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  • 教育资讯:及时发布潍坊市教育局的最新动态和政策文件,提供教育新闻和热点问题的分析评述。
  • 教学资源:汇集潍坊市各级各类学校的教学资源,包括教案、课件、试题等,为教师提供便捷的教学辅助工具。
  • 教育研究:发布潍坊市优秀教育研究成果,鼓励教师进行教育研究,推动教育理论和实践的创新。
  • 家校互动:为家长提供家教指南、育儿知识、教育心理咨询等服务,促进家校合作,更好地关注孩子的成长。





Wei lane teachs a net

Wei lane teachs the government that the net is Wei lane city to teach a website, provide comprehensive, authoritative, accurate education for broad teachers and students and parent information and service.

Setting introduction

Wei lane city is located in Shandong the province is mid, it is famous city of culture of history of city of Chinese first-class travel, country. As Yo of complete state religion strong city establishs a town, wei lane city devotes oneself to to grow educational enterprise all the time, raise people to get educational degree and quality.

The way that hundred years education explores

Wei lane teachs net turn one's head hundred years, wei lane city taught a career to experience the development course of a paragraph of rough every. To the high grade education nowadays from school of original run by the local people resource focuses the land, wei lane city teachs the way of innovation in ceaseless exploration all the time.

In the past hundred years in, wei lane city appeared the educationist of a batch of influential force, they devote oneself to to promote the development that Wei lane teachs. They fit the educational pattern of characteristic of Wei lane city through introducing advanced educational concept, exploration, the lane that it is Wei taught a career to make important contribution.

Wei lane teachs the mission of the net

The mission of net of Wei lane education is the development that promotes Wei lane education, build good educational atmosphere, stimulative education natural resources is shared. The website offers education natural resources, education to research the information such as policy of achievement, education for the teaching staff. In the meantime, the website still offers school of educational information, home to communicate the service such as platform for the parent.

Service content

  • Educational information: Release Wei lane city in time to teach the newest trends of the bureau and policy document, the analysis that offers educational news and heat issue is commented.
  • Education natural resources: Assemble Wei lane city is various and of all kinds the education natural resources of the school, include teaching plan, tax, examination questions, offer convenient education to assist a tool for the teacher.
  • Educational research: Release outstanding education of Wei lane city to study positive result, encourage a teacher to undertake educational study, promote the innovation that teachs theory and practice.
  • Domestic school is interactive: Offer family education guideline, Yo for the parent psychology of knowledge, education seeks advice wait for a service, stimulative home school cooperates, pay close attention to the child better grow.

Wei lane teachs the future of the net

Look into future, net of Wei lane education will continue with when all is entered, roll out new service and function ceaselessly, satisfy the requirement of different user. Pass the application of Internet technology, net of Wei lane education will become Wei lane city to teach the main platform propping up that informatization builds, for the education of Wei lane city the enterprise develops make larger contribution.

Thank you to spend time to read the article. Teach a net through Wei lane, you can in time understand Wei lane city to teach the newest trends of the bureau and policy document, get education natural resources and educational research positive result, return at the same time can undertake interacting communicating with the school, teacher, parent, hope these information and service can be you to bring a help in educational field.

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