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  自我意识是指一个人对自己的认识、评价和期望,是心理素质的重要指数。同时,积极的自我意识是心理健康的重要标志之一。众所周知历史教学的内容中就包含了极为丰富的情感态度与价值观的教育因素,所以,我在平时教育教学中,结合所教学生的特点,并结合所学内容开展"收集我喜爱的名言"主题活动。如"王侯将相,宁有种乎?"、 "天下兴亡,匹夫有责"、“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”等名言,久而久之就会成为很多学生的座右铭,激励着学生们积极向上,勇于拼搏,形成良好的三观。





4、 运用历史事例进行针对性心理指导

我所在的学校是一所寄宿制义务教育学校,大部分学生选择住宿,这样子课后时间是非常充足的,作为一名历史教师,我是具备心理健康教育的优势。于是,我会在平时课堂中发现学生们的一些心理问题,然后利用历史人物故事对他们所表现出的问题进行跟踪指导,如有位成绩优秀的学生突然有段时间心情低沉,上课闷闷不乐,对各个科目都提不起兴趣,特别是历史成绩一落千丈,引起我的注意。后来,我私下找她聊天得知,她与好朋友小 A关系变淡了,不如以往的无话不谈,从而对她的学习、生活造成困扰。后来,我引举两个关于朋友之间的历史事例进行对比,如《管鲍之交》和“曾国藩和左宗棠断交两次的故事”,慢慢地对她进行开导,逐渐地对这个小A的冷淡释怀,后来她重新开朗起来,恢复对学习的兴趣,特别是燃起了对历史学习的兴趣,不断地提高历史成绩。


1, use historical classroom, undertake active self-awareness is taught

Self-awareness is to point to the understanding of a person to oneself, evaluation and expectation, it is the main index of psychological quality. In the meantime, active self-awareness is one of important signs of mental health. The educational element of very rich affection manner and viewpoint of value was contained in the content of well-known history education, so, I am teaching teacher and student at ordinary times in, what union teachs the student's characteristic, combine place to learn content to begin " to collect the activity of logion " theme that I love. Be like " photograph of Wang Hou general, is peace gutty? Rise and fall of the world of " , " , ordinary man has duty " , " riches and honour cannot excessive, poor and lowly cannot move, martial cannot bend " wait for logion, as time passes can become the maxim of a lot of students, incentive students are active up, be brave in to go all out in work, form favorable 3 outlook.

2, reform mode of traditional classroom education, foster student and the consciousness that the person cooperates

Common saying says well " Zhu Geliang of be better than of 3 smelly cobbler " , tell us should the group cooperates, is not an isolated force fight bravely. In historical education, I try to break the pattern that traditional pedagogic full hall explains, use pattern of education of " of " collaboration type, in order to foster the cooperative consciousness of students. If teach " the West below Zheng He " one class, let students divide group of collaboration to ponder over: of the following problem? ? ) where is what " West " points to? What are Zheng and the purpose of next " West " ? (2) Zheng and the general situation of next " West " and Columbus, amount to? The comparison of gamma result how? (3) what are Zheng and the historical sense of next " West " ? Discuss jointly next, final teacher is commented on. Mutual help solved a problem jointly between this appearance classmates, offer the method that solves a problem and train of thought, development thinking, manage clear clew. What I discover such means makes experience went to students to cooperate with the person later is important, developed the ability of their solidarity cooperation, how does the society express his opinion and the opinion that listen to others, also fostered competitive consciousness at the same time. These good quality, to be on a society in the future, get used to social life to have very big effect better. And, also raised students to learn historical interest in this process, study result of the history is better and better, such move back and forth, form benign loop, after 3 years historical result is studied in rising naturally.

3, apply parallel form education to develop patriotism feeling

Patriotic education belongs to the school to teach the one big component of the moral education in education, also belong to the category that mental health teachs naturally, so, the motherland that undertakes patriotism education makes we treat ourselves correctly very be necessary, undertake to serving as the offspring that has the Chinese nation that civilization history still wanted to develop up to now 5000 this is planted especially education is more necessary, to there is no shirking the responsibility of this history education. For example is being told " of gold and the Southern Song Dynasty confront each other " when the Southern Song Dynasty fights gold, I let two groups of classmates undertake inducing summing up respectively, (1) collaboration sums up the first group of classmates: Yue Fei complies with people desire to hold to the fight that fight gold, " of his " Yue Jiajun is highly disciplined, gallant battle of be apt to, recover builds health and other places, in Yan city Jin Jun of one battle defeat utterly, get people's love and esteem; (2) the 2nd group of classmates cooperate after summing up Yue Fei be murdered, to yearn for Yue Fei, people is in Hangzhou Xi Zihu bank builds Yue Wang tomb, for generations look with reverence, and the braise of quisling the Qin Dynasty that with accusation of " fabricated " circumvent high mountain flies to, local makes the food of " of braise of deepfry of a kind of " express the feeling that abhor however, still become casting of braise of the Qin Dynasty iron resembling, genuflect is before Yue Fei grave, get 10 thousand people are permanent the ground is disgustful. Two groups of results undertake contrast " Yue Fei and Qin Gui the figure in common people memory " , next I undertake students undertake reflection introductory again: Why can you cause both so big contrast? Conclude by classmates finally: Yue Fei is severe at be self restrained, abandon before ethical cardinal principles of righteousness oneself for fair, be worth common people to revere, and Qin Gui form a clique to pursue selfish interest, eliminate dissident, abandon ethical righteous cause, meet with the history is disgustful!

4, apply historical example to undertake specific aim psychology coachs

The school that I am in is be lodged make obligation teach the school, major student chooses accommodation, the time after this appearance subject is very enough, regard a history as the teacher, I am the advantage that has mental health education. Then, I can be in the problem of a few psychology that students discover in classroom at ordinary times, use the issue that historical person narrative shows to them to undertake dogging coaching next, if have a result,outstanding student has paragraph of time state of mind suddenly grave, attend class downhearted, carry to each course do not have interest, especially historical achievement suffer a disastrous decline, cause my attention. Later, I look for her to chat under the counter be informed, concern of small A of she and good friend becomes weak, be inferior to before keep no secrets from each other, cause a worry to her study, life thereby. Later, I am brought lift two to undertake contrast about the historical example between the friend, be like " Guan Baozhi is handed in " and " the story that Ceng Guofan and Zun Zongtang break off a friendship twice " , have channel to her slowly, of gradually small to this A cool be at ease, she is new and optimistic later rise, renew the interest to study, ignited the interest that reviews to history especially, improve historical result ceaselessly.

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