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1、将海参放进盆或桶内,加适量的纯净水(水要没过海参)泡发约24 小时左右,期间换水3-4 次直至海参体变软。



4、盆、桶内盛满纯净水,放入煮好的海参,放进冰箱的保鲜室内,再发约3-5天,其间换水4-6次,即可食用。 燕云雅印尼野生海参,主要以秃参为主,泡发的方法还有点不一样,你可以试试。海参泡发时间长的要达到1个星期。


印尼卢比就是印尼盾印尼盾就是印尼卢比Indonesia Rupiah 音译是印尼卢比老中文叫盾


IBT PULAU LAUT COAL TERMINAL PULAU LAUT INDONESIA 简介 泊 位 经 纬 度 : 04-01.1S 116-02.1E 在 印 尼 卡 里 曼 丹 岛 东 南 部 一 个 小 岛 上 . 突 码 头












印尼岛屿分布较为分散,主要有 加里曼丹岛、 苏门答腊岛、 伊里安岛、 苏拉威西岛和 爪哇岛。各岛内部多崎岖山地和丘陵,仅沿海有狭窄平原,并有浅海和珊瑚环绕。





伊里安岛,西部高山横亘,有印尼最高峰和世界最高的岛屿山峰 查亚峰,海拔5030米,南部平原较宽广。


印度尼西亚共和国(印尼语:Republik Indonesia,英语:Republic of Indonesia),简称印度尼西亚(Indonesia)。是东南亚国家,首都为雅加达。与巴布亚新几内亚、东帝汶和马来西亚等国家相接。由约17508个岛屿组成,是全世界最大的群岛国家,疆域横跨亚洲及大洋洲,别称“千岛之国”,也是多火山多地震的国家。面积较大的岛屿有加里曼丹岛、苏门答腊岛、伊里安岛、苏拉威西岛和爪哇岛。陆地面积约190.4万平方千米,海洋面积约316.6万平方千米(不包括专属经济区)。海岸线总长54716千米。







One, cate of characteristic of Xi'an of Shanghai characteristic cate?

The crude fry in shallow oil of Shanghai is wrapped, the bag giving birth to decoct that once appeared countless times in drama of movie and TV has had history of hundreds of years, basically be fresh pork and leather aspic do stuffing at first, develop as the times, chicken and shelled fresh shrimps also abounded the content of crude fry in shallow oil. It is the white behead chicken that must raise next, in the idea of Shanghai native, what white behead chicken or small carry on promote is best, it is with 3 yellow chicken feed capable person, after been do cortical and golden, the flesh is qualitative white tender, tasting is unusual fat more, it is deadbeat of a lot of other places what taste surely is delicate. Small basket bag also is one of cate that make a person unforgettable, thin juice of small dragon wrapping is much, should go down glibly stays sweet.

Bag giving birth to decoct, white injection and small basket bag is 3 Shanghai's most famous cate.

The cate of Xi'an cannot be short of formula of 3 the Qin Dynasty: Cool skin, the flesh adds steamed bun, put peak soda water on the ice, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, fried dumpling,

2, how is hubble-bubble Indonesian and Indonesian holothurian?

Simple bubble sends a means:

1, will holothurian be put into the basin or inside the bucket, add right amount clean water (water should have been done not have holothurian) bubble hair is controlled about 24 hours, water 3-4 is changed during second till holothurian body molten.

2, the blade along abdomen holothurian cut open to the rear from the head, the sanded mouth that cuts off the head and dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed divide white holothurian tooth, clean holothurian body watch and body cavity carefully.

3, will abluent holothurian put right amount and clean water is added in boiler, 15 minutes are boiled after be being burned. Collect piece boil soft holothurian, will hard what still perhaps have hard core is holothurian in staying in boiler, continue to boil, till be boiled entirely soft boil fully. Come frowzily the water of the ginseng that boil is completely cool appear fish out.

4, full clean water is contained inside basin, bucket, put those who had boiled is holothurian, be put into freezer last indoor, reappearance makes an appointment with 3-5 day, meantime changes water 4-6 second, can edible. Yan Yunya is Indonesian and feral holothurian, basically give priority to with bald ginseng, the method that bubble sends is a bit different still, you can try. Holothurian bubble sends what time grows to want to reach a week.

3, Indonesian aegis and Indonesian rupee?

Indonesian rupee is Indonesian aegis Indonesian aegis is Indonesian rupee Indonesia Rupiah transliteration is Indonesian rupee old Chinese calls aegis

4, is Indonesian Ibt harbor in Indonesian where?

Longitude and latitude of berth of brief introduction of IBT PULAU LAUT COAL TERMINAL PULAU LAUT INDONESIA: 04-01.1S 116-02.1E is in in Indonesian card southeast graceful red island ministry on an isle. Dash forward dock

5, does Jiangsu of Shanghai characteristic cate save characteristic cate?

The Na Xiang of Shanghai is small basket, thin thin soft soft leather, there is soup juice inside; Hangzhou is small basket bag, should achieve 28.5 grams again completely with every, 18 plait above, go up not to receive a tip, below not show-through, chrysanthemum of be similar in shape, soup juice heavy full figure, mouthfeel is thick; Without stannum small basket it is salty in take sweet, skin thin juice is much. Dumpling of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab is tradition of the Han nationality of city of river of Jiangsu province pacify the name is fastfood, bright, quiet period has enjoyed high reputation. Its characteristic is a skin thin be like paper, blow play defeat namely, the " that make absolutely strange " of beautiful " of " , configuration " , " having a way

6, Indonesian latitude?

Indonesia (Indonesia) be located in Asian southeast ministry, the ground crosses equator, be located in north latitude 10 degrees to south latitude 10 degrees between, its 70 % above gets hemisphere of positional Yu Na, because this is an Asia exclusive country of a the Southern Hemisphere. Thing length is in 5500 kilometers above, it is to divide the territory is the most extensive country besides China.

Indonesia is located in Asian southeast ministry, the ground crosses equator, with border on of Papua New Guinea, Dong Diwen, Malaysia, lie between sea facies to look with the country such as Thailand, Singapore, Philippine, Australia.

Indonesian ground crosses equator (7 ° of ~ of 12 ° S N) , its 70% above get hemisphere of positional Yu Na, because this is the country with Asian the biggest the Southern Hemisphere (Dong Diwen also is country of the Southern Hemisphere) . Longitude spans 96 ° E arrives 140 ° E, thing length is in 5500 kilometre above

7, Indonesian food?

Rice, noodle, biscuit, flesh of flocks and herds, shrimp.

Especially rice is more general. Rice is divided outside thoroughlying cook, indonesian person likes to use banana leaf or palmy part of a historical period rice or polished glutinous rice, evaporate of Bao Chengling form is ripe and eat, call " Keduba " . Nevertheless, indonesian person also likes to eat cooked wheaten food, if take all sorts of noodle, bread,wait.

  As a result of Indonesian person majority belief is Mohammedan, so majority dweller does not eat pork, eat flesh of flocks and herds and piscine shrimp and so on however. Indonesian it is a country that teems with flavor, the Indonesian dish that make likes to put all sorts of flavor, and chili, green, ginger, garlic. Because of this Indonesian characteristic, it is bitter taste commonly sweet. Indonesian person likes to eat " sanded dad " , " ascend ascend " , " curry " etc.

8, Indonesian Campagna?

Indonesian islands distributings relatively dispersive, basically have Jialimandan island, Sumatra island, Yi Lian island, Sulaweixi island and Java island. Country of much rugged of each island interior and upland, have narrow Campagna littoral only, shallow sea and coral surround.

Add Li Mandan island, country from which ministry to west extend, coastal plain is capacious, the south is much fennier.

Sumatra island, mountain range from northwest to southeast inclined be linked together, northeast side is the mountain range to be mixed upland wider coastal and alluvial Campagna, plain the eastpart part is much fennier.

Sulaweixi island, it is country mostly, have narrow Campagna littoral only.

Java island, north is Campagna, the south is lava highland and country, the much broader basin between hill.

The island is brought in Yi, western high mountain lie across, have Cha Yafeng of Indonesian and highest peak and world's highest islands mountain peak, altitude 5030 meters, southern Campagna is broader.

9, Indonesian introducing?

Indonesian republic (Indonesian language: Republik Indonesia, english: Republic Of Indonesia) , abbreviation Indonesia (Indonesia) . It is southeast Asia country, the capital is Jakarta. Connect with the country such as Papua New Guinea, Dong Diwen and Malaysia. By composition of about 17508 islands, it is the archipelago country with the biggest whole world, asia of territory over or across reachs the Oceania, another namer " the country of 1000 islands " , also be the country of much more volcanic much earthquake. The islands with larger area has Jialimandan island, Sumatra island, Yi Lian island, Sulaweixi island and Java island. Terrestrial area makes an appointment with kilometre of 1.904 million square, marine area makes an appointment with kilometre of 3.166 million square (do not include an exclusive economic zone) . Coasting overall length 54716 kilometre.

Indonesian islands distributings relatively dispersive, basically have Jialimandan island, Sumatra island, Yi Lian island, Sulaweixi island and Java island. Country of much rugged of each island interior and upland, have narrow Campagna littoral only, shallow sea and coral surround.

Typical selva climate, year average temperature 27 ℃ of 25 ~ , part without the four seasons. North suffers effect of monsoon of the Northern Hemisphere, fall abounded 7 ~ in September, the south suffers effect of monsoon of the Southern Hemisphere, december, in January, fall is substantial in Feburary, year fall 2200 millimeter of 1600 ~ .

10, Indonesian?

The scenery is beautiful, the environment is very good.

Indonesian republic (RepublicofIndonesia) , abbreviation is Indonesian, the system of the oldest economy that is southeast Asia reachs 20 nations group member country, land area kilometer of 1.91 million square, by composition of about 17508 islands, asia of territory over or across reachs the Oceania. Indonesian population exceeds 280 million, it is the world big country of the 4th population, the population believe in of about 87% is Mohammedan, it is the country with most population of the Moslem on the world.

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