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虎门到长沙旅游攻略? 长沙到衡山旅游攻略?英文双语对照


虎门到长沙旅游攻略? 长沙到衡山旅游攻略?英文双语对照









1. 高铁:从长沙南站乘坐高铁到衡山站,然后转乘公交车或出租车到衡山景区。

2. 汽车:从长沙汽车南站或长沙火车站乘坐前往衡阳的班车,在衡阳汽车站下车后转乘公交车或出租车到达衡山景区。

3. 包车:在长沙市区租一辆包车前往衡山,道路比较便捷,所需时间约一个半小时。


1. 南岳衡山:是中国五岳之一,有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。拜殿、萝卜峰、天柱峰等都是著名的景点。

2. 衡山东华:东华池为清代陈云护建署时所建的园林。园内有以“天禄洞”为主要内容的盂湖神庙群。

3. 黄帝陵:位于零陵区冷水江市境内,是纪念中华民族始祖黄帝而建的陵墓群。景区内不仅有黄帝故里、黄帝庙,还有神秘的皇城遗址和石林奇观等。






























1. 交通: - 飞机:从长沙黄花国际机场乘坐飞机到张家界荷花国际机场,然后从张家界市区乘坐车辆前往梵净山(约2-3小时)。

- 火车:从长沙火车站乘坐高铁或普通火车到张家界火车站,然后再转乘车辆前往梵净山。

- 自驾车:可以从长沙驾车前往梵净山,全程约300公里,需要注意路况和交通安全。

2. 梵净山景区:

- 梵净山是中国著名的佛教名山,被誉为“佛教福地”和“人间仙境”。你可以参观梵净山主峰及其周边的佛教寺庙和景点,如梵净寺、九龙洞、古树群等。

- 建议提前了解景区的开放时间、门票和徒步路线等信息,在进山前做好准备。

3. 景区活动:

- 游览景区:在梵净山的景区中,你可以沿途欣赏山川景色、观赏瀑布、古树、奇石等自然景观,感受宁静的氛围和佛教文化的熏陶。

- 徒步探险:对于喜欢徒步的人来说,你可以选择梵净山的徒步路线进行探险,如攀登主峰、环湖徒步等,享受自然与运动的结合。

4. 常用行程:

- 1天游:从长沙出发,乘坐飞机或火车到达梵净山,游览梵净山主要景点,然后返回长沙。

- 2天游:可安排一天游览梵净山景区,第二天可选择徒步或继续探访其他景点,然后返回长沙。

- 3天及以上:如果时间允许,可以多花几天在梵净山逗留,深入体验山区的自然风光和人文底蕴。





























Does tiger door travel to Changsha strategy?

If you think of from tiger door Changsha travels, I can give you proposal of a few strategies.

Above all, you can choose to take Gao Tie perhaps go to before the plane Changsha, can save time and energy so.

Next, changsha has a lot of famous tourist attractions, for instance lake of city of head of Yue Lu hill, orange continent, star is waited a moment, you can choose to visit according to your interest and time.

Additional, the cate of Changsha is very famous also, for instance cake of oily cake of head of fish of any of several hot spice plants of strong-smelling preserved bean curd, chop, candy is waited a moment, you can try characteristic cate of place. Finally, it is good to remember be being done ahead of schedule the journey plans and book, lest appear,bother needlessly. Hope these suggest to be helped somewhat to you.

Does Changsha travel to Heng Shan strategy?


Arrive from area of the Changsha City Heng Shan, before the choice takes Gao Tie, car or can renting a car, go to.

1.Gao Tie: Take Gao Tie to stand to Heng Shan from the station austral Changsha, turn to arrive by bus or taxi next Heng Shanjing area.

2.Car: Take the regular bus that heads for Heng Yang from the station austral Changsha car or Changsha railway station, turn to reach Heng Shanjing area by bus or taxi after Heng Yang station gets off.

3.Rent a car: Go to before area of the Changsha City hires to rent a car Heng Shan, way is more convenient, what need time to make an appointment with half hours.

Tourist attraction:

1.Na Yueheng hill: It is one of Chinese the Five Mountains, having long history and bright culture. Doing obeisance to peak of hall, turnip, Tian Zhufeng to wait is famous tourist attraction.

2.Judge Shandong China: Dong Huachi protects the park that when establishing office, builds for clear Dai Chenyun. Have inside garden with " Tian Ludong " the jar lake fane that is main content group.

3.Huang Diling: Be located in churchyard of city of river of cold water of 0 hill area, it is the tomb that commemorate Huang Di of first ancestor of the Chinese nation and builds group. There is temple of yellow emperor native place, yellow emperor not only inside scene area, the emperor city relics that still has mystery and stone forest marvellous spectacle.


Heng Shan's cate basically is given priority to with dish of this locality characteristic, be like Heng Yang fish of crackling of soup of vermicelli made from bean starch of blood of strong-smelling preserved bean curd, duck, in relief lake is the delicate cate that deserves a trial.


Inside Heng Shanjing area, having sundry accommodation kind, include high-grade hotel, civilian constellation and young person brigade is abandoned etc. But the proposal books good room ahead of schedule.

Overall for, changsha arrives Heng Shan amuse oneself is very convenient and comfortable. You can be mixed according to your be fond of timeline journey. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Changsha travel to border town strategy?

Changsha is as follows to the travel strategy of border town:

1. traffic means: Plane: Reach airport of lotus of Home Zhang group by air from Changsha, in be being taken next cling to the car walls to the flower, take car to arrive by the side of again city tea cave. Gao Tie / the train: Take Gao Tie or train to Home Zhang group from Changsha, turn next in multiplying cling to the car walls to the flower, take car to arrive by the side of again city tea cave.

2. lodges: Periphery of cave of border town tea has a few peasant family happy can offer an alternative with hotel, can experience folk-custom amorous feelings of place. If time is abundant, also can choose to lodge in Home Zhang group or Hua Yuan and other places, undertake one day swimming to border town next.

3. tourist attraction: Cave of border town tea: This is an old tea mountain village, having distinctive tea culture and view. Can admire tea garden beautiful scenery, sample local tea. Tea Ma Gu: Border town is one of important node of tea horse ancient course, can along ancient course pedestrian or ride row, experience historical lasting appeal. The Gu Cheng that spend wall: Be located in the Gu Cheng spending wall near border town is one saves city of whole archaic frontier defence, can visit the tourist attraction such as city wall, ancient street.

4. cate: There are a few peasant families near cave of border town tea happy the farmhouse course that offers local distinguishing feature, can sample farmhouse cate of place. Home Zhang group and beautiful wall also have a few cafeteria to offer Hunan dish and local characteristic cate, can try cate culture of place. Ask an attention, above strategy offers reference only, specific journey and arrangement still need to undertake adjustment according to your time, budget and interest. Before the journey, the proposal makes the relevant news that good journey plans and knows destination ahead of schedule, ensure of the journey mix smoothly safe.

Does Changsha travel to Zhou Shan strategy?

Changsha is as follows to travel strategy of Zhou Shan:

1. traffic means: Plane: Can take airport of hill of Pu Tuo of hill of boat of plane non-stop flight to from Changsha chrysanthemum International Airport, range is 1 hour about. Gao Tie / the train: Can take Gao Tie or train to arrive at Ning Bo or Hangzhou from Changsha, turn again next perhaps go to before the bus by ship Zhou Shan.

2. scheduling: The first day: After arriving at Zhou Shan, can choose to head for general Tuo hill, alias of Buddhist article of hill of visiting general Tuo gets the better of an area, experience Buddhist culture atmosphere. The following day: Visit Zhu Jiajian, the tourist attraction such as carve of the rustle austral appreciation, Na Shahai beach, still can sample seafood cate of place. The 3rd day: Head for east extremely island, appreciation east extremely beautiful scenery of the island, can undertake the seaside lies fallow, swim, the activity on the water such as phreatic water. The 4th day: If time is abundant, can choose to continue to explore Zhou Shan other tourist attraction, a chain of islands of the Si that be like Sheng, Gu Cheng that decide the of great capacity.

3. note: Reserve airline ticket or ticket ahead of schedule, in order to ensure the distance is great. Notice weather situation, reasonable arrangement journey, avoid soup to cause an effect to the journey. Notice the individual is safe, abide by travel regulation of place and note. Above is a brief Changsha the travel strategy to Zhou Shan, specific scheduling can undertake adjustment according to individual interest and time. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Changsha travel to Dali strategy?

Changsha is as follows to the travel strategy of Dali:

Traffic: ? Mirror ど to make a noise show? to be able to choose to take Gao Tie or plane to head for Dali. Dali airport is located in outside Dali city, have to downtown from the airport public transportation serve with the taxi. If choose to take Gao Tie, the Gao Tie that heads for Dali can be taken in the station austral Changsha.

: of board and lodging? Round ┘ of Qian of Mei Weiran Qiu of Suo of Ji of exhaust moraine travel can provide accommodation and meal service according to? . Still can find inside Gu Cheng a lot of small pure and fresh cafe and dining-room. In Dali, the proposal samples the characteristic cate such as 3 tea of place and Dali grilled fish.

Tourist attraction: ? ? of  of dark quiet of wood of  of team of Qi of thorium of Chen of exhaust of Qian of scabbard of exhaust Hua cowardly has a lot of ancient buildings, street can offer exploration with lane. Er sea is Dali another famous tourist attraction, can choose yacht or ride to visit lake bank view all right. Chong Shengsi 3 towers are one of Buddhist buildings with the most well-known Dali, also be the tourist attraction that is worth to swim.

Other activity: ?  Sou defends Dali of? of  of calumniate dark quiet to still a lot of other and interesting activities can experience, for example the hiking between the brigade of the bicycle of sea of the culture communication of dorp of the Bai nationality, Er, 3 towers.

Note: ? Is Gua exhaust whetstone rotten ask the  that kill Ping ⒁ to  of basket of ⒎ of muching Lang Geng makes an appointment with Ao Huang ò to step on  to hold the post of serve Suan 4 send?


The proposal knows place ahead of schedule culture and consuetudinary, respect local regulation and requirement. When Dali travels, still should notice to protect an environment, not optional chaos is thrown rubbish and destroy landscape. Changsha needs to had made sufficient preparation and plan ahead of schedule to the travel strategy of Dali, include the field such as traffic, board and lodging, tourist attraction and other activity. Hope these information and proposal can be helped somewhat, wish journey is happy!

Does Changsha travel to Guizhou strategy?

Changsha travels to Guizhou very be necessary, guizhou tourist attraction is distinctive, but need notices a few detail. Because Guizhou is located in Chinese south, climate is wet, year average temperature on the high side, so need notices to prevent bask in, do good sunstroke prevention to drop in temperature measure. Additional, guizhou tourist attraction distributings relatively dispersive, include yellow fruiter chute, Qing Yan wave of ancient town, Li is small hill of screen of 7 aperture, Guizhou bright and beautiful, want program fine line so, choose good vehicle. Finally, the special local product of Guizhou includes bacon, acid Shang Yu, fastfood etc, can sample appropriately, abound travel experience. The proposal reserves a hotel ahead of schedule, buy entrance ticket, make good strategy, lest the accident appears in journey. Anyhow, changsha travels to Guizhou is special worthiness, can experience distinctive natural landscape and strong culture inside information.

Does Changsha travel to Buddhist clean hill strategy?

It is Changsha below the travel strategy to Buddhist clean hill:

1.Traffic: - plane: Take a plane to reach Home Zhang from Changsha chrysanthemum International Airport bound lotus International Airport, take car to head for Buddhist clean hill from urban district of Home Zhang group next (restrict 2-3 hour) .

- the train: From Changsha the railway station takes Gao Tie or common train reachs railway station of Home Zhang group, turn to head for Buddhist clean hill by car again next.

- drive oneself: Past Buddhist is clean before can driving from Changsha hill, whole journey makes an appointment with 300 kilometers, need notices road condition and traffic safety.

2.Area of scene of Buddhist clean hill:

- Buddhist clean hill is China's famous Buddhist name hill, be known as " Buddhist blessing ground " and " terrestrial elfland " . You can see the highest peak in a mountain range of Buddhist clean mountain and its circumjacent Buddhist temple and tourist attraction, wait like hole of Buddhist clean temple, 9 dragon, Gu Shuqun.

- the information such as the open time that suggests to know scene area ahead of schedule, entrance ticket and pedestrian course, in the ready-made before entering hill.

3.Scene area activity:

- visit scene area: In the scene area of Buddhist clean hill, you can admire scenery of mountains and rivers-land on the way, view and admire the natural landscape such as chute, Gu Shu, strange stone, experience the edification of halcyon atmosphere and Buddhist culture.

- pedestrian and expeditionary: For pedestrian to liking person, the pedestrian route that you can choose Buddhist clean hill undertakes expeditionary, if lake of ascend the highest peak in a mountain range, annulus is pedestrian,wait, enjoy the tie of nature and motion.

4.Commonly used journey:

- 1 day swims: Set out from Changsha, take plane or train to arrive at Buddhist clean hill, visit Buddhist clean hill main tourist attraction, return Changsha next.

- 2 days swim: Can arrange a day to visit area of scene of Buddhist clean hill, can choose the following day pedestrian or continue seek by inquiry is other tourist attraction, return Changsha next.

- day and 3 above: If time allows, OK and floriferous in Buddhist clean hill lingers a few days, learn a mountainous area natural scene and humanitarian inside information deep.

During the journey, note the open time of weather variation and scene area please, reasonable arrangement journey. Hope you arrive in Changsha Buddhist spends pleasant time in the journey of hill completely!

Does Changsha travel to cottage hill strategy?

Arrive from Changsha cottage hill, can arrive Nanchang change trains.

By train from the station austral Changsha first Nanchang, sit from Nanchang again next motor-car arrives 9 rivers, nanchang comes the motor-car of 9 rivers 52 minutes, average car. Head for the passenger of cottage hill by Nanchang, the proposal sits motor-car reachs 9 rivers railway station, head for terminal of 9 rivers car again, take a car to head for cottage hill.

Does Kunming travel to Changsha strategy?

Kunming arrives Changsha is a paragraph of beauty is itinerary. You can visit pool of the stone forest of Kunming, another name for Yunnan Province and west hill first, take Gaotie to head for Changsha next. In Changsha, you can visit head of hill of high mountain the foot of mountain, orange continent and Hunan Province museum, sample local cate, be like strong-smelling preserved bean curd and Hunan dish. Still can go to Yue Yang building, Home Zhang the circumjacent tourist attraction such as the bound. Remember arranging good journey and transportation, enjoy this paragraph of unforgettable trip.

Does Jin Hua travel to Changsha strategy?

It is a few proposals that Jin Hua travels to Changsha and strategy below:

Traffic means:

Plane: Can choose Cong Jinhua to head for the straight boat airliner of Changsha, this is the quickest way.

Gao Tie: Jin Hua has Gao Tie to stand, you can take Gaotie to head for Changsha. Car Cheng is controlled in 5-6 hour normally.


Changsha has a lot of hotels to be able to choose, the accommodation ground that suits according to your budget and demand choice is nodded. Recommend in downtown or the hotel around, convenient go out to go and be visited.

Tourist attraction and activity:

Street of Changsha peace and tranquility: This is the old business block of Changsha, withholding a lot of traditional structures and culture relics.

Hill of high mountain the foot of mountain: The beauty spot with famous Changsha, have the distinguishing feature such as culture of landscape, ancient building, history, can climb, visit Yue Lu academy of classical learning to wait.

Orange continent head: The mark sex tourist attraction of Changsha, be located in Hunan river side, have the symbolistic sense of Changsha culture.

Size alley child: This is a block that has Hunan distinguishing feature, all sorts of fastfood, handicraft are tasted reveal with culture.

Changsha Hunan museum: If you are right,the history of Hunan and culture are interested, can go visitting Hunan museum.


Changsha has rich Hunan food and distinguishing feature fastfood, cake of oily cake of head of fish of the any of several hot spice plants that be like chop, candy, strong-smelling preserved bean curd.

Can try to go the fastfood stall all round orange continent head, sample local cate.

Need watchful item:

According to your viatic time and weather situation, reasonable arrangement journey, notice weather forecast and air temperature change.

When visitting a tourist attraction, the attention has kept oneself property, prevent to lose or by pilfer.

Abide by the regulation of traffic regulation of place and travel scene area, do not destroy public facilities and environment at will.

Above is a few proposals only, specific journey still needs to be arranged according to your interest interest and time. Hope above information is helped somewhat to you, wish you journey is happy!

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