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1. 家长基本信息,包括姓名、家庭住址、联系方式等,以便日后联系和互通信息。

2. 家长对孩子的描述,包括孩子的性格、兴趣爱好、特长等,以便幼儿园老师更好地了解和引导孩子。

3. 家长对幼儿园教育的看法,包括家长对幼儿园整体教育的评价、对教师的评价、对幼儿园日常管理、课程设置、教育教学等方面的建议和期望。

4. 家长对孩子在幼儿园的表现和学习情况的观察和反馈,包括孩子喜欢的课程、擅长的技能、待改进的方面、家长需要关注的问题等。

5. 家长与老师的互动与交流的情况,包括家长自愿参加幼儿园教育活动、课堂观察、课后交流等方面。










1. 孩子在幼儿园的表现非常好,能够积极参与各项活动,与同学相处融洽,学习也很认真。我们很高兴看到孩子在幼儿园里的成长和进步。

2. 孩子在幼儿园里表现出了很强的自理能力和独立性,能够自己穿脱衣服、鞋子,自己整理书包和玩具,并且还能够帮助老师和同学做一些力所能及的事情。我们非常欣慰孩子有这样的表现。

3. 孩子在幼儿园里能够遵守各项规章制度,尊敬老师,团结同学,是一个很有礼貌和懂事的孩子。我们非常满意孩子在幼儿园里的表现。

4. 孩子在学习方面表现出了很强的好奇心和求知欲,能够积极主动地参与各项学习活动,并且能够认真完成老师布置的作业和任务。我们很高兴看到孩子在学习方面的进步和成长。

5. 孩子在家里表现得非常懂事和听话,能够主动帮助父母做一些家务和琐事,并且还能够自觉地完成家庭作业和学习任务。我们非常欣慰孩子有这样的表现。

6. 孩子在家里表现出了很强的自律性和自主性,能够自己安排时间和活动,并且还能够主动学习和阅读课外书籍。我们非常满意孩子在家里的表现。

7. 孩子在家里能够与父母和兄弟姐妹相处融洽,互相关心和照顾,并且还能够积极参与家庭活动和娱乐项目。我们非常高兴看到孩子在家庭里的成长和进步。

8. 孩子在家里表现出了很强的责任感和担当感,能够主动承担一些家务和琐事,并且还能够帮助父母照顾弟弟妹妹。我们非常欣慰孩子有这样的表现。

9. 孩子在家里能够遵守各项规章制度,尊敬父母,团结兄弟姐妹,是一个很有礼貌和懂事的孩子。我们非常满意孩子在家里的表现。

10. 孩子在家里表现出了很强的自信心和勇气,能够勇敢地面对困难和挑战,并且还能够积极尝试和探索新的事物。我们非常高兴看到孩子在家里的进步和







你是幼儿园老师还是家长啊?家访记录表需要有的内容:幼儿姓名、性别、出生年月、父母姓名、父母学历、父母工作单位、父母手机号码、家庭住址、家庭电话号码 这个问题很简单: 最好电脑制作一份通用表格: 某某幼儿园家访记录表 家访时间: 年 月 日 点 分 家访同学姓名: 家长姓名: 家庭地址: 联系电话:家访内容在家表现 父母对小孩的期望 在家饭量 睡觉情况 近期有无感染疾病 对幼儿园的建议 对幼儿园的意见 老师点评 备注















One, does content of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of child care teacher record the top class in a kindergarten?

Time of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers this week Tuesday afternoon, place cheeper is in village doorway, wash one's hair of this class cheeper Yao, wash one's hair have a meal this week less, often say not hungry, hope wash one's hair mom looks after children to look to the hospital

2, does a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of nursery school the top class in a kindergarten record brief content?

1.The parent is basic information, include means of full name, home address, connection to wait, so that be contacted in the future,mix contact.

2.The parent description to the child, interest of the nature that includes the child, interest, specialty, so that nursery school teacher understands better,mix guide the child.

3.The view that the parent teachs to nursery school, the proposal of the respect such as education of setting of the assessment that includes the parent to be taught to nursery school whole, evaluation to the teacher, day-to-day to nursery school management, course, education and expectation.

4.The parent is mixed in the expression of nursery school to the child the observation that studies a situation and feedback, the course that includes the child to like, adept skill, problem that treats improvement aspect, parent to need to pay close attention to.

5.Of the parent and teacher interactive the circumstance with communication, include the parent to enter the field such as the communication after nursery school teachs observation of activity, classroom, course of one's own accord.

Above is the brief content that a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of nursery school the top class in a kindergarten records, aim to understand the expectation of child family situation and parent to nursery school and evaluation, so that provide high grade education for the child better,serve.

3, of record sheet of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of the top class in a kindergarten fill in content?

The teacher of the top class in a kindergarten fills in in what exchange record sheet content we can fill in what, above all you can fill time, you and who goes to place character together, wrote we and parent to talk about what day next, see the word of the child's bedroom next, what inspires the show that understands the child to be in the home, these are the content among the record sheet of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers that can keep us.

4, content of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of the top class in a kindergarten?

1, inquiry cheeper is behaved in the home, include habit of habits and customs, behavior to wait.

2 inform parent child to be behaved in garden in detail, the actor defect of cheeper, and the part that needs amendatory inadequacy.

3 hopes parent coordinates pedagogic work, make good home in all Yo.

4 inquiries parent has to nursery school without opinion and proposal.

5, commment of teacher of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of the top class in a kindergarten?

1.  The child expression in nursery school is first-rate, can take an active part in each activity, get along with the classmate harmonious, study is very serious also. We are very glad to see the child in nursery school grow and progress.

2.  The child was shown in nursery school very strong provide for oneself ability and independent character, can oneself wear disrobe, shoe, oneself arrange satchel and toy, and still can help the business that teacher and classmate do a few in one's power. We are very gratified the child has such show.

3.  The child can abide each regulations system in nursery school, respect a teacher, unitive classmate, be very polite with sensible child. We are very satisfactory the child expression in nursery school.

4.  The child was shown in study respect very strong curiosity and curious desire, can participate in each study activity active and actively, and can finish the task that the teacher assigns and job seriously. We are very glad to see the child be mixed in the progress that studies an aspect grow.

5.  The child is behaved very sensibly in the home and obedient, can help parents actively do a few housework and bagatelle, and still can finish homework and study job self-consciously. We are very gratified the child has such show.

6.  The child showed very strong self-discipline sex and autonomy in the home, can oneself orchestrate time and activity, and return can learn actively and read extracurricular book. We are very satisfactory the child expression in the home.

7.  The child can get along with parents and brotherly sister in the home harmonious, care each other and take care of, and still can take an active part in domestic activity and recreational project. We are very glad to see the child in the family grow and progress.

8.  The child was shown in the home very strong sense of responsibility and take on feeling, can assume a few housework and bagatelle actively, and still can help parents take care of brother little sister. We are very gratified the child has such show.

9.  The child can abide each regulations system in the home, respect parents, unitive brother sister, be very polite with sensible child. We are very satisfactory the child expression in the home.

10.  The child showed very strong self-confident heart and courage in the home, can difficulty of face up to and challenge, and return can try actively and probe new thing. We are very glad to see the child progress in the home is mixed

6, does a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of cheeper the top class in a kindergarten quiz?

Excuse me morning morning mom, what business can the child do in the home?

7, how does record sheet of circumstance of nursery school a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers write the top class in a kindergarten?

How is record sheet of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of nursery school the bottom class in a kindergarten written make a form, every child a piece.

Content includes: Infant full name, child is in the home nursery school of the expression, proposal to nursery school and opinion, hope is in what respect increases strength to let be signed by person of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers finally.

The manner is cordial, a bit more enthusiastic, the parent fills in very gladly of form.

Are you nursery school teacher or parent? Record sheet of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers needs some content: Telephone number of number of mobile phone of unit of job of record of formal schooling of full name of infant full name, sexual distinction, birth date, parents, parents, parents, parents, home address, family this question is very simple: Best computer makes a current form: Time of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of record sheet of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of such-and-such nursery school: Date chooses full name of minute of classmate of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers: Parent full name: Domestic address: Connect a telephone call: Content of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers behaves the parental expectation to the child to sleep in home appetite in the home circumstance near future has be opposite to the proposal of nursery school without infection disease the opinion teacher of nursery school comments on remarks

8, how is record of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers recorded?

Time, place, family, the content of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers.

9, does middle shift rise content of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of the top class in a kindergarten?

Purpose of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers:

The study that makes cheeper nurturance good is used to

Record of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers:

Li Shu one child is a clever and lovely child, the teacher attends class the thing that say is met, but she learned to disturb

Order, do not let other child study. Accordingly, undertook a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers to Li Shu. Be in and be informed in her parental talk, their job is very busy, not quite much to the child's care, the child often is in grandma home again, the grandma is right her coddle since childhood what by her. Come so, the child with respect to nurturance a few bad habits. So, ask the parent to maintain connection with nursery school more, what cooperate a teacher to teach the child is better.

The effect of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers:

Help the value that the parent's real knowledge reached to learn, let the parent understand should take out time to be accompanied more accompany the child, domestic education is having very main effect, interact to achieve educational goal jointly through home.

10, [urgent] how is the record sheet of a visit to the parents or schoolchildren or young workers of nursery school the top class in a kindergarten written?

Fundamental condition and education watch the family:

The domestic situation that what the angle that stands in nursery school considers to need to understand is the child: For instance parental profession, the age, educational degree, basically be the heavy visual range that the study that who is in charge of the child coachs and the life and parent teach to the child is spent at ordinary times. Filling in around this respect do not have a problem.

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