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如果你是流淌在山中的清泉,就应该把目光投向远方的大海; 如果你是普照在空中的太阳,就应该把目光投向世间的万物。













掩卷深思,鸿鹄与燕雀的区别,正是源于他们各自的目光的远大与否,你是愿做一只鸿鹄泥?还是做寄身于屋檐下的燕雀?目光与位置雄鹰愿在凄风苦雨中搏击,是因为它把目光放在了长空; 海燕愿在大海上翱翔,在巨浪前拼搏,是因为它把目光放在了远方; 目光决定了位置,位置永远因为目光的不同而不同。

一 哐当一声,仍被推向了监狱,他无助的抬头,夜好黑,好深,孤独,无助,委屈一下子涌上你的心头,受刑还是接受死亡?他疑惑了,男儿尊严是何等的重要!“大汉还没有一本属于自己的史书”一个声音响起,划破夜的宁静,是的,“我的工作还未完成,我的使命还未完成。

”于是他作了一个足以留芳万世的决定——接受宫刑,他,司马迁,他目光在史记上,决定了历史上永远有属于他的位置! 二 2004年雅典奥运会上,当110米栏比赛结束后,刘翔,这个足以让全中国自豪的名字,一时间名满天下,田径一直是中国体育的薄弱环节,一直是影响我国金牌总数的拦路虎,这一艰难的使命却被刘翔完成了,殊不知,从2001年起,刘翔就开始为夺金做准备了。

三年,整整三年,刘翔始终将目光放在高处,为着自己的梦想奔跑着,最终成为世界第一,他的位置因为他目光的不同而不同! 三 也许你认为你一无所长,命运不会青睐你; 也许你认为你缺点多多,机遇不会留意你。



胡杨愿在沙漠中生长,与太阳搏斗,是因为它知道只有这样自己才能实现造福人类的目标,它把目光放在了生命的价值上,那我们呢? 高于位置的那些目光夜深人静的时候,抬起头,明月、繁星交织成一幅和谐幽远的画面。

这是历史的苍穹吗?这是曾经照古人的那轮明月吗?星子闪烁,清冷光辉之中,我似乎看到了古人的目光…… 一 “钻下去,钻下去……”旁边的市井小民不断地吆喝,弱小的韩信紧咬着双唇,为了更远的理想,他豁出了,当他从那人胯下钻出的那一刻,他抬头一瞬间的时候,头顶的那片天空竟变得那般辽远,我分明看到了韩信眼中奇异的光芒。


二 阴暗的灯,照着瘦弱的身影,身受宫刑的司马迁已经奄奄一息了,失却了雄心壮态的他几乎要放弃了,“不,我要坚持下去!”司马迁坚持着,于是忽明忽暗的油灯又照了一夜,当东方露出鱼肚白的时候,他站起来,透过那扇昏暗的窗,太阳从东方升起,他眼中也闪烁


If you are to hover,put the view to far the Cang Ying at horizon, you should deliver the view to capacious blue sky.

If you are to flow,drip the Qing Quan in hill, with respect to the sea that should deliver the view to distance; If you are illuminate all things in aerial sun, should deliver the view to worldly everythings on earth.

"Wine enters bowel of a person of extraordinary powers, 7 minutes of howl become sword spirit, the rest of 3 become divided make a poem, embroider mouth is spat, with respect to half Cheng Tang.

" pass through in spatio-temporal channel, I heard bold and generous laughter of Shi Xian.

He is the person of outstanding ability of that times, can include of the emperor " the bag is lifted in the world, absorb 8 barren " great ambition, hold a no less than worlds having benefit however ability affection, bosom holds negative talent in the arms! Thousands of years ago, still stay on Gaolishi's hand have humiliate, but our Shi Xian does not wish however shortsighted ground stays in courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy, he delivers the view to the auspicious land of the motherland, "And put Bai Lu between Qing Ya, beard travel rides the hill that seek a name namely.

" I saw Shi Xian " the yock that admire a day goes out, my generation is person of bitter fleabane punt-pole! " cheesy, hear his Gao Yin " how can push influential officials of eyebrow bow thing, make I am not gotten happy colour! " Li Bai does not have a look just about on the official career of common of constrained Yu Ping, and deliver the view to distance, what just accomplished him is uncommon not common.

On the big desert that Huang Sha flies violently, a girl was carrying olive to walk into Hunnish tent.

There is the anguish that loses a dear one no longer on the face of old person, dot from now on, the border land of Chinese chest also managed peaceful situation of a few years.

Chinese yuan the Supreme Being still lose, how do last of big fellow fragrance, arrived a flock of pretty child in the hand? Gu Jin has how many poet to be sung for Zhao Junyin " princess lute hidden bitterness is much " , but amorous poet does not know, zhao Jun's choice is honor permits no turning back, it is her original intention originally.

Zhao Jun did not put the view on serve emperor and contend for power and profit, she delivers the view to the peace between Chinese chest, she is willing to change two clansman with his youth civilian happy.

From now on, green grave became a milepost of peace of the declare publicly in Chinese chest border land.

Read of all ages, hero of how many hero delivers the view to altitude, they are liberal at the interest before, without shortsighted, their broad view decided their eternal seat.

"The person is inherent die, or overweight Mount Taishan, or lighter than a goose feather.

" this also is the portraiture with farseeing the ancients.

Attack by surprise coils thoughtful, the distinction of Hong Gu and brambling, result from just about of their respective look ambitious, are you to wish to make mashed vegetable or fruit of swan of a grand? Still do the brambling that sends a body to fall at eave? Look and positional lanneret wish to strike in wailing wind and weeping rain-wretched circumstances, because it puts the view in vast sky,be; Salangane wishs to hover on the sea, go all out in work before billow, because it puts the view in distance,be; The look decided the position, the position differs because of what be a look forever and differ.

One crash is become, still be pushed to jail, he looks up helplessly, night is very black, very deep, alone, helpless, grievance emerges at a draught your mind, does be tortured be tortured still accept death? He is interrogative, manhood dignity is what kind is important! "The history record that big fellow still attributes him without " sound of a sound rises, of lacerate night halcyon, yes, "My job is half-baked still, my mission is half-baked still.

" the decision that then he made an enough leave fragrant generation after generation -- accept castration, he, minister change, his look is in history write down, decided to there is the place that belongs to him forever on the history! 2 2004 on Athenian Olympic Games, after match of 110 meters of column ends, liu Xiang, this enough lets complete China's proud name, for a short while the name falls all over the sky, track and field is Chinese gymnastic weak point all the time, it is the obstacle that affects sum total of our country gold all the time, the mission of this one hardship was finished by Liu Xiang however, little imagine, since 2001, liu Xiang began to prepare to seize gold.

3 years, full 3 years, liu Xiang puts the view from beginning to end pinnacled, the dream that is oneself at a gallop, make the world finally the first, his position because of his look different and different! 3 perhaps you think your have no special skill, the destiny won't favor you; Perhaps you think your weakness is great, good luck won't be advertent you.

However can you ever know American president Luo Sifu? Growth of his a priori is scant, bring about deformation of his face posture, a twist in one's tongue, a such people that get teacher classmate to mock every day, did not abandon struggling, although he knows he lies of the disabled locally, he still delivers the view to distance, he looks up all the time, overcome oneself weakness hard, become the president that gets a person to revere finally.

Be, although we are in a firm position, the look still can be cast to any direction.

Diversiform-leaved poplar wishs to grow in desert, fight with the sun, because it knows only such him ability achieve the goal of benefit mankind,be, it puts the view on the value of life, that we? Those look in the still of night of prep above position when, raise a head, the bright moon, numerous star interweaves a harmony is deep and remote far picture.

Is this historical canopy? Is this that round of bright moon that once took the ancients? Star child twinkle, in chilly brightness, the look that I appeared to see the ancients... one " get, get... " the town on the side is small civilian ceaselessly cry out, puny Han Xin is biting double lip closely, for farther ideal, his go ahead regardless, when him run the drilling tool into the well of wherefrom person hip goes out that momently, he looks up flashy when, that sky of the top of head becomes unexpectedly that kind of distance, I saw Han believes the bizarre ray in the eye clearly.

At humbleness locally, han Xin delivers the view to the sky, the sky included he, he was at ease oneself, the beauty that made generation great soldier then praise.

2 dark lamps, according to emaciated figure, the minister change of experience castration had been about to die, lost great ambition strong he of voice wants to abandon almost, "Not, I should hold on! " Sima Qianjian is being held, then ignore bright ignore dark oil lamp took one night again, when east shows the whitish color of a fish's belly-grey dawn, he stands up, pass through that dim window, the sun is eastwardly rise, also twinkle in his eye
