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中国邻里文化有哪些? 邻里文化节活动方案?英文双语对照


中国邻里文化有哪些? 邻里文化节活动方案?英文双语对照









佩里(Clarence Perry)在20世纪20年代编制纽约地区规划的时候,把霍华德田园城市中“区”的思想推进了一步,与1929年发展并提出邻里单位的思想。

佩里认为,在住宅附近一带要有生活服务设施。他把设有这种设施的用地称为“家庭邻里”。他相信,在一个布置得当的邻里单位里,公共生活会活跃起来,居民们在利用公共生活服务设施的时候经常接触,就会产生邻里间的联系。其思想可以概括为以下六条原则: (1)邻里单位四周被城市道路包围,城市道路不穿过邻里单位内部。(2)邻里单位内部道路系统应限制外部车辆的穿越。一般应采用尽端式道路以保持内部安静、安全和低交通量的居住气氛。(3)以小学的合理规模为基础控制邻里单位的人口规模,使小学生上学不必穿越城市道路。一般邻里单位的规模约为5000人左右,规模小的为3000~4000人。(4)邻里单位的中心建筑是小学,它与其他的邻里服务设施一起放在中心广场或绿地上。(5)邻里单位占地约160mile(英里)(约65ha),每英亩10户,保证儿童上学距离不超过0.5mile(约0.8km)。(6)邻里单位内小学附近设有商店、教堂、图书馆和公共活动中心。


























崇尚邻里新风 共建社区和谐



One, what does Chinese neighborhood culture have?

Common saying says distant relatives is inferior to near neighbour, a thousand pieces of gold is bought curtilage, 10 thousand gold sell adjacent, see the value of good neighbour. The human concern that relation of region of this cultivate land forms, be next to kin. Get along long can kiss affection more than even. Neighborhood culture wants harmony, want to friendly, should help each other very much each other love. The most typical old Beijing siheyun, a courtyard is living a few neighborhood that the home does not have kin ten times even, that is family member of family member be better than simply.

2, plan of activity of neighborhood Cultural Festival?

Neighborhood Cultural Festival is the activity of solidarity of a stimulative community and culture communication. We can organize community dweller to attend all sorts of literary performances, handiwork to make, cate is shared and the activity such as culture lecture. Carry these activities, dwellers are OK and promotional the understanding between each other and communication, also can experience the glamour of different culture at the same time.

In addition, the culture orgnaization that we still can invite place or artist undertake spot show is mixed explain, let dwellers understand this locality culture deep more. Neighborhood Cultural Festival can abound daily life of the dweller not only, also can make contribution for the culture construction of community.

3, meaning of emblem of Nanjing neighborhood Cultural Festival?

Name of emblem of Nanjing neighborhood Cultural Festival is " harmonious bird " , the meaning of the emblem is: The color of profusion of graph brief of a case piece form Nanjing city town to spend -- blossomming wintersweet, be out of shape harmonious bird, those who form body to show a network " E " letter, intermediate part forms a piece of smiling face by the house with showing neighborhood, the theme of my home and district scene reach the motherland that condensed me solid culture inside information, was full of vigor of opportunity of survival, the implied meaning is worn success is brilliant, great achievements again and again, fly development. Design conception is clever, novel air, concise and vivid, connotation is rich, visual wallop is strong, have a times to feel.

4, the neighborhood unit of neighborhood?

In admire (Clarence Perry) in 20 centuries area of new York of 20 time work out plans when, howard in rural city " area " the thought advanced one step, with the idea that developed 1929 and offers neighborhood unit.

Think in admire, around the residence one belt should have the life to serve establishment. He calls those who set this kind of establishment with the ground " domestic neighbors " . He believes, apt neighborhood unit is decorated in in, public life became active, when dwellers are using facilities of public life service, often contact, can produce the connection between neighborhood. Its thought can generalize for the following 6 principles: (1) neighborhood unit all around be surrounded by urban road, urban road does not cross neighborhood unit interior. (2) system of road of neighborhood unit interior should restrict exterior car pass through. Should adopt the way that carry type commonly the living atmosphere of quiet with keeping in-house, safety and low traffic. (3) the population dimensions that controls neighborhood unit for the foundation with the reasonable dimensions of elementary school, make pupil goes to school need not pass through urban road. The dimensions of general neighborhood unit is 5000 people left and right sides about, dimensions is 3000~4000 person smally. (4) the central building of neighborhood unit is elementary school, it and other neighborhood service facilities are put on central square or greenbelt together. (5) neighborhood unit is covered an area of make an appointment with 160mile (mile) (make an appointment with 65ha) , every acre 10, make sure children goes to school the distance does not exceed 0.5mile (make an appointment with 0.8km) . (6) shop, cathedral, library and public activity center are set near the elementary school inside neighborhood unit.

5, harmonious neighborhood, does the story of I and neighborhood write a composition?

Listen to mom to tell her in one's childhood, they often can be mixed previously neighbour a few child is together, old people fell a class also each other chat, say new issue.

Whenever on the weekend, everybody gets together in exclusive the TV in a neighbour home that has TV looks. Be helped each other between neighborhood and care, distant relatives is inferior to near neighbour! But nowadays, every family occupy apartment, the culture level of people rose, affection business appears to also become inverse ratio. A lot of people consider his life only, did not have at all " neighborhood " this one concept, move into new home, the neighbour that joins face each other had not seen.

6, table of neighborhood coadjutant article?

Can the article table that neighborhood helps each other consult: ? Does abdomen bump into impossible of actinium of hey of ち of  of  of eat of  of grave of locust Xiang  to carry basket of  of  stay of proceedings to cheat constant  of Zhen  fat to hold a balance in the palm to search  ?

Show sympathy each other, mutual help, because neighborhood concerns,also can get better life sooner or later.

7, table of neighborhood villager article?

1, often communicate between neighborhood villager, the side is unintelligible because sow spring breeze.

2, win credit sincerely, good-tempered win understanding, each other Jing Ying is gotten harmonious.

3, neighbour is good, sai Jinbao.

4, peaceful home longing for adjacent buys an ass, in expecting relation lift.

5, a fence 10 picket, one has difficult everybody side.

6, each other side helps each other good neighbors villager, each other respects each other to love a family.

7, bagatelle not dispute, the important matter is discussed in all, neighborhood villager coadjutant solidarity is good.

8, does neighborhood section make a speech?

The answer is as follows: Respectable neighborhood people,

Very glad to get together in this good time and everybody, celebrate neighborhood red-letter day jointly. Neighborhood section is one of activities with our the most significant community, it makes us collective develop our solidarity and friendship not only, still can promotional between us interact and communicate.

Here, I want to thanks to each neighborhood. Thank you the care in daily life and support, appreciate the contribution that you make for community. Support because of yours just about and cooperate, our community ability becomes the place of a more harmonious, prosperity quite.

Today, we will enjoy cate, music and game together, this is us the hour of collective happy get-together. In the meantime, I also hope we can build deeper friendship here, participate in more community activities together, contribute our force to create better community.

Finally, wish everybody plays happily in neighborhood section, hope our community more solidarity, friendly affection, wish everybody is happy and healthy, happy.


9, ending of Jing heart neighborhood?

" Jing heart neighborhood " ending is: So all the time since the Jeff that is regarded to be good person by everybody, opened his cruel real features finally. Investigating neighbour people after doubt seems the case that disappear, the Jeff that is suspected at first, be proved to be an interlink killer gradually. He is in the home under cover a lot of evidence, proved he murdered many neighbour, regard deceit as everybody's method with this.

Final, he by neighbour people encircle and suppress gives police, justice is able to promote. Everybody got be touched deeply in incident of neighborhood of this Jing heart, intercurrent swear more vigilant the person all round oneself.

10, does neighborhood section send word?

Advocate neighborhood new wind builds community harmony in all

Carry out goes the joint responsibility that socialistic core viewpoint of value is whole society
