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草原旅游穿什么衣服? 去草原旅游要注意什么?英文双语对照


草原旅游穿什么衣服? 去草原旅游要注意什么?英文双语对照























  防紫外线折伞、牙刷、牙膏、袋装洗发水、海绵、毛巾、肥皂、水壶(备选)、护肤品、洗面奶、润唇膏、防晒霜 、面膜、剃须刀、梳子、雨伞或雨衣、、小勺、纸巾(卫生纸湿巾等)、打火机、瑞士军刀、纸笔、扑克

























  综合包价旅游:是旅行社通过事先计划组织和编排旅游活动项目,向旅游者推出的包揽一切有关服务工作的旅游形式,它包括旅游日程、目的地、行、食、宿的具体服务等级和各处旅游活动的内容安排,并以总价的形式一次性地收取费用。 对旅游来说,参加综合包价旅游既省钱又方便。


















乌拉盖草原因乌拉盖河得名,地处锡林郭勒盟、兴安盟和通辽市三盟市的交界处,动植物种类繁多,有“天边草原”的美誉。 草原可利用面积4350.53平方公里,以2、3、4等草地为主,其中产量以3、4、5级属多,总体表现草地质量优良,产量中高。境内植物类型多样,有62科501种,以禾本科和豆科为主,牧草种类优良,除优良牧草外,具有不同价值的用途的野生植物较为丰富,中蒙医药用植物较多,主要有大黄、桔梗、甘草、柴胡等。野生动物有黄羊、草原狼、骆驼、狐狸、獾、野兔等。















What dress does prairie travel wear?


Can wear white dress: Go white dress can be worn when the prairie travels, can foil so give a kind of very pure temperament.


Can wear skirt of gules nation wind: Wear skirt of gules nation wind, can match with the atmosphere photograph of the prairie so, when taking a picture, also can foil piece special feel beautifully only.


Can wear green skirt: The color with green skirt and same prairie can find out the feeling with the most beautiful nature.

Go what should prairie travel notice?

Go prairie travel note:

1. Chinese major prairie is located in highland, sunshine time is long, the light is stronger, need preparation sunbonnet, sunglass, prevent bask in frost.

2. The prairie moves especially equestrian when, had better not carry please photograph, the other valuable such as camera, lest fall bad or missing.

3. Prairie day and night difference in temperature is big, weather change is much, prepare a few dresses to reach the clothings that prevent rain more please.

4. If eat not hotpot of be used to, go can preparing a few food that oneself like when the prairie.

5. The things that wash gargle, slipper and water cup are not deployed commonly in the room of accommodation, shift to an earlier date please provide for oneself.

6. Attend a prairie each activity should notice safety particularly, especially equestrian wait for acuteness activity to want very attention.

7. The prairie area here is very large, go out want accompany person of the same trade, get lost carefully.

8. Time of drive a vehicle is relatively longer, although everybody is arranged to rest in journey, the individual also wants to prepare somewhat according to him circumstance.

Go the prairie travels, what does need prepare?

Give a time to prepare to use thing according to yours. Before going to travelling, prepare with content very crucial, a bit a lunar month of 29 days that I am below is discussed, the hope can help you.

Prevent bask in kind

Basically be to prevent bask in frost, prevent bask in latex and so on. Must take, and had better be PH cost is higher, because prairie height above sea level is higher, air is lucid, solar by day enough, ultraviolet ray is strong.

2. articles for daily use kind

Prevent ultraviolet ray to fold shampoo of umbrella, tooth brush, toothpaste, in bags, sponge, towel, soap, jug (equipment is chosen) , protect skin to taste, lipstick of the grandma that wash a face, embellish, prevent bask in film of frost, face, razor, comb, umbrella or raincoat, , small spoon

3. report subclass

Charger of mobile phone and mobile phone, camera, camera, flashlight, compass, interphone, jotter

4. medicine category

Medicine of intestines and stomach (the) such as Lin of Nuo fluorine Sha Xing, Martin, antiphlogistic medicine, lozenge of reduce internal heat, quick result saves heart bolus, achieve can stick () of absorbent cotton, gauze, more than 100 state or safflower are oily, wind oily essence, patulin, water of healthy atmosphere of drive midge toilet water, ageratum, carsick medicines and chemical reagents

5. feeds category

Bowel of water of drinking water, life, chocolate, biscuit, biscuit, ham, cake, snacks, beverage

6. reserves establishment: Student's identification card, Id, drive this, the mobile phone consults ahead of schedule next maps

7. dress kind

Cap: Also be to prevent bask in, had better be the sort of wearing that what tighten quite on the head, in case equestrian when be blown to lose by wind.

Coat: Difference in temperature of prairie morning and evening is big, the coat; that suggests you must take an age to wear if 5, 6, 9, October portion should take thick coat.

Trousers: Had better be the jeans, it is equestrian when wear-resisting, 2 it is warmth retention property and plasticity better also. If 5, 6, 9, October portion wants again besides an autumn pants.

8. capital kind

Hotel: Suggest you examine surroundings and book ahead of schedule, problem of safety of hotel door window is examined first after be being dealt with, examine next have inside house without photograph article of and so on resembling a head, examine sheet and toilet sanitation case again, affirm finally without by accident hind open a window first ventilated.

Cash: The proposal prepares 500~1000 yuan cash, although science and technology went to the lavatory, doesn't machine of ten thousand skill have report?

Above is the small proposal that travels before me.

Want to go the prairie travels, go excuse me which prairie is good?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? Suggest you go beautiful chrysanthemum channel prairie

The chrysanthemum channel llano of famed far and near, here is strong beautiful scenery can let you shake certainly. Had seen the Bai Yun in the city, had admired the Bai Yun on the high mountain, you had not seen the Bai Yun with chrysanthemum channel so distinctive prairie certainly. The Bai Yunzhen here is white, play good cotton titbits like posse group, suspension is between the sky of azure blue and dark green meadow, the footloose drift that follow wind.

The cloud of chrysanthemum channel prairie is really strange, resemble the horse of a white a little while, guiding a few doggies like a big dog a little while, they what these big dogs and doggie were spelling a life is forward rush, because their back has an evil lion to chasing them, seem to wanted to have these dogs, the airship that resembles an extraterrestrial a little while seems to want to assault the earth.

The grass of chrysanthemum channel prairie is really green, resemble a natural immaculate halcyon greenly, there still is the wild flower of a few beauties in big small grass. The small grass of the prairie appears very invigorative, calculate a few days to did not drink water, the small grass that also goes up than the high mountain in the park is more invigorative.

The wind-force of the without number that there still is stretch to the horizon here generates electricity fresh gale car, in blast puff below, they resemble the butterfly of another group of a flock of white, have dance lightly between blue sky and meadow. Round of ala of white and blue sky white cloud hand in photograph reflect, the meadow with verdure and wild flower eagerly dancing, good the nature arena with a many colorful appearance.

The beautiful scenery of chrysanthemum channel prairie is really too much, want to resemble enjoying the beautiful scenery here, you still go personally that beautiful prairie looks.

What is the travel that include price?

The organization wraps the service project that valence travels to should include: Breakfast of ② of ① hotel guest room, prandial with beverage ③ distribution centre of traffic of the ④ that use a car is visited to receive inside city send a service ⑥ of service of ⑤ tourist guide each the baggage of 20 kilogram serves ⑦ to visit ticket of activity of entertainment of ⑧ of dot entrance ticket ⑨ intercity traffic

Comprehensive package value travels: It is travel agent travels through planning to organize and weave beforehand mobile project, undertake the whole thing to what tourist rolls out the travel form of all concerned servive routine, it includes travel schedule, destination, travel, feed, old specific service grade and travel everywhere content arrangement of the activity, and the form with total prices is one-time ground collection charge. To travel, attend comprehensive package value to travel already be economical goes to the lavatory again.

Notable is, following content all does not include to be the limits that include price commonly:

1. The registering cost of travel papers and poundage;

2. Contingency insurance premium;

3. Airport tax;

4. Baggage insurance premium;

5. Baggage overweights cost;

6. Plan the travel project outside and personal expenses.

Does Yinchuan go does the prairie travel what means is best?

I answer back and forth. Set out from Yinchuan go prairie travel should see you want to go what kind of prairie, our country with a vast territory, the prairie is very much, guo of llano of Hu Lunbei Er, Xi Lin is cheated to strap prairie of any tube-shaped part of an article of clothing of cloth of prairie, Wu Lan inside, prairie of Lu Ke of cloth of Xinjiang Ba Yin, gansu Province a surname waits even hill prairie a moment the travel resort that is very famous gas. Do not think the word of remote region, yinchuan arrives eastwards inside unconscious E Er is much this also have a grass, the prairie that says to be able to choose so is very much still. Go the mood that which prairie travels to basically treat an individual and hobby, have extensive boundless, have draw near according to hill of water, desert changes drought short straw etc, choose casually by you.

As to go with what means the prairie travels, if if manual energy is OK,the individual thinks, still had driven oneself! Because beautiful scenery often is on the road, you can jockey at any time stop view and admire nature, loosen the mood, blend in beautiful nature, put flying ego.

It is good that is where of careless former travel cheated inside?

Can go overcoming assorted to overcome Teng Qi, the scenery is very pretty.

Does corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs cover prairie travel strategy?

Can visit Wu Liya area of Si Taishan scene, it is area of scene of national 3A class, be located in Wu Liya Si Taizhen with north 27 kilometers, repose at scene in the Wu Liya Si Taishan with beautiful, attractive scenery, old and long, magical history, be change with article of amorous feelings of stone of body of prairie, hill, hill, nation, prairie, recreational go vacationing the travel scene area that is main content, it with beautiful natural scene, magical historical legend, distinctive geological landforms.

Can visit corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs to build a river, it is a Nei Monggol Autonomous Region the biggest inland river, originate Yu Baoge amounts to Shanxi to the foot of a hill or mountain, become by spring assemble, full-length 360 kilometers, shed classics corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs to build precinct churchyard 100 kilometers, be like an argent hada to set clamp to be on green prairie.

Can visit area of scene of cloth forest spring, it is located in corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs to build precinct large presses down Bayinhu 10 kilometers are in north, cover an area of a face to accumulate 5000 mus, it is area of scene of travel of national 3A stage, belong to landforms of typical sex prairie. Establishment of scene area form a complete set is all ready, it is the area of integrated travel scene that collect travel, meal, recreation is an organic whole.

Patulous data:

Because corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs builds a river to get a name,corvee labor formerly imposed on Xizang serfs builds a prairie, be located in Xi Lin Guo to strap alliance, promote An Meng and the boundary of 3 alliance town of the city that connect distant, sort of the content that use plant is various, have " horizon prairie " beautiful praise. The prairie can use an area 4350.53 square kilometer, with 2, 3, 4 wait for a meadow to give priority to, among them crop with 3, 4, 5 class are belonged to much, quality of overall performance meadow is good, in crop tall. Churchyard plant type is diversiform, have 62 families 501 kinds, give priority to with the grass family and legume, grazing sort is admirable, outside dividing admirable grazing, the wildlife of the use that has different value is relatively abundant, unconscious medicine uses a plant in more, basically Chinese rhubarb, the root of balloonflower, licorice, the root of Chinese thorowax waits. Wild animal has wolf of Mongolian gazelle, prairie, camel, fox, badger, hare to wait.

Prairie travel note?

If the prairie travels, seeing you is to follow to the group swims or be driven oneself if be to drive the fun that swims to choose model of pure cross-country car to be able to bring a lot of cross-country place to you so as far as possible to also be brought to you oneself,swam a lot of the shop is not if opening a car to go after all through the gender, prairie weather is additionally changeful dress kind must prepare even if be,be in amply although summer is very hot midday but some day is very cold, the temperature that does not take place goes the temperature of estimation prairie, because go,had better prepare a few medicines and chemical reagents additionally prairie often little not equestrian, slippery careless slippery sand, going eating the hotpot that bake to string together diarrhoea of injuries from falls also is constant some thing, that market that does not center in tourism group as far as possible goes buying jerk often what that street makes a holiday is basic do, those who went to remain is to prepare affection of a good intention

Does summer travel prairie article table?

1, the Supreme Being dragon arteries and veins, tian Xianji flowers.

2, hold the friendship of friendly a long distance, answer admire summertime Zhang Bei.

3, day grey, wild boundless and indistinct, the prairie on Zhang Bei dam.

4, Zhang Beicao is here formerly, where do you go to even?

5, capital court, zhangbei prairie.

6, gallop extensive prairie, enjoy amorous feelings nature.

7, the Mongolia of North China Plain, the prairie of Chinese Zhang Bei.

8, Zhang Bei -- from from go up formerly careless.

9, the prairie below emperor sections of a city close to the city wall is beautiful, annulus lake is admired green swim Zhang Bei.

10, Zhang Beimei, was not to forget that prairie is beautiful
