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  • 在英语学习中,习语和短语是表达地道英语的关键。它们丰富了语言的色彩,让交流更加生动有趣。掌握这些习语,不仅能帮助我们更好地理解英语国家的文化,还能让我们的表达更加自然流畅。本文精心挑选了101个常用英语习语,希望可以帮助学习者深入理解这些习语的含义和用法。让我们一起探索这些语言的精华,提升我们的英语水平。
    1. Barking up the wrong tree (打错了算盘/一误再误)

      • 例句:He's been looking for a job as a chef, but he's been barking up the wrong tree - he should try to look for a job as a waiter.
      • 翻译:他一直在找厨师的工作,但他打错了算盘——他应该尝试找一个服务员的工作。
    2. Out of sight, out of mind (眼不见,心不烦)

      • 例句:I haven't heard from him in weeks. It's out of sight, out of mind for him.
      • 翻译:我已经好几周没收到他的消息了。对他来说,真是眼不见心不烦。
    3. Cut to the chase (坦白相告/直截了当)

      • 例句:Let's cut to the chase - do you want to go on a date with me or not?
      • 翻译:让我们直截了当——你愿意和我约会吗?
    4. Hit the nail on the head (一语中的/如出一辙)

      • 例句:You've hit the nail on the head - that's exactly what I wanted to say!
      • 翻译:你真是一语中的——那正是我想说的!
    5. Catch 22 (难以解决/入非非)

      • 例句:My boss said I need experience to get the job, but I can't get the experience without the job - it's a catch 22.
      • 翻译:我的老板说,我需要经验才能得到这份工作,但我没有工作就得不到经验——这真是一个无法解决的问题。
    6. Close but no cigar (想得美/差一点就成功了)

      • 例句:He almost answered all the questions correctly - close, but no cigar.
      • 翻译:他几乎回答对了所有的问题——就差一点。
    7. Piece of cake (小菜一碟/容易极了)

      • 例句:Doing the puzzle was a piece of cake - it only took me a few minutes.
      • 翻译:解这个谜题简直是小菜一碟——我只花了几分钟。
    8. When it rains, it pours (一路顺风/运气全无)

      • 例句:First my car broke down and then I got laid off - when it rains, it pours.
      • 翻译:先是车坏了,然后我又被解雇了——真是祸不单行。
    9. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth (惊喜不可言/不可思议)

      • 例句:He offered to buy me lunch for free - I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
      • 翻译:他主动提出要请我吃午饭——我不应该对这突如其来的好事吹毛求疵。
    10. Speak of the devil (说曹操曹操就到)

      • 例句:I was just talking about you and then you showed up! Speak of the devil!
      • 翻译:我正说着你,你就出现了!真是说曹操曹操就到!
    11. Easy does it (慢慢来/不要急)

      • 例句:When lifting the heavy box, he said, "Easy does it, or you'll hurt your back."
      • 翻译:举起那个沉重的箱子时,他说:“慢慢来,不然你会伤到背。”
    12. Face the music (面对现实/负责任)

      • 例句:After missing the deadline, I knew I had to face the music and tell the boss.
      • 翻译:错过了截止日期后,我知道我必须面对现实,告诉老板。
    13. Break a leg (一触即发/好运来临)

      • 例句:You have an important audition tomorrow, break a leg!
      • 翻译:你明天有一个重要的试镜,祝你好运!
    14. Kill two birds with one stone (一石二鸟/一举两得)

      • 例句:By going to the gym during lunch, I can kill two birds with one stone by exercising and saving time.
      • 翻译:通过在午餐时间去健身房,我可以一举两得,既锻炼了身体又节省了时间。
    15. As easy as pie (非常容易/简单易做)

      • 例句:Fixing that leaky faucet was as easy as pie once I got the right wrench.
      • 翻译:找到合适的扳手后,修理漏水的水龙头就变得非常简单了。
    16. Fish out of water (不适应/摸不着头脑)

      • 例句:She felt like a fish out of water at the company's formal banquet.
      • 翻译:在公司的正式宴会上,她感到格格不入。
    17. Stick out like a sore thumb (非常明显/一目了然)

      • 例句:Dressed in casual clothes, he stuck out like a sore thumb at the black-tie event.
      • 翻译:穿着休闲服的他在那个需要穿晚礼服的活动中显得格外突兀。
    18. The best of both worlds (最佳选择/既得利益)

      • 例句:Living in the suburbs gives her the best of both worlds: the peace of the countryside and easy access to the city.
      • 翻译:住在郊区让她两全其美:享受到了乡村的宁静,同时又轻松前往城市。
    19. Play it by ear (即兴演出/随机应变)

      • 例句:I don't have a plan for the meeting, I'll just play it by ear.
      • 翻译:我对这次会议没有计划,只能随机应变了。
    20. Back to square one (从头开始/重头再来)

      • 例句:After the computer crash, we were back to square one with our project.
      • 翻译:电脑崩溃后,我们的项目只能从头再来。
    21. The last straw (最后一招/完全绝望)

      • 例句:The traffic jam this morning was the last straw; I've decided to carpool to avoid this in the future.
      • 翻译:今天早上的交通堵塞是最后一根稻草;我决定以后拼车以避免这种情况。
    22. Turn a blind eye (熟视无睹/视而不见)

      • 例句:He turned a blind eye to the problem, hoping it would go away.
      • 翻译:他对这个问题视而不见,希望它能自行消失。
    23. Turn the tables (180度大转弯/彻底改变)

      • 例句:In the final minutes of the game, our team turned the tables and won.
      • 翻译:在比赛的最后几分钟,我们的队伍彻底扭转了局势并赢得了胜利。
    24. Up in arms (处于愤怒的地步/大发雷霆)

      • 例句:The community was up in arms over the plans to build a new highway through the neighborhood.
      • 翻译:社区对在邻里间建造新高速公路的计划感到愤怒。
    25. Seeing is believing (百闻不如一见/眼见为实)

      • 例句:She was skeptical about the new product, but after seeing it in action, she was convinced—seeing is believing.
      • 翻译:她对这个新产品持怀疑态度,但在亲眼看到它的运作后,她信服了——眼见为实。
    26. Make a mountain out of a molehill (小题大做/大惊小怪)

      • 例句:You're making a mountain out of a molehill; it's just a small issue that can be easily resolved.
      • 翻译:你在小题大做;这只是一个小问题,可以轻松解决。
    27. Burn the midnight oil (开夜车/开夜车)

      • 例句:I have to burn the midnight oil tonight to finish this report on time.
      • 翻译:我今晚得开夜车来及时完成这份报告。
    28. On the same page (心有灵犀)

      • 例句:It's important that we are all on the same page before we start the project.
      • 翻译:在我们开始项目之前,我们所有人都达成共识是很重要的。
    29. Under the weather (身体不适/身不由己)

      • 例句:I'm sorry I can't come to the party, I'm feeling a bit under the weather today.
      • 翻译:很抱歉我不能来参加派对,我今天感觉有点不舒服。
    30. Ride shotgun (副驾驶/作为副手)

      • 例句:I'll ride shotgun on our road trip and help with navigation.
      • 翻译:我将在我们的公路旅行中坐在副驾驶位置,并协助导航。
    31. Jumping on the bandwagon (跟风/追捧)

      • 例句:Many companies try to jump on the bandwagon and capitalize on the latest trend.
      • 翻译:许多公司试图跟风,利用最新的趋势来获利。
    32. Dead ringer (长得一模一样/如出一辙)

      • 例句:When I first met her, I did a double-take because she was a dead ringer for my old classmate.
      • 翻译:当我第一次见到她时,我愣了一下,因为她和我的老同学长得一模一样。
    33. Prevention is better than cure (预防胜于治疗)

      • 例句:The doctor emphasized the importance of a healthy diet, stating that prevention is better than cure.
      • 翻译:医生强调了健康饮食的重要性,他说预防胜于治疗。
    34. Blood is thicker than water (血浓于水)

      • 例句:Despite their arguments, they knew that blood is thicker than water and would always support each other.
      • 翻译:尽管他们有争论,但他们知道血浓于水,总是会互相支持。
    35. See the glass half full (总是要乐观)

      • 例句:Even in tough times, she tries to see the glass half full and stay positive.
      • 翻译:即使在艰难时期,她也尝试保持乐观,看到事物积极的一面。
    36. Beauty is only skin deep (美丽不及深情)

      • 例句:He learned that beauty is only skin deep and what truly matters is a person's character.
      • 翻译:他了解到,美丽不及深情,真正重要的是一个人的品质。
    37. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (己所不欲勿施于人)

      • 例句:Treat others with kindness, as you would like them to do unto you.
      • 翻译:以善意对待他人,正如你希望他们对待你一样。
    38. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst (做最坏的准备,也做最好的期望)

      • 例句:We're hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst by having an emergency plan in place.
      • 翻译:我们期待最好的结果,但也通过制定紧急计划来准备最坏的情况。
    39. You can't have your cake and eat it too (不能两全其美)

      • 例句:You can't have your cake and eat it too; you have to choose between the two options.
      • 翻译:你不能两全其美;你必须在这两个选项中选择一个。
    40. Look at the big picture (全局观)

      • 例句:When making decisions, it's important to look at the big picture and not just focus on the details.
      • 翻译:在做决策时,重要的是要看到全局,而不仅仅是关注细节。
    41. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (预防胜于治疗)

      • 例句:Regular maintenance of your car is an ounce of prevention that can save you from expensive repairs later.
      • 翻译:对汽车进行定期维护是一种预防措施,可以为你节省以后的昂贵修理费用。
    42. Easy does it (慢慢来/不要急)

      • 例句:When lifting the heavy box, easy does it to avoid straining your back.
      • 翻译:举起重箱子时,慢慢来以免拉伤背部。
    43. Face the music (面对现实/负责任)

      • 例句:After making a mistake at work, it's time to face the music and accept the consequences.
      • 翻译:在工作中犯了错误后,是时候面对现实并接受后果了。
    44. Touch and go (危险的/冒险的)

      • 例句:The patient's condition was touch and go for a while, but he's now recovering well.
      • 翻译:病人的状况一度十分危险,但他现在恢复得很好。
    45. Keep your chin up (不要灰心/保持乐观)

      • 例句:Despite the rejection, keep your chin up and try again.
      • 翻译:尽管遭到了拒绝,但不要灰心,再试一次。
    46. Let sleeping dogs lie (知难而退/不如安分知足)

      • 例句:It might be best to let sleeping dogs lie and not bring up that old argument.
      • 翻译:最好不要挑起旧争端,让它过去吧。
    47. Out of the frying pan and into the fire (一动不如一静/变着法子解决问题)

      • 例句:By leaving his job without another one lined up, he went out of the frying pan and into the fire.
      • 翻译:他没有找到下一份工作就辞去了当前的工作,真是跳入了另一个困境。
    48. Put your money where your mouth is (言必行/说到做到)

      • 例句:If you're so confident about your skills, put your money where your mouth is and prove it in the competition.
      • 翻译:如果你对自己的技能这么有信心,那就在比赛中证明它,把钱押上去。
    49. Take with a grain of salt (采取谨慎态度/慎重处理)

      • 例句:Take the rumors with a grain of salt until we have official news.
      • 翻译:在官方消息出来之前,我们对这些谣言要持保留态度。
    50. Two's company, three's a crowd (人多不宜/三个臭皮匠)

      • 例句:I'd love to join you two for dinner, but I don't want to be the third wheel—two's company, three's a crowd.
      • 翻译:我很想和你们俩一起吃晚餐,但我不想当电灯泡——两个人正好,三个人就太多了。
    51. Up in arms (激怒/愤慨)

      • 例句:The proposal to build a new airport was met with many people up in arms about the potential environmental impact.
      • 翻译:新建机场的提议遭到了许多人的强烈反对,他们担心可能对环境造成影响。
    52. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs (实现伟大目标需要付出代价)

      • 例句:To achieve our goals, we have to make some tough decisions—you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
      • 翻译:为了实现我们的目标,我们必须做出一些艰难的决定——实现伟大目标需要付出代价。
    53. All's fair in love and war (爱情与战争不择手段)

      • 例句:In the competitive world of business, some people believe that all's fair in love and war.
      • 翻译:在竞争激烈的商业世界中,有些人认为在爱情和战争中可以不择手段。
    54. Bury the hatchet (和好/重新和睦相处)

      • 例句:After years of rivalry, the two companies decided to bury the hatchet and collaborate on a new project.
      • 翻译:经过多年的竞争,两家公司决定和解并合作一个新项目。
    55. Caught between a rock and a hard place (进退两难)

      • 例句:When her job requires her to choose between her career and family, she feels caught between a rock and a hard place.
      • 翻译:当她的工作要求她在事业和家庭之间做出选择时,她感到进退两难。
    56. Cut to the chase (讲到点子上/坦率)

      • 例句:Can we cut to the chase? I have another meeting in 10 minutes.
      • 翻译:我们可以直入正题吗?我10分钟后还有一个会议。
    57. Put your foot down (坚决拒绝)

      • 例句:When her son asked to stay out late again, she had to put her foot down and say no.
      • 翻译:当她的儿子再次要求晚归时,她不得不坚决拒绝。
    58. A stitch in time saves nine (及时行乐/约束解琐)

      • 例句:It's better to fix that leak now rather than wait for it to get worse—a stitch in time saves nine.
      • 翻译:最好现在就修好漏水的地方,而不是等到情况变得更糟——及时行乐。
    59. Time is money (时间宝贵/信仰必须确定)

      • 例句:To maximize profits, the company focused on efficiency, knowing that time is money.
      • 翻译:为了最大化利润,公司专注于效率,知道时间就是金钱。
    60. Strike while the iron is hot (趁热打铁/尽早投资)

      • 例句:When the investors showed interest, the entrepreneur struck while the iron was hot and secured the funding.
      • 翻译:当投资者表现出兴趣时,这位企业家趁热打铁,确保了资金。
    61. Variety is the spice of life (改变会有奇迹/改变分辩明)

      • 例句:She loves to travel and try new foods, believing that variety is the spice of life.
      • 翻译:她喜欢旅行和尝试新食物,相信改变是生活的调味品。
    62. Actions speak louder than words (行动更重于文字/行动提拔说话)

      • 例句:He promised to help the community, and his actions speak louder than words as he volunteers every weekend.
      • 翻译:他承诺要帮助社区,他的行动比言语更响亮,因为他每周末都来做志愿者。
    63. Jump on the bandwagon (跟随流行/合作有礼)

      • 例句:Many politicians jump on the bandwagon and support popular causes to gain public support.
      • 翻译:许多政治家为了获得公众支持而跟风,支持受欢迎的事业。
    64. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence (草地总是美丽让人憧憬)

      • 例句:He thought that working for a different company would be better, but the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
      • 翻译:他认为在另一家公司工作会更好,但总是觉得另一边的草更绿。
    65. Every cloud has a silver lining (失望中也有希望/末了的解决)

      • 例句:Although she didn't get the job, she remained optimistic, believing every cloud has a silver lining.
      • 翻译:尽管她没有得到那份工作,但她保持乐观,相信黑暗中总有一线光明。
    66. You can't judge a book by its cover (不能以貌取人)

      • 例句:You can't judge a book by its cover; his quiet demeanor hides a brilliant mind.
      • 翻译:你不能以貌取人;他安静的举止下隐藏着一个卓越的头脑。
    67. Don't bite off more than you can chew (不要做超过你能力的事)

      • 例句:I wanted to take on too many projects at once, but my mentor advised me not to bite off more than I could chew.
      • 翻译:我想一次承担太多项目,但我的导师建议我不要承担超出自己能力范围的事情。
    68. Prevention is better than cure (预防勝于治疗/全备之道)

      • 例句:The company invested in safety equipment to prevent accidents, understanding that prevention is better than cure.
      • 翻译:公司投资于安全设备以预防事故,明白预防胜于治疗。
    69. Necessity is the mother of invention (必要性是发明的母亲)

      • 例句:Unable to find a suitable tool for the job, he invented a new one, proving necessity is the mother of invention.
      • 翻译:找不到合适的工具来完成这项工作,他发明了一个新的,证明了“必要性是发明的母亲”。
    70. No pain, no gain (不劳无获)

      • 例句:She trained hard every day, knowing that no pain, no gain when it comes to achieving her fitness goals.
      • 翻译:她每天都努力训练,知道要实现她的健身目标,就必须付出努力。
    71. Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧)

      • 例句:He practiced the piano every day, believing that practice makes perfect.
      • 翻译:他每天练习钢琴,相信熟能生巧。
    72. A penny saved is a penny earned (省则得)

      • 例句:By saving a little each week, she discovered that a penny saved is a penny earned.
      • 翻译:通过每周节省一点,她发现省则得。
    73. The early bird catches the worm (捷足先登)

      • 例句:I always arrive at work early, because the early bird catches the worm.
      • 翻译:我总是早早到达工作地点,因为捷足先登。
    74. Look before you leap (三思而后行)

      • 例句:Before making any large financial decisions, it's important to look before you leap.
      • 翻译:在做出任何大的财务决策之前,重要的是要三思而后行。
    75. Haste makes waste (欲速则不达)

      • 例句:We need to work efficiently, but we also need to remember that haste makes waste.
      • 翻译:我们需要高效工作,但我们也必须记住欲速则不达。
    76. Don't put all your eggs in one basket (切勿孤注一掷)

      • 例句:Investing all your money in one stock is risky; don't put all your eggs in one basket.
      • 翻译:把所有的钱都投资在一只股票上是有风险的;切勿孤注一掷。
    77. Two heads are better than one (三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮)

      • 例句:When solving complex problems, two heads are better than one, so let's work together.
      • 翻译:在解决复杂问题时,三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮,所以我们要一起工作。
    78. Variety is the spice of life (变化是生活的调料)

      • 例句:He enjoys trying new activities because variety is the spice of life.
      • 翻译:他喜欢尝试新的活动,因为变化是生活的调料。
    79. Don't count your chickens before they hatch (切勿过早乐观)

      • 例句:We have a plan, but let's not count our chickens before they hatch.
      • 翻译:我们有一个计划,但让我们不要过于乐观。
    80. A picture is worth a thousand words (画面胜于文字)

      • 例句:Instead of trying to explain the process, he showed them a diagram, knowing a picture is worth a thousand words.
      • 翻译:他没有试图解释这个过程,而是给他们看了一张图表,知道画面胜于文字。
    81. Actions speak louder than words (行胜于言)

      • 例句:He said he would support the cause, but his actions speak louder than words, and he hasn't donated yet.
      • 翻译:他说他会支持这个事业,但他的行动比言语更响亮,他还没有捐款。
    82. Actions speak louder than words (行胜于言)

      • 例句:He wanted her to understand how much he cared about her, so he showed her what he could do - actions speak louder than words.
      • 翻译:他想让她知道他有多在乎她,所以他向她展示了他能做什么——行动胜于言辞。
    83. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (情人眼里出西施)

      • 例句:She was admiring a painting and knew that beauty is in the eye of the beholder - everyone had their own opinion about what was beautiful.
      • 翻译:她在欣赏一幅画,知道美在于观者的眼中——每个人对于美都有自己的见解。
    84. Don't judge a book by its cover (不可以外表论断)

      • 例句:He's quiet and unassuming, but don't judge a book by its cover; he's actually a very successful entrepreneur.
      • 翻译:他很安静,不张扬,但不要以貌取人;实际上他是一个非常成功的企业家。
    85. Still waters run deep (深水静流)

      • 例句:She may seem calm and collected on the surface, but still waters run deep, and she's actually very knowledgeable.
      • 翻译:表面上她可能看起来平静而有自制力,但深水静流,她实际上非常博学。
    86. The grass is always greener on the other side (隔岸风景好)

      • 例句:He always thought that working for a startup would be more exciting, but the grass is always greener on the other side.
      • 翻译:他一直认为在初创公司工作会更令人兴奋,但隔岸风景好,事实并非如此。
    87. Quality over quantity (质优于量)

      • 例句:When buying a new computer, I believe in quality over quantity; it's better to have a system that lasts.
      • 翻译:购买新电脑时,我相信质优于量;拥有一个耐用的系统更好。
    88. Practice what you preach (言行一致)

      • 例句:As a fitness instructor, he always practices what he preaches, maintaining a healthy lifestyle himself.
      • 翻译:作为一名健身教练,他总是言行一致,自己保持着健康的生活方式。
    89. Birds of a feather flock together (物以类聚)

      • 例句:The group of artists often spent time together, proving that birds of a feather flock together.
      • 翻译:这群艺术家经常一起度过时光,证明了物以类聚。
    90. Rome wasn't built in a day (冰冻三尺非一日之寒)

      • 例句:She's learning to play the guitar, but she knows that Rome wasn't built in a day and it takes time to get good.
      • 翻译:她正在学习弹吉他,但她知道冰冻三尺非一日之寒,做好一件事需要时间。
    91. Life is a rollercoaster (生活就是过山车)

      • 例句:He's been through a lot lately, but he says life is a rollercoaster and you have to enjoy the ride.
      • 翻译:她最近经历了很多,但她说生活就是过山车,你必须享受这个过程。
    92. Keep your eyes on the prize (眼睛要朝前方)

      • 例句:Despite the challenges, she kept her eyes on the prize and continued to work hard towards her goal.
      • 翻译:尽管面临挑战,她仍然眼睛要朝前方,继续努力实现自己的目标。
    93. Fortune favors the bold (大胆者得大奖)

      • 例句:He decided to invest in a new business venture, believing that fortune favors the bold.
      • 翻译:他决定投资一个新的商业项目,相信大胆者得大奖。
    94. Give credit where credit is due (顾全大局)

      • 例句:The team won the game, but it was her strategy that led them to victory, so credit where credit is due.
      • 翻译:团队赢得了比赛,但这归功于她的策略,所以顾全大局,应该给予她认可。
    95. Count your blessings (心存感恩)

      • 例句:Even though she was facing difficulties, she made a point to count her blessings each day.
      • 翻译:尽管她面临困难,但她每天都会数算自己的幸福。
    96. Look both ways before crossing the street (过马路要双面看)

      • 例句:When crossing the busy intersection, it's important to look both ways before crossing the street.
      • 翻译:在穿过繁忙的十字路口时,过马路要双面看是很重要的。
    97. Take one step at a time (一步一个脚印)

      • 例句:Learning a new language can be overwhelming, but taking one step at a time makes it more manageable.
      • 翻译:学习一门新语言可能会令人不知所措,但一步一个脚印地学习会让它更容易管理。
    98. Life is what you make it (生活由自己定义)

      • 例句:He believes that life is what you make it, so he's always looking for ways to improve his circumstances.
      • 翻译:他相信生活由自己定义,所以他总是在寻找改善自己境遇的方法。
    99. Every day is a new beginning (每一天都是新的开始)

      • 例句:No matter how bad yesterday was, every day is a new beginning and a chance to start fresh.
      • 翻译:不管昨天有多糟糕,每一天都是新的开始,有机会重新开始。
    100. Good things come to those who wait (好事只需细品)

      • 例句:She was patient in her career, knowing that good things come to those who wait.
      • 翻译:她在职业生涯中很有耐心,知道好事只需细品。
    101. There's no time like the present (现在才是要行动的时候)

      • 例句:He decided that there's no time like the present to start his own business.
      • 翻译:他决定现在才是要行动的时候来开始自己的事业。
    102. Every little bit counts (每一份细微之力都有价值)

      • 例句:Even though the donation was small, they knew every little bit counts towards helping the community.
      • 翻译:尽管捐款不多,他们知道每一份细微之力都有助于帮助社区。

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