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要制作一张宠物证件照,可以按照以下步骤进行P图:1.选择一张高清的宠物照片:从手机或相机中选取一张清晰、高质量的宠物照片。2.调整光照和颜色:使用图像编辑软件,调整图像的光照和颜色,确保照片的亮度和对比度适宜,并调整色彩使照片看起来更加鲜艳。3.修剪和调整大小:使用裁剪工具剪裁照片,将宠物的头像居中,并调整照片的尺寸为证件照规定的大小,通常是1英寸x 1英寸。4.去除背景:使用背景擦除工具或智能选择工具,将宠物的主体从原始照片中分离出来,并将其放置在一个干净简洁的背景上,如白色或蓝色。5.调整细节:对宠物照片进行进一步的调整,如锐化轮廓、增加对比度或饱和度,使照片看起来更加清晰和生动。6.添加文字和标识:根据需要,在照片中添加宠物的姓名、主人的联系信息或宠物证件号码等文字和标识。7.保存和输出:选择合适的图像格式(如JPEG)将照片保存在计算机上,并根据需要打印或分享。通过以上步骤,您可以轻松地将一张普通的宠物照片处理成一张专业的宠物证件照。


1. 杀菌、消炎、止痒








如果有就会发出荧光色! 可以用双氧水冲洗,再擦拭碘伏,特比萘芬,1天两次。特比萘芬3天后换益康唑。口服维生素B,药房有的。在E宠找下卵磷脂,这个对你家狗狗毛发的恢复也是有一定帮助的,还有维克真菌药浴。


几十块吧~如果全套的生化检查需要 差不多500。。 保佑你的小猫~












One, go to pet hospital, the room that discovers they help pet reflect X light is direct to infusion room, did not close completely, can you have radiation to the person so excuse me?

Close to have radiation. But need not worry. General and medical X ray radiation is measured in zero fine long hair Xifute arrives a few fine long hair between Xifute.

This radiation hazard is how old probably, send cancer to be with radiation exemple, every accept human body one radiation quantity of Xifute, the odds that cause cancer can increase 1% the left and right sides. = of 1 Xi Fu spy 1000 fine long hair Xifute. That is to say, let human body suffer from cancerous odds to increase 1% , need probably 100 thousand pat X mating plate to thousands of. The hospital should close really, wear defend take, but the risk basically also protects personnel body to go up in cure centrally, only they just are mixed for a long time pat piece environmental contact.

2, does pet snake need to reflect the light?

Like corn snake this kind of not very needs to reflect the light, with heat mat add next lukewarm accuse, come to an end. If resemble needing to build of scene the sort of, do not have what disadvantage according to the lamp, notice temperature and humidity. If your pet snake nature comes from temperate zone climate (not quite hot, not quite cold also) , and your house annual is very warm, you may not need to offer too much illumination for your snake. Nevertheless, do not want a temperature and ultraviolet ray and humidity confuse sth with sth else. Different snake needs the humidity of different level, although they come from same climate condition.

3, is pet illuminated 1 inch how to pat?

The height of camera, keep balance with the height of animal line of sight, this is to film the general requirement of puppy. What high angle shot shows puppy very hard is lovely.

4, is pet certificate illuminated how P?

Want to make certificate of a piece of pet illuminate, can undertake according to the following measure P pursues: 1. Choose a piece of high-definition pet picture: Choose the pet picture of a piece of clarity, high quality from inside mobile phone or camera. 2. Adjust illumination and color: Use image edits software, adjust the illumination of image and color, ensure the brightness of the photograph and contrast are appropriate, adjust colour to make the photograph looks more bright-coloured. 3. Clip and adjust volume: Use cut out tool clipping photograph, the head portrait be placed in the middle of pet, the dimension that adjusts a photograph reflects formulary volume for certificate, it is 1 inch of X 1 normally inch. 4. Purify setting: Tool of use setting erasure or intelligence choose a tool, from inside primitive photograph the main body of pet depart comes out, place its go up in a clean and concise setting, be like white or blue. 5. Adjust detail: Undertake be adjustmented further to pet photograph, if acute converts rough sketch, increase contrast or degree of saturation, make the picture looks more clear and vivid. 6. Add character and label: According to need, character and the label such as the full name that adds pet in the photograph, master connection information or pet certificate number. 7. Save and output: The image pattern with right choice (like JPEG) keep the picture existence computer to go up, be printed according to need or share. Adopt above measure, the pet photograph that you tell a piece of general easily handles a piece of professional pet certificate to illuminate.

5, what effect does the red light that pet Spa reflects have?

1.Antiseptic, antiphlogistic, stop urticant

As a result of the special physiology element of pet fur structure, it is the breeding ground of bacterium and virus, doing SPA so is a kind of very comfortable antiseptic diminish inflammation stops urticant means.

2. purify body is smelly

As room temperature and external temperature elevatory, of pet oneself " appreciate " become more outstanding. The anion that pet SPA produces and the use settlement with OK and very good oil of popular choice aing kind of sweet grass appreciate problem.

6, what does Tailaruiya have to illuminate pet?

Doubtful tentacle, the eye of the true Kesulu that call gives off light, it is illume pet, provide light, worthy on screen thing can tag aureate spot

7, does pet hospital take dog dog with hand report is there blue fluorescence to nod on the body?

That lamp is purple, if be if it is Wood lamp, this is to use those who illuminate fungus.

If have,can give out fluorescent color! Can rinse with hydrogen peroxide solution, wipe iodic bend over again, compare naphthalene fragrance especially, 1 day two. Profit is traded after comparing naphthalene fragrance 3 days especially health Zun. B of vitamin of profess to convinced, drug-store some. Bestow favor on in E look for next lecithin, this also has certain help the refreshment of hair of domestic dog dog to you, still dimension overcomes fungus dipping.

8, excuse me, does Changsha pet hospital illuminate X light how to many money want to the cat?

A few ~ if the biochemical examination need of complete set is about the same 500. . Bless your kitten ~

9, is C illuminated according to A according to B upgrade condition?

Driver's license C illuminates litre of A to reflect a demand: 1, need hold B to illuminate 5 years above, just can enter oneself for an examination add drive A1 to illuminate (coach driver's license) .

2, need hold C to illuminate 3 years above, just can enter oneself for an examination B is illuminated. Illuminate from C so rise A1 to reflect need 8 years time. Enter oneself for an examination add drive B to illuminate about charge 4500 yuan, enter oneself for an examination add drive A1 to illuminate about charge 8000 yuan, aggregate require cost 12500 yuan.

C is illuminated can rise B1 directly, but C is illuminated rise A impossibly to illuminate directly, after still wanting hold B to illuminate 5 years, and year full 26 years old of ability go.

Already held organic motor-car driver's license, application increases to drive a model definitely, ought to be before this billiard-marker cycle and application did not write down inside cycle of a billiard-marker recently record 12 minutes completely. Application increases medium-sized passenger car, tractor, large passenger car to drive a model definitely, still ought to accord with following regulation:

(one) application increases medium-sized passenger car to drive a model definitely, already obtained drive small-sized and urban bus, large freight car, minicar, automatic block car of car, low speed carry cargo or tricar drives model qualification 3 years definitely above, the closest before application did not write down inside 3 billiard-marker cycle continuously record 12 minutes completely;

(2) application increases tractor to drive a model definitely, already obtained drive large perhaps freight car drives medium-sized passenger car definitely model qualification 3 years of above, perhaps obtain drive large passenger car drives model qualification one year definitely above, the closest before application did not write down inside 3 billiard-marker cycle continuously record 12 minutes completely;

(3) application increases large passenger car to drive a model definitely, already obtained drive large perhaps freight car drives medium-sized passenger car definitely model qualification 5 years of above, perhaps obtain drive tractor drives model qualification 2 years definitely above, the closest before application did not write down inside 5 billiard-marker cycle continuously record 12 minutes completely.

10, is A illuminated demote to be illuminated to B or is C illuminated?

According to our country " motor vehicle driver's license explain get and use a provision " relevant provision provision, the age is in the driver of above of 60 one full year of life, cannot continue to drive of all kinds large and medium-sized passenger car, van, tractor and bus; The driver that hold A is illuminated or B takes, ought to be changed to car canal get drive a model to be C1 or C2 driver's license definitely. Notable is the age exceeds 60 one full year of life to cannot continue really hold A is illuminated reach B to illuminate, can drive small-sized passenger car only. But, this is not respecting the driver's license that A of 60 one full year of life is illuminated and B takes can demote automatically, need driver's license him holder to hand in tubal place to change however after getting C to illuminate, ability is used. If driver's license holder did not change testimony, cannot continue to drive so. Arrived 60 one full year of life do not allow to drive again large and medium-sized reach special purpose vehicle, because,be large and medium-sized car and special purpose vehicle have higher demand to the driver's physical strength and ability of meet an emergency, stem from safe consideration, the personage of above of 60 one full year of life suits to drive not quite

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