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心理健康家长评价? lec评价方法判断标准?英文双语对照


心理健康家长评价? lec评价方法判断标准?英文双语对照





























以下是一些心理健康自我评价的简短语句:1. 我能够处理自己的情绪,并且有积极的情绪体验。2. 我有足够的情感技能,能够建立有意义的人际关系。3. 我能够应对压力,并且展现出适应性。4. 我有一个积极、乐观的心态,并且对未来充满信心。5. 我有良好的自尊和自我价值感。6._














3)a: 拿稳探头把手,然后把探头顶端完全浸入待测溶液中。

b: 为了使气泡离开探头顶端,请摇动探头几次直到读数趋于稳定,屏幕上会显示含盐量百分比读数。

















One, evaluation of mental health parent?

Do not vie, do not complain, 3 view are healthy psychology etc

2, decision criteria of Lec assessment technique?

LEC evaluation technique (K.J of American safe expert. Geleiemu and K.F. Jinnidi goes out) the dangerous sex when the exercise in be being used at evaluating operation personnel to be in to have environment of potential and dangerous sex, harm sex.

The product that this method is worth with the index of 3 kinds of elements that concerns with systematic risk will evaluate size of risk of operation personal casualty, these 3 kinds of elements are respectively: L (Likelihood, the possibility of accident happening) , E (Exposure, personnel reveals the frequent extent in dangerous environment) with C (Consequence, the consequence that once send unripe accident,causes possibly) . The different grade that gives 3 kinds of elements decides different cent is worth respectively, the product D that assigns a value with 3 again (Danger, dangerous sex) the size that will evaluate sex of work requirement danger, namely:

C of × of D=L × E

Risk cent is worth D=LEC. D value is greater, explain sex of this system danger is big, need increases a safety precaution, or the possibility of change happening accident, or reduce human body to reveal the frequent extent in dangerous environment, or reduce accident loss, till adjust,arrive inside limit.

3, mental health standard?

Mental health: Tell from broad sense, mental health is to point to a kind efficient and satisfactory, persistent mentation. Tell from narrow sense, the process content that mental health is the basic psychology activity that points to a person is harmonious and complete, consistent, namely complete chime moves understanding, affection, volition, behavior, character, can get used to a society, keep synchronous with the society.

The physiology that mental health points to a person namely, psychology and society are in the harmonious condition that coordinates each other, its feature is as follows:

Intellective and normal

Intellective cent of the person is super- constant, mix normally low constant 3 grade. Normal and intellectual level, it is the most fundamental psychology condition of people life, study, job, labor.

Mood stability and happy

Mood stability and buoyant the important sign that is mental health, it shows the central nervous system of a person is in relative balance position, mean the harmony of airframe function. If a person often woebegone, brokenhearted and acedia, moody, it is the expression with insalubrious psychology.

Behavior is harmonious and unified

The person of a mental health, its behavior suffers consciousness to control, thought and behavior are unified and harmonious, ego controls capacity. If one the individual's behavior and thought contradict each other, attention is not centered, puzzleheaded, remedial broken up, work desultorily, it is the expression with insalubrious psychology.

Good human relationship

Life lives in the society, be about to be good at as friendly as the person get along, find pleasure to help others, establish good human relationship. Association activity of the person can reflect mental health condition of the person, between person and person regular friendly contact is the essential condition that maintains mental health not only, also be the important means that obtains mental health.

Good suiting ability

Life lives in numerous and complicated in the boundless universe of multiterminal of complex, change, the meeting in lifetime encounters a variety of environments and change, accordingly, a person ought to be had get used to ability goodly, no matter real environment has what kind of change, aux will be able to suits quite, this also is one of marks of mental health.

Above is the main feature of mental health, but mental health is not is preterhuman extraordinary condition, the mental health of a person also is not in certainly each respect has show, in wanting to be carried out in the life only, can know ego correctly, control oneself self-consciously, treat outside influence correctly, make psychology poises harmonious, already had the main feature of mental health.

4, how does mental health evaluation fill in?

Mental health writes an opinion:

1. understanding ego, admit ego (self-awareness)

Understand oneself, evaluate oneself objective and appropriately, have particular proper pride. Learn the value of ego existence, accept oneself.

2. ego study, independent life (the life and study ability)

Have learn from inside experience, obtain the capability of knowledge and skill, can solve common problem; Can treat the activity of major basic necessities of life in daily life independently.

5, is opinion of mental health ego brief?

It is the brief statement that ego of a few mental health evaluates below: 1. I can handle my mood, and have active mood experience. 2. I have enough affection technical ability, can establish significant human relationship. 3. I can answer pressure, and show an adaptability. 4. I have an active, hopeful state of mind, and be opposite did not come confident. 5. I have good self-respect and self-worth feeling. 6. _

6, how does mental health write an opinion?

Since going to school, healthy in order, can active attend each physical training actively, comply with the arrangement of sports teacher, achieve class mark requirement. At ordinary times in studying the life, can take out time actively to undertake taking exercise (hold to the) such as ran afternoon everyday, able-bodied physique, for nervous study the life lays good body foundation.

Correct ego acknowledge is the fundamental premise that reachs mental health. The understanding ego of be practical and realistic, evaluate ego, incentive ego, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, strenuous and aspirant. Enterprising exercises ego, I feel I am an inactive person no longer, my can hopeful look upon thing, can very good adjustment the mood of ego. But affection works when having too impatient, make mistake easily, so I exercise ego in practice even, harden oneself ego.

7, does the quantity that contain salt evaluate standard method?

Salinity plan is to be used at determining quickly to contain salt (sodium chloride) a kind of instrument that solution weight cent compares chroma or refractive index. Wide application reachs agriculture at making the industrial department such as salt, food, beverage in production and scientific research.

The calibration method of salinity plan:

The solution that 1) prepares the 8% quantities that contain salt (8 grams salt is contained in be like 100 grams solution)

2)A: ? The dream bears? of ferment vanadium pharynx to carry explore the top of head next complete immerge is waited for in measuring solution

B: ? Model ザ ? asks ferment of  of oxime of Jin of  of  alarm a legendary venomous insect jolty probe tends a few times till reading stable, the meeting on screen shows reading of percentage of the amount that contain salt.

C: ? Till?.00 of  of Lao of broadleaf plant of barium of ブ of magnetism of low of dark Kun 

The use method of salinity plan:

1) " probe " in inserting probe to input socket.

2) presses " ON " key opens an instrument.

3)a: Take firm probe grip, carry explore the top of head next complete immerge is waited for in measuring solution.

B: To make bleb leaves probe top, ask jolty probe a few times to tend till reading stable, the meeting on screen shows reading of percentage of the amount that contain salt.

Probe of temperature of the buy inside 4) probe top is used at automatic temperature to compensate, if wait for,measure solution temperature to produce change, should wait several minutes to let reading tend stable.

5) presses " HOLD " key will hold measured value and in measuring a process, the meeting on screen shows " HOLD " mark, press again " HOLD " key will exit data to maintain a function.

8, how is evaluation of mental health ego written?

Evaluation of mental health ego should undertake thinking from many respects, for example the ability of acknowledge of mood stability, ego, gregarious ability, ability that answers pressure.

Can be investigated through questionnaire or with beside the expression that the person's communication will come to to understand his, seek the help of professional personage, have improvement and promotion.

In the meantime, the work and rest that holds active state of mind, rule, healthy diet and right amount motion also are the important method that defends mental health.

9, does mental health teach a standard?

① has measurable safe feeling, have proper pride, valuable to the achievement of ego feeling.

② moderate land self-criticism, not beyond the mark and pretentious oneself criticize severely oneself not overly also.

③ is in daily life, have modest initiative, do not be environmental place left and right sides.

④ reason, actual, objective, have good contact with reality, the blow of the setback in can patient life, without exceeding illusion.

⑤ accepts the individual's need moderately, have the capacity that satisfies this kind of need.

10, how is manual of mental health evaluation written?

Write mental health to evaluate manual to need to notice the following: Clear evaluation purpose, suffer numerous with evaluation content; Choose appropriate evaluation tool and method, wait like questionnaire investigation, interview, observation; Draft evaluation standard and grading regulation, can compare a gender in order to make sure the objectivity of evaluation result is mixed; The appears possibly ethics in considering to evaluate a course and privacy issue, if protect,be waited for by the individual information of valuator and privacy right.

Finally, the composing that undertakes manual and publish, ensure use easily legibly.
