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China's first artificial intelligence (AI) theme park opened to public in early November, after 10 months renovation of a municipal park in northern Beijing. 在北京北部的一座公园改造10个月之后,我国首个人工智能主题公园已于11月初向公众开放。 Driverless shuttle buses, smart lamp posts that can record exercise data, and intelligent speakers that can respond to human instructions have been installed in Haidian Park, which covers about 34 hectares near the 4th Ring Road. 海淀公园位于四环路附近,占地面积约34公顷,配备了无人驾驶的穿梭巴士、可以记录运动数据的智能灯柱以及可以响应人类指令的智能扬声器。 The district government of Haidian and Internet company Baidu signed an agreement in January to jointly explore "smart city" building. 海淀区政府与互联网公司百度于今年1月签署协议,共同探索“智慧城市”的建设。

Haidian Park, which received about 1.2 million tourists last year, was chosen to run the pilot program. 去年接待了约120万游客的海淀公园被选中进行该试点项目。 A total of 10 government departments and companies participated in the renovation of the park over the past 10 months, said Che Jianguo from the district's park administration office. 海淀公园管理处的车建国表示,在过去的10个月里,共有10个政府部门和企业参与了该公园的改造。 In recent years, Chinese high-tech companies have set foot in the AI industry, while the central government also stressed in October that it would boost the development of the country's new generation of artificial intelligence. 近年来,中国高科技公司纷纷涉足人工智能产业,而中央政府也在10月份强调,将进一步推动我国新一代人工智能的发展。

上一篇:悲催! 英国一男子遭到一群海豹围攻(英语双语阅读)