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位于河北省廊坊市三河燕郊经济开发区。华北科技学院(North China Institute of Science and Technology)隶属中华人民共和国应急管理部,其前身是原国家煤炭工业部1984年投资兴建的北京煤炭管理干部学院分院;1993年改制为华北矿业高等专科学校,面向全国招生;1997年被原国家教委评为全国27所示范性高等工程专科重点建设学校之一;2002年升格为普通本科院校,更名为华北科技学院;2011年获得工程硕士(安全工程领域)专业学位研究生培养资格,2018年入选国家“卓越工程师教育培养计划2.0”、“新工科研究与实践项目”。截至2016年9月,学校占地面积800亩,建筑面积43万平方米。教学科研仪器设备总值1.90亿元。图书馆现馆藏纸质图书114.97万册,电子图书148.89万种。有教职工1090人,其中教师883人。学校开办43个本科专业,涉及工、理、文、法、艺术、教育、经济、管理八大学科门类。







年度 学校名称 全国排名

2021 华北科技学院 332

2020 华北科技学院 526

2019 华北科技学院 573

2018 华北科技学院 499

2017 华北科技学院 474


年份 学校名称 全国排名

2021 华北科技学院 435

2020 华北科技学院 395

2019 华北科技学院 448

2018 华北科技学院 562


华北科技学院(North China Institute of Science and Technology)位于河北省廊坊市三河市燕郊高新技术产业开发区,是中华人民共和国应急管理部直属高校,应急管理部与河北省人民政府共建高校,入选教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“新工科研究与实践项目” 、应急管理学院建设首批试点学校、省级硕士学位授予单位立项建设单位、河北省院士工作站建站单位,为CDIO工程教育联盟成员单位、联合国教科文组织中国创业教育联盟理事单位。学校与中国煤矿安全技术培训中心实行“一套机构、两块牌子”的管理体制。


One, can institute of Hua Beike ability rise public?

Institute of China north science and technology is fair run a school.

Institute of China north science and technology, lash-up manages college of ministry directly under. Institute of China north science and technology is fair the college of affiliated to a ministry that do.

Regard lash-up management as college of ministry directly under, institute of China north science and technology what major is good? selected the safe project that construction of major of top-ranking undergraduate course chooses national level is professional.

The safe project major of institute of China north science and technology has actual strength extremely, but of reasonable division admit a mark to go up, admit a mark highest is computer science and technical major however. 2020, the school admits a mark to be 501 minutes in the science department of Sichuan, liberal art admits a mark to be 512 minutes.

2, is ability institute in Hua Beike is Hunan?

Institute of China north science and technology is college of directly under of lash-up government department, predecessor is the school of cadre of ministry of central fuel industry that established 1950; 1955 ministry of put under coal, more the name is school of cadre of coal industry ministry; Promote ran cadre institute for Beijing coal 1982; Was in 1984 swallow outskirt build branch department of institute of cadre of Beijing coal management; Turned 1993 make for common colleges and universities, more the name is China north mining industry advanced schools; Promote was school of ordinary undergraduate course 2002, more the name is institute of Hua Beike ability; Obtained project Master 2011 (safe engineering field) professional degree graduate student fosters a qualification. Belong to school of 2 this academy.

Institute of China north science and technology has two campuses, cadre and Xianan campus, the campus is done not have in Hunan.

3, does institute of Hua Beike ability have a major?

Institute of China north science and technology is school of a 2 this academy, there is a major inside.

4, when does institute of Hubei science and technology rise?

Institute of Hubei science and technology rises to plan to undertaking originally in, rise for school of one this academy should can be expected soon. Because,this is:

One, institute of Hubei science and technology is project of plan of training of education of the first batch of brilliant doctors pilot college.

2, 2011, classics Ministry of Education agrees, this school obtains batch of Masters to award authority to recruit first Master to be born.

3, the school has now teach a worker 1398 people tall 120 people, 256 people of doctoral, force of persons qualified to teach is powerful.

5, can Hua Beike change after is ability institute amalgamative?

Very possible meeting changes after institute of China north science and technology is amalgamative, because Heibei province and lash-up manage a ministry to build the meet an urgent need of a high level of purpose really,run an university, and the progress that also had had materiality. Believe soon, institute of China north science and technology is visitting government and lash-up government department support energetically below, upgrade become provincial it is the lash-up management university with domestic best actual strength even.

6, 2 when when institute of Hua Beike ability rises?

Institute of China north science and technology is to rose those who be 2 2002. Predecessor was 1984 the branch department of institute of cadre of Beijing coal management of build of coal industry ministry; Turned 1993 make for common colleges and universities, more the name is China north mining industry advanced schools, it is three-year institution of higher learning; Promote was school of ordinary undergraduate course 2002, more the name is institute of Hua Beike ability, it is undergraduate course; Obtained project Master 2011 (safe engineering field) professional degree graduate student fosters a qualification.

7, institute of Hua Beike ability is 2020 litres this one?

Institute of China north science and technology did not rise 2020 it is, still be a this 2 schools.

8, is ability institute in Hua Beike?

Be located in Heibei to visit Langfang town developing zone of economy of outskirt of 3 rivers swallow. Institute of China north science and technology (North China Institute Of Science And Technology) lash-up of subject People's Republic of China runs a department, its predecessor is ministry of industry of former state coal the Beijing coal that invested build 1984 runs cadre institute branch department; Changed 1993 make for China north mining industry advanced schools, face countrywide recruit students; Was taught by former state 1997 appoint judge for the whole nation key of specialized subject of advanced project of 27 demonstrative sexes builds one of schools; Promote was school of ordinary undergraduate course 2002, more the name is institute of Hua Beike ability; Obtained project Master 2011 (safe engineering field) professional degree graduate student fosters a qualification, selected 2018 country " outstanding engineer education develops a plan 2 " , " new engineering course research and practice project " . Up to in September 2016, the school covers an area of a face to accumulate 800 mus, floor area 430 thousand square metre. Total value of equipment of instrument of education scientific research 190 million yuan. The library shows books of holding paper quality one million one hundred and forty-nine thousand seven hundred, electronic books one million four hundred and eighty-eight thousand nine hundred kinds. Have teach a worker 1090 people, among them 883 people of pedagogic. School open 43 undergraduate course are professional, involve labour, manage, article, law, artistic, education, economy, government class of 8 colleges division.

9, code of college of Hua Beike ability?

The school code of institute of China north science and technology is 1110400.

Institute of China north science and technology, it is college of directly under of lash-up government department, it is unit of node of city of net of Chinese education scientific research, the school is located in Heibei swallow outskirt, currently hold the post ofZhang Ruixin of Bo Changsen of Party committee secretary, president. School example is " establish a person independently, promote An Anguo " . Up to July 2022, the school covers an area of a face to accumulate 800 mus, floor area 450 thousand square metre. Project of level of a state carries out educational center, key laboratory of 5 ministries and commissions, 7 save ministry class lab, establish institute of 15 2 class, 1 fastens a ministry, have major of 56 undergraduate course, involve kind of 8 colleges division, have major of characteristic of 3 states level, 3 Ministry of Education " outstanding engineer education develops a plan " pilot major, course of 7 provincial keys, teach a worker more than 1000 people. The predecessor of institute of China north science and technology is the school of cadre of ministry of industry of the fuel central that established 1950, 1955 ministry of put under coal, more the name is school of cadre of coal industry ministry, promote ran cadre institute for Beijing coal 1982, was in 1984 swallow outskirt build branch department of institute of cadre of Beijing coal management, turned 1993 make for common colleges and universities, more the name is China north mining industry advanced schools, promote was school of ordinary undergraduate course 2002, more the name is institute of Hua Beike ability. Up to 2022, institute of China north science and technology list university of China of 2022 flexible divisions to rank the 429th; 2022 pop chart of ABC China university list the 417th.

10, rank of institute of Hua Beike ability?

Whole nation of institute of China north science and technology ranks a circumstance, also be home's famouser rank, because index of each orgnaization rank is different, rank seating arrangement offers rough reference only, not only how much is this thinks the school is ranked.

1, whole nation of institute of science and technology of north of all previous time is ranked [alumni association edition]

Whole nation of year school name is ranked

Institute of science and technology of 2021 China north 332

Institute of science and technology of 2020 China north 526

Institute of science and technology of 2019 China north 573

Institute of science and technology of 2018 China north 499

Institute of science and technology of 2017 China north 474

2, whole nation of institute of science and technology of north of all previous time is ranked [flexible division edition]

Whole nation of name of school of a particular year is ranked

Institute of science and technology of 2021 China north 435

Institute of science and technology of 2020 China north 395

Institute of science and technology of 2019 China north 448

Institute of science and technology of 2018 China north 562

3, brief introduction of institute of Hua Beike ability

Institute of Hua Beike ability (North China Institute Of Science And Technology) be located in Heibei to visit 3 river town of Langfang city development of estate of Yan Jiao new and high technology, it is college of directly under of department of government of lash-up of People's Republic of China, lash-up government department and government of Heibei province people build a college in all, selected Ministry of Education " outstanding engineer education develops a plan " , " new engineering course research and practice project " , lash-up government institute builds first pilot school, provincial master's degree to award unit project approving construction workstation of academician of province of unit, Heibei builds station unit, teach China of Educational of allied member unit, U.N. to do poineering work for CDIO project teach allied director unit. The school and technology of Chinese colliery security groom the center is executed " two an orgnaization, brands " administrative system.

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