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  先秦散文分为两种,历史散文和诸子散文。  前者包括《左传》《国语》《战国策》等历史著作;  后者是儒、墨、道、法等学派的文章,其中如《论语》《墨子》《孟子》等,是孔丘、墨翟、孟轲的弟子对其师言行的记录,《庄子》《荀子》《韩非子》等则为本人的著作。  先秦散文是中国散文的发轫。主要保存在《尚书》、《春秋》、《左传》、《国语》和《战国策》中。包括《左传》、《国语》等先秦叙事散文和《论语》、《庄子》等先秦说理散文。先秦时期,文学与非文学的界限还不分明。当时的散文,只能说是与韵文相对的一种文体,基本上是哲学、政治、伦理、历史方面的论说文和记叙文,但由于它们具有较强的文学性,在中国文学的发展中产生过很大影响,因而被视为先秦文学的一个重要组成部分。  分类  先秦散文分为两大类:一类是历史散文,一类是诸子散文。  一般地说,历史散文并不属于文学的范畴。由于先秦时期纯文学散文尚未出现,而历史著作中的文字叙事、写人非常生动、形象,语言也富于文采,对后世文学创作产生了深远的影响,所以先秦的历史散文可以说是文学性较强的散文。先秦的历史散文,文学性不强的《尚书》、《春秋》可以不论,而以《左传》、《国语》、《战国策》为其代表。《左传》也称《春秋左氏传》或《左氏春秋》,与之并存的还有齐人公羊高的《春秋公羊传》,鲁人谷梁赤的《春秋谷梁传》,合称"春秋三传"。《左传》仿照《春秋》用鲁国国君的世次编年,是一部自成体系的独立完整的历史著作。成书于战国初期,据说作者是鲁国史官左丘明,全书近二十万字,全面记载了春秋时代各国的政治、军事、外交、文化等多方面的活动。  历史散文  历史散文分为编年体、纪传体、纪事本末体、国别体。史书又分为通史和断代史。  我国的史官建制很早,按周代的制度,有大史、小史、左史、右史等职位。《汉书·艺文志》记载"左史记言,右史记事,事为《春秋》,言为《尚书》"《尚书》记载了商周君王对臣民发布的各种政令,文辞简练。《春秋》是鲁国的编年史,记事严谨,语言精炼。  先秦历史故事应该说真正具有文学价值的历史著作,产生于春秋战国时代,《左传》、《国语》、《战国策》等是其代表。  《左传》是《春秋左氏传》的简称,是用历史事实来解释《春秋》的著作,相传为鲁国史官左丘明所作。《春秋》是概括的记述历史,而《左传》则详细的记载事件本末细节,此书丰富多彩,叙述了春秋时期各诸侯国政治、军事、外交等方面的情况和历史人物的言行。  《左传》擅长战争描写,它不仅把纷繁复杂的战争有条理的叙述出来,并且从大处着眼,通过人物对话,写出战争的性质,决定胜败的因素等内容。《曹刿论战》和《秦晋肴之战》等篇,都写得非常出色。  《国语》是战国时代出现的一种国别史,记载周王朝和诸侯各国的大事。它的思想性和艺术性远不及《左传》,然而它有的叙事比《左传》更鲜明生动,如写"厉王弭谤"和"勾践复国"的文字。  《战国策》记述的基本上是战国时期谋臣纵横捭阖的谋略和辞说,它的文风是剧谈雄辩,书中还刻画了许多生动的人物形象。例如写唐且出使秦国,唐且与秦王谈起"布衣之怒",秦王轻淡的说,布衣之怒不过"免冠徒跣,以头抢地尔。"唐且慷慨陈词:"此庸夫之怒,非士之怒。夫专诸之刺王僚也,彗星袭月,聂政之刺……"说完,拔剑而起,这一番慷慨豪壮的言辞,打掉了秦王不可一世的凌人盛气。  《战国策》中的纵横家辩士,还擅长运用寓言进行说理、论证,象狐假虎威、画蛇添足等成语故事,都出自《战国策》。  《左传》和《战国策》对后世的散文家有着深刻影响 。司马迁的《史记》,曾经大量采用这两书的材料,并汲取了它们的写作技巧和语言风格。汉代贾谊、晁错等人的政论文章,其雄辩风格得之于这两书也很多。历代史书的编撰,以至唐宋散文家的记叙文,在语言和表现方法上,也都受到先秦散文的影响。  诸子散文  春秋之末,王权衰落,诸侯崛起,天下纷争。与之相应,官失其守,礼崩乐坏,士阶层蔚然勃兴,私学兴起,私家著述相继出现。到战国时,百家争鸣,诸子横议,著书立说,蔚为风尚。据《汉书·艺文志》载,当时主要诸子有儒、道、阴阳、法、名、墨、纵横、农、杂、小说家十家。先秦诸子指的就是这一时期诸子百家阐述各自对自然对社会不同观点和主张的哲理性著作。  先秦诸子散文的发展,可分为三个阶段。春秋末、战国初为第一阶段,代表作有《论语》、《墨子》,文章多为语录体,或为简明的议论短章;战国中期为第二阶段,代表作是《孟子》、《庄子》,文章逐渐由语录体发展为对话式论辩文与专题论文;战国后期为第三个阶段,《荀子》、《韩非子》是其代表作,其文章基本上都是宏篇巨制的专题论文,完善了论说文的体制。  先秦诸子具有鲜明的特点。思想上,它们都坚持独立思考,各抒己见,放言无惮。如孔子提倡仁义礼乐,墨子主张兼爱尚贤,庄子主张自然无为,韩非子则大倡法术势。文风上,诸子各具个性和风格。如《论语》简括平易、迂徐含蓄,《墨子》质朴明快、善于类推,《孟子》气势恢宏、辞锋雄辩,《庄子》汪洋恣肆、文思奇幻,《荀子》浑厚缜密、比喻繁富,《韩非子》严峻峭拔、论辩透辟。语言上,它们都善用比兴,深于取象。如《庄子》"寓言十九",引物连类,取象之深厚,为诸子之最。文体发展上,先秦诸子散文首先确立了论说文的体制。从语录体的有观点无论证,到论点明确、论据充分、逻辑严密、结构完整的专题论说文,显示了我国论说文发展的大致风貌。此外,先秦诸子散文中一些故事叙述,颇类小说,为后世的叙事文学提供了营养。  先秦诸子散文,在思想和创作上,对我国几千年来的政治制度、文化艺术等各方面等都产生了极为深远影响。


First cent of essay of the Qin Dynasty is two kinds, historical essay and Zhu Zi essay. Former include " Zun Chuan " " mandarin " " plan of the Warring States " wait for historical literature; Latter is Confucianism, the article of the school such as Chinese ink, path, law, be like among them " the analects of confucius " " Mo Zi " " Mencius " etc, the child that is Kong Qiu, Mo Di, Meng Ke the record that to its Shi Yan goes, " village " " Xun Zi " " Han Fei child " the composing that waits to be oneself. First essay of the Qin Dynasty is Chinese essay set sth afoot. Basically maintain presence " a high official in ancient China " , " age " , " Zun Chuan " , " mandarin " and " plan of the Warring States " in. Include " Zun Chuan " , " mandarin " etc first essay of Qin Xu thing and " the analects of confucius " , " village " etc first essay of argue of the Qin Dynasty. First period of the Qin Dynasty, literature and the bounds that are not literature return obscurity. The essay at that time, can saying only is a kind of as opposite as poesy style, basically be the argumentation of respect of philosophy, politics, ethics, history and narrative, but because they have stronger literary sex, very big effect has produced in the development of Chinese literature, be regarded as a when Xian Qinwen learns main component consequently. Classification first is cent of essay of the Qin Dynasty two kinds of big: ? Shine Suo grabs  of model of  flying ⑽ shine Suo invades Tou by ⑽ copy! It is difficult that fellow of ∫ word astounded carries   flying ⑽ to seek Xuan of ⒉ Huang Can know well of take along sth to sb of S of Ge of У Mu aspic offends faint to force form of accept of ⑽ of Gua class difficult  enters Nai of instrument of children's hair of  of cent of  of  of You Zheng  to mire Ci Shuo of Zhong Elong ⑿ is shallow, to later ages literature creation produced far-reaching effect, so first the historical essay of the Qin Dynasty can say is the essay with literary stronger sex. First the historical essay of the Qin Dynasty, literary sex is not strong " a high official in ancient China " , " age " need not talk, and with " Zun Chuan " , " mandarin " , " plan of the Warring States " represent for its. " Zun Chuan " also say " age different family name is passed " or " age of different family name " , coexist to it still have Qi Ren ram is tall " age ram is passed " , of bare of bridge of rash person cereal " age cereal bridge is passed " , close call " age 3 pass " . " Zun Chuan " follow " age " the age that uses Mr Lu Guoguo second make up year, it is the historical work with a complete independence that fastens from adult. Into the book at initial stage of the Warring States, allegedly the author is left Qiu Ming of Lu Guoshi's official, whole book is close 200 thousand words, overall record the activity of the many sided such as the politics of year period each country, military affairs, diplomacy, culture. Cent of essay of historical essay history is body of ins and outs of issue of annalistic style, history presented in a series of biographies, age, country to fasten body. History is divided again for general history and division of history into periods history. The early of official historian organizational system of our country, press Zhou Dai's system, have big history, Xiaoshi, Zun Shi, right history wait for position. " annals of art article of Chinese book · " account " left Shi Jiyan, right history begin to remember things, the thing is " age " , character is " a high official in ancient China " " " a high official in ancient China " account all sorts of government order that Shang Zhoujun king issues to subject, diction is succinct. " age " the annals that is Lu Guo, begin to remember things is rigorous, language fine. First the historical book that story of history of the Qin Dynasty should say to have literary value truly, produce age of Yu Chunqiu the Warring States, " Zun Chuan " , " mandarin " , " plan of the Warring States " etc is its representing. " Zun Chuan " be " age different family name is passed " abbreviation, it is to use historical fact to explain " age " composing, according to legend for Lu Guoshi bright place makes Guan Zunqiu. " age " it is history of wraparound record and narrate, and " Zun Chuan " detail of detailed account incident ins and outs, this book rich and colorful, narrated year period each are vassal the circumstance of the respect such as politics, military affairs, diplomacy mixes the country the words and deeds of historical character. " Zun Chuan " be good at warlike depict, it recounts the battle with complex numerous and complicated systematically not only come out, and from large part have sth in mind, speak through the character, draw up warlike property, decide the content such as the element of victory and defeat. " Cao cut debate " and " the battle of Qin Jin meat and fish dishes " wait piece, write very outstandingly. " mandarin " it is a kind of country that times of the Warring States appears is fastened history, the important matter of account week dynasty and vassal each country. Its ideological content and artistic quality are far not as good as " Zun Chuan " , however its some is narrative than " Zun Chuan " brighter and vivid, if write " Li Wangmi,slander answer country of " and " Gou Jian the character of " . " plan of the Warring States " of record and narrate basically is period of the Warring States seeks the ruse of my manoeuvre among various political groupings and demit to say, its style of writing is argue of drama Tan Xiong, depict is returned in the book a lot of vivid figure figure. Keep nation of the Qin Dynasty of Tang Ju be sent on a diplomatic mission for example, tang Ju and king of the Qin Dynasty mention the angry " of " commoners, qin Wang says weakly gently, the anger of the commoners does not cross apprentice of " without hat to barefooted, grab ground Er with the head. "Tang Ju present one's views vehemently:" The anger of this commonplace husband, the anger of blame person. Husband only Zhu Zhi pricks king an associate in office also, comet raids a month, nie Zheng's thorn... " says, draw and case, the one's words of this one fervent grand and heroic, the Ling Rencheng that destroyed Qin Wang extremely arrogant is angry. " plan of the Warring States " medium Political Strategists argue person, still be good at applying allegory to have argue, proof, wait for phrasal story like bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections, ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous, out " plan of the Warring States " . " Zun Chuan " and " plan of the Warring States " having profound effect to the proser of later ages. Of minister change " history write down " , once used the data of this two books in great quantities, and derive their writing skill and language color. The political comment article of the person such as Chinese generation Gu Yi, Chao Cuo, its are Demosthenic the style gets at this two books very much also. Of past dynasties history make up write, the narrative of proser of the Song Dynasty of down to the Tang Dynasty, on language and expressional method, also get first the influence of essay of the Qin Dynasty. The end of age of Zhu Zi essay, crown be on the wane, vassal rise abruptly, the world dispute. To it corresponding, the official breaks his to defend, ceremony collapse is very happy, person rise suddenly of estate Wei Ran, illicit learn arisen, illicit home write appears in succession. Arrive when the Warring States, contention of a hundred schools of thought, zhu Ziheng is discussed, write book end to say, colourful is fashion. According to " annals of art article of Chinese book · " carry, main at that time Zhu Zi has Confucianism, path, yin and yang, law, name, Chinese ink, freely, farming, miscellaneous, fictionist 10. First what Zhu Zi of the Qin Dynasty points to is the various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty of this one period elaborate be opposite to nature severally the society is different the sagacious of viewpoint and view is rational composing. First the development of essay of Zhu Zi of the Qin Dynasty, can divide for 3 phase. The first phase is at the beginning of year end, the Warring States, masterpiece has " the analects of confucius " , " Mo Zi " , the article is quotation system more, or for compendious comment metaphase of the Warring States of brief order; is the 2nd phase, masterpiece is " Mencius " , " village " , the article talks argue article and later period of monographic; the Warring States to be the 3rd phase for conversational form by quotation system development gradually, " Xun Zi " , " Han Fei child " it is its masterpiece, its article basically is grand piece gigantic those who make is monographic, perfected the system of argumentation. First Zhu Zi of the Qin Dynasty has bright characteristic. On the thought, they insist to think independently, each airs his own views, put character not to have fear. If Confucius advocates Renyili happy, mo Zi advocates Shang Xian holding love concurrently, village advocates nature is do-nothing, han Fei child situation of magic arts of big initiate. On style of writing, zhu Zi has individual character and color each. Be like " the analects of confucius " brief but comprehensive popularly, circuitous Xu is implicative, " Mo Zi " plain and lively, be good at analogize, " Mencius " imposing manner extensive grand, demit sharp edge is Demosthenic, " village " strange unreal of boundless free and natural, the thread of ideas in writing, " Xun Zi " simple and honest careful, analogy is numerous rich, " Han Fei child " austere high and steep, consider debate incisive. On the language, they be apt to is used than promoting, resemble greatly at taking. Be like " village " " is allegorical 19 " , bring content to connect kind, those who take an elephant is deep, for Zhu Zizhi most. On style development, first essay of Zhu Zi of the Qin Dynasty above all establish the system of argumentation. From quotation system the viewpoint does not have argumentation, to argument clear, argument is sufficient, logistic the special subject argumentation with close, whole structure, showed our country argumentation develops roughly scene. In addition, first a few stories in Zhu Zi essay narrate the Qin Dynasty, quite kind novel, the narrative literature that is later ages provided nourishment. First essay of Zhu Zi of the Qin Dynasty, on thought and creation, each respect such as art of the political system that comes thousands of years to our country, culture produced very far-reaching effect.

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