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成都科技馆开放时间? 7月科技馆开放时间成都?英文双语对照


成都科技馆开放时间? 7月科技馆开放时间成都?英文双语对照



  (一)1F - 3F展区:

  开闭馆时间:周二至周日09:00(开馆)——17:00(闭馆) 【16:00停止领券入馆】(一人一券凭身份证领券入馆)


  开闭馆时间:周二至周日09:00(开馆)——17:00(闭馆) 【16:00停止领券入馆】




















上海科技馆开放时间一般为9:00-17:00 周二至周日,周一休馆(黄金周除外)。











开馆时间为9:00—12:00,13:30—16:30。                                               为做好疫情防控, 该馆1、2层展厅正常开放,3、4层展厅及球幕电影、魅力科学课堂等具有聚集性的展项及教育活动暂不开放。


市民入馆 参观时,需全程佩戴口罩,服从工作人员指挥,保持1米以上间隔距离,避免人员聚集;参观期间,如身体不适,请及时与各楼层工作人员联系。






试运营期间每周周六上午9:00至12:00对广大市民限量开放,市民可通过现场购买门票(50元/张) 现场领取入场券,入场券费用包含项目为早晨9时的科普报告课(30分钟)、9时40分的科普展品参观体验(60分钟)、10时40分的手工制作课程(60分钟)。试运营期间馆内观众限定容量为300人,为保证安全,人数达到上限时即停止进入。












One, does house of Chengdu science and technology open time?

House of Sichuan science and technology opens the time that close a shop:

(one) 1F - 3F exhibits an area:

Open the time that close a shop: Zhou Er comes weekday 09:00 (open a shop) -- 17:00 (close a shop) [16:00 stop to get certificate to enter a house] (one person one certificate gets certificate to enter a house by Id)

(2) 4F future institute:

Open the time that close a shop: Zhou Er comes weekday 09:00 (open a shop) -- 17:00 (close a shop) [16:00 stop to get certificate to enter a house]

Those who be aimed at futurology courtyard groom class student: 09:00 -- 20:30 [nightly passageway is in building in]

(3) Zhou Yi closes a shop, legal holiday opens the time that close a shop separately announcement

2, did house of science and technology open time Chengdu in July?

Sichuan saves house of science and technology to open house time is: Zhou Yi closes a shop;

1-3 building exhibits an area: Zhou Er comes weekday 09:00-17:00,

16:00 stop to get certificate to enter a house (one person one certificate gets certificate to enter house) by Id;

Institute of 4 buildings future: Zhou Er comes weekday 09:00, 20:30, passageway is in building in.

House of science and technology is executed make an appointment on the net look around, the spot is gotten without free ticket.

Ask a basis to make an appointment circumstance, reasonable arrangement goes out row.

3, does house of science and technology of high new developed area of the Chengdu City open time?

Open time

Open house time: 09:00

Shut house time: 17:00

Zhou Yi closes a shop, legal holiday opens the time that close a shop separately announcement.

Entrance ticket price: Look around freely, execute make an appointment on the net, the spot does not have visiting entrance ticket

4, does house of science and technology open time?

Festival of lanterns of house of Shanghai science and technology opens time: 9: 00-17:00.

Festival of lanterns of house of Shanghai science and technology is normal and open. Time of 2023 festival of lanternses: On Feburary 5 Sunday.

Sweet clew:

House of Shanghai science and technology opens time to be 9:0 commonly0-17:00 Zhou Er comes weekday, zhou Yixiu house () of golden week except.

5, house of Chengdu science and technology?

It is a place that is worth to look around very much.

It is one grasps the place that holds popular science to teach a tenet, have rich scientific exhibition and interactive experience project.

No matter be the child or adult,can obtain here interesting with useful knowledge.

exhibition content includes the many scientific fields such as physics, chemical, biology, can help people develop eye shot and increase scientific accomplishment.

In addition, still have rich popular science activity and lecture, the person that can let look around understands scientific knowledge deep more.

So, if you have fun at to science, might as well go swimming.

6, does house of science and technology of city of another name for Hubei province open time?

Zhou Er comes 9 ∶ of weekday 00, 17 ∶ 00 (16 ∶ 00 stop a house, 17 ∶ 00 close a shop) , zhou Yi closes a shop (legal holiday except) .

7, always does house of city science and technology open time?

Time opening a shop is 9:00, 12:00, 13:30, 16:30.                                              Good to do epidemic situation is prevented accuse, this house 1, 2 exhibition halls are normal and open, 3, classroom of science of 4 exhibition halls and ball act film, glamour have those who collect a gender to exhibit reach education mobile of short duration is not open.

When the citizen enters house of science and technology, must sweep " healthy code " show the certificate original that when making an appointment, registers to just can enter a house; The beard before entering a house accepts temperature to measure, have temperature unusual or the audience of the unusual appearance such as cough declines house.

When the citizen looks around into the house, need whole journey to adorn guaze mask, obedient staff member is directed, maintain interval of 1 meter of above to be apart from, avoid personnel to gather; During looking around, if the body is unwell, contact in time with each floor clerk please.

8, does house of Luoyang science and technology open time?

The open time of house of Luoyang science and technology. It is Zhou Er commonly to Zhou Tian. Open, next everyday if, in the morning is 9:0 commonly0 go to work, arrive next afternoon 5:00 come off work, so this time paragraph can go to house of science and technology inside the dot that plays management of science and technology to have a lot of is very amused, inside still various facilities can play, still knowledge of a few popular science can look.

9, does house of in good health science and technology open time?

Location of house of house of in good health science and technology is located in our city new and high area " park of culture of Qin Ba zoology " inside, cover an area of an area 7100 smooth rice, began to prepare to construct in September 2018, share 4 great standing to exhibit an area, item on display is exhibited more than 300, enter since August 17 try operation phase.

Cent is robot house, spaceflight house, 3D prints a house

During trying operation every week Saturday in the morning 9:00 to 12:0Set limit to of 0 pairs of broad citizens is open, the citizen can buy entrance ticket through the spot (50 yuan / piece) the spot gets a ticket, ticket charge includes a project to be a morning the classes of 9 popular science report when (30 minutes) , 9 when popular science item on display of 40 minutes sees an experience (60 minutes) , 10 when the manual course of 40 minutes that make (60 minutes) . During trying operation, capacity of demarcate of the audience inside the house is 300 people, to assure safety, when the number reachs upper limit, stop to enter namely.

10, does house of Pu cropland science and technology open time?

House of science and technology of Pu cropland city is newest open a shop + the time that close a shop:

1, house of science and technology of Pu cropland city opens time:

Every week 3 -- weekday (Zhou Yi and house of Zhou Erke ability are not opened) .

2, house of science and technology of Pu cropland city opens house time:

In the morning 9: 00 houses.

3, house of science and technology of Pu cropland city shuts house time:

Afternoon 17: 00 close a shop (afternoon 16:30 hind stop to enter) of house of science and technology.

4, holiday of house of science and technology of Pu cropland city opens time:

The open time of holiday of house of science and technology of Pu cropland city informs separately.

上一篇:带外星高科技的小说? 出海捕鱼得到外星传承的小说?英文双语对照