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定将捷足随途骥,那有闲情逐水鸥。 笑指泸沟桥畔月,几人从此到瀛洲?













































Does Li Hongzhang have a fish - how to evaluate Li Hongzhang?

The historical opinion about Li Hongzhang basically is around move he is signed " the horse involves pact " , on the issue that sells state sovereignty, accordingly Li Hongzhang also became a traitor, the flunky of quiet day. Actually this kind of evaluation is inequitable. Above all, sign " the horse involves pact " the treaty of this humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty, should say the meaning that is Ci Xi, li Hongzhang is one communicates jussive person nevertheless, because this cannot increase this charge to his body. Actually Li Hongzhang also is one has factitive minister, above all he is not full continent blood relationship, can serving as a the Han people to become so big officer in quiet day is very not easy; It is moreover in Westernization Movement, li Hongzhang also is an energetic leader, founded a lot of contemporary armament, although did not rise to save the nation,save civilian action, but also have certain stimulative effect to Chinese modernization.

Li Hongzhang native place?

Li Hongzhang (on Feburary 15, 1823 - on November 7, 1901) , the word justs gradually or child Fu, date little Quan (spring) , this renown chapter copper, old age from date appearance old man, alias save worry, hefei of native place Anhui east countryside (precious jade today sea area) grind inn.

Late Qing Mingchen, one of main leader of Westernization Movement. Common people says more " Li Zhongtang " , because go 2, reason folk says again " Li Erxian is unripe " . With Ceng Guofan, Zhang Zhi hole, Zun Zongtang is called " resurgence 4 names official " .

One of cacique of the author of army of the Huaihe River and division of water of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning and command, Westernization Movement, built the first Western-style navy of Chinese -- division of water of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, the rank of nobility is first-class respectful firm uncle.

Participated in a series of great history incident all one's life: Include to suppress the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history motion, suppress uprise of the Nian Army, Westernization Movement, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 to wait, signed on behalf of clear government " Vietnam treaty " " the horse involves pact " " Sino-French and compendious treaty " " Xin Chou treaty " wait for a series of unequal treaties. Composing closes at " Li Wenzhong fair complete works " .

On November 7, 1901, die of illness at Beijing. The confer posthumously after dying too teach, the respectful such as advance front cover firm Hou, shi date Wen Zhong.

Li Hongzhang couplet?

What Li Hongzhang writes couplet more.

Suffer all kinds of the world 100 bureaucratic airs

Raise with respect to the bosom in one Duan Chun

Song heart benefit changes fast mail place

Kid of Jian of still economical annals

Every face an important matter to have quiet energy of life

Do not believe today when without Gu Xian

Sexual clumsy knows what one is particularly good at oneself little

Ceremony Zuo often becomes aware rude person is much

Immaculate bearing Qing Dynasty is like jade

Have bone article Dan Rexian

Defend counterpoising all right true cause

Smooth pity section desire great merit husband

Refine heart is like slightly without wave well

Raise gas to if give caving cloud,answer

10 thousand collect books appropriate children

One day crosses the sea to receive sail

The sea has the amount that can contain really

The bright moon with seldom it is a heart completely

Current flower leaves greatly comfortable

Wind Qing Yuelang is excellent buddhist

Make the same score the empty in be being gotten to be volume increase

Heart can record blessing and as a result auspicious

For fine photograph, for the good doctor, this piece read aloud

Have treat a person, have administer a law, china and foreign countries of might as well

Enjoy an easy and carefree life to not be in for the official, want bursa to have money only, the storehouse has rice, the abdomen has poetic book, it is the prime minister in feudal China in hill;

Pray birthday year need not take drug, I wish do not have disease personally, the heart does not have care, the door does not have creditor, can be the immortal on the ground.

Li Hongzhang's father?

Give birth to soldier: 1801 - 1855

Native place: Anhui Hefei

Brief introduction: Li Wenan (1801-1855) , word type and, date Yu Chuan, date jade spring, alias I Quan, of article of name of a list of names posted up, anhui Hefei person, it is the father of Li Hongzhang of junior quiet heavy official. Li Wenan one's early years reads very assiduous, in brother seniority is the smallest, as a child the body is very weak. The child with others clever home begins 4 years old illuminative, he just reads to 8 years old, arrived 13 years old, others has one's deceased father on of the scholar, and he just is read " the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) " and " Mao Shi " . Person of imperial examinations of Guang Jiawu of the path in was born with actor granary 1834 96, ascended blessing of Guang Wuqu button to protect a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations of a list of names posted up together with Ceng Guofan 1838 112, final imperial examination 3 armour, face is taken an examination of with advocate the thing is used, with forest criterion Xu Zhi child Ru Zhou of the same age takes government-owned the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China. Met official of the cheap outside trying 1841, only then the member that the Guangxi, department that gives day, Shanxi is in charge of in be a ministry, manage of superintend and director carries firm hall to hold travel autumn try and punish concurrently. Sichuan is after advocate thing, Yunnan member outside man, superintend and director catchs department doctor, nominative drive history.

Li Hongzhang address sb respectfully?

Li Hongzhang (on Feburary 15, 1823, on November 7, 1901) , this renown chapter copper, the word justs gradually, child Fu [F ú ] , date little Quan (make little spring) , old age from date appearance old man, alias save worry, anhui Hefei person, chinese quiet day is terminal general of politician, diplomat, military affairs, one of main leader of Westernization Movement. Common people says more " Li Zhongtang " , because go 2, reason folk says again " Li Erxian is unripe " .

Li Hongzhang is light 27 years (1847) a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations, one's early years suppresses motion of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history and uprise of the Nian Army along with estate division Ceng Guofan, recieve orders establish army of the Huaihe River, because of battle achievement advance comes governor of straight be subordinate to, hold chancellery of have trade relations of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning concurrently, cumulative to Wen Huadian great scholar, the respectful such as front cover firm uncle. Begin to deal with foreign Wu during, established division of water of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 fails, sign as ambassador-at-large and Japan " the horse involves pact " . Smooth mood 26 years (1900) the Eight Power Allied Force is invaded China after the war erupts, participate in " southeast each other is protected " , negotiate on north, second year with celebrate infante Yi to be signed on behalf of clear government " Xin Chou treaty " . Die of illness namely before long at Beijing, die at the age of is 79 years old. After dying, obtain give too teach,

Li Hongzhang line?


Clear acting: ? Does Li empty?

One of

The husband handgrip Wu Gou, personal feeling prep above 100 foot building. Came 10000 who is written history, 3000 inside and outside are about to seal Hou.

Calm nimble sufficient a thoroghbred horse along with road, that has idle feeling gull of relieve oedema or abdominal distension through diuresis or purgation. Laugh at month of bank of bridge of channel pointing to Lu, a few people arrives from now on sea continent?


Frequency year Fu Li strands human society, foal of regret evil spirit is smooth 20 spring; The horse is sufficient piece group cease love inn, base of swallow demit reason more the plan is new.

Hand in within the country to know Mingshi, go visitting Beijing division to have a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest; Namely this can seek literal increase, hu Wei is depressed old my bodies!


Reaching the sky of situation of another name for Taishan Mountain of Yellow River peaceful, in overlooking shed a bit smoke; Here all can open horizon, go on a long journey not had better mountains and rivers-land.

Land machine enters Luo Cai name brace up, su Shi comes You Zhuangzhi firm; Many thanks Yi hm amount to thoroughly person, stand upright of the last days of life sits defend involuntary discharge of urine to make up.

Its 4

Later the past becomes this world unexpectedly, I am body of thing north and south; Sink in vain dream of tierce of to one's heart's content, be reduced to poverty of green unlined upper garment 10 years of people.

Connect thoroughly the life need not be predicted, when is riches and honour aid deficient; Contend name field today long already, still old Confucianism towel.

Its 5

Short is in Xuan like cootie really, sai Chengchun billow arrives dragon door; A lot of compeer pity divisions, already crossed time to pay fountainhead.

Two words scholarly honour and official rank adds warm blood, half a lifetime knows to already had different grace; Zhuang Huaicheng hits night famous chicken, remember in mind tear stains of autumn wind mop.

Its 6

The Bai Yun on Sang Ganhe is horizontal, brigade of parents of alone look forward to is abandoned smooth; The class reads Xi Cengqin of turn one's head, negative heart has not become famous today.

6 years officialdom runs quiet red-letter day, hurried of a letter from home of a thousand li goes on a long journey; Put day till bright spring flower, terrestrial black bird comforts personal relationship.

Its 7

Dream of Dan of one pillow Han wakes late, although far department person is thought of,bitter fleabane seas; Annals giving mountain is ascending top of a huge legendary turtle, does He Rishen just enter Feng Chi?

Poetic wine did not divide Mingshi to review, when fair Qing Xu weighs a teenager; Horse of gold of green jade chicken searchs commonplace, always want appropriate of inborn blessing life.

Its 8

One shoulder baggage chant bursa, book of be cautious poetry is fond of desire mad; Month of riverside of the Huaihe River of sail shadow ripple mark, frost of door of lubricious thistle of horse's hoof grass.

Old friend gives Wang Xiangjian in all, jing Nv holds land merchant to install together; Reside from ashamed Chang'an not easy, break up teach forefinger tired Gao Tang.

Its 9

Black horse song slowly degree from banquet, with day of close friend say a few parting words; This goes but teach the inkstone that grind iron, will hope to insert Jin Lian only again.

Namely today house cabinet needs ability day, it is my article dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland year; The grey that see looking glass still did not change, do not answer one's life experience is long Zuo Zuo .

Its 10

Enter the door arrives home, the day on the north that sign a person on the west inclined; Erroneous of pagoda tree hall goes to bright classics to choose, gui Yuan still empty pass an imperial examination is beautiful.

Enemy of world region favour receives creese, check of favor changes in temperature basket gauze; If is not had a team of four horses tall car day, oath not car of regain native place.

Li Hongzhang firstborn daughter?

Li Ju lotus root, it is the firstborn daughter of Li Hongzhang of junior quiet heavy official, can Shi Nengwen.

In smooth mood 14 years of October, li Ju lotus root marries Zhang Peiguan, become piece the 3rd wife, when. The Zhang Peiguan after marriage has no your work to be again on official career, it is write quite abundant, with knowledge broad and profound and famed the world. Piece when 55 years old die, ability is 37 lotus root Li Ju years old, began at this point vidual godchild, little the dejected day with outside come-and-go.

Zhang Peiguan and Yo of Li Ju lotus root have one child one female, among them son Zhang Zhiyi, was delivered of make a name in the future the Zhang Ailing of the literary world, old talented woman that faces water to take a flower. The terribly when Zhang Ailing and its grandmother Li Ju lotus root are young is similar, it is the appearance of woman of graceful and restrained of eyebrow eye slightness.

Grandpa Li Hongzhang?

This surname makes Home Li Hongzhang.

According to account of Li pedigree of a clan, making the home is in Ming Dynasty evening arrives by change of Jiangxi lake mouth Anhui is fat east. In fertilizer east grind inn, a woman married Xu Jiajiang to be the same as village plum home, from now on, xu Li became in-laws twice. Later, the 9 worlds of Home Li ancestor Lixin is not had below village genu child. Look in the ancients, but this is most disobedient thing, from its then wife's younger brother makes the home " borrow " come a son. From now on, this one make a family name change surname plum, became the generation that makes a family name change surname plum then. This generation multiply goes down, it is Li Hongzhang namely one arteries and veins. Be in place, by the Li Jia that make a family name and changes not exceptionally: For generations cultivation, will a group of things with common features neutron younger brother sends private school, the purpose walks out of to read the road of division take an examination ofing, but this route goes too usually really: A group of things with common features in colour is walked out of on this road without the person. Grandfather Li Diandi of Li Hongzhang, attend countryside twice to try fail in a competitive examination, disappointed, flat abandon this road, descendants of absorbed science and education coming home, intercurrent oath " all one's life sufficient do not enter a town " . Literary talent of this fair it may be said is not great, disposition is not small, he is in the following in more than 50 years, had not gone up all the time really county, until die. Arrived father plum article of Li Hongzhang brings generation, movement comes when Home Li it may be said. Li Wenan is in smooth 14 years (1834) in lift, contended for light for Home Li. After 10 years, li Wenan is taken an examination of smoothly again medium big clear Caesarean a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations, with later of famous " sage " a list of names posted up in Ceng Guofan of the same age. After a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations in taking an examination of, li Wenan is done in the Ministry of Punishments in feudal China by imperial court arrangement doctor, this is a judge part. Li Wenan became Li Jiayue to give the first person of farming door.

Li Hongzhang ana?

1. suffers all kinds of the world 100 bureaucratic airs, raise with respect to the bosom in one Duan Chun.

2. every discusses an issue, discuss dispute only, cannot consider praise or blame terrible.

3. gets wrong job, be not worth Lv, always read with work energetically give priority to.

4. body odor is sickish, get celebrity collected works, static heart reads, also enough recuperate.

Li Hongzhang ancestral home?

Li Hongzhang was born in Anhui Hefei 1823, but the surname makes his Xian Zuben, ancestral home Jiangxi mouth of 9 all corners of the country.

Yuan when era, make a family name familial arrive from Jiangxi change Anhui, arrived when 9 world ancestor make illumination, xu Guangzhao makes the son careful place, adopt a young relative gave the good friend Lixin that does bean curd business Zhuang Weizi. From now on, xu Shen place is incognito Li Shen place, later ages descendants is surnamed with Li Wei then, and Li Shen place, be lineal ancestor of Li Hongzhang.

The Li Hongzhang that is generation ancestor with Li Shen is familial, at first a few acting people family circumstances poor, the grandfather of the one grandfather till Li Hongzhang (great-great-grandfather) Li Shijun, the ability in the home begins to purchase cropland, became a squireen; Arrived Li Shijun's son, namely generation of great-grandfather plum Chinese toon, home Li begins to learn civil take imperial examination road.
