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这个主要用来根据你的第一把战斗,了解了对方卡组,用副卡组来克制对面卡组,或者预防被对方克。 这样已达到自己的胜利









推荐 游戏王之混沌力量 ,《游戏王之混沌力量》依次推出游戏篇,海马篇以及城之内篇,每一篇都比上一作收录了更多的卡片,并且城之内篇支持局域网联机对战。


副卡组是在比赛模式才有用!首先比赛模式三盘两胜,第一场就是使用你的主卡组然后第二把就会有交换主副卡组的画面,你可以用副卡组的卡拖到主卡组但是他们两个一定要等量交换,比如你副卡组移动3张,主卡组也要往副卡组托三张这个主要用来根据你的第一把战斗,了解了对方卡组,用副卡组来克制对面卡组,或者预防被对方克。 这样已达到自己的胜利


















[混沌战士 -开辟的使者-]

[冥府之使者 格斯]



[光道天使 基路伯]

[光道兽 沃尔夫]

[光道兽 沃尔夫]

[光道战士 加洛斯]

[光道圣骑士 简]

[光道圣骑士 简]

[光道魔术师 丽拉]

[光道魔术师 丽拉]

[光道魔术师 丽拉]

[光道召唤师 露米娜丝]



[光道猎犬 雷光]

[光道猎犬 雷光]


























[化石恐龙 肿头龙]

[化石恐龙 肿头龙]












[正义盟军 决战兵器]


[冰结界之龙 三叉龙]


[大地之骑士 盖亚骑士]



[科技属 超图书馆员]


[冰结界之龙 光枪龙]

[正义盟军 灾亡兽]


[No.39 希望皇 霍普]#米有希望的刀还能做什么?#




楼上的还是有点难用的~ 个人认为最强卡组为自闭削血 棉花糖 魂削 锤击(防索加,跟人对战比较有用,跟电脑没啥必要,但卡本身也蛮好用) 三超重力网 三等级限制B 光封 反射镜 三波动加农炮 熔岩魔神 棉花糖 强转? 其他削血卡,隐者猛毒? 流星 哥布林起义什么的,LP3000以下才能用 各种坑 直接攻击的 高防 反破 黄金柜 3噩梦牢笼 魔法反射镜 神宣 龙卷 总之各种拖,把卡组容量提升到60左右,这样可以保证耗死城版任何犀利卡组,加农炮伤害又高到离谱。





1. 六武众卡组:六武众是一个快速、高爆发力和控制力强的卡组。它结合了特殊召唤、搜索和强大的效果,使其能够在短时间内建立壮大的场面和控制局势。

2. 龙辉巧卡组:龙辉巧是一个以龙辉巧兽怪兽为核心的卡组。它具有强大的搜索和特殊召唤能力,并且能够迅速建立一个强大的场面。同时,龙辉巧还具有打断对手行动的能力。

3. 黑魔导卡组:黑魔导卡组以黑魔导士为核心,可以通过魔法卡的效果来控制场面。黑魔导士本身具有强大的破坏力和保护力,同时还有其他魔法卡的支援,使其成为一套非常强大的卡组。

4. 电子龙卡组:电子龙卡组是一个以电子龙怪兽为核心的卡组。它具有丰富的特殊召唤和搜索能力,并且可以轻松建立强大的场面和进行终端展开。



One, beg game king does muddleheaded force get stuck the most by force group?

Without the most powerful card group, have the strongest player only, how card group is being applied by force at you.

2, is game king muddleheaded in force city piece card group?

Deputy card group is in match mode ability is useful!

Above all match mode 3 dishes two get the better of, the first uses you namely advocate card group

Next the 2nd can have trade advocate the picture of deputy card group, the card that you can use deputy card form procrastinates advocate card group

But they must wait for quantity exchange twice, for instance you deputy card group is mobile 3 pieces, advocate card group also wants to hold 3 pieces in the palm toward deputy card group

This basically uses the first war according to you, knew group of card of the other side, will control group of the card opposite side with deputy card group, perhaps prevent be overcome by the other side. Already achieved oneself victory so

3, game king, muddleheaded card group?

At present nonexistent [pure muddleheaded] the view of card group.

Now is to be hanged in other card group commonly, for instance [muddleheaded beetle] , [muddleheaded light] , [muddleheaded dragon] etc

4, is game king muddleheaded is force not dead a group of things with common features how group?

Actually you just should restrain his word completely, should add only " the cereal of Home Wang death " went, group of not dead card basically is renascent, revive him sealed with respect to it doesn't matter

The cereal of Home Wang death

Effect: ? Second of Jie of ferment of the bright  that protect  reads ∩ of filar ㄔ Lei arm of ㄒ of eye of mace of Ji of channel of  of В of Piao of  of Ч of qualitative Bi Nan of  of Ч of  of Dan of flourishing of  of ǎ of where Х of Shan of charm of  of ㄎ of eye of channel Ji mace changes cochlea of catfish of Ba grey shoot a glance at to punish  to send Guo.

5, in the muddleheaded force city of game king piece (entire check) group of the strongest card?

Recommend the muddleheaded force of game king, " the muddleheaded force of game king " ordinal roll out game piece, sea horse piece and in the city piece, each collected more card than going up to be made, and in the city piece supportive local area network is online to battle.

6, in the muddleheaded force city of game king the strong card group of edition?

Deputy card group is in match mode ability is useful! Above all match mode 3 dishes two get the better of, the first use you namely advocate card group can have the 2nd times next exchange advocate the picture of deputy card group, the card that you can use deputy card form procrastinates advocate card group but they must wait for quantity exchange twice, for instance you deputy card group is mobile 3 pieces, advocate card group also wants to hold 3 pieces in the palm toward deputy card group this basically uses the first war according to you, knew group of card of the other side, will control group of the card opposite side with deputy card group, perhaps prevent be overcome by the other side. Already achieved oneself victory so

7, is game king muddleheaded advocate is card group tie-in?

Muddleheaded demon guides *3 -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

*1 of king of marshy evil spirit -- investigate extremely the rise of dragon

The *1 of Gai Ya of dark black rider of arousal -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

Shirt-sleeve cuss imprints biology, dark *3 -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

Violet phlogistic dogface *2 -- the heart is labyrinthian in the city award

*2 of Gai Ya of dark black rider -- after fighting with dark game, certain probability is obtained or rank duel certificate is changed

The attendants *2 with 6 numerous fierce -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

*2 of advanced ceremony art -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

Shirt-sleeve *1 -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate, black business is bought, after be being fought with the civil war of the city, certain probability is obtained

Magic change shirt-sleeve *3 -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

Use skill: Pajiasuosi -- ceremonial Great Master

Additional check group: Exceed demon to guide knight, *3 of cavalry of black demon path -- beforehand the group is muddleheaded advocate

8, is game king muddleheaded group of smooth talk card?

[The dragon of adjudication]

[The dragon of adjudication]

[The dragon of adjudication]

[Muddleheaded soldier - the emissary - of open up]

[The emissary case of Dis this]

[Muddleheaded koradji]

[Muddleheaded koradji]

[Light angel radical Lu Bai]

[Wolfe of smooth talk animal]

[Wolfe of smooth talk animal]

[Smooth talk soldier adds Lowes]

[Knight of smooth talk emperor brief]

[Knight of smooth talk emperor brief]

[Smooth talk charmer beautiful pull]

[Smooth talk charmer beautiful pull]

[Smooth talk charmer beautiful pull]

[Division of smooth talk call shows meter of graceful silk]

[3 strange]

[Corpse carrier]

[Thunder of smooth talk gundog is smooth]

[Thunder of smooth talk gundog is smooth]

[D.D. Crow]


[Fresh gale is cruel]

[Personal letter is obliterated]

[The dead's metempsychosis]

[The dead's metempsychosis]

[Sun exchange]

[Sun exchange]

[Sun exchange]

[Smooth reinforcements]

[Strong desire and modest crock]

[Strong desire and modest crock]

[Strong desire and modest crock]

[Personal letter to kill]

[Personal letter to kill]

[Personal letter to kill]

[The mew hole of needle bug]

[The mew hole of needle bug]

[The mew hole of needle bug]

[Be out of shape crock]


[Lei Wang]

[Chase after the person that put flashily]

[The female soldier of different dimension]

[The female soldier of different dimension]

[Dragon of fossil dinosaur swollen head]

[Dragon of fossil dinosaur swollen head]

[The soldier of different dimension]

[The soldier of different dimension]

[D.D. Crow]

[The big spout of sand and dust]

[The big spout of sand and dust]

[Lei Wang]

[Charm is draw-out]

[Charm is draw-out]

[Skill is absorbed]


[Table fastness dragon]

[Enginery of decisive battle of just allied forces]

[Scrap iron dragon]

[The dragon of bound glacial a knot is trident dragon]

[Dark black terminative dragon]

[The knight of the earth is built inferior knight]

[Astral dirt dragon] # lets destroy effect all absurd, fly # of astral dirt dragon

[Black rose dragon]

[Science and technology is belonged to exceed librarian]

[Charm man-made person]

[The dragon of Long Guang gun of bound glacial a knot]

[Calamity of just allied forces dies animal]

[Adviser of abstruse gold demon]

[Suddenly general of No.39 hope emperor] what can the knife that # Mi Youxi looks at still do? #

[Invade Lian of Zhang of demon person · ] # is aggressive, I remain acedia aggressive # only

Oneself are dull of the group, if LZ wants with respect to go off with, not be simple smooth way anyway it is so about the same, without pressure

9, is game king muddleheaded in force city piece does group of the strongest card introduce a ~ urgent?

The upstairs ~ individual that uses a bit hard still thinks group of the strongest card cuts hematic spun sugar to be shut oneself fetch cuts hammer to attack (prevent all alone to add, compare to battle with the person useful, do not have what with computer necessary, but card itself also is pretty good with) do 3 exceed class of gravitational net third class to restrict B light to seal illuminator triple wave to move spun sugar of spirit of cannon lava evil to turn by force? Other the card that cut blood, anchoret fierce poison? Meteoric Ge Bulin uprises of what, what ability atttacks directly with all sorts of hole under LP3000 is tall prevent defeat gold ark instead illuminator of blackart of 3 nightmare cage is magical announce spout anyhow all sorts of pulling, promote card group capacity 60 the left and right sides, can assure edition of bad news dead city so any biting card groups, cannon harm arrives high again unusual.

N calls city edition before New Year, it is not clear that specific check name is written down, but those who say have. City edition is special call together speed is carried do not rise, the effect is middle, shut benevolent government oneself. If upstairs card group is not pair of soldier a group of things with common features, speed was not carried again, have not enough time to use Dna, or it is the much hole opposite side, shut oneself, basic with respect to might of it doesn't matter. . .

10, is game king muddleheaded in force city piece what card group is the fiercest?

In game king in muddleheaded force city piece in, a lot of powerful card groups can offer an alternative, but the most powerful card group depends on your individual game style and strategy.

It is below a few it is in muddleheaded force city piece in be thought one of the most powerful card groups:

1.Group of 6 fierce numerous card: 6 fierce are numerous be erupt quickly, high the card group with force and control powerful force. It combined special call, search and powerful result, make its can establish the occasion that expand and control condition inside short time.

2.Group of dragon brightness artful card: Long Hui is the card series that with Long Hui artful animal blames animal one to be core opportunely. It has powerful search and special call capacity, and can build a powerful occasion quickly. In the meantime, long Hui still has the capacity that breaks adversary operation opportunely.

3.Black demon guides calorie of group: Black demon guides card group guides with black demon person for core, the effect that can block through blackart will dominate scene. Black demon guides person itself has powerful destruction force and protective force, still have the help of other blackart card at the same time, make its make a very powerful card group.

4.Group of electronic dragon card: Group of electronic dragon card is the card group that with electronic dragon strange animal is core one. It has rich special call and search capacity, and can be built easily powerful occasion and undertake terminal spreads out.

Remember please, the balance sex of game and card group option are changing all the time, when selecting calorie of group so, you should adjust strategy according to newest match environment and regulation. In addition, individual skill and understanding game regulation also are the key that gains a victory.
