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- 舍得的哥餐馆

距离长沙火车南站416米,在湖南省长沙市雨花区黎托路恒大绿洲对面正南方向100米 。可换乘地铁2号线,159,16,160,348,148路区间,68,63,66,365,503,机场快线汽车南站线,124,212,601路班线,220,磁悬浮列车,208,148,长沙高铁南站快巴路等公交车。

- 馨晟桥头排骨(高铁吾悦广场店)

距离长沙火车南站605米,在湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动路与花侯路路交汇处西南角(长沙高铁吾悦广场) 。可换乘X111,160,16,159,348,365,68,63,66,148路区间,机场快线汽车南站线,503,124,212,601路班线,208,148,星沙115,220路等公交车。

- 约饭

距离长沙火车南站601米,在湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动路与花侯路路交汇处西南角(长沙高铁吾悦广场) 。可换乘X111,160,16,159,348,365,68,63,66,148路区间,机场快线汽车南站线,503,124,212,601路班线,148,208,星沙115,220,W201路南线路等公交车。


附近有 云天楼·米兰国际大酒店-早餐厅, 阿耀湖岭牛杂, 沙县小吃, 天天见面馆, 丰味牛杂馆, 早7点包子店, 瓯一味鱼圆(南塘店), 巧味炊饭, 清江三鲜面(双龙路店), 兰州拉面, 阿芝点心, 彭德楷黄焖鸡米饭(双龙路店), 陈氏三姐妹(双龙店), 兰州牛肉面, L'amour爱沙拉, 南门面馆, 阿姆食堂(鱼鳞浃店), 三姐妹点心店, 柳园饭摊, 小食光 等小吃


长沙北辰三角洲美食太多了,新开业的哒悦城里面,几乎包揽了湖南省所有美食,享誉联合国的剁椒鱼头、著名的费大厨辣椒炒肉,纯肉烤肠牛肉脯脆骨烧 白露鲜杀猪粉 ,仙都辣酱鸭、卤味鸭脖、煲大王猪肚鸡火锅、Muma Cake木马蛋糕、彭耕记·猪油炒小菜、太食獸泰式茶餐厅等等。




盐水鸭,酱板鸭,辣条,麻辣王子,古茗蜜雪冰城茶百道coco一点点鸭血粉丝馄饨,饺子,面条,米饭 烤苕皮 炸鸡,烤鸭 淀粉肠,肉肠,烤肠













长沙火车南站附近有 高铁食堂, 火宫殿, 麦当劳高铁长沙南站出站口餐厅, 元味(长沙南站), 肯德基(长沙南站), 米鲜米线高铁南站店, 肯德基长沙火车南站餐厅, McCafe(高铁长沙南站出站口餐厅), 黎明渔庄, 素说:湘菜, 五谷渔粉, 禾香麦田, 湘味家厨, 李先生(长沙南站), 乡厨子私房菜, 金色逸站, 大娘水饺长沙花侯路高铁南站店, 康师傅私房牛肉面馆店面长沙高铁NO.2, 真功夫长沙火车南站店, 森林面包 等美食.








糖油粑粑,凉面,炸榴莲,麻辣烫 ,口味虾,油爆虾,水煮活鱼,鱿鱼丝,醋炒蛋,腊味后面省略一千字。














One, the cate street near the station austral Changsha?


- the elder brother cafeteria of be willing to part with or use

The distance stands south Changsha train 416 meters, in Hunan Province the Changsha City rain spends Ou Li to hold Lu Heng in the palm on big oasis southern to 100 meters. But change subway 2 lines, 159, 16, 160, 348, 148 interval, 68, 63, 66, 365, 503, the station ordinates austral airport express car, 124, 212, 601 classes line, 220, train of magnetism in suspension, 208, 148, fast Ba Lu stands to wait for a bus south Changsha tall iron.

- chop of either end of a bridge of Cheng of strong and pervasive fragrance (inn of square of tall Tie Wuyue)

The distance stands south Changsha train 605 meters, in Hunan Province rain of the Changsha City spends area work way and road of beautiful Hou Lu to hand in assemble place southwest part (Changsha is tall Tie Wuyue square) . But change X111, 160, 16, 159, 348, 365, 68, 63, 66, 148 interval, the station ordinates austral airport express car, 503, 124, 212, 601 classes line, 208, 148, the star is sanded 115, the 220 buses such as the road.

- arrange a meal

The distance stands south Changsha train 601 meters, in Hunan Province rain of the Changsha City spends area work way and road of beautiful Hou Lu to hand in assemble place southwest part (Changsha is tall Tie Wuyue square) . But change X111, 160, 16, 159, 348, 365, 68, 63, 66, 148 interval, the station ordinates austral airport express car, 503, 124, 212, 601 classes line, 148, 208, the star is sanded 115, 220, the bus such as the circuitry austral W201 road.

2, does the cate around stand south Wenzhou?

Big public house of international of Milan of day building · says around - breakfast hall, ox of mountain of A boast lake is miscellaneous, sanded county is fastfood, see noodle shop every day, miscellaneous house of abundant flavour ox, early at 7 o'clock inn of steamed stuffed bun, ou blindly the fish is round (south pond inn) , meal of artful flavour cook a meal, clear Jiang Sanxian face () of Shuang Longlu inn, lanzhou plays a side, a Zhi mug-up, rice of chicken of Peng Dejie yellow stew () of Shuang Longlu inn, chen 3 sisters () of double dragon inn, lanzhou beef face, l'amour loves salad, south appearance house, a Mu dining room () of scale Jia inn, shop of 3 sisters pastry, willow garden meal spreads out, small feed light to wait fastfood

3, near Changsha north celestial bodies cate?

Cate of delta of Changsha north celestial bodies is too much, inside the Da Yue city of new start business, undertook the whole thing almost Hunan Province is all cate, chili of the head of fish of chop any of several hot spice plants that is famous in U.N. , famous cost large kitchen fries the flesh, pure flesh bakes gristle of alvine beef chest to burn White Dew delicacy to kill pig white, celestial being cake of trojan of chaffy dish of chicken of abdomen of pig of king of neck of duck of thick chili sauce, pot-stewed fowl duck, Bao, Muma Cake, Peng Geng writes down · lardy fry cole, too dining-room of tea of type of the peaceful that feed is waited a moment.

4, does around bazaar stand south Changsha?

The bazaar field near the station austral Changsha has square of tall Tie Wuyue, carry is amounted to collect, good profit beautiful, protect benefit Mall, xu Hui Mall, tian Hong, closer is my Yue square, from Gao Tiena the station is less than one kilometer, body measures nearly 100 thousand.

5, does cate of around this locality stand south Nanjing?

Briny duck, sauce salted duck, hot, hemp hot prince, ancient tea sweet snow puts city tea on the ice wonton of vermicelli made from bean starch of blood of 100 Coco little duck, dumpling, noodle, rice grills fried chicken of skin of Chinese trumpet creeper, bowel of roast duck starch, fleshy bowel, the bowel that bake

6, is there cheap hotel near the station austral Changsha? Have near the station austral Changsha?

Have. The hotel around stands south Changsha:

1, Changsha Si Weideng goes vacationing the hotel is belonged to high-grade model, the address is sanded bay road city of the star in 89 countries 1, be apart from the station austral Changsha to be apart from point-blank about 1, 66 kilometers.

2, which big public house belongs to Changsha economy, the address grows sanded county fierce for the the Changsha City yellow Xing Daqiao stands south wide tall iron east 248, be apart from the station austral Changsha to be apart from point-blank about 1, 71 kilometers.

3, hotel of Changsha elegant contain belongs to economy model, the address spends way of region system courtyard for rain of the Changsha City 28, be apart from the station austral Changsha to be apart from point-blank about 2, 55 kilometers.

4, hotel of business affairs of mountain villa of dragon of long sand table is belonged to comfortable model, the address is labor east road 295, be apart from the station austral Changsha to be apart from point-blank about 2, 86 kilometers.

5, big public house of beautiful a person of extraordinary powers belongs to Changsha comfortable model, the address is 10 thousand beautiful in road 539, be apart from the station austral Changsha to be apart from point-blank about 2, 89 kilometers.

7, is meal of cate of nearby of the station austral Changsha recommended?

Cate meal has near the station austral Hunan governor Sha Gaotie:

Chicken of abdomen of pig of · of chicken of coco of profusion of the four seasons (inn of square of tall Tie Wuyue)

Duck of thick chili sauce of flesh of tenderloin of Liu Ji characteristic, colour home (inn of tall iron of the station austral Changsha) , shop of Home Laohe food (store of Long Feng village) wait.

8, does around night fair stand south Changsha train?

There is tall iron dining room near the station austral Changsha train, igneous palace, the station austral Changsha of Mcdonald's tall iron gives station mouth dining room, yuan flavour () of the station austral Changsha, kendeji () of the station austral Changsha, inn stands south tall iron of line of rice bright rice, kendeji stands south Changsha train dining-room, the station austral Changsha of McCafe(tall iron gives) of station mouth dining-room, matutinal fishing village, does element say: ? Pink of fishing of Li? food crops, hexiang cornfield, hutch of Hunan flavour home, mr Li () of the station austral Changsha, dish of countryside cook confidential, aureate ease stands, inn stands south tall iron of road of beautiful Hou of Changsha of aunt boiled dumpling, storefront of noodle shop of beef of health master confidential NO.2 of Changsha tall iron, inn stands south train of true kongfu Changsha, the cate such as silvan biscuit.

9, the guesthouse near the station austral Changsha?

Polaris hotel

(Inn) stands south Changsha tall iron, outside the window good view. Have chess card room, send food service. Be apart from station of subway of Du Hua road to walk 530 meters, about 8 minutes.

Guesthouse of business affairs of Changsha Chinese the court of a feudal ruler

Rain of Hunan governor sanded city spends Ou Xiangzhang Xin Yutai of Dong Luli county and garden 9 2 unit 2006. Be apart from goosefoot to hold speedster station in the palm to walk 770 meters.

10, near Changsha college town cate?

Strong-smelling preserved bean curd did not say, earthly person knows more.

Candy oily cake, cool surface, scamper Durian, hemp is hot very hot, taste shrimp, oil explodes shrimp, water boils live fish, squid silk, vinegar fries an egg, omit at the back of cured meat 1000 words.

[fame old store]

Changsha has a few to rely on the old store with well-known actual strength, mention when some kind feeds capable person, total meeting remember it for a short while.

Eat crab to go to shop of food of day blessing home. Secret controls taste crab small share from 58 go up to 88, deadbeat also disappears little, do not accept in the evening book, order midday even before it is too late.

Eat chop to go He chop. Present boss is the 4th generation sends a person, like the chop of Xiang Yu the Conqueror on yellow old photograph and desk is being sent on the wall, shake must stay in a person.

Ball having a fish goes vast hall fishing village. After moving, be the car with small batholith should go cautiously, piscine bolus is authentic still nevertheless, deserve to go up to make rice wine oneself, tastily not drunk.

Fish of boiler taking rock goes teaching the old house of the street. Bench is a bit low, but much is to leave run quickly, the guest of BMW.

Eat chicken to go Du Jia chicken. The environment talks not superior, but flavour is authentic, most the beginning that opened Changsha interphone to order dishes especially.

Eat frog to go money 4 taste inn. Burden besides chili it is garlic, the boss is particularly frank, it is the clerk works too slow.

Meat of dog of river having a flower goes to Nanyang old store of street iron elder brother. Dog meat chaffy dish matchs rice bean curd, guizhou cook did ten years.

Eat fork to burn had gone feeding still. Bake anxiously fragile, fat not be bored with, and color. Only inadequacy is heft too little, it is really " curiosa " .

Eat the Hunan dish institute that Hunan dish goes to on the side of provincial Party committee.

Eat chili to fry the flesh to go on the side of water pump factory, the chili on lotus road fries the flesh.
