing mix spice, it is better to have the flesh, mix without the flesh the egg also goes, light mixes soya-bean oil, lardy also go, the bag is over evaporate of the shade that use boiler is ripe can edible. The flower spends pancake: Namely dish pancake. Wait to add up to the pancake that bake in a pan becomes together with all sorts of dish end with millet face or bud rice face, spend beautiful pancake namely, alternate with of finished product olivine, very delicious. Sticky fire spoon: Fizzle out namely face pancake. It is Manchu home the main provision when 3 season are busy. Making a way is: Play glutinous millet wear side first, again red bean of stew in shallow water or kidney bean do stuffing, bake in a pan of the boiler that use oil becomes pancake can edible. Sticky steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste: Make a way with sticky fire spoon identical, just wrap steamed bun stuffed with sweetened bean paste to use boiler steam ripe dip in lardy with white sugar edible. Dumpling of broomcorn rice face: Broomcorn rice face pressed line having anything resembling a tendon or vein with hot water, can use big dumpling of the stuffing that include course to eat. Pineapple leaf pastry: Be in commonly the traditional Chinese calendar at the beginning of June eat 6 days, leaf of the pineapple on picked hill (biennial best) , the Bai Mao on rub-up leaf, wipe on soya-bean oil, the face fizzles out on the shop, fabaceous stuffing is placed among, but the hand closes to be become namely, replete boiler is burned cover a little while, lard, white sugar dips in when feeding.

10, what does Ningxia characteristic cate have?

Ningxia characteristic cate has flesh of chipped cooked entrails of sheep or oxen of sheep of medlar, braise, steamed lamb, crisp fried chicken, licorice to wait.

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