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A Florida boy is expected to be charged with the murder of his mother after he allegedly strangled her to death and buried her in a church fire pit after an argument about his D grade, according to police. 据警方透露,佛罗里达州一名男孩将会被控谋杀他的母亲。在因成绩是D与母亲发生争执之后,该男孩竟然将母亲勒死并埋在教堂的火坑里。 The boy, 15, confessed to the killing of his mother, Gail Cleavenger, 46, according to Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood. 沃卢西亚县治安官迈克·奇伍德称,这名15岁的男孩对杀害了自己46岁的母亲盖尔·鲍瑞格供认不讳。 The teen has not yet been formally charged or arraigned. 目前,这名男孩还没有被正式起诉和传讯。

Chitwood said he anticipated that the state attorney's office would soon file a murder charge. 奇伍德表示,预计州检察官办公室将很快提出谋杀指控。 It remains unclear whether the teen will be charged as an adult. 目前还不清楚这名少年是否会以成年人的身份被起诉。 ABC News is withholding the suspect's name because he is a minor and has not yet been formally charged with a crime. 由于这名嫌疑人是未成年人且尚未被正式指控,所以美国广播公司新闻隐匿了他的真实姓名。 The attack took place early Friday morning after Cleavenger called her husband -- the boy's stepfather -- who was on a business trip in Washington State, and informed him about her son's D grade and the subsequent argument, according to police. 据警方透露,这起袭击事件发生在周五凌晨,当时男孩的继父正在华盛顿州出差,鲍瑞格给他打了电话,并向他告知了儿子的成绩是D以及两人随后的争吵情况。

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