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  文华财经主要经营软件系统服务,不是期货公司,属于软件公司。  文华财经,由一个痴迷于技术,相信技术能改变生活的电脑工程师,于1996年,在大连创立。根据2015年6月的统计,文华财经的用户数已达1652648,用户分布在全国各省市。  发展到今天,文华财经已经是期货行业的主要软件系统服务商,为投资者提供交易软件、交易策略工具软件,以及相关交易信息。引入文华软件服务的期货公司数达到150多家,市场覆盖率超过90%。  1996年  9月 在大连工商局注册成立。  10月 发布大商所无线期货行情系统。  1998年  7月 文华财经网站正式运行。  8月 推出中国第一个基于WEB-Java的股票行情信息系统。  1999年  3月 推出INTERNET期货行情信息系统,开始为期货投资机构和个人提供服务,文华成为中国第一个通过互联网提供专业行情信息系统的公司。  2000年  5月 入驻大连软件园。  9月 被大连市政府认定为“软件开发生产企业”。  12月 中标大连商品交易所网上信息集中管理与发布系统。  2001年  6月 公司的主打产品“行情分析与决策系统”获得2001年中国国际软件博览会“创新奖”。(该软件是文华行情信息系统的终端软件平台)  9月 获得路透社信息转发授权,成为REUTERS的中国地区合作伙伴。(合同于2004年9月到期终止)  2002年  1月 与大连商品交易所、上海商品交易所、郑州商品交易所相继签署信息转发授权协议。成为国内仅有的几个具有3家交易所全部信息转发授权的信息公司之一。  2月 与中粮、北亚等期货公司签约,文华的产品成功迈进专业期货公司。  2003年  1-2月 成功为大连商品交易所第一届豆粕模拟交易大赛提供了软件和技术支持,大赛吸引了6459人报名参赛。  7月 成功进行了国储大豆拍卖的网上直播与跟踪报道,迈出了自主资讯采编的第一步。  8月 开始为中国最大的财经网站—和讯提供期货和外汇方面的信息支持。  12月 产品在期货领域的市场覆盖率逼近40%;选择文华的期货公司达到72家;用户终端数突破14,000。  2004年  3月 在上海成立办事处。  5月 获得道琼斯dowjones在中国的信息转发授权  6月 产品在期货领域的市场覆盖率突破50%;选择文华的期货公司达到100家;用户终端数突破30,000。  9月 推出中国第一个程序化交易系统,是中国金融市场的电脑自动交易方面的里程碑。  11月 被大连市政府认定为“高新技术企业” 。  12月 文华推出“连豆指数”、“豆粕指数”、“强麦指数”、“沪铜指数”、“沪铝指数”这些反应一个品种价格重心变化的虚拟指数。  2005年  4月 产品在期货领域的市场覆盖率突破60%;选择文华的期货公司达到120家;用户终端数突破50,000。  2006年  11月 webstock2006在期货领域的市场覆盖率突破80%;选择文华的期货公司达到140家;用户终端数突破100,000。  2007年  6月 文华的交易柜台系统软件在永安期货正式上线,标志着文华成为有能力提供行情分析系统、交易系统的综合服务提供商。  6月 推出Mytrader行情系统,第一个把行情和交易前端源码级整合,提供更人性化的交易功能。  11月 文华用户数突破200,000。  12月 文华获得大连商品交易所授权,成为中国首批大商所LEVEL-2行情转发商。  2008年  2月 文华财经获首批中国金融期货交易所期货五档信息经营许可权。  11月 产品在期货领域的市场覆盖率突破90%;选择文华的期货公司达到151家;用户终端数突破400,000。  2009年  6月 文华财经首推国内大宗商品实时期货价格指数,给国内投资者提供一个期货的大盘指数。由“文华商品”总指数和“文华谷物”、“文华金属”、“文华石化”三大分类指数构成。  8月 发布第二代程序化交易软件平台:Mytrader2009,具备更卓越的报价、图表、交易等功能。  12月 产品在期货领域的市场覆盖率超过90%;选择文华的期货公司达到150多家;文华用户数突破700,000。  2010年  4月 推出中金所五档行情交易系统。  6月 文华用户数突破800,000。  7月 在《证券时报》、《期货日报》联合举办的优秀期货经营机构评选中,文华财经再次当选“最佳期货软件服务商”。  10月 推出Smart一键通下单系统。  11月 文华财经总部迁到上海,注册于张江高科技园区。公司的主营业地点位于浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区上海期货大厦。  2011年  1月 文华Mytrader荣获中国软件行业协会颁发的“2010年度中国金软件奖”。  2月 发布第三代软件平台:赢智程序化交易系统。  5月 发布随身行手机下单系统。  12月 文华用户数突破1,000,000。


Article China finance and economics basically runs software system service, not be futures firm, belong to software company. Article China finance and economics, be obsessed with by at the technology, believe the technology can change the computer engineer of the life, 1996, found in Dalian. According to the statistic June 2015, the user number of article China finance and economics already was amounted to 1652648, the user distributings to visit town each in the whole nation. Development arrives today, the main software system that article China finance and economics has been futures industry serves trader, offer for investor trade software, trade politic tool software, and relevant make easy news. The futures company number that introduces service of article China software achieves many 150, the market is enclothed rate more than 90% .   was in in September 1996 industrial and commercial bureau registers Dalian hold water. Will release big business place in October system of wireless futures prices. Website of article China finance and economics ran   formally in July 1998. Rolled out the system of stock prices information that China is based on WEB-Java the first times in August.   rolled out system of information of INTERNET futures prices in March 1999, begin to invest orgnaization and individual to provide a service for futures, wen Huacheng provides the company of system of professional prices information the first times through Internet for China.   was entered in May 2000 be stationed in Dalian software park. Was maintained to be by Dalian municipal government in September " software development produces a business " . Will win the bid in December the information on net of Dalian Commodity Exchange centralized management and release a system. 2001   in June of the company advocate make a product " prices analysis and decision-making system " obtain 2001 exposition of China International software " innovation award " . (the terminal software platform that this software is system of information of article China prices)     obtained authorization of Reuter information transmit in September, become the Chinese area partner of REUTERS. (the contract is stopped at expiring in September 2004)       signed agreement of information transmit accredit in succession with Dalian Commodity Exchange, Shanghai Commodity Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange in January 2002. Become country's only a few to have 3 exchange one of information companies of accredit of complete information transmit. In Feburary with in grain, north inferior wait for futures firm autograph to make an appointment with, wen Hua's product strides successfully professional futures firm.   1-2 month was Dalian Commodity Exchange successfully 2003 the first beans dregses of rice imitate trades the contest provided software and technical support, the contest attracted 6459 people to sign up take part in the match. Had a state successfully in July store live show of soja on sale and dog report, strode own information to pick the first pace that make up. Began to be website of China's biggest finance and economics in August, the information support that provides futures and foreign currency field with dispatch. The product will be enclothed in the market of futures domain in December rate approach 40% ; The futures company that chooses Wen Hua achieves 72; User terminal counts a breakthrough 14, 000.   established agency in Shanghai in March 2004. The   of information transmit accredit that obtained Dow Jones Dowjones to be in China in May the product enclothed rate breakthrough in the market of futures domain in June 50% ; The futures company that chooses Wen Hua achieves 100; User terminal counts a breakthrough 30, 000. Rolled out the first program of Chinese to change in September trade system, the computer that is Chinese money market trades automatically the milepost of the respect. Will be maintained by Dalian municipal government in November for " company of new and high technology " . Wen Hua will be rolled out in December " the index that connect a beans " , " the beans dregses of rice index " , " strong wheat index " , " Shanghai copper index " , " Shanghai aluminous index " the fictitious index that these react focus of price of a variety changes. The product was in   in April 2005 the market of futures domain enclothes rate breakthrough 60% ; The futures company that chooses Wen Hua achieves 120; User terminal counts a breakthrough 50, 000. Webstock2006 will be in   in November 2006 the market of futures domain enclothes rate breakthrough 80% ; The futures company that chooses Wen Hua achieves 140; User terminal counts a breakthrough 100, 000. 2007   in June of Wen Hua trade bar system software always is installing futures to go up formally line, the mark is worn Wen Huacheng is capable to offer prices to analyse a system, trade integrated service provider of the system. Rolled out Mytrader quotations system in June, prices of the first one or two and trade front source class is integrated, offer more human nature changes trade function. Article China user will count a breakthrough in November 200, 000. Wen Hua will obtain authorization of Dalian Commodity Exchange in December, become China business of first transmit of prices of LEVEL-2 of big business place. Article China finance and economics obtained   in Feburary 2008 5 archives information manages futures of first exchange of Chinese finance futures the license counterpoises. The product will enclothe rate breakthrough in the market of futures domain in November 90% ; The futures company that chooses Wen Hua achieves 151; User terminal counts a breakthrough 400, 000. 2009   in June Wen Hua finance and economics head index of price of the futures when turning fruit of domestic heavy goods, offer the grail index of a futures to domestic investor. By " Wen Hua commodity " total index and " Wen Huagu content " , " Wen Huajin is belonged to " , " Wen Huashi is changed " 3 big classification indexes are formed. Released the 2nd acting program to change in August trade software platform: Mytrader2009, have more outstanding quote, chart, trade wait for a function. The product will be enclothed in the market of futures domain in December rate more than 90% ; The futures company that chooses Wen Hua achieves many 150; Article China user counts a breakthrough 700, 000.   was rolled out in April 2010 in golden place 5 shelf prices trades system. Article China user counted a breakthrough in June 800, 000. Was in in July " negotiable securities times " , " futures daily " in combining held outstanding futures to manage an orgnaization to choose, article China finance and economics is elected again " optimal futures software serves trader " . Will roll out one key of Smart to open system issueing sheet in October. Move of headquarters of article China finance and economics will go to Shanghai in November, register Yu Zhangjiang high-tech garden area. Of the company advocate business place is located in edifice of futures of Shanghai of division of trade of banking of mouth of Pudong land home. Wen Hua Mytrader had the honor to win   in January 2011 Chinese software guild issues " award of software of gold of 2010 year China " . Released platform of the 3rd acting software in Feburary: Win wisdom the program is changed trade system. Released in May go the mobile phone leaves only system. Article China user will count a breakthrough in December 1, 000, 000.

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