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  1. 麻省理工学院

  2. 斯坦福大学

  3. 牛津大学

  4. 剑桥大学

  5. 加州大学伯克利

  6. 伦敦政治经济学院

  7. 杜克大学

  8. 芝加哥大学

  9. 宾夕法尼亚大学

  10. 哈佛大学
















1 中南财经政法大学 、全国排74 、中国高水平大学

2 湖北经济学院 、全国排421 、区域知名大学

3 武汉商学院 、全国排667 、区域知名大学


1 湖北经济学院法商学院 、综合排9 、区域高水平独立学院

2 江汉大学文理学院 、综合排17 、区域高水平独立学院

3 武汉纺织大学外经贸学院 ?综合排28 、区域知名独立学院


名次 学校名称 综合排名 办学层次

1 武汉学院 中国高水平民办大学

2 湖北商贸学院 区域高水平民办大学















山西财经大学(Shanxi University of Finance and Economics)简称'山西财大',坐落于山西省太原市,是山西省人民政府举办的全日制普通本科高校,入选国家'中西部高校基础能力建设工程'、山西省'1331工程'。




One, rank of China's best universities of 3 finance and economics?

At present commonner view is two money one trade. Namely university of Shanghai finance and economics, university of central finance and economics and university of foreign trade economy.

Previously all the time university of foreign trade economy (institute of former Beijing foreign trade) as the foreign language kind university, did not count it university of dinkum finance and economics.

School of dinkum finance and economics is ranked, before I think 3 should ordinal it is university of Shanghai finance and economics, university of southwest finance and economics and university of central finance and economics.

University of Shanghai finance and economics and university of southwest finance and economics are the 1st batch 211 with 985 platform, and 1985 at the same time more the name is university of finance and economics (at the same time more renown in all 4, other two are, hubei money courtyard more the name is in south university of finance and economics, liaoning money courtyard more the name is university of northeast finance and economics) .

University of Shanghai finance and economics former subject Ministry of finance, accounting is the characteristic of this school, also be the strongest among school of Chinese finance and economics.

Place of university of southwest finance and economics belongs to head office of Chinese people bank, financial course is the ace of this school, library of talent of so-called China banking, financial major also is countrywide finance and economics first is ranked among the school.

University of central finance and economics 95 years of ability by college of central finance finance more the name is an university, delimited the ability after Ministry of Education overtakes the last bus of 211 2000. Central money develops a few this years greatly swift and violent, course construction is pretty good, compare between each course balanced, but professional without genuine center.

Although schools of other finance and economics develop very good also, but here does not make an assessment one by one.

2, rank of university of global finance and economics?

On the world so much university, after all major of which university economics is have actual strength most? Watch the college of before having your world economics rank 10 together

1. Masschusetts Institute of Technology

2. Stanford university

3. Oxford

4. Cantabrigian university

5. California university uncle captures profit

6. London plutonomy courtyard

7. Du Ke university

8. Chicago university

9. University of Niya of guest evening standard

10. Breath out Buddha university

3, rank of university of Hefei finance and economics?

Hefei does not have university of finance and economics, the Anhui province has university of Anhui finance and economics only, the school is in mussel port city.

4, rank of university of British finance and economics

TOP1- Cambridge university

TOP2- Oxford

University of TOP3- Hua Wei

TOP4- Shengandelusi university

TOP5- London politics classics institute

Institute of TOP6- London university

University of TOP7- Ba Si

University of TOP8- Du Lun

TOP9- Nuo Ding Han university

A place of strategic importance of TOP10- dust gram is particular university

5, rank of university of Wuhan finance and economics?


Hubei finance and economics kind university pop chart

1 in south Gao Shuiping university of 74 of platoon of university of politics and law of finance and economics, whole nation, China

421 of platoon of institute of 2 Hubei economy, whole nation, area is famous university

667 of platoon of 3 Wuhan business school, whole nation, area is famous university

Hubei finance and economics kind independent institute pop chart

Independent institute of Gao Shuiping of 9 of business school of law of institute of 1 Hubei economy, integrated platoon, area

Gao Shuiping of 17 of institutes of 2 unity and coherence in writing of Jiang Han university, integrated platoon, area is independent institute

Institute of trade of the classics outside university of 3 Wuhan spin? Integrated platoon 28, district is famous and independent institute

Hubei finance and economics kind pop chart of university of run by the local people

Place school name ranks managerial administrative levels integratedly

Civilian of high water of China of 1 Wuhan institute runs an university

Civilian of high water of area of institute of 2 Hubei trade runs an university

6, rank of university of Qingdao finance and economics?

Without university of Qingdao finance and economics, have university of Shandong finance and economics, rank 132

7, rank of university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

2022, university of Zhejiang finance and economics is newest rank whole nation the 172nd.

Discharging those who 3 are in before university of Zhejiang finance and economics is respectively: Chongqing traffic university (integrated rank: 167) , Shanghai sports institute (integrated rank: 169) , Shanghai marine university (integrated rank: 170) ;

8, rank of university of Nanchang finance and economics?

Nanchang does not have university of Nanchang finance and economics, university of Jiangxi finance and economics is in the university of finance and economics of Nanchang.

2021 in countrywide university pop chart, university of Jiangxi finance and economics ranks ninety-nine. Key course is administrative science and project.

The university is saved in Jiangxi in newest rank, nanchang university is ranked the first, jiangxi Normal University ranks 2, university of Jiangxi finance and economics is ranked the 3rd.

9, rank of university of Shandong finance and economics?

The whole nation ranked 198 2022, provincial rank the 11st.

University of Shandong finance and economics is province of the Ministry of finance, Ministry of Education, Shandong builds a college in all, it is a managerial history long, managerial dimensions bigger, managerial characteristic is bright, give priority to with economics and course of tubal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, hold article, law, manage, labour, education, art concurrently class of 8 colleges division. Current, the school has well of Yan Shan, Shun Geng, emperor 3 campuses, cover an area of more than mus 3000, school building builds gross area 982 thousand square metre, have a postdoctoral scientific research category of degree of major of 20 kinds of dot of accredit of master's degree of course of 11 dot of accredit of doctor's degree of course of 4 station of going from place to place, one degree, one degree, Masters; Set 23 education courtyard (ministry) , have major of 63 undergraduate course.

10, rank of university of Shanxi finance and economics?

Whole nation of university of Shanxi finance and economics ranked 140 2021.

University of Shanxi finance and economics (Shanxi University Of Finance And Economics) big ' of money of abbreviation ' Shanxi, be located at Shanxi to visit Taiyuan town, it is the full-time that government of Shanxi province people holds college of ordinary undergraduate course, capability of base of college of ministry of Chinese and Western of selected country ' builds project ' , Shanxi to save '1331 project ' .

School predecessor is the Shanxi that began to be founded in succession 1951 school of cadre of collaboration of school of province bank cadre, finance cadre school, commercial cadre school, supply and marketing and commissariat cadre school, 5 cadre schools are amalgamative in September 1958 establish institute of Shanxi finance and economics.

Established Shanxi economy to run an institute in December 1984. Institute of Shanxi finance and economics and aid of hill west longitude managed an institute to incorporate in October 1997 establish university of Shanxi finance and economics.

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