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几月几日刷牙日? 防灾减灾日几月几日?英文双语对照


几月几日刷牙日? 防灾减灾日几月几日?英文双语对照











1.14 日记情人节(diary day),情侣们互相赠送恋爱日记

2.14 情人节(st valentine's day),传统情人节

3.14 白色情人节(white day),男孩回赠礼物的日子

4.14 黑色情人节(black day),属于单身贵族们的情人节

5.14 黄色与玫瑰情人节(yellow and rose day),在这一天穿上黄色衣服,吃黄色咖喱饭是告诉大家你还在单身的意思,另外,在这一天送红玫瑰是倾诉爱意,送白玫瑰是表示犹豫未决,若送上黄玫瑰,就表示再见了

6.14 亲吻情人节(kiss day),情侣们用亲吻表达对对方的爱意

7.14 银色情人节(silver day),把你的意中人带回家让父母认识的好机会

8.14 绿色情人节(green day),酷热的夏天,不妨和另一半做一趟凉爽的森林之旅

9.14 音乐情人节与相片情人节(music day & photo day),是举办大型社交活动的好日子,另外还有许多情侣在这天就蔚蓝晴朗的天空合影,所以又称为"相片情人节"

10.14 葡萄酒情人节(wine day),当然是喝一点葡萄美酒拉

11.14 橙色情人节与电影情人节(orange day & movie day),这一天情侣们可以连赶两场电影,看完后.来杯柳橙汁吧

12.14 拥抱情人节(hug day),在公开场合拥抱.向世人宣告你俩的爱意 农历7.7 七夕情人节





        4 月 6 日,是清明节后的第一个工作日,相比清明节前,我市的气温有所上升,舒适的温度及较好的空气质量将会给上班族带来一个好心情。

      4 月 6 至 7 日,受波动气流影响,我市云量增多,气温略下降,其中 6 日清晨气温较低,全市大部将出现霜冻。

       8 日,受偏西气流控制,我市天气以多云为主,气温变化不大。

       从 4 月 6 日至 12 日,我市最高温度在 16 度至 22 度之间,最低温度则维持在 5 度至 8 度。其中,最低温度出现在 4 月 6 日,数据显示为最高 18 度,最低 5 度;最高温度出现在 4 月 12 日,当天最高温度为 22 度,最低为 6 度。

       值得留意的是,在 4 月 9 日和 10 日将有小雨天气,温差不大,较为舒适。 另从兰州市环境空气质量预报上来看,4 月 6 日,我市受北部槽底冷空气影响,全天东北风冷平流,扩散较好;7 日到 8 日高空转为偏西气流控制,地面为高压后部东南气流,多云间晴天气,温度回升;9 日到 10 日高原槽过境,地面扩散条件好,夜间局部地区有降水形势,阴有小雨天气。良好的气象条件,也带来不错的空气质量。










第一,向中小学生、社区居民宣讲宪法知识 ;












One, a few days does wh what month brush his teeth day?

The time of day of countrywide love tooth 2021 was on September 20 on Monday, the traditional Chinese calendar in August 14, the activity that there is a lot of to love a tooth in this day of meeting is held.

Day love a tooth is to want to carry activity of day love a tooth, arouse extensively social force, of the knowledge that undertakes in masses tooth disease prevents a tooth popularize education, enhance the consciousness of idea of oral cavity health and health care of ego oral cavity, establish act of oral cavity health care, raise the level of oral cavity health of entire nation thereby. Patient of caries disease of China, periodontosis is numerous, and the manpower of oral cavity health care, material resources, financial resources is very limited, accordingly, the basic outlet that solves tooth ill problem depends on preventing. Building day love a tooth is to strengthen oral cavity to prevent the job, fulfil precaution to give priority to the significant move of guiding principle, so Aiyarihui has activity of a lot of popular science to hold.

2, a few days does take precautions against natural calamities decrease calamity day wh what month?

It is annual that the take precautions against natural calamities of our country decreases calamity day May 12, international take precautions against natural calamities decreases calamity day, it is annual ten month the 2nd Wednesday.

3, a few days is criminal law day wh what month?

Answer December 4

Because on July 17, 1998, 120 member states are in U.N. Rome is passed " Roman stipulations of an agreement " , establish criminal court of international of a standing first on world history, the responsibility of the person that commit the cause trouble of humane least of all crime in order to find out. On July 1, 2001, " Roman stipulations of an agreement " formal go into effect. In June 2010, decision of signatory of stipulations of an agreement of Rome of international criminal court will be established on July 17 for day of international criminal judicatory.

4, a few days is love day wh what month?

[all sorts of Valentine's Days]

1.14 diaries Valentine's Day (Diary Day) , sweethearts people give amative diary each other

2.14 Valentine's Days (St Valentine's Day) , traditional Valentine's Day

3.14 white Valentine's Day (White Day) , the boy returns the time that gives a gift

4.14 black Valentine's Day (Black Day) , belong to the Valentine's Day of lone nobles

5.14 yellow and rose Valentine's Day (Yellow And Rose Day) , maize dress is put on in this day, eating maize curry meal is to tell everybody you still are in lone meaning, additional, gong Mei sending the marvellous in this day is to pour out love, sending Bai Mei the marvellous is to express hesitant pendency, if serve Huang Mei the marvellous, express good-bye

6.14 kisses Valentine's Day (Kiss Day) , sweethearts people the love that expresses pair of the other side with the kiss

7.14 argent Valentine's Days (Silver Day) , the person oen is in love with you brings back a the main chance that lets parental understanding

8.14 green Valentine's Day (Green Day) , broiling summer, might as well and become the force of cool forest additionally partly

9.14 music Valentine's Day and photo Valentine's Day (Music Day&Photo Day) , it is the wedding day that runs large and social activity, still have a lot of sweethearts to be in this day additionally azure and fine sky group photo, call " photo Valentine's Day again so "

10.14 bishop Valentine's Day (Wine Day) , it is to drink beautiful wine of a bit grape to pull of course

11.14 orange Valentine's Day and film Valentine's Day (Orange Day&Movie Day) , this day of sweethearts people can drive two motion pictures repeatedly, after looking. Come juice of cup willow orange

12.14 hugs Valentine's Day (Hug Day) , the hug closes in open field. Proclaim to common people both of you love the traditional Chinese calendar Valentine's Day of 7.7 the seventh evening of the seventh moon

5, a few days is irrigation works day wh what month?

Water day is not irrigation works day, world water day is on March 22

March 22, 2007 is the 15th " world water day " , march 22 - 28 days are the 20th " Chinese water week " . U.N. is affirmatory this year " world water day " propagandist theme is " answer water to be in short supply " . Via considering to decide, our country commemorated 2007 " world water day " and begin " Chinese water week " propagandist theme of the activity is " irrigation works development and harmonious society " .

6, a few days is spring outing day wh what month?

       On April 6, it is the first weekday after tomb-sweeping day, before comparing tomb-sweeping day, the air temperature of the our city rises somewhat, comfortable temperature and better empty temperamental amount will bring feeling of a good intention to office worker.

     In April 6 to 7 days, suffer fluctuant air current to affect, grow in quantity of our city cloudiness, air temperature drops slightly, among them air temperature of 6 days of early morning is inferior, whole town greater part will appear frost.

     8 days, suffer slant air current is controlled on the west, our city weather with cloudy give priority to, air temperature change is not big.

     Come 12 days from April 6, our city highest temperature reachs 22 degrees in 16 degrees between, lowermost temperature is maintained 8 degrees come in 5 degrees. Among them, lowermost temperature appeared on April 6, data shows for highest 18 degrees, lowest 5 degrees; Highest temperature appeared on April 12, highest that day temperature is 22 degrees, lowest is 6 degrees.

     Worth while and advertent is, there will be spit weather with 10 days on April 9, difference in temperature is not big, relatively comfortable. Go up additionally from forecast of Lanzhou city ambient air quality in light of, on April 6, the our city suffers effect of cold air of northern bottom land, round-the-clock northeaster Leng Ping flows, it is better to diffuse; 7 days are to 8 days of tall idlings slant air current is controlled on the west, the ground is high pressure hind southeast air current, cloudy a sunshine is angry, temperature picks up; 9 days arrive 10 days downy chamfer pass through the territory of a country, the ground diffuses the condition is good, nightly and local district has precipitation situation, shade has spit weather. Good weather condition, also bring good air quality.

7, a few days is educational day wh what month?

It is annual that national security teachs day on April 15. Security of state of the whole people teachs day is to enhance consciousness of security of state of the whole people, the festival that maintain national security and establishs. On July 1, 2015, standing committee of countrywide National People's Congress passes " law of safety of state of People's Republic of China " the 14th regulation, was security of state of the whole people every year to teach day on April 15.

On April 15, 2014, plenary session of first time of commission of central state safety is held, on this conference, xi Jinping put forward overall state security to watch major strategy thought, to establishment of national security work is maintained below new condition important abide by.

8, is constitution day in wh what month a few days?

December 4 is national constitution day.

National constitution day is to strengthen the constitution consciousness of whole society, spirit that promotes constitution, fulfil constitution fact inflict and advance in the round according to law state, be in annual on December 4 and the festival that establish.

Day of 2. state constitution is the eleventh of standing committee of National People's Congress of 12 whole nations on November 1, 2014 second conference votes those who carry a decision. December 4, 2019 have been day of constitution of the 6th state.

Will come 7 days on December 1, china Communist News Ministry, judiciary and countrywide general deal with according to law were begun in countrywide deploy with " week of constitution conduct propaganda " activity. This mobile theme is " promote charter spirit, advance a country to administer modernization of capability of system, processing " , this also is China is begun the 2nd times " week of constitution conduct propaganda " concerned activity.

Day of 3. state constitution develops mobile form:

The first, to middle and primary school dweller of unripe, community explains to public constitution knowledge;

The 2nd, organize official personnel to make a pledge to constitution;

The 3rd, begin seminar, informal discussion;

The 4th, hold constitution knowledge contest;

The 5th, begin constitution to call for paper activity;

The 6th, report unconstitutional illegal case;

The 7th, rely on TV station and website, the organization develops the literary activity related to constitution. Through beginning the propaganda of formal diversity, let popular feeling of constitution authority development, enhance constitution consciousness of the citizen.

9, a few days is deformity day wh what month?

International disabled day is annual on December 3, annual.

10, a few days is legal day wh what month?

Annual December 4 is day of conduct propaganda of countrywide legal system.
