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常州的去哪旅游好? 旅游泰山好还是庐山好?英文双语对照


常州的去哪旅游好? 旅游泰山好还是庐山好?英文双语对照

















- 地理位置:泰山位于中国山东省的泰安市,距离济南约60公里。

- 文化意义:泰山是中国五岳之一,被誉为“五岳之首”,是中国古代封建帝王登临朝拜的圣地,具有深厚的历史和文化底蕴。

- 自然风景:泰山以其雄伟壮观的山体、奇峰怪石、云海日出等自然景观而闻名,融山水、林木、云雾于一体,景色秀美。


- 地理位置:庐山位于中国江西省九江市,距离南京约220公里,距离上海约600公里。

- 文化意义:庐山是中国四大名山之一,也是中国古代文人墨客经常寻访的地方,以其悠久的历史、丰富的文化内涵和诗意的山水风光而受到赞誉。

- 自然风景:庐山以其奇峰怪石、清澈的湖泊、飞瀑流泉、茂密的森林等自然景观而著名,具有秀丽壮观、清幽宜人的特点。




我给大家推荐一下,我去过的几个地方,1 .泰安 岱庙,泰山的东岳庙, 中国 四大古建筑之一,

2 .来 泰安 一定不要错过这里所谓泰安西湖,原本是水库,位于岱岳区,一开始叫大河水库,后改名为天平湖,现在已经开发建设成为泰安西湖景区,吸引了无数的游客




泰山石和泰山玉都是产自泰山的石头,但是两者的质地和密度不一样。泰山石以原石为美,自然的往往是最好的。泰山玉则需要人工切割、雕刻或者抛光。从这个角度讲泰山玉摆件是一种工艺品。整体上讲泰山石的价格要高于泰山玉,我们这里说的是普遍现象但是并不绝对,精品泰山玉价格也是很高的 。







1 没有明确的好坏之分,取决于个人需求和兴趣。2 常州工业主要培养工科人才,包括机械工程、自动化、电子信息等专业,拥有较为优秀的实验基地和教学设施。常州机电则注重培养机电一体化人才,拥有较为专业的机电工程、汽车类等专业。因此,选择哪个学校要根据自己的专业需求和兴趣来选择。3 在选择学校的时候,还应该结合学校的师资力量、人才培养质量、就业前景等方面做出综合评估。



1. 常州大学旅游管理专业:该专业是常州大学的特色专业之一,具有较强的实践性和针对性,培养学生具备旅游企业管理、旅游规划与开发、旅游营销等多方面的能力。

2. 常州工学院酒店管理专业:该专业是常州工学院的重点支撑专业,学生将学习酒店管理、餐饮管理、客房管理等方面的知识,培养学生综合素质和管理能力。

3. 江苏信息职业技术学院商务英语专业:该专业着重培养学生在商务、贸易、服务等领域的英语应用能力,注重实际应用和职业素质的提升。








Of Changzhou go which travel is good?

Red plum park

China dinosaur garden

The Shan Zhuhai austral · of weather eye lake

Eden of year of adj/LIT wide city

Travel of weather eye lake goes vacationing area

Phoenix park

The Shan Zhuhai austral Li this world

Yang Qiao old street

New dragon gives birth to voice forest

Round-the-world move free play cereal

Maoshan is Oriental the world of path of · of Salt Lake City

Green banboos park

Is travel Mount Taishan still cottage hill very good?

Father-in-law and cottage hill are two famed travel resorts of Chinese, each have its distinctive place. It is right below both brief quite, consult for you:


- situation: The father-in-law is located in the Tai'an town that Chinese Shandong visits, distance Jinan makes an appointment with 60 kilometers.

- culture meaning: The father-in-law is one of Chinese the Five Mountains, be known as " of the Five Mountains head " , it is Chinese ancient time the bethel of pilgrimage of feudal monarch climb a hill, possess deep history and culture inside information.

- natural scenery: The father-in-law blames the natural landscape such as sunrise of stone, sea of clouds with its grand and grand hill body, strange peak and famed, landscape of be in harmony, forest, cloud and mist at an organic whole, the scenery is elegant.

Cottage hill:

- situation: Cottage hill is located in Chinese Jiangxi to visit 9 rivers town, distance Nanjing makes an appointment with 220 kilometers, distance Shanghai makes an appointment with 600 kilometers.

- culture meaning: Cottage hill is one of 4 name hill of Chinese, also be the place that guest of Chinese ink of bookman of Chinese ancient time often looks for, the landscape scene with its long history, rich culture connotation and poetic flavour and get recognition.

- natural scenery: Cottage hill spreads the natural landscape such as spring, thick woods with its strange peak strange stone, clear laky, flying waterfall and famous, have the characteristic with beautiful and grand, delightful quiet and beautiful.

Choose travel Mount Taishan or cottage hill, depend on the individual's preference and interest. If you are interested in historical culture of China, like mountain-climbing conquer height, so the father-in-law may be better choice. If you like to be close to nature, be enmeshed between landscape, appreciation the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, so cottage hill may be the choice that suits you more.

No matter you choose which hill, can experience the natural scene of Chinese rich and colorful and historical culture bequest. Hope you can enjoy good trip!

Which does Tai'an still have to you can travel besides the father-in-law?

I am recommended to everybody, I go to a few places that pass, 1. Temple of Tai'an another name for Taishan Mountain, the Dong Yue temple of the father-in-law, one of 4 old ancient buildings of Chinese,

2. Come to Tai'an do not miss here certainly alleged Tai'an west lake, it is reservoir originally, be located in area of high mountain of another name for Taishan Mountain, call a great river reservoir at the beginning, hind incognito for balance lake, had developed construction to make division of scene of Tai'an west lake now, attracted countless tourists

Can of lake of cheek of 3 Tai'an day says top-ranking, here is located in area of high mountain of another name for Taishan Mountain, surface is capacious, amount to 6 square kilometer, cover an area of kilometer of about 20 square, it is one of Tai'an's god-given laky beautiful scenery, with father-in-law echo each other at a distance, meaning making " ascend a father-in-law by day, night watchs Tian Yi " travel conception.

Tai'an people welcomes visitor of the world guest!

Father-in-law stone and father-in-law jade which good?

Father-in-law stone and father-in-law jade are to produce the stone from the father-in-law, but both quality of a material and density are different. Father-in-law stone is the United States with original rock, natural often is best. Father-in-law jade needs artificial cut, sculpture or polishing. Tell father-in-law jade to place from this angle it is a kind of handicraft. The price that father-in-law stone negotiates on whole wants jade of prep above Mount Taishan, what say here is common phenomenon but not absolutely, price of jade of high-quality goods Mount Taishan also is very tall.

Go which get on the father-in-law sweet good?

Tai'an is the biggest is temple of another name for Taishan Mountain of course, fall in hill nevertheless, the biggest on hill is ancestral temple of green jade glow, that is a place of best burn joss sticks, arrive as a child big my mom is to arrive over there of burn joss sticks. Nevertheless ancestral temple of green jade glow is in almost father-in-law summit, if do not take a car,cableway just is mounted, very can tired. 18 dishes with respect to hard to bear.

Changzhou 51 go which travel is the most appropriate?

Tourist attraction of 51 Changzhou travel is recommended

China dinosaur enjoys beauty of " of " Oriental Jurassic Period field praise, the core tourist attraction of round-the-world and dinosaurian city, index of energy of life of person of China dinosaur garden is in complete Asia ranks in park of thousands of theme 11, rank China at the same time the 4th!

Changzhou industry and Changzhou Electromechanical which good?

The cent of the 1 stand or fall that did not make clear, depend on individual demand and interest. 2 Changzhou industry basically develops engineering course talent, include the machinist Cheng, automation, major such as electronic information, have relatively outstanding experiment base and education establishment. Changzhou Electromechanical pays attention to talent of education Electromechanical unifinication, have relatively professional Electromechanical project, car kind wait for major. Accordingly, the professional demand that chooses which school to want him foundation and interest will choose. 3 when choosing the school, the force of persons qualified to teach that still should join the school, talent fosters the respect such as foreground of quality, obtain employment to make evaluate integratedly.

Changzhou travel trade which major is good?

Major of Changzhou travel trade basically includes the travel management, hotel management, direction such as business affairs English. These major have in the institution of higher learing of Changzhou city open, compare famous school to institute of technology of profession of information of engineering college of Changzhou university, Changzhou, Jiangsu waits among them. The travel trade major of these schools is stronger, education quality is higher also, it is the specific introduction of major of wh some of which below:

1.Changzhou university travel manages major: This major is one of characteristic major of Changzhou university, have stronger practicality and specific aim, education student has the capacity of the many sided such as sale of program of travel business management, travel and development, travel.

2.Hotel of Changzhou engineering college manages major: The key that this major is Changzhou engineering college props up major, the pupil will learn the knowledge of the respect such as hotel management, meal management, guest room management, education student is integrated quality and administrative ability.

3.English of business affairs of institute of technology of Jiangsu information profession is professional: This major emphasizes education student to wait for the English of the domain to use capacity in business affairs, commerce, service, pay attention to the promotion of actual application and professional quality.

The place on put together is narrated, the travel trade major of Changzhou is relatively comprehensive, the school is more also, the parent and student are OK the interest according to oneself and the major that development direction chooses to suit his and school.

Is the rustic travel where of Changzhou good?

Changzhou countryside has a lot of amused places. You can go day of eye lake, what there is beauty over there is laky with the mountain range, can appreciate natural view, still can row, fishing.

Additional, you still can go Changzhou dinosaur garden, there are distinct dinosaurian model and rich dinosaurian exhibition over there, can know dinosaurian history. If you like rural life, can go farmhouse is happy experience farming agrarian activity, sample farmhouse cate. In addition, changzhou countryside still has a lot of ancient village, if fierce enters Gu Cheng and Li Yanggu town, can experience archaic culture and structure style. Anyhow, changzhou countryside has a lot of amused places

Changzhou 51 suit to look after children go which travel?

Changzhou child travel is OK above all dinosaurian garden, suit the child and parent collective amuse oneself, project of garden big play is much, adj/LIT wide city wild animal garden, can let the animal of child experience nature, those who like water from a mountain is OK go day of eye lake, na Shanzhu sea, changzhou travel choice is very much.
