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1. 浏览器问题:确保你使用的浏览器是最新版本,并且已启用JavaScript。如果你使用的是旧版浏览器,可能无法加载游戏。

2. Adobe Flash Player问题:宠物连连看是使用Adobe Flash Player技术制作的。如果你的浏览器没有启用Flash Player或Flash Player版本过低,可能会导致游戏无法正常加载。

3. 网络问题:如果你的网络连接不稳定或者速度较慢,可能会导致游戏无法正常加载或运行。





1. 不会全屏。2. 因为宠物连连看是一款休闲游戏,游戏的设计初衷是为了让玩家在碎片化的时间里放松娱乐,而不是占据整个屏幕的时间。3. 宠物连连看的游戏界面通常只占据屏幕的一部分,玩家可以在游戏过程中随时暂停或退出,不会占用大量的时间和精力。所以宠物连连看不会全屏,可以在短暂的空闲时间内进行游戏。


游戏名称:宠物连连看3.1无敌版游戏类型:益智小游戏游戏大小:382K 如何开始点击“开始游戏”即可开始。操作方法使用鼠标操作游戏,第一次点击一个图案,则此图案被提起,这时此图案被选定,此时如果再次点击此图案则取消选定,如果不重复点击该图案,而是找到另一个与此图案完全相同的图案并点击,并且两个图案之间的连接线转弯在不超过2次的情况下,则这对图案连接成功,并消失。游戏目标时间无限,消除所有图案。


宠物连连看好玩,身边的朋友都在玩,建议到黄 金 城上面下载,希望帮到你。












One, a few does pet see 2.5 edition have to close again and again?

Altogether has 6 to close, " pet reads 2.5 edition again and again " for a beneficial wisdom kind little game, game size is 243KB, the eyesight of main test player. Game picture has the lovely element such as pet.

After game begins, the player can find the pattern of adjacent of a few direct looks above all, click first among them, it is another subsequently, their expunction, be in subsequently outboard is same plane is searched, it is this plane is mixed later to it of photograph adjacent outside side plane is searched.

2, how does pet see computer edition do not play again and again?

If you cannot play pet to look again and again on computer, the likelihood is one of the following reasons:

1.Browser problem: The browser that ensures you are used is newest version, and already enabled JavaScript. If you are used, is old edition browser, likelihood cannot to load game.

2.Problem of Adobe Flash Player: Technology of use Adobe Flash Player makes pet looks again and again. If your browser did not enable Flash Player or Flash Player version,pass low, may bring about game cannot normal to load.

3.Network problem: If your network joins,be not stabilized or rate is slower, may bring about game cannot normal to load or move.

If you had removed above issue, but still cannot run game, suggest you try to run game on other computer or browser, the developer that perhaps contacts game or technology support staff, seek more help.

3, does pet read classical edition again and again does 2002 hands function play?

Estimation is can, but the configuration of adversary machine also has particular demand.

4, does pet see Quan Bing again and again?

1.Won't full screen. 2. Looking again and again because of pet is a recreational game, the design original intention of game is to let a player loosen recreation in the time that the fragment spends, is not the time that holds whole screen. 3. The game interface that pet sees again and again holds the one share of screen only normally, the player can pause at any time in game process or exit, won't take up many time and energy. So pet watchs won't full screen again and again, game can have inside brief free time.

5, the game introduction that pet reads 3.1 inapproachable edition again and again?

Game name: Pet sees kind of game of 3.1 inapproachable edition again and again: Size of game of beneficial wisdom little game: How does 382K begin to click " begin game " can begin. Operation method uses a mouse to handle sport, click a design for the first time, criterion this design is mentioned, at this moment this design by make choice of, if click this design again,cancel make choice of right now, if do not repeat,click this design, find another as identical as this design pattern to be clicked however, and the jumper between two design turns fall in the case that does not surpass 2 times, criterion link of this pair of design is successful, disappear. Game target time is infinite, eliminate all design.

6, where does classical pet see lovely edition download again and again?

Pet looks again and again amused, the friend beside is playing, the proposal arrives above gold city download, the hope helps you.

7, how many does pet see 2.5 edition altogether have to close again and again?

Altogether has 6 to close, " pet reads 2.5 edition again and again " for a beneficial wisdom kind little game, game size is 243KB, the eyesight of main test player. Game picture has the lovely element such as pet.

After game begins, the player can find the pattern of adjacent of a few direct looks above all, click first among them, it is another subsequently, their expunction, be in subsequently outboard is same plane is searched, it is this plane is mixed later to it of photograph adjacent outside side plane is searched.

8, how can the mobile phone look again and again with downloading pet?

Need not so troublesome, go directly pet of search of network of mobile phone play sees download again and again

9, does pet look again and again gross a few close?

Pet looks again and again is one lies fallow beneficial wisdom game, in all in all 10 close. Each close difficulty to differ, the player needs will same inside formulary time pet pattern to eliminate, obtain condition of pass a barrier. The background music of game and design have lovely sex extremely, get of the player love. In the process of game, the player needs to use his eyesight and reaction capacity neatly, challenge oneself ceaselessly, raise oneself game level. Anyhow, pet looks again and again is an absorbing game, suit each ages paragraph player.

10, does pet read book of secret of pass a barrier again and again?

In " pet looks again and again " in game, want pass a barrier to need to eliminate all pet to look again and again inside demarcate time. Can find out akin pet first connect access diameter, one by one is eliminated.

Additional, still can use stage property, for example bomb, hammer, lightning will eliminate pet. Want to use stage property as far as possible, spare time, rise concern efficiency. In the process that plays game, notice to observe time limit even, prevent time to exhaust cause game failure.
