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同学们,我们正处于青春期阶段,有着许许多多的烦恼和痛苦,长期积压在心理,你是否感觉到有一块石头压在头顶? 想不想放下头顶的巨石,那就打开你的心扉,说出你不敢说的话,或者不敢做的事,畅想未来,让我们的老师给你牵引指路,走向光明。下面有情***老师致辞,掌声有情。接下来有请同学们上台畅所一言。











1. 关心心理,健康生活。

2. 心理健康,快乐人生。

3. 用心灵去旅行,用爱心去感受。

4. 健康的大脑,幸福的人生。

5. 传递爱与关怀,分享心灵的温暖。

6. 拥抱阳光,抛却阴霾,做一个坚强的自己。

7. 搭建心灵通道,传递温馨关怀,让人间更美好。

8. 爱自己,珍惜生命,开启心灵航程。

9. 珍惜当下,关注身心,你的身体和心灵值得关注。

10. 在人生中心灵相通,共享美好生活。

11. 更好的生活从心理健康开始。






















1. 自我意识与自我接纳:帮助学生了解自己的情绪、感受、想法和行为,以便更好地了解自己。

2. 情绪管理:教授学生如何识别、理解和应对不同的情绪,包括焦虑、抑郁、愤怒等。

3. 压力管理:教授学生如何应对生活中的压力,如设置实际的目标、进行放松活动、保持良好的作息等。

4. 人际关系:教授学生建立和维护健康的人际关系的技巧,如沟通、倾听、建立信任等。

5. 冲突解决:教授学生如何以建设性的方式处理冲突,如表达自己的需求和感受、倾听他人的观点、寻求共同解决方案等。

6. 自尊与自信:帮助学生建立自尊,学会欣赏自己的优点,提高自信心。

7. 未来规划与目标设定:引导学生思考未来的职业、人生目标和生活方式,帮助他们设立可行的目标并付诸实践。

8. 应对丧失与悲伤:教授学生如何应对丧失,如处理哀伤、应对悲痛、接受现实等。

9. 求助与支持系统:让学生了解如何寻求专业帮助,如心理咨询、治疗、支持团体等。

10. 心理健康教育课程的设计与实施:教授如何设计和实施有效的心理健康教育课程,以提高学生的心理健康意识和应对能力。











One, class of mental health theme meets chair actor's lines?

Dear teacher classmates, everybody good morning! Bencibanhui's theme is mental health, our class appoint invited *** psychology teacher, applause welcomes everybody.

Classmates, we are in adolescent phase, having lots and lots of trouble and anguish, long-term keep long in stock is in psychology, whether do you feel a stone to be pressed in the top of head? Want not to want to put down the megalith of the top of head, that opens your heart door leaf, speak the word that you dare not say, the thing that perhaps dare not do, let his thought flow freely to did not come, the teacher that lets us points to a road to your drawing, the trend is bright. There is feeling below Mr. *** makes a speech, applause has feeling. Have next ask classmates to appear on the stage free place one character.

2, is class of safe education theme met?

1, the content that decides safe theme class is met above all, have security of traffic safety, food safety, medicines and chemical reagents, drown safe, can speak of from traffic safety first.

2, the 2nd, the small video of aspect of collect transportation safety, ask classmates to have a look, what is comprehended.

3, the 3rd, can learn to learn the children's song about traffic respect together.

3, is thematic education thematic class is met?

Thematic education is not thematic class certainly meeting.

Form of thematic education activity has varied. The flag-raising ceremony that holds every week for instance, namely a kind with " patriotism " the educational activity that gives priority to a problem. Organize student spring outing for instance again, namely one kind with " cherish an environment, protection is natural " the educational activity that gives priority to a problem.

Thematic class can be a kind of of thematic education activity important form, also be a kind of commonly used form.

4, does mental health teach thematic catchphrase?

It is a few catchphrase that teach a subject about mental health below:

1.Care psychology, health lives.

2.Mental health, happy life.

3.Intention spirit goes travelling, go experiencing with love.

4.Healthy cerebra, happy life.

5.Deliver love and care, share interior warmth.

6.Embrace sunshine, cast however haze, do an adamancy oneself.

7.Build interior passageway, deliver sweet care, make the world better.

8.Love oneself, value life, open heart range.

9.Cherish instantly, pay close attention to body and mind, your body and heart are worth to pay close attention to.

10.In life the heart is interlinked, share good life.

11.Better life begins from mental health.

5, can thematic class belong to education or education?

Thematic class can belong to education.

Thematic class meets be activity of school moral education note want a form. Can undertake to the student through thematic class the standard is taught study behaviour, 3 from (self-discipline, own, self-confident) education, outstanding and traditional culture teachs the Chinese nation, social morals education. Through the theme the class can make the student forms correct philosophy, world outlook, viewpoint of value.

Must take thematic class seriously to meet so, remembering a meeting also is a class.

6, how is education of adolescent mental health filled?

Often communicate communication, cannot clamour aloud with the child, as the growth of child age, want to learn to reconcile with the child

7, what does theme of mental health education have?

Mental health teachs a theme to cover many aspects, it is a few common themes below:

Ego acknowledge and ego admit: Help student understands his advantage and inadequacy, accept oneself uniqueness, develop oneself latent capacity better thereby.

Mood management: Help student understanding and the sentiment that understand oneself, the society is controlled effectively and adjust mood, answer the challenge in the life and pressure better thereby.

Gregarious skill trains: Help student society and other establish good relationship, increase communication skill and cooperative capacity, get used to gregarious environment better thereby.

Setback education answers with adversity: Helping a student know setback and adverse circumstance is the one part of life, the society answers setback and adversity actively, face the challenge in the life better thereby.

Life education and treasure life: Help student understands the value of life and significance, the society is cherished and cherish oneself life, enjoy the happiness of the life better thereby.

Professional program and career develop: Help student understands his interest and ability, the society makes sound professional program and career development plan, realize oneself life value better thereby.

Sexual part and sexual distinction are equal: Help student knows the meaning of sexual part and effect, the society respects the sexual right of other and sanctity, promote sexual equality and harmonious social relations better thereby.

Mental health common sense: Help student knows the basic idea of mental health and level, the society identifies and handle common psychological issue, maintain oneself mental health better thereby.

Psychological dredge skill: Help student knows the fundamental of psychological dredge and method, the society helps oneself and other effectively alleviate psychological pressure and mood worry, get used to the lifestyle of contemporary fast rhythm better thereby.

Multivariate culture and include quality: Help student knows the lifestyle of different culture setting and devotional people and viewpoint of value, the society is respected and include different culture and belief, promote better thereby multivariate the communication of culture and understanding.

These themes are OK alone or union undertakes mental health is taught together, specific depend on the curricular setting of the student's demand and school.

8, what theme does mental health education have?

Mental health education covered a lot of topics, aim to help people is known and answer all sorts of mental health questions. It is themes of a few common mental health education below:

1.Self-awareness and ego admit: The sentiment that helps student him understanding, experience, idea and behavior, so that understand oneself better.

2.Mood management: How does professor student identify, understand and answer different mood, include angst, depressed, anger to wait.

3.Pressure government: How does professor student answer the pressure in the life, if set real target, undertake relaxation the activity, work and rest that keeps good to wait.

4.Human relation: Teach the skill that the student is built and maintains healthy human relationship, if communicate, listen attentively to, build accredit to wait.

5.Conflict solves: If why professor student handles conflict with constructive means, need sue for peace to experience like what convey his, the viewpoint that listens attentively to other, seek common solution to wait.

6.Self-respect and self-confidence: Help student builds pride, the society enjoys his advantage, raise self-confident heart.

7.Prospective program and objective setting: Guide a student to ponder over aim of prospective profession, life and lifestyle, help them establish feasible target to pay Zhu Shi carry out.

8.Answer lose with sadness: How is professor student answered lose, if handle grief, answer bitterness, accept reality to wait.

9.Appeal with supportive system: Let student understanding how seek professional help, if psychology seeks advice, group of cure, support.

10.The design of courses of mental health education and carry out: How is the professor designed and carry out effective mental health to teach course, the mental health consciousness with raising a student and answer ability.

These themes can undertake adjustment mixing according to the student's age, setting and demand integrated. The target that mental health teachs is the mental health level that raises people, enhance the ability that answers life challenge, promote thereby individual develop with social whole.

9, the distinction that can thematic class teach an activity with the theme?

Answer: Thematic class can teach mobile distinction to depend on with the theme, what thematic class can point to is the team or class that holds around thematic thought is discussed, for instance, the balanced development of the side of beautiful labor of De Zhi body that how is aimed at a student, undertake discussion, hear everybody's opinion, so that improve the means method that studies education, the better innovation that develops student and teacher thinks of peace keeping imagination, and what thematic education points to is the patriotic feelings that be taught around thematic thought and arouses a student.

10, is class of theme of education of safety of National Day holiday met?

1, strengthen epidemic situation to prevent accuse.

2, the attention is prevented drown safe education.

3, transportation is safe.

4, fire prevention defends electric safety

5, give a security.
