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1. 杠铃和哑铃:使用杠铃和哑铃可以进行各种举重动作,如卧推、推举、弯举等,可以有效地增强手臂肌肉。

2. 交替式哑铃弯举:这种动作可以有针对性地锻炼肱二头肌,是一种较为常见的手臂肌肉训练动作。

3. 平板杠铃卧推:卧推动作可以训练三头肌和胸肌,同时也可以增强手臂的力量。

4. 引体向上:这是一种常见的力量训练方法,可以训练背部,同时也可以增强手臂肌肉。

5. 雄鸡挺立:这种动作可以锻炼全身肌肉和核心肌肉,也可以锻炼手臂和腕部的力量。




2、如果对健身只是一穷二白,那么最好虚心请教,不要盲目的锻炼 ;








胸部:杠铃卧推 、上斜卧推、下斜卧推、哑铃飞鸟(各4组,每组8到12RM);
































How does upper limbs muscle exercise in gym, bosom and back muscle?

Practice upper limbs muscle, using dumbbell and barbell is right choice.

Shoulder, bosom, back, it is muscle concentrated area, can realize exciting muscle through disparate movements.

Guest of the following movement can make reference, every movement 25 a group, novice do according to one's abilities.

Physical training is behaved to what muscle affects. ?

1. physical training is to be able to increase sarcous force, endurance and flexibility to sarcous influence. The means that take exercise can include weight lifting, push-up to wait load training, bouncing, canter wait for the link training such as motion having oxygen, gem gal, gymnastics. 2. These exercise OK and exciting sarcous to grow, stimulative sarcous is synthesized. And, the muscle after taking exercise can lose the body redundant adipose, improve body appearance. In the meantime, the training having oxygen such as weight lifting, push-up can increase the insulin susceptibility of the body, prevent deposit of sarcous glycogen deposit, reduce body fat, have profit to maintaining the health of the body. 3. Deny however still need effectively to join body state, exercise intensity, frequency and time to wait for an element, fixed, scientific take exercise more considerable to benefit of sarcous health care.

Does the muscle that exercises an arm go with what equipment is gym good?

If you want to exercise arm muscle, can consider to use material of the following kinds of fitness:

1.Barbell and dumbbell: Use barbell and dumbbell can have all sorts of weight lifting actions, if lie,push, choose, turn is lifted etc, strengthen arm muscle effectively.

2.Turn of alternant type dumbbell lifts: This kind of movement can have specific aim ground to exercise humerus 2 flesh, it is movement of a kind of relatively common arm muscle training.

3.Flat barbell lies push: Lie push a movement to be able to train triceps and chest muscle, also can enhance the power of the arm at the same time.

4.Pull-up: This is a kind of common force training method, can train back, also can strengthen arm muscle at the same time.

5.The cock stands firm: This kind of movement can exercise systemic muscle and core muscle, also can exercise the power of arm and wrist ministry.

Of course, the body case that chooses which kinds of equipment to also want him foundation and training target will decide. The proposal refers the proposal of coach or professional first before undertaking training. In the meantime, must notice training rule, method is mixed perserve.

When is Xiaobai experienced to what gym takes exercise?

1, all sorts of appliance are multifarious, do not know from why to do it;

2, if be opposite,fitness is poor only, so best and modest consult, do not want blind to take exercise;

3, do not go after great weight, also do not want to try easily, begin from fundamental weight, suit stage by stage increase an amount;

4, below the circumstance that does not have a coach, had better go together with the friend, be helped each other and hospital nurse, prevent to get hurt;

Hear go does gym exercise those who want to grow muscle to cooperate to take medicine even?

Should take medicine, saying is medicine also is actually, it is albumen pink actually. But the athlete eats the sort of not be the sort of brings profit albumen pink that our home buys. The egg whitening that designs for the athlete only ate to be able to improve sarcous quality integrated still a variety of vitamins give the body enough nutrition.

The bosom takes exercise in gym machinery, back order?

Body building member with the person that train the fitness with very high level, can choose such collocation sometimes. Bosom and back drill together, the person that suit general fitness not quite. physical strength and energy are finite, drill at the same time two " big muscle " , assure two muscle very hard " practice is appeared " .

Gym adds muscle strong and handsome exercise behavioral collocation to consult:

Bosom: Barbell lies push, on inclined lie push, below inclined lie push, dumbbell flyer (each 4 groups, every groups 8 to 12RM) ;

Humerus 2 flesh: Turn of dumbbell thin arm is lifted, barbell turn is lifted (each 6 groups, every groups 8 to 12RM) ;

Leg ministry: Crouch greatly, a sudden big stride forward crouchs, lift heel (each 4 groups, 8 to 12RM) ;

Humerus triceps: Qu Shen of arm of dumbbell Fu body, narrow Qu Shen of the arm after be apart from neck of push-up, dumbbell (each 4 groups, every groups 8 to 12RM) ;

Back: Pull-up (do 10RM above as far as possible) , barbell Fu body rows, fall after sitting position neck pull (each 4 groups, every groups 8 to 12RM) ;

Humeral ministry: Choose, before smooth lift, side is smooth lift (each 4 groups, every groups 8 to 12RM) ;

Abdominal muscle: Lie on one's back lift a leg 4 groups.

Abdominal muscle accomplishs force exhaust every groups or 15 to 20RM. Every groups of breathing space that finish arrive for 20 seconds 30 seconds. Abdominal muscle a week drills 3 times or so. One day exercises chest muscle, humerus 2 flesh, exercise triceps of leg ministry, humerus the following day, the 3rd day exercises ministry of back, shoulder, the 4th day rests. Experienced 4 days a loop.

It what be drunk when gym takes exercise is good that what is drunk when gym takes exercise?

When gym takes exercise, the proposal chooses not to have candy, leanness, without quantity of heat or low caloric beverage. It is a few commendatory beverage below:

1, water: Plain boiled water is best choice, can help body complement moisture and electrolyte, still can promote metabolism at the same time.

2, the tea that do not have candy or coffee: If you do not like plain boiled water, can choose not to have candy tea or coffee. But want to notice, coffeine can stimulate central nervous system, the proposal is right amount and drinkable.

3, vegetable juice or fruit juice: Vegetable juice or fruit juice is contained rich vitamin and mineral, can help body complement nutrition, enhance immune power. But want to notice, choose the natural, beverage that does not have additive.

4, alkalescent beverage: If your body is in high temperature condition to perhaps have the campaign of high strenth, can choose alkalescent beverage, for example mineral water, weak lemonade, green tea, black tea, oolong.

5, athletic beverage: If you want quickly compensatory moisture and electrolyte, can choose athletic beverage. But want to notice, athletic beverage contains many candy cent and quantity of heat normally, had not suggested much more drinkable.

Anyhow, when gym takes exercise, the proposal chooses not to have candy, leanness, without quantity of heat or low caloric beverage, absorb in order to maintain the moisture of the body and nutrition, avoid overmuch quantity of heat and candy cent to absorb at the same time.

The article table that the Mid-autumn Festival exercises in gym?

Advertisement article table: Joy of the Mid-autumn Festival! Fight brave with the battle of wits of quantity of heat of moon cake, come gym takes exercise! In this good red-letter day, joy and health are likewise important.

The temptation of antagonism and moon cake, release oneself passionate energy, let handsome body appearance make the optimal choice that flies together with the moon.

Choose fitness, step the one pace that has nothing to do with health, pursue more self-confident, healthy life. Let us one case brandish asperses youth, write oneself healthy canto with sweat! The Mid-autumn Festival, gym you come battle!

How does the woman with young effort use the gymnastical equipment of gym to exercise muscle?

I had taken a lot of members to just began to train to do not have effort, these did not concern, effort can drill, successive, make from the lightest appliance, cooperate a few self-prossessed type to train, practicing a certain muscle is not to say to be able to use a kind of means only, have a lot of methods, early days basically is given priority to with training of core of little weight stability, will promote muscle force and endurance.

For example: Pull-up is done do not rise, sure, drill be pulled below perch first, pull from the lightest beginning, increase weight gradually, sooner or later you can do pull-up.

Is your attune pulled to arrive to also pull no less than coming the gentliest below perch? Sure, we are pulled with bounce belt, also can change the smallest dumbbell to row, achieve training result likewise. Can use the lightest small barbell pole, do body of T bar Fu to row.

Come slowly, no matter muscle power is much young person, can find a way always in numerous training manner, can let you use initiative weight of lowest, begin to exercise muscle. After the muscle strength that waits for you grows stage by stage, you can use more means to took exercise.

The training of a lot of self-prossessed type, resemble kneeling position push-up, bare-handed crouch greatly, flat is propped up, stool hind turns over Qu Shen, very a lot of more, can drill, , I had seen the person that push-up does 5 arm acid 3 days, had seen pull-up helps the person that does not rise, had seen bare-handed crouch 10 greatly with respect to 3 skies not the person of stair, had seen sit-ups does 20 people that do not have a law to get up normally with respect to 3 days, to these people, early days needs to hold to only, with respect to meeting success, scarcely wants to abandon!

Take exercise in gym, with what appliance tight end and ham, still have how can you grow muscle?

The simplest method:

1, station appearance is tensile implement (or gymnastical machine) pull after straight leg, straight leg side is smooth it is OK to lift experienced hip.

2, gymnastical machine (or tensile implement) it is OK that adduction of crus Qu Shen, ham is pulled experienced leg ministry.

3, reducing weight not to grow sarcous method is ' it is important to lose small ' , ' do 1 group only ' , ' must the limit practices ' .

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