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你好白俄罗斯国立文化艺术大学的学历是国家承认的。白俄罗斯国立文化艺术大学是1975年在原明斯克文化学院的基础上成立的,大学的目标是为白俄罗斯或其他国家在文化艺术领域培养优秀的专业人才。坐落于白俄罗斯的首都明斯克市市中心,明斯克是以他的文化艺术生活而著称的预科参考费用:17370000白俄罗斯卢布/学年起 RMB:6948元/学年起博士参考学费:33003000白俄罗斯卢布/全部 RMB:13201.2元/全部本科参考学费:31700250白俄罗斯卢布/学年起 RMB:12680.1元/学年起硕士参考学费:34740000白俄罗斯卢布/学年起 RMB:13896元/学年起


1. 明斯克国立大学


2. 明斯克国立技术大学


3. 明斯克国家语言大学


4. 明斯克国家艺术学院


5. 白俄罗斯国立经济大学










1. 白俄罗斯国立大学:是白俄罗斯最著名的大学之一,创立于1921年,是一所多学科理工大学,拥有工程、人文、自然科学等多个学科领域的研究中心和实验室。

2. 明斯克国立语言大学:是白俄罗斯最古老和最大的外语大学,致力于语言、文学、翻译等领域的研究,其语言教学水平一直在国际上享有良好声誉。

3. 明斯克国立理工大学:是白俄罗斯最著名的理工大学之一,其机械、电子、电气、计算机等多个工程类学科在本国和国际上均享有盛誉。

4. 明斯克国家师范大学:是白俄罗斯最大、最高学术水平的师范大学,其教育、法律、哲学等学科的教学和研究水平在本国和国际上也拥有很高的声誉。




整体排名,只能说在白俄罗斯70多所高校中排名靠前。学制是1+4+1,一年预科+4年本科+1年硕士 果麦里的消费水平比首都明斯克低一些,所以留学的生活费也相应低些,100-150美元/月









One, rank of Qs of university of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture?

University of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture establishs 1975, it is base of education of world-renowned artistic institution of higher learning, culture institution of higher learning, dancer. This school is in rank of 2021QS world university list the 354th. The characteristic major of the school includes music, dancing, art to wait.

2, rank of world of university of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture?

White Russia state-maintaineding university shows alive bound rank to be between 230-300 name. White Russia state-maintaineding university founds in October 1921, it is White Russia dimensions one of schools of the the biggest, most negative great reputation. White Russia state-maintaineding university sets physics department of relation of department of economy of maths of semiconductor physics and department, electron department, mechanical maths department, application and information department, biology department, Chemstry Department, geographical department, language department, law faculty, history department, philosophy, news department, international, preparatory is. EUA (European university institute) member school shares major of 250 undergraduate course, many 7000 teaching and administrative staff is versed in, among them teacher many 2500, scientific research staff member 618, have a doctor nearly 300, deputy doctor is close 1350, academician of White Russia academy of sciences 6, communication academician 7.

3, does home of record of formal schooling of university of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture admit?

Hello the record of formal schooling of university of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture is national approbatory. University of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture establishs on the base that captured culture institute in Yuan Mingsi 1975, the target of the university is to be White Russia or other country to foster outstanding professional in culture art domain. Be located at the downtown of capital Ming Sike of White Russia, ming Sike is with his culture art life celebrated preparatory referenced charge: Ruble of 17370000 White Russia / the RMB since school year: 6948 yuan / reference of the doctor since school year is tuitional: Ruble of 33003000 White Russia / all RMB: 13201.2 yuan / reference of full undergraduate course is tuitional: Ruble of 31700250 White Russia / the RMB since school year: 12680.1 yuan / reference of the Master since school year is tuitional: Ruble of 34740000 White Russia / the RMB since school year: 13896 yuan / school year rises

4, what university does White Russia have?

1.Ming Sike is national university

Ming Sike is national the university founds 1921, it is one of higher education orgnaizations with the earliest White Russia. It is an omnibus university, provided the education of many course domain and research. Among them, the science of this university, the humanities and social science enjoy good reputation in the world.

2.Ming Sike is national technical university

Ming Sike is national technical university also is one of higher education orgnaizations with important White Russia, found 1951. This university is a tenet with rearing engineer and head of science and technology, devote oneself to to drive the development of science and technology and application.

3.University of language of Ming Sike country

University of language of Ming Sike country founds 1948, it is White Russia exclusive a higher education orgnaization that pursues language education and research technically. This university devotes oneself to to develop a foreign language talent and have cultural exchange and research.

4.Institute of art of Ming Sike country

Institute of art of Ming Sike country held water 1945, it is the higher education orgnaization of art of a dedicated Yu Yi and culture domain. It provided the study of many artistic class and research, developed the culture person with ability of large quantities of one White Russia.

5.University of White Russia state-maintaineding economy

University of White Russia state-maintaineding economy is founded 1933, it is a higher education orgnaization that pursues economy and education of tubal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties technically. The business school of this university has taller reputation in the world.

5, responsibility of society of university culture art?

1. leads various and literary committee member directly, organize the extracurricular activity of rich and colorful.

2. is in charge of those who organize every semester seeing the New Year in to wait for series activity with send off graduate.

3. is collected and understand the classmate's opinion and requirement, mirror in time up.

4, sponsor the school to plan the large and literary activity inside (if see the New Year in, evening party of graduate send off) ; Undertake the large characteristic activity of entire school property (if 10 beautiful organize entertainment backbone to groom activity, artistic moral integrity) .

5, hold of all kinds and literary lecture, special subject chair, do well literary popularize the job; Advocate campus culture, brew cultured, lively, rich campus culture atmosphere, choose correct mobile content and form, the literary and academic level that raises classmates enjoys a level with glad, the sentiment of edify classmates, abound the 2nd classroom of the classmate.

6, which does White Russia learn from good examples greatly?

White Russia has many high grade universities, be like the following:

1.White Russia state-maintaineding university: It is one of universities with the famousest White Russia, found 1921, it is college of a many course grain industry, have the research center of the many course domain such as project, humanitarian, science and lab.

2.Ming Sike is national language university: It is White Russia the oldest with the biggest foreign language university, devote oneself to the research of the domain such as language, literature, interpreter, level of its language education enjoys good reputation in the world all the time.

3.Ming Sike is national grain industry college: It is one of grain industry colleges with the famousest White Russia, the many projects such as its machinery, electron, electric, computer kind high reputation all is enjoyed on course home and international.

4.Normal University of Ming Sike country: It is White Russia the Normal University of level of the biggest, highest learning, very tall reputation also is had on the education of the course such as its education, law, philosophy and research level home and international.

Above is a few relatively famous White Russia universities, you can be mixed according to your professional setting interest interest undertakes choosing.

7, is White Russia handed in national how much to rank about in connecting an university to be in the university of White Russia?

The university of White Russia state-maintaineding traffic that you say, should be university of the traffic in fruit wheat, be located in White Russia in wheat of fruit of the 2nd big city, respecting rank, if be ranked in traffic major, that is in White Russia is the first, because this is White Russia exclusive a traffic university.

Integral rank, before can saying in White Russia the rank in many 70 college leans only. Eductional systme is 1+4+1, a year of preparatory + 4 years of undergraduate course + 1 year the consumption level of Master fruit Mai Li compares a capital Ming Sike is a few lower, the living cost that studies abroad so is corresponding also some lower, 100-150 dollar / month

8, rank of world of White Russia university?

White Russia state-maintaineding university shows alive bound rank to be between 230-300 name.

White Russia state-maintaineding university founds in October 1921, it is White Russia dimensions one of schools of the the biggest, most negative great reputation. White Russia state-maintaineding university sets physics department of relation of department of economy of maths of semiconductor physics and department, electron department, mechanical maths department, application and information department, biology department, Chemstry Department, geographical department, language department, law faculty, history department, philosophy, news department, international, preparatory is

9, university of art of static ridge culture how?

University of art of static ridge culture is good still. This school is located in county of Japanese static ridge, it is a private university, school environment is beautiful, education quality is good, with rigorous and efficient style of study, solid and assiduous concept, have certain reputation socially.

10, art of university of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture kind is the graduate student professional how? Want to study abroad, have in this?

University of art of White Russia state-maintaineding culture, art kind the graduate student is good still, graduate foreground is first-rate

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