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部门购买相机的请示? 行政服务购买空调的请示?英文双语对照


部门购买相机的请示? 行政服务购买空调的请示?英文双语对照


参照这个,修改一下: 关于购置相机的申请 xxx部门(领导): 我部门因工作需要,须购买数码相机一台,用于记录日常销售环境工程问题、促销活动现场等场景,经过市场调研,为满足目前工作需要,本着节约的原则,现申请购入xxx机身一台,镜头几只。

预算约为xxxx元。现将此情况汇报给贵部门(您)。是否采购,请批示。xxxx部门 xx年xx月xx日


写明请示的上级是谁 请示的原因 为什么要买空调 最后写望批示。落款 年月日










收 文:XXX 发 文:xx管理处 抄 送:采购部 主 题:关于消防配套设施申请配备的请示 文 号:xxHT-GSXW-07xx001 请 示 xx10/11/12幢从10月31日起已交付业主,业主单元装修亦已逐步进场,除车场外楼层的消防栓已基本完工,为确保已交付楼宇、车场的消防安全管理工作顺畅开展,特向公司申请配备如下消防配套设施:补充ABC干粉灭火器(23只)干粉及增加消防带9条 以上妥否,敬请公司领导批示。

xx管理处时 间:










尊敬的 [适当的收件人称谓],

我作为公司的 [你在公司的职位],谨此致函,就购买一辆卡车的事宜向您提出请示和申请。经过综合考虑和分析,我们认为购买一辆卡车将有助于优化我们的业务运作和提高运输效率。以下是我们对购买卡车的详细说明:

1. 目的:卡车将用于满足公司日益增长的运输需求,并支持我们的物流和供应链管理。它将提供更灵活、高效的运输解决方案,提升产品交付的准时性和可靠性。

2. 规格和配置:我们已经针对公司的运输需求和路况,做了充分的市场调研和讨论。我们计划购买一辆 [卡车品牌、型号、配置],该型号在市场上具有良好的口碑和可靠性。

3. 财务预算:根据我们的财务预算和运营计划,我们拟定了购买卡车的相应资金预算和拨款计划。我们相信这将是对公司资金的有益投资,能够带来长期的价值和回报。

4. 相关细节:我们已经与多家供应商沟通,并获得了有关购买卡车的报价和合同条件。我们将确保与最有竞争力和有良好声誉的供应商达成合作,以实现最佳的采购结果。









请示[qǐng shì][词典] request [ask for] instructions; ask instructions from[例句]As to this matter, you'd better ask for instructionsfrom the military control commission. 这件事情你最好请示一下军管会。






One, the ask for instructions that the branch buys camera?

Consult this, revise: The application Xxx branch about purchasing camera (leader) : My branch needs because of the job, must buy digital camera, use at the record to sell the setting such as spot of activity of environmental engineering issue, sales promotion daily, through market survey, at present to satisfy the job needs, act on managing principle, apply for to purchase Xxx airframe now, camera lens a few.

The budget is Xxxx about yuan. Report this case expensive branch now (you) . Whether to purchase, make instructions please. Xxxx branch Xx year day of Xx month Xx

2, the ask for instructions that administrative service buys air conditioning?

Mention expressly the reason that the superior of ask for instructions is whose ask for instructions should buy air conditioning to be written finally look at written instructions. Inscribe date

3, how is the ask for instructions that buys raincoat rain shoe written?

King minister of respect hello; Because of the raincoat that bought 2019 and pluvial boots already serious ageing, occurrence come unglued of raincoat rain boots, fall glue phenomenon, cannot have used normally, be on duty to be not affected the go on a tour of inspection when personnel is raining works, be badly in need of each two buying raincoat rain shoe, give an official gives after hoping you see a word to long for! Your's sincerely, with high respect.

The security department, piece Xx.

Xx year, xx month, xx day

4, buy special purchases for the Spring Festival the ask for instructions of condolatory old stuff?

Festival of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day was about to come, benefit acquired the company again this year good achievement, for award arduous the old stuff that work hard, let everybody have friendly affection of a solidarity to the company, understand a help each other, make employee has a specific target, the company is prosperous I am glorious, the company fails I am discreditable.

We apply for capital to make award of a few goods and materials to old stuff, encourage them to make persistent efforts, make the largest contribution for job of company the coming year. Ask approval.

5, the ask for instructions that buys fire control equipment about application?

About in the ask for instructions that buys fire control equipment please:

Incoming dispatches: XXX dispatch: XDoes X government office copy to: ? Bask in: of writing? theme? Subtle humerus of close of ┥ of Fang of consult of rinse of Lang of know well  watersides date of article of? of Fu Na Long: XXx10/11/12 of XHT-GSXW-07xx001 ask for instructions rise from October 31 already consign owner, owner unit is decorated already also entered the arena stage by stage, the fireplug of the floor outside the field that remove a car is basic already and finishing, to ensure already the fire control safety of field of pay floor space, car supervises the work smooth begin, apply for to deploy: of following establishment of fire control form a complete set to the company especially? Fire extinguisher of powder of the BC that hook Zuo (23) powder and increase fire control to take 9 above appropriate to deny, please the company leads written instructions.

Xx management handles time:

6, about buying the ask for instructions of volunteer dress?

About buying the ask for instructions of volunteer dress. Good to do with development our " love is volunteer service group " career, enhance volunteer collective honor to feel, classics volunteer collective agrees, buy " love dress of team member of " of volunteer service group.

It is to be purchased centrally. According to the dress size of everybody, dimension purchases " high grade, practical, dress of volunteer of trade price " .

2 it is mark of " of outstanding " love. Every volunteer is a mark with " of " consecratory love, attend those who give aid to civilization of the keep an eye on of old person of home of respect for the aged of disabled rehabilitation, country, community is founded actively to participate in.

7, how is the ask for instructions that buys a truck about our company written?

[company name]


Send: [Proper addressee]

Theme: Buy the ask for instructions of the lorry

Of respect [proper addressee appellation] ,

I serve as a company [your position] in the company, write, the matters concerned that buys a truck offers ask for instructions and application to you. Through integrated consideration and analysis, we think to buy a lorry to will conduce to the business that optimizes us is run and improve carriage efficiency. It is us below to buying a truck define:

1.Purpose: The lorry will carry requirement with what grow increasingly at satisfying a company, the content that supports us flows and supply catenary government. It will offer more agile, efficient carriage solution, promote a product the punctual sex of consign and reliability.

2.Norms and configuration: We had been mixed in the light of the carriage demand of the company road condition, made sufficient market survey and discuss. We plan to buy [] of lorry brand, model, configuration, this model has good public praise and reliability in the market.

3.Financial budget: According to our financial budget and operation plan, our protocol the corresponding capital budget that buys a truck and plan allocating funds. We believe this will be the good investment of pair of company capital, can bring long-term value and redound.

4.Relevant details: We had been communicated with much home supplier, obtained about the quoted price that buys a truck and term and conditions of contract. We will ensure with the most competitive reach collaboration with the supplier that has good reputation, purchase a result in order to realize first-rate.

Be based on afore-mentioned reason and consideration, we request approval cordially to buy a truck in order to support our operation demand. The development that we believe to this will be company future and business growth provide important support, keep consistent with our long-term strategy goal.

Expect your examination and support. If have need, I can provide more detailed information and data, in order to offer reference.

Thank your attention and processing.

Arrange Zhu Shangqi,

[Your full name]

[Your position]

[Your connection means]

8, the English of ask for instructions, the interpreter of ask for instructions, how to translate ask for instructions with English, is ask for instructions used?

Ask for instructions [ì of Q ǐ Ng Sh] [dictionary] illustrative sentence of Request [ask For] Instructions; Ask Instructions From[] As To This Matter, you'd Better Ask For Instructionsfrom The Military Control Commission. This thing you are best military control meets ask for instructions.

9, peel box year long the ask for instructions that attaint buys afresh?

Upper section: To get used to image of new era city, apply for to buy now change year long the attaint peel box that does not have repair value...

10, how to write about buying the ask for instructions of office furniture?

Want to indicate office demand, offer your proposal next, preparation purchases which office furniture, list a few plan still have your budget, the manufacturer that can take a fancy to with you next is communicated, than as above Haidifanlipu handles official bussiness furniture this, service mode has exceeded!

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