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萧萧的秋风会使你觉得这竟也是 生命 的绝美。顺手拾起一片落叶,就像拾起一份悄然隐匿的纯真。审视着它,就像在品味生活,体味 人生 的价值。


山明水秀 山重水复 山高水长 大雨滂沱

万紫千红 天昏地暗 五彩缤纷 五颜六色

风平浪静 风吹雨打 风雨交加 风和日丽

气象万千 鸟语花香 花团锦簇 花红柳绿

花枝招展 苍翠欲滴 含苑欲放 天高云淡

沃野千里 汹涌澎湃 彤云密布 穷乡僻壤

山清水秀  柳暗花明  花香鸟语  莺歌燕舞  波涛汹涌  


奇峰突兀 山清水秀 依山傍水 海天一色

幽泉鸣咽 湖青水净 银浪翻滚 风景如画 山光水色

山林隐逸、山溜穿石 山眉水眼 山明水秀 山鸣谷应

山清水秀 、白山黑水、残山剩水、尺山寸水、崇山峻岭

江山如故、江山如画、名山大川、名山胜川、名山胜水 、



深山老林 深山密林、深山穷谷、深山穷林、、深山幽谷 、

巫山云雨、湖光山色、锦绣山河 、水碧山青、水光山色、

水尽山穷、水阔山高 水明山秀、水穷山尽、水软山温、

水色山光、水剩山残 水宿山行、水秀山明、水远山长、

水远山遥 重峦叠嶂 山川米聚 山川壮阔 群山连绵

崇山峻岭 水落石出 水到渠成 水滴石穿 水涨船高


波澜壮阔 花团锦簇 山青水秀 川流不息 鸟语花香

天涯海角 世外桃源 诗情画意 万紫千红 姹紫嫣红

风景如画 青山碧水 万紫千红 五彩缤纷 美不胜收

迎风吐艳 春色满园 春意盎然 蔚为壮观 玉宇琼楼

重峦叠嶂 山清水秀 湖光山色 绿草如茵 迎风吐艳


争奇斗艳 繁花似锦 桃红柳绿 明月清风 风清月朗

草长莺飞 姹紫嫣红 丹桂飘香 别有洞天 锦绣河山

水天一色 湖光山色 山明水秀 万木争荣 百花齐放

花团锦簇 银装素裹 皓月千里 风清气爽 风高日丽

风景如画 山清水秀 花团锦簇 山青水秀 川流不息 鸟语花香














































One, close nature autumn only beautiful sentence?

A millet, autumn harvest 10 thousand child.

-- Li Shen

· of labor of · autumn · writes spring scene

The window contains snow of Xi Ling a thousand years, men Bodong Wu Moli boat.

-- Du Fu

· of autumnal · winter writes scene · to chant snow

Guang Qiuyue two-phase mixes the lake, pool face does not have goggles to was not ground.

-- Liu Yu Xi

· of autumnal · moon writes scene · the Mid-autumn Festival

Painted screen of silver-colored candle Qiu Guangleng, fan of light Luo Xiao attacks shed firebug.

-- Don Du herd

Autumnal · writes spring of scene · antediluvian ·

Month of spring flower autumn when, how much does the past know.

-- Li Yu

Autumnal · writes sadness of · of scene · The Book of Songs

2, take child to be close to nature only beautiful sentence?

Today weekday, take child to be close to nature, what you can fall in the leaf is seasonal, alone alone pace Yu Baihua forest the sign that seeks deciduous leaf, savour the Yu Ze of deciduous leaf.

What neighing autumn wind can make you feel this also is life unexpectedly is absolutely beautiful. Conveniently is picked up remove a deciduous leaf, resemble picking up those who remove to hide sadly is pure. Examining it, resemble be in savor the life, the value of appreciate life.

3, of close nature only beautiful term?

Answer hill high water grows heavy water of hill of green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery heavy rain is torrential

Dark all round of a variety of colour is colourful multicoloured

Calm wind blows rain to hit wet and windy wind He Rili

Bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration of spectacular charactizing a fine spring day spends red Liu Lu

Be gorgeously dressed is verdant be about to drip contain Yuan Yufang Tian Gaoyun is weak

Red clouds of billowy of Wo Ye a thousand li is densely covered a remote

Picturesque scenery is promising language of beautiful sweet bird a scene of prosperity is surfy

The term that shows nature 2

Strange peak is abrupt picturesque scenery draws near according to hill Shui Haitian is monochromatic

Hidden coin cries clean Yin Lang of pharynx lake green water rolls the scenery is picturesque Shan Guangshui is lubricious

Ease of mountain forest concealed, hill is smooth small hole of water of eyebrow of the hill that wear stone Gu Ying of Shanming of green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery

Hill of water of black water of picturesque scenery, white hill, incomplete hill remnant, feet very little water, high mountain ridges

Country as before, beautiful scenery, famous mountains and great rivers, name water of Shan Shengchuan, renown Shansheng,

An out-of-the-way place of green hill green water, barren mountains and unruly rivers, poor hill, , 3 hill the Five Mountains, remote mountains grows unhusked rice,

The term that shows nature 3

Remote remote mountains is close forest, remote mountains poor cereal, remote mountains is poor forest, , remote mountains glen,

Blueness of hill of green jade of the land of country of witch hill making love, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, samite, water, Shui Guangshan is lubricious,

Water uses up broad hill of hill end, water poor hill of show of Gao Shuiming hill, water is used up, water soft hill is lukewarm,

Travel of old hill of water of incomplete of hill of remnant of light of water lubricious hill, water, Shui Xiushan bright, Shui Yuanshan is long,

Rice of mountains and rivers-land of rows of mountains of heavy hill of Yao of water far hill gets together mountains and rivers-land is grand group of hill are continuous

High mountain ridges thes whole thing comes to light when the river rises the boat goes up too of constant effort brings success of success will come when conditions are ripe

The term that shows nature 4

Show of green water of hill of bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration of surging forward with great momentum is never-ending charactizing a fine spring day

Meaning of picture of poetics of a haven of peace of the remotest corners of the earth very beautiful flowers of a variety of colour

The scenery is picturesque water of green hill green jade a variety of colour is colourful too many beautiful things

Tell the awaken of spring of full garden of gorgeous spring scenery with the wind abundant Wei Weizhuang watchs Yu Yuqiong building

Green grass of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains of picturesque scenery of heavy hill rows of mountains is spat with the wind like mattress colourful

The term that shows nature 5

Contend for surprise a bottle of colourful numerous Hua Shijin is pink Qing Yuelang of wind of cool breeze of Liu Luming month

Careless long warbler flies orange osmanthus of very beautiful flowers waves sweet see a new world samite land

Water nature is uniform 10 thousand wood contend for green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains flourish lets a hundred flowers blossom

Qing Dynasty of wind of a thousand li of silver-coated bright month enrages bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration bright wind Gao Rili

Green Shui Xiuchuan of hill of bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration of picturesque picturesque scenery sheds the scenery not to cease charactizing a fine spring day

4, of close happiness only beautiful sentence?

Only beautiful sentence encyclopedia:

1, go out, enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature, bath is in sunshine, bask in bask in the mood, continue to set out, be kind to oneself, do not lose Shao Hua!

2, come out to come loose beguilement, breathing air, enjoy sunshine, it is good to experience nature pretty, want to have a heart that be thankful

3, bird sound, running water sound, let a person meet halcyon in! Enjoy nature, enjoy with the fun that is in together!

4, carefree life, also must want to have the idea of a person's mind of a kind of peaceful and carefree broad-minded, and can to the top of one's bent the bosom of enjoy nature just can be enjoyed.

5, the sunshine between Chun Xiazhi is the most attractive, from time to time is vernal like spring, from time to time is having Chu Xia's penetration again.

6, the overworked debus the job, the mood that lets joy volatilizes, walk into the bosom of nature, enjoy rurality happiness.

7, fresh air breathes in nature, enjoy the breath of silvan quiet and beautiful, the sweet smell with sweet wild flower, with the scent with distinctive clay. Nature has natural cure to heal force.

5, the sentence that the child is close to nature?

The overhead is so high, so blue, there are a few Bai Yun on high blue sky. Blue the world is the rice field that hopes to be less than an edge.

Rice is ripe, glistening, resembled spreading one ground gold, there is a pond on the side of the rice field, there is a Chinese parasol tree on the edge of the pond, a Huang Xie falls down from the tree;

6, step spring is the sentence close to nature?

Spring chill chilly, yin rain fallings thick and fast, all the time prep against wind, drenching all the time rain, wait for Lai Guangfeng to cease raining or snowing at long last day, chun Nuanjing bright, feng Shuangxiu, hold a go for a walk in the country in spring to admire peach activity, your person shines at the moment, spirit is cheerful. A rain during springtime, let step this spring become a little different common, walk out of the door, hope to visit a day, not bad, do not calculate cloudy, close pluvial silk agley is being knitted, mixing the breath of the dust in air, dense piece hazy with dream.

7, be at ease the sentence of fatigue and close nature?

Nature is the birthplace of human heart, be at ease fatigue, be close to nature, release the heart, slow body and mind.

Nature is a wonderful place, can let us be at ease fatigue, loosen body and mind, those who be far from a city is blatant.

Be close to nature, the beauty that experiences nature and magical, let the heart get releasing mixing slow, be at ease fatigue, the balance that pick up lives is nodded.

The thing that there are a lot of happinesses in nature is worth us to admire and experience, pass the contact with nature, can let us feel quiet, loosen and happy, let us be at ease fatigue, look for the positive attitude with vivid bring back to life afresh.

Be far from a city, what go searching the soul in nature is halcyon, drop the load in the heart, experience the happiness of nature, be at ease fatigue, him readjust the life, before continueing, go.

8, the sentence that experiences nature to be close to nature about biology?

Biology experiences nature the sentence of average nature collects chrysanthemum Dong Li to fall, see carefreely south hill

9, walk into nature only beautiful sentence?

1, walk into nature, in mirth, in observation, in feeling, search beautiful trace, experience the glamour of nature.

2, the afterglow that I know a village is more delicate than the afterglow in the city. The week that afterglow overflow gives and abstruse, sadness and beautiful enough flap surging thoughts or emotions. After afterglow is filtered by the branches and leaves of the fruiter, asperse in lukewarm on soft ground, draped on the ground confuse colour.

3, when the beautiful scenery that enjoys nature every time, can listen to the book that oneself had read. Can feel nature and intellectual blend at that time for an organic whole. Peaceful is contented. Want to read the book of a long time everyday, to digest and remember, after can seeing, numerate will record come down. Listen to knowledge at the same time, consider which pronunciation and mouth form need to notice at the same time. The effect of the heart that does not suffer the outside calmly is to result from really the force that knowledge brings. The person arrives middleaged, him hope has a plenty of details, is not the body.

4, this is the one sky before Zhang Ji day is illuminated, weather is very similar recently, morning still is blue blue sky, turn afternoon shade, already very long had not seen afterglow, the school still is in when seeing morning glow last, and fail record happiness that momently.

5, do not be small grievance sad, life is alive, be destined to want to suffer a lot of grievance. A person succeeds the more, the grievance that he suffers is more also. Want to make oneself life wins extreme value and dazzle prize, cannot too care about grievance, the heart that cannot let their hold tight tighten you is disturbed your life. You should learn dismiss with a laugh, detached wait for, want to learn to change potential energy. Wisdom person know bear, excuse those people all round, let us be in good-tempered in expand.

6, nature is a magical charmer, become world everythings on earth multicoloured. Every season is very beautiful, the color of Dan Chungu's woman is most. Nature gives this. Nature gave spring lots and lots of thing. It is nature asperses blasted bark full the different color; such as red Bai Lu is nature adorns the hillside colourfully; is nature silvan concerto on chart movement; is nature put on beautiful and bright-coloured clothes for flower, the fragrant faint scent on gush, make they each contends for beautiful to fight colourful, good not beautiful. What I adore nature is colourful!

7, the water of close white Ma Hu, with the hug that spend the sea, travel together with joy, what enjoying nature adequately to bring is relaxed with satisfied, extremely!

8, the clay scent of early morning is tangy and come, breathe out greatly the breath of nature, quiet appreciation spends the new clothes after careless arboreous transhipment of through cargo, enjoy this wonderful spring scenery to the top of one's bent.

9, the life ought not to machine-made, now and then a bit green is added in the home, enjoy the pure and fresh breath of nature.

10, afterglow loves beautiful girl like really, change fiery and fiery big cotton-padded jacket a little while, change orange to admire to spend apron colourfully a little while, really unpredicatable 1000 appearance 100 condition!

10, the sentence that leaves Bacchic city to be close to nature?

Leave blatant town, throw the bosom of nature, experience halcyon with harmony.

Those who cast off a city is blatant, move toward pure and fresh nature, the relaxation that lets us feel the heart and halcyon.

Those who abandon a town is busy, blend in the beauty of nature, the breath that experiences nature and halcyon.

Those who be far from a city is Bacchic, ramble is between nature, experience the beauty of nature and mystery.

Abandon urban confusion, throw the bosom of nature, those who experience nature is auspicious with quiet.

Leave of the city blatant, appreciate the verve of nature, those who experience nature is gallant with extensive.

Escape of the city Bacchic, the place oneself bosom at nature, those who experience nature is pure and fresh with happiness.

Those who leave a town is blatant, blend in the bosom of nature, those who experience nature is halcyon with harmony.

Those who cast off a city is blatant, stroll between nature, experience the beauty of nature and mystery.

Abandon urban confusion, throw the bosom of nature, those who experience nature is auspicious with quiet.

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