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28g,《无主之地2》是Gearbox Software开发,2K Games发行的一款第一人称射击游戏,于2012年9月18日发行,是《无主之地》的续作。该游戏设定在一个名为潘朵拉的星球上,为了寻找“传说宝库”的六名“寻宝猎人”来到了这颗星球上。好游戏好游戏好游戏







一些地图的敌人会随着那幅图出现的新任务而提升等级,例如原先都是低级敌人的the dust随着主线推进后面敌人都会升级成29、30级



2、使用VLAN游戏设定 并用VLAN进入游戏(如下图):

3、进入游戏后选择NETWORK OPTIONS 在选择LAN(如下图):

4、选择主目录的FIND GAME来寻找主机,如果没有那么按R键刷新(如下图):

5、选择好你喜欢的服务器主机 载入地图,开始作战吧!(如下图):




















1 神器排名各有不同,具体哪个最好需要根据个人游戏风格和需求来判断。2 一些比较受欢迎的神器包括:火焰石、电击石、霰弹枪、火箭发射器等。它们都有不同的特点和使用方法,可以根据自己的需求来选择。3 如果你喜欢远程攻击,可以考虑使用狙击步枪或者火箭发射器;如果你喜欢近战,可以选择霰弹枪或者近战武器;如果你喜欢控制,可以考虑使用电击石或者冰冻石。总之,根据自己的需求来选择适合自己的神器才是最重要的。





One, " derelict ground 2 " name game task the strategy?

The task just began, the first branch is to explore 5 ice and snow to pile (pile) namely actually, it is to use antitank grenade to kill demon of a 4 ungual snow next, smash thing of cast of 3 snow demon next. The 2nd branch won't change, kill can finish after 15 snow demon quite.

If cannot be finished according to afore-mentioned task, so you can consult as follows name game follow-up task strategy:

1. Go job site kills a few 4 claw simian.

2. With fighting at close quarters attack is attacked break the ice near their den piles (some become turning over is fecal)

3. Shoot the projectile with 4 simian claw (this task had better be in 4 claw are simian the place that they hide to be less than personally nearly after appearing, such they can take stone to break you only)

4. Kill more 4 claw simian.

2, derelict ground 2 how old?

28g, " derelict ground 2 " it is Gearbox Software development, a when 2K Games issues the first person shoots play, issued on September 18, 2012, be " derelict ground " add is made. This game set is on a heavenly body that the name drags for Pan Duo, to search " fabulous treasury " 6 " the hunter that find treasure " come to this heavenly body. Good game of good game good game

3, does derelict ground grow when 3 game?

Derelict ground grows to be controlled for 30 hours when the average game of task of the 3 masterstroke that finish, there are many branch line jobs in game, a few area also await player exploration, if want an experience,these additional content need to expend longer.

4, derelict ground cannot 2 initialization mistake enter 2 derelict ground how is game to return a responsibility?

1, method of game complete English 2, configuration of installation DIRECTX9.0CVC++FRAMEWORK3, computer wants enough

5, derelict ground grade of 2 an eccentric person?

Task of branch line of a week order can be done clear, do masterstroke task grade not to follow to go up only very can demanding, best grade fastens arena task to be received high again, do not ask why.

The enemy of a few maps is met as the new job that that figure appears promotion grade, for example former the The Dust that is elementary enemy is advanced as masterstroke from the back the enemy can upgrade into 29, 30 class

6, derelict ground 2 how online?

1, install and register VLAN, enter the ground with derelict VLAN 2 game area (following graphs) :

2, set of use VLAN game enters game with VLAN (following graphs) :

3, NETWORK OPTIONS of the choice after entering game is choosing LAN (following graphs) :

4, choice advocate the FIND GAME of catalog will search lead plane, if do not have so press R key refresh (following graphs) :

5, the server leader that has chosen you to like is record in a map, begin to fight! (pursue as follows) :

7, derelict ground 2 how to play?

Should play derelict ground 2, can undertake according to the following measure: 1. Need to download game and be installed, master game to be operated basically and be familiar with game gut.

The ground with derelict 2. 2 it is a game that the Panduola of 4 bend over lives on the heavenly body and fights in the crisis.

After download is installed, the player can choose different character role, follow game gut explores Pan Duo to drag a heavenly body.

In game, the player needs to defeat the enemy, task that finish, collect weapon and equipment to wait.

Familiar game operation and gut are to had played derelict ground the premise of 2.

3. player can choose single person or online mode.

If want better game experience, can invite a few friends one case group group game, challenge the toll-gate in game and task jointly, make more powerful team.

" derelict ground 2 " it is GearboxSoftware development, a when 2KGames issues the first person shoots play, issued on September 18, 2012, be " derelict ground " add is made.

" derelict ground 2 " landed NintendoSwitch on May 29, 2020.

This game set is on a heavenly body that the name drags for Pan Duo, to search " fabulous treasury " 6 " the hunter that find treasure " come to this heavenly body.

Setting set

Derelict ground 2

The heavenly body is dragged in Pan Duo, in the past ever by 4 soldiers open " fabulous treasury " appeared only the tentacle that one caboodle lets the person is disappointed, but the growth that this treasury stimulated a kind to be called Eridium mine. The person that this impayable mine drew whole Pan Duo to drag a heavenly body and enterprise of dragon of uncle of the last of the twelve Earthly Branches are stared at on these resource.

Enterprise of dragon of uncle of the last of the twelve Earthly Branches discovered bigger treasure house to give this secretly in the process of mining pressed come down, among them leader is handsome Jackie (HandsomeJack) , the plan uses these resource to conquer Pan Duo drags a heavenly body.

But contend for these resource not merely they, still another batch of people also plan to contend for these resource, these people are " the hunter that find treasure " , the story spreads out from this. [1]

8, derelict ground 2BUG?

Change evil Ke Xing go up in one's hand, call empty bullet, change next play, if appear special sound, and have explosive effect, that has gotten stuck namely, trade a rifle next, the gun of other also can have odds to appear change effect of the aggrandizement when playing, need to change only at this moment it is OK to play.

9, derelict ground 2 gods implement rank?

1 god implement the rank has each different, specific which best need is judged according to individual game style and demand. 2 a few more welcome looks implement include: Emitter of gun of blaze stone, electrical shock stone, canister, rocket. They have different characteristic and use method, can choose according to oneself demand. 3 if you like long-range attack, can consider to use snipe rifle or rocket emitter; If you like fighting at close quarters, can choose canister gun or weapon of fighting at close quarters; If you like to control, can consider to use electrical shock stone to perhaps put steatite on the ice. Anyhow, the god that will choose to suit oneself according to oneself demand implement just be the most important.

10, derelict ground 2 how to exit?

In game " derelict ground 2 " in, the reason that the player cannot exit mode normally is to have input method BUG, ESC key can be pressed normally after the player is current input method switch beautiful type clavier, exited from inside game normally next.

If still cannot exit a player to be headed for instantly the closest file dot, after filing, enforce by ALT+F4 exit.
