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由于大部分农村“留守儿童”在家由祖辈监管,一方面,因为爷爷奶奶对孩子的监管不严,另一方面,祖辈的溺爱,致使一部分孩子沉迷于看电视,甚至有的孩子放学后偷偷到网吧去上网、玩电子游戏。学校附近开着黑网吧,星期天学生回校的时候就进去了。这些对孩子都产生了较坏的影响。 2.野蛮、娇纵、以自我为中心





就我校的“留守儿童”情况,做了初步调查,父母都外出打工的占75%,父母有一方在外打工的占90%。长期的留守,得不到父爱、母爱,对这些孩子的成长产生了极为不利的影响。在农村看到小孩子由祖辈带、儿童满地爬、接受不到应有的教育、孩子心理健康没有人关怀等种种现象,让我们感受到了这些留守孩子对父母呵护的心理需求。这也需要社会各界对“留守儿童”给予广泛关注,这已引起我们当地政府的关注,我们县的领导及社会各界人士已对农村留守儿童结对帮扶,在 “六??一”对他们进行慰问,给他们送去慰问金和学习用品,这做得很好,但是我学校地处偏远,很少得到这种待遇的。




3.建立学校--家庭--社区心理教育 学生生活在家庭的时间很多,家庭环境,家长本身不健全的人格或不健全的心理会直接影响到学生的心理发展,甚至会造成学生心理压力和心理问题。因而提高家长的心理健康教育意识也是必不可少的。学校可利用家长会、家长学校等形式开设心理讲座,讲清儿童的心理发展的特点,指导广大家长掌握科学的家教方法,学校的咨询机构不但针对学生,而且也要对个别家长进行咨询与辅导。开展丰富多彩的活动,通过各种喜闻乐见的活动形式,使学生发挥才智,发展想象力、创造力,塑造学生良好的心理品质,提高心理素质。



As rapid development of the society. Healthy category also is expanding, the social requirement to laborer quality, also rising ceaselessly, ask the leader is having healthy body not only, should have good psychological quality more, healthy psychology. And the crucial period that pupil is nurturance of psychological development, disposition, do the mental health education of good pupil, grow to the health of pupil not only having important sense, and teach to carrying out quality, the socialism that fosters qualification builds a talent to having main effect. Education of pupil mental health is the educational job with a scientific sex, very strong practicality, especially high to rural elementary school grade 11, student of 2 years old. They had been entered " psychology breaks lacteal period " , main body consciousness increases, think oneself grew up via be brought up, matured. Additional, suffer the effect of psychological element, their mood can move restlessly disturbed, the understanding that needs classmate, teacher, parent, appreciate and communicate. Combine oneself old education practice, the mental health education with respect to rural pupil is shallow the view that talks about me one, the problem that respect of rural pupil mental health exists

Change as social development, the social environment that rural pupil lives also is in producing change, the cough up of TV, net, game life that also affecting them slowly. Domestic respect: Go out as the country the grow in quantity of Wu work staff, child of a lot of countries was become " children staying behind " . The way that the school teachs also is in produce change, these psychology that give a country pupil produced bigger effect, a few pupil produced the problem of psychogenic disorder or psychological respect. From the point of the circumstance of my school, rural pupil puts the issue that be in in psychological respect now, my individual thinks to have the following sides:

1. The schoolgirl sees TV become addiction, get online madly; The schoolboy plays electronic game, fight affray.

As a result of major country " children staying behind " superintend by ancestors in the home, on one hand, because grandfather grandma is right the child's superintendency is lax, on the other hand, of ancestors doting, cause indulge of one part child to watch TV, even some children get online after school secretly to the Internet bar, play electronic game. There is black Internet bar near the school, the student is answered on Sunday school when went in. These produced baddish effect to the child. 2. Cruel, pamper, it is a center with ego

Often the teacher tells me, present child is too difficult canal really, some children are too capricious, made a mistake do not wish to acknowledge a mistake, refuse to obey certainly, always be a center with ego. Last year, produced a such bitter event in our region: Because a student cleans sanitation to touch the dress of another classmate in the dormitory, next by another classmate disclose one knife, send a hospital fortunately seasonable otherwise life gets huge is dangerous, but this child says however,give medical expenses at most. Produce such tragic, on one hand, the educational means that is the parent, teacher has a problem, undertake psychological dredge without pair of very good children, on the other hand, it is this child cruel, cranky wait for insalubrious psychological place to cause, such thing is thought-provoking, the lesson tells the mental health that we want to pay close attention to pupil more education. 3. Self-abased, shut oneself, truck capacity is poor

Some students because special situation of the family, or oneself study result is not quite ideal, always think others looks down on him, mentally is self-abased, shut oneself on the action, behave in class activity not eagerly, extracurricular does not wish and other student amuse oneself, children was lacked on the body lively good the nature that alter, not as strong as other truck capacity, such student produced an obstacle on little heart, in the job when this teachs Shi Zaiping with respect to the requirement, should much observation, much channel, much encourage, help these children more, let they and the mentality that its have sun like his child, happy childhood.

Rural pupil produces the account of afore-mentioned psychological problems, : On one hand, it is social reason, the society should pay close attention to the mental health education of rural pupil more, pay close attention to more " children staying behind " , the favorable social environment that creates health to grow for the child hard; On the other hand, it is the account that the school teachs a respect, rural school education wants to value the mental health education to pupil rise, do the mental health education of good pupil seriously. In addition, still have the reason of domestic respect, rural parent lacks scientific educational way and educational knowledge to the child's education, ignored mental health education of the child, ignored " children staying behind " the to father love, mother love demand on spirit.

1. Pay close attention to " children staying behind "

With respect to my school " children staying behind " circumstance, made preliminary investigation, parents goes out work occupy 75% , parents has one party outer work occupy 90% . Stay behind for a long time, cannot get father love, mother love, the growing generation to these children very adverse effect. Dot sees climb completely by ancestors belt, children in the country, mental health of the education that accepts less than answering to have, child does not have a variety of phenomena such as person consideration, let us feel the psychological demand that these children staying behind caress to parents. This also needs social all circles to be opposite " children staying behind " give wide attention, this already caused the attention of our place government, the leader of our county and personage of social all circles already writtened guarantee to rural children staying behind help up to the side, be in " 6? ? One " undertake expressing sympathy and solicitude for to them, send condolatory Jin Hexue exercise things to them, this is done very well, but my school is located in out-of-the-way, receive this kind of treatment rarely.

Superintend " children staying behind " ancestors people should care these children more, strict requirement they, hear the child's opinion more, the change teachs way. Go out working parents often should maintain connection with the child, listen attentively to the child's aspirations, what give child spirit to go up more is placatory.

2. Run good parent school, directive parent undertakes to the student mental health is taught

My school is through holding parent meeting regularly, transformation of directive country parent teachs a concept, make their understanding is mixed master a few simple mental health to teach knowledge, ask to they understand more and care the child, communicate with the child more, pay close attention the child's mood changes, undertake dredge of a few psychology in time to the child, let them learn the scientific method of child of a few education, contend for do an eligible parent, cooperate to do the mental health education of good child jointly through domestic school.

3. Build the school- - family- - the time that community psychology teachs a student to live in the family is very much, domestic environment, the character with parent diseased itself or the psychology that diseased psychology can affect a student directly develop, can create student psychology pressure and psychological problem even. The consciousness of mental health education that raises the parent consequently also is indispensable. The school can use the parent the form such as school of meeting, parent offers psychological lecture, the psychology of the children that tell Qing Dynasty sends the characteristic that exhibit, directive and broad parent masters scientific family education method, the advisory orgnaization of the school not only be aimed at a student, and also should undertake advisory to individual parent with coach. Develop the activity of rich and colorful, adopt the mobile form of all sorts of love to see and hear, make the student develops acumen, develop imagination, creativity, model the student's good psychology quality, improve psychological quality.

Altogether, the mental health that pays close attention to pupil is the focal point that at present elementary school teacher cannot overlook.
