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吃多了多少,如果只是稍微吃多了一点然后狗狗也没有太大的反映那就不用担心了,多给他喝水稀释观察就行了,如果吃太多了 例如本来应该半颗的结果吃了一颗那就要注意了,这个时候如果还出现了什么呕吐精神不振的情况就要特别注意带去医院,不要耽误一定要第一时间去医院洗胃才行。楼主下次喂益生菌的时候一定要注意体内驱虫的话就用拜宠清,进口货,效果非常好。不过现在拜宠清假货比较多,可以到正规渠道购买,比如E宠,我一直在买,效果确实很不错。至于拜宠清的具体用量,你需要看下产品的用药说明(产品页面上有),不能随意用,不然会出事的。




不能给幼犬吃肠虫清,那个副作用太大 建议给狗狗吃汽巴,很安全,或者是左旋咪唑,这个普通药店就有卖,很便宜 药两说明书上应该有,一个月大的狗狗适当减少 吃药前,必须让狗狗空腹8个小时,服药后至少3个小时后才能吃饭 第一天服药一次,然后第二天服药第二次,7-10天后服药第三次 之后每个季度驱虫一次














  狗狗吃杀虫药后呕吐属于正常现象。因为杀虫药刺激性特别大,它会刺激狗狗的胃,所以导致狗狗食欲不振和呕吐,休息几天就好了。可以减小它的药量,喂三分之一或四分之一吧,不要喂太多。  驱虫可以用驱虫药喂食或驱虫针注射。建议你使用驱虫药,效果比较好,狗狗身体也比较不那么容易产生副作用。驱虫药的话推荐使用拜耳或汽巴,药量按狗狗体重来定,驱虫前要禁食几个小时,驱虫期间也需要禁食12小时左右,期间可以喂水。  一般幼犬应在出生后20~30天进行第一次驱虫。主要是驱线虫和体表寄生虫。然后每隔2~4个月再进行驱虫。成年犬一般应每个季度(每三个月)驱虫一次。  但如果狗狗抱养回家没多久的话,一般建议等狗狗在家里生活一两个星期,确定狗狗身体情况良好,没有出现任何不适(拉稀、感冒等)的话,就开始给狗狗驱虫。剂量按照驱虫药说明来定,驱虫周期按说明进行。  驱虫时间一定要记好,以后要定期给狗狗驱虫,狗狗才会健康哦。


One, anthelmintic of Bai Chongqing pet taxes treasure value every are different, poor a lot of, some a few 10, some a few 20, still have 30? How be to return a responsibility?

Still search the pet hospital of 8 classics is bought.

Price of on the net a lot of drug is cheaper than replenish onr's stock of pet hospital batch, do not have the courage to think inside it is what composition

2, how did pet dog eat anthelmintic excessive to do?

Eat much how many, if just eat a little a bit more next dog dog also does not have too big report to need not worry then, drank water dilute observation to go to him more, if eat too much for example original should half result ate to be about to notice then, if this moment still appeared the condition with what vomiting depressed spirit is about special attention belt goes to a hospital, do not delay must go to a hospital for a short while gastric lavage just goes. The helminthic inside body must notice when the original poster feeds beneficial to give birth to bacterium next time the word uses Bai Chongqing, import, the effect is first-rate. Nevertheless Bai Chongqing fake is compared now much, can buy to normal channel, for instance E is bestowed favor on, I am being bought all the time, the effect really very pretty good. As to specific dosage of Bai Chongqing, the specification using drug that you need to see next products (have on product page) , cannot use at will, can have an accident otherwise.

You can feed the word of usage directly, also can mix feed inside dog food, the form is not restricted, should eat only it is good to go in.

The dog dog under 6 months bug of every month drive, the bug of drive of every 3 months of 6 months above, the half an year of a year of above enough

3, can eat children anthelmintic to dog dog, is there pet chemist's shop here?

Cannot eat alvine bug Qing Dynasty to young dog, that side effect is too big the proposal takes steam to dog dog cling to, very safe, zun of left perhaps Mi coming back, this average pharmacy has sell, very cheap medicine should have on two manuals, the dog dog with a big month decreases appropriately before taking medicine, must make dog dog hollow 8 hours, the ability after at least 3 hours after taking drug has a meal the first day to take drug, take drug the 2nd times the following day next, after 7-10 Queen of heaven takes drug the 3rd times bug of every quarter drive

4, does pet dog hit Wan Yiwei bacterium to still need to eat anthelmintic?

Element of Yi dimension bacterium is helminthic. Nevertheless vegetable of Yi dimension bacterium cannot take to the sheperd dog, the meeting is allergic

5, what does anthelmintic have?

Anthelmintic basically has alvine bug Qing Dynasty or drive bug is clean etc. Dot can have worm in general abdomen, child of the wormy in general abdomen can appear the symptom such as bellyacke, inappetence. But the dose that also needs to notice medicine when using drug to the child, need to be taken to the child according to the manual, the child's body may appear if the amount that if give the child,takes is overmuch a few harmful response.

6, how does anthelmintic eat?

Body helminth infection is to be able to use anthelmintic content to undertake disease treats control is opposite later, anthelmintic content is OK in the late evening sack time is one-time use undertake pausing taking, the attention observes the body uses anthelmintic thing the following specific and clinical expression undertakes disease treats control is opposite, notice dietetic hygiene undertakes the helminth of the body is affected precautionary at ordinary times, the attention has the thing with excitant raw or cold food less.

7, wheaten a few anthelmintic?

The wheaten and average first time that call bug was controlled in April, controlled the 2nd times May

8, is darling how old can you eat anthelmintic?

Darling can take the time of anthelmintic, be in commonly darling is full after two one full year of life. To the darling of great majority, in two years old before won't affect helminth commonly. The infection of helminth is caused commonly. Two years old of darling before have family to look commonly consider, dietetic hygiene has been compared commonly, affect the odds very little of verminosis. Territory of two years old of the following darling expands, the odds that affects verminosis increases.

9, a few years old can the child have anthelmintic?

Two years old of the following children can consider to take anthelmintic to undertake drive bug is treated. The main effect of anthelmintic is drive perhaps exterminates the helminth inside body, basically use at all sorts of bowel to the cure of verminosis. Two years old of the following children, dietary structure gradually complex, territory expands gradually, if carelessly the individual is wholesome, be cause the addition with the can corresponding odds of bug disease by infection bowel. Consideration child suffers from bowel to below the circumstance of verminosis, can undertake drive bug is treated.

10, did dog dog eat anthelmintic to spit?

The vomiting after dog dog eats helminthic attributes normal phenomenon. Because helminthic is excitant particularly big, it can stimulate the stomach of dog dog, bring about dog dog so inappetence and vomiting, it rest a few days is good to rest a few days. Can reduce its dosage, feed 1/3 or 1/4, do not feed too much. Drive bug can be fed with anthelmintic feed or drive bug needle injects. Suggest you use anthelmintic, the effect is better, dog dog body also produces side effect so not easily quite. The word of anthelmintic is recommended use do obeisance to ear or steam cling to, dosage is decided by dog dog weight, want before drive bug abstinence a few hours, also need during drive bug abstinence 12 hours or so, water can be fed during. General young dog should have worm of first time drive 30 days in the 20 ~ after be born. Basically be drive wireworm and body watch helminth. Next every other 4 months undertake 2 ~ again drive bug. Grown dog is general should every quarter (every 3 months) drive bug. But if dog dog is adopted,come home before long if, the dog dog such as general proposal lives in the home 9 weeks, case of body of affirmatory dog dog is good, did not appear any unwell (have loose bowels, cold) if, begin bug of dog dog drive. Dosage is decided according to anthelmintic specification, drive bug cycle presses a specification to undertake. Drive bug time must have been written down, want to give dog dog drive bug regularly later, dog dog ability will be healthy.

上一篇:福建省教育厅厅长任命 | 刘某某履新福建省教育厅厅长一职英文双语对照