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法学理论[030101] 宪法学与行政法学[030103] 民商法学[030105]

经济法学[030107] 国际法学[030109] 法律硕士[030180]

社会学[030301] 马克思主义基本原理[030501] 马克思主义中国化研究[030503]

思想政治教育[030505] 刑法学[030104] 法律史[030102]

诉讼法学[030106] 环境与资源保护法学[030108] 中国近现代史基本问题研究[030506]

法律(非法学)[035101] 法律(法学)[035102]


网络知识管理 [0871Z1]


理论经济学[020100] 世界经济[020105] 当代马克思主义经济理论[020122]

制度经济学[020123] 应用经济学[020200] 国民经济学[020201]

区域经济学[020202] 财政学[020203] 金融学[020204]

产业经济学[020205] 国际贸易学[020206] 统计学[020208]

国防经济[020210] 投资经济[020221] 保险学[020222]

金融数学与金融工程[020223] 税收学[020224] 公共经济政策学[020225]

城市经济与管理[020227] 能源经济与环境政策[020232] 房地产经济学[0202Z3]

政治经济学[020101] 经济思想史[020102] 经济史[020103]

西方经济学[020104] 能源经济[0202Z9] 当代马克思主义经济理论[0201Z1]

制度经济学[0201Z4] 人口、资源与环境经济学[020106] 劳动经济学[020207]

数量经济学[020209] 金融[025100] 应用统计[025200]

税务[025300] 国际商务[025400] 保险[025500]

资产评估[025600] 统计学[027000] 经济哲学[0201Z3]

投资经济[0201Z6] 城市经济与管理[0202Z2] 保险学[0202Z7]

金融数学与金融工程[0202Z8] 税收学[0201Z5]




马克思主义哲学[010101] 伦理学[010105] 科学技术哲学[010108]


管理科学与工程[120100] 会计学[120201] 企业管理[120202]

旅游管理[120203] 技术经济及管理[120204] 市场营销学[120221]

财务管理[120222] 信用管理[120223] 电子商务[120224]

体育经营管理[120226] 工商管理硕士[120280] 农业经济管理[120301]

行政管理[120401] 社会医学与卫生事业管理[120402] 教育经济与管理[120403]

社会保障[120404] 土地资源管理[120405] 林业经济管理[120302]

公共管理[125200] 市场营销学[1202Z2] 工商管理[125100]

电子商务[1201Z1] 服务科学与工程[1201Z2] 金融信息工程[1201Z4]

财务管理[1202Z1] 体育经营管理[1202Z3] 会计[125300]


概率论与数理统计[070103] 应用数学[070104] 运筹学与控制论[070105]

数理统计学[0714Z1] 金融统计与风险管理[0714Z3] 应用概率[0714Z5]

经济统计学[0714Z2] 应用统计学[0714Z4]


语言学及应用语言学[050102] 中国古典文献学[050104] 中国古代文学[050105]

文艺学[050101] 日语语言文学[050205] 外国语言学及应用语言学[050211]



Master across course

Credit management [99J1]


Law is academic [law of 030101] constitution and administrative law [030103] civilian trade law [030105]

Economic law [030107] law of nations learns [Master of 030109] law [030180]

Sociological [fundamental of 030301] Marxism [China of 030501] Marxism changes research [030503]

Thought politics is taught [law of 030505] punishment [030104] law history [030102]

Litigant law [030106] environment and resource protection law [030108] China is modern history main problem studies [030506]

Law (learn illegally) [035101] law (law) [035102]

Labour learns

Network knowledge manages [0871Z1]


Academic economics [economy of 020100] world [economy of 020105] contemporary Marxism is academic [020122]

System economics [economics of 020123] application [economics of 020200] countryman [020201]

Area economics [020202] cameralistics [020203] finance learns [020204]

Industrial economics [020205] international trade learns [020206] is statistical [020208]

National defence economy [020210] invests economy [020221] is sure to learn [020222]

Financial maths and financial project [020223] taxation learns [020224] public economic policy learns [020225]

Urban economy and management [economy of 020227] the sources of energy and environmental policy [economics of 020232] estate [0202Z3]

Plutonomy [thought of 020101] economy history [020102] economy history [020103]

Western economics [economy of 020104] the sources of energy [economy of 0202Z9] contemporary Marxism is academic [0201Z1]

System economics [0201Z4] population, resource and environmental economics [economics of 020106] labor [020207]

Quantitative economics [020209] finance [statistic of 025100] application [025200]

Duty Wu [business affairs of 025300] international [025400] is safe [025500]

Asset is evaluated [025600] is statistical [philosophy of 027000] economy [0201Z3]

Investment economy [economy of 0201Z6] city and management [0202Z2] is sure to learn [0202Z7]

Financial maths and financial project [0202Z8] taxation learns [0201Z5]


Special history [0602L3]


Marxism philosophy [010101] ethnics [philosophy of 010105] science and technology [010108]

Be in charge of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties

Administrative science and project [120100] accounting [120201] business management [120202]

Travel management [economy of 120203] technology and management [sale of 120204] market learns [120221]

Financial management [120222] credence manages [business affairs of 120223] electron [120224]

Sports management [Master of 120226] industrial and commercial management [economy of 120280] agriculture manages [120301]

Administration [medicine of 120401] society and wholesome career manage [economy of 120402] education and management [120403]

Social security [natural resources of 120404] land manages [economy of 120405] forestry manages [120302]

Common management [sale of 125200] market learns [1202Z2] industrial and commercial management [125100]

Electronic business affairs [science of 1201Z1] service and project [project of information of 1201Z2] finance [1201Z4]

Financial management [management of 1202Z1] sports [1202Z3] accountant [125300]

A Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties

Probability theory and several manage statistic [maths of 070103] application [070104] operational research and cybernatic [070105]

Mathematical statistics [statistic of 0714Z1] finance and risk management [probability of 0714Z3] application [0714Z5]

Economy is statistical [0714Z2] application is statistical [0714Z4]


Linguistics and applied linguistics [050102] China is classic philological [literature of ancient time of 050104] China [050105]

Literary learn [literature of language of 050101] Japanese [linguistics of 050205] foreign country and applied linguistics [050211]

Transmission learns [050302]

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