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Problem advocate hello:

You present circumstance, suggest to begin from force training first, crouch greatly, cut crouch, pull forcedly, flat is propped up etc. Add your muscle content. Again complementary with HIIT (high strenth intermittence has oxygen, gymnastical means of union trains high strenth and low intensity inside short time, HIIT of the following abbreviation) .

1, why should do force to train first?

Adipose undertake in you oxygen moves having, when especially for long oxygen moves, it is a tricky rascal, it east hide Tibet, constant regular meeting is pulling young associate to help it pay a back, this young associate often is our most precious muscle, if you still are undertaking exceeding is on a diet (the basal metabolis amount that links oneself does not take) , so subsequently and those who come is fitness drop and of basal metabolis decelerate. You are filled with exultation finally the ground discovers him weight is dropped very quickly, actually that is muscle is crying, and adipose stand firm loftily as before, if you still are on a diet at the same time, so right now even if you eat little more, they can add adipose a group of people of same interest immediately, enter vicious circle from now on.

And in moving without oxygen, muscle is in by devastate, when when your glycogen is extinct, adipose begin to change soft is decomposed, that is to say, adipose sacrifice oneself, will help muscle by devastate, after training ends, you eat the food of next high protein, what can it become? Can become muscle, that is to say: Adipose casualty, muscle is powerful, then, your basal metabolis becomes fast, you more eat not fat, entered benign loop next.

And muscle is large family of specific power consumption, below static condition, quid muscle wastes 6 calories energy 24 hours, and quid is adipose use up 2 calories only. For example: 30% what content of muscle of a fatso seizes the body probably, a figure is strong and handsome person 45% what muscle content is the body about. They everyday although be not moved, the basal metabolis of two people also can be differred give many calories 200, two steamed breads went out.

Below the condition that maintains daily vivid momentum, dalasi has oxygen to study association discovers, quantity of heat of 24 hours of foundations uses up every pound muscle is 30 to 50.

Must remember well is: The person of equal weight, body fat rate is lower, basal metabolis is faster, jump over not easy and fat, look thinner.

2, HIIT and the distinction of common motion having oxygen

A lot of people think, last 40 minutes only the training having oxygen of above just is used up adipose. The motion that can reduce fat truly so is to canter two hours, it is slow ride a bicycle two hours.

Go up somehow, such statement is right. Most test result tells us, what motion lasts is longer, the adipose proportion that serves as fuel is higher also. Consider to make clear, in the ran of moderate strength, after the male is moving 30 minutes, adipose the functional scale with candy is half half. The female needs 36 minutes, the supply scale of fuel just is half half. After arriving 90 minutes, the fuel origin of ran probably 80% come from at adipose.

But, the problem came out:

Problem one: Each is carried in Everyman, can moderate strength does not rest gas the station that runs two hours comes out!

This is the first grows from time to tome the malady of oxygen, the athletic time of these 90 minutes of above, it is not much really the person can be accepted.

Problem 2: Each is carried in Everyman, can come with two hours everyday of ran, the station comes out!

This is long from time to tome the 2nd malady of oxygen. Wasteful time is too long, make a person very difficult hold to, very as dry as a chip also. Select the child that this road reduces weight, you issued a class, run pace, still time does his thing? Estimation is remained only touch the pillow slept.

Problem 3: Long from time to tome oxygen says is 80% adipose combustion rate, but total cost amount is very small.

Last 40 minutes of above have oxygen, average person namely 7 to 8 kilometers horary. Quantity of heat of that hour is used up also 400 the left and right sides (weight 60kg is controlled) , one subaltern from time to tome oxygen runs 40 minutes the quantity of heat that uses up is 260 kilocalorie left and right sides. HIIT differs according to motion hectic amount is different, but general and conservative estimation also has 1000 one hour (nobody estimates to be able to be accomplished one hour on this world of course) . So HIIT20 minute quantity of heat is used up have 330 kilocalorie.

Problem 4: Before who tells you to do exercise 40 minutes be before who tells you to do exercise 40 minutes, candy is offerred completely can?

Adipose in motion be to be in all the time offer can good baa? Scale all the time not low good baa? Can or else help also arrive 40% good baa? The 0-5 of schoolgirl ran minute (the first phase) has adipose supply still achieved 60% good baa for a time? (because the free fatty acid inside female body compares much reason,this is)

Problem 5: You want to join in the enterprise of an annual deficit, still join in the enterprise of annual rise in value?

Long from time to tome oxygen is being decreased when reducing weight again, also subtracted muscle, the quantity of heat that subtracted be used up in daily life. Daily life metabolism is reduced, if do not subtract,mean you of diet absorb gross. That you at ordinary times adipose reserve can become one days a day much. So one day can take 5 steamed breads, muscle is little now, can metabolize only 4. If you still eat 5, one that when eat more then stores completely adipose.

And HIIT conduces to not only subtractive per cent of fat of total adipose volume, body, and promoted quiet when adipose oxidation rate and overall metabolism. This that is to say, finish HIIT, even if you sit over to see TV have a thing you also are being used up quantity of heat and adipose.

Additional, because HIIT uses up muscle little, go up somehow, the effect that moves without oxygen had when high strenth moves, still can add muscle. Increased muscle to increase basal metabolis. You can take 5 steamed breads previously, can metabolize now 6. If you still eat 5, your adipose also can decrease every day.

And because HIIT is going up somehow it is training of the muscle that do not have oxygen and the union of training having oxygen, it is actually from go up at all changed a constitution. Go the set point of weight next adjustment.

3, HIIT trains a plan

Said the benefit of so much HIIT. The HIIT that says daily life is used more easily for us trains a plan (all plans at least 12 minutes, most 25 minutes) .

Daily ran plans: School sports ground, half tantivy (capable sprint) half canter (also going)

Ran machine plans: Half minutes of tantivy, half minutes canter, next a minute of tantivy, one minute canters, next again half minutes of tantivy, half minutes canter. Him speed that tantivy canters masters, I think tantivy uses the 80% above of the rapiddest rate, canter use the oldest rate 50% more reasonable.

Bicycle, use feeling bicycle: 8 seconds sprint, 12 seconds are common ride. This is the means that uses in Australian investigator experiment, I feel feasible.

Skip: Jump half minutes to come group double shake, probably 20.

The plan in the home: What I feel to rely on chart quite is to go up directly the military drill of HIIT, for instance Zheng Duoyan is mixed Insanity. I feel Insanity has been compared, zheng Duoyan's intensity is afraid bit lower.

4, the key that HIIT trains

HIIT motion is intermittence actually rise with reduce athletic intensity, go up somehow oneself can arrange combination. As long as it is big muscle group training (buttock leg basically sends force) , intensity of on any account is alternant, continuously 15 to 20 minutes, with respect to the gymnastical goal that can achieve HIIT. As to the rule with alternant intensity of on any account, I suggest metabolic interval wants short, do not want high strenth 5 minutes, 5 minutes of low intensity. Because high strenth time is too long, cannot make sure strength is true finish. Still become the training of medium or low intensity finally. Additional, metabolic interval is shorter, can more than promotion to be being offerred adiposely.

5, food

Do not have oil of tallow fat, vegetable reasonable absorb;

Eat meat of chicken breast of beef, cruelly oppress, flay more, practice cannot fat. Do not eat pork absolutely;

Carbolic water is right amount;

Eat much food less, at any time hungry can gnaw and so on of an apple, cucumber, persimmon;

Drink milk more, eat vegetable more. Do not drink any bottled beverage absolutely;

A worship can have casually, say to cheat eat, the purpose is the basal metabolis that the body that does not invite you thinks the your department reduces you at famine period.

Your's sincerely

The hope can help you

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