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健身中午吃什么? 健身前吃什么碳水好?英文双语对照


健身中午吃什么? 健身前吃什么碳水好?英文双语对照





























































What does fitness eat midday?

Eat the staple food such as steamed bread, noodle, rice. The content that reachs the sweet potato, oaten, carbohydrate that waits tomato patch is very high, can serve as first selection.

Protein is the nutrient source with muscle the mainest growth, strong and handsome disciplinarian photographs a person proteinly to should be given priority to in order to be not fat or low grease food, wait like fowl of defatted milk, egg white, fish, flay, beefsteak.

Maintain human body to grow normally what need and inside body cannot complex fatty acid calls indispensible fatty acid, in oil of olive oil of much consist in, corn and soybean oil.

It what carbon water have before fitness is good that what carbon water has before fitness?

Corn, wu Mai

The carbohydrate that says in fitness is to point to take goosefoot a surname, unpolished rice, buckwheat, corn is waited a moment, carbohydrate is by carbon, 3 kinds of elements comprise hydrogen and oxygen, nature existence is most, have the organic compound of structure of wide chart chemistry and biology function.

What does fitness eat midday in the evening?

Gymnastical person needs to eat nourishing food, the food of healthy nutrition needs to choose the food of diversification, nutrition should complement all ready, scale is proper, ability satisfies the need of the body, breakfast can eat milk and egg, corn edibles, green vegetable and fruit, lunch can have bit of rice, shrimp of fresh fleshy egg fish kind, even big bean products, dinner eatable is some more delicate, the choice is adipose little, permit digestible food, can eat bit of fruit more, what do not eat is too full.

What noodle does fitness eat midday?

The quantity of heat of buckwheat flour itself is lower, average only 152 kilocalorie control the buckwheat flour of every 100 grams; Its characteristic is to contain prandial fiber taller, have very good full abdomen feeling, these characteristics are helpful to thin body.

It what eat before body building is good that what eats before body building?

It what food eat before body building is better that what food eats before body building?

1, banana

Banana contains a lot ofcarbohydrate and Potassium, it is one of snacks that gymnastical enthusiast likes most. Banana also contains prandial fiber, it is helpful to controlling weight.

2, oaten

Oaten have content of tall prandial fiber, this makes the synthesis of carbohydrate slower, this brings about the energy with every faster food to use up, allow more grow and more acuteness take exercise. Oaten very good also, because they are the origin of vitamin B.

3, dried fruit

Currant, the dried fruit such as berry is the good origin of easy digestive carbohydrate. They still contain indispensible vitamin, make they make the sock that before iron lever takes exercise, likes most.

4, pigeon breast flesh, orchid is mixed on the west sweet potato

Say simply, these 3 kinds of food contain many protein, vitamin and good carbohydrate. This food combination conduces to let a person exercise muscle better, eating before taking exercise intensely is very helpful.

5, yoghurt matchs fresh fruit

Yoghurt is contained adipose and very few, it is low carbohydrate, contain a lot ofprotein food, fresh fruit is the optimal origin of simple carbohydrate, can decompose pure energy easily. Greek yoghurt matchs fresh fruit already delicate healthy, can serve as before taking exercise prandial.

6, contain fruit juice

Mixture orange juice, water, the fruit juice of sea salt and honey, it is delicate and the beverage that contains a lot ofcarbohydrate, this kind of drinkable fruit juice before taking exercise can let the body maintain the electrolyte inside body to balance in violent campaign.

7, currant and oatmeal

Oaten with currant it is the classical eat before taking exercise, provide rich carbohydrate and protein source, this combination ensures indispensible nutriment can be obtained inside the shortest time, and won't sacrifice mouthfeel.

8, milk

Milk is protein and adipose rich origin, it can make a person energized.

It is the most important to keep healthy is food, indispensible nutriment is obtained to be able to ensure the body has enough energy before motion, achieve oneself gymnastical goal quickly.

Is fitness over midday what late food can you eat?

This problem cannot treat as the same. Plan because of the fitness of everybody won't just the same. So fitness is over midday can eat what late food. Can plan to choose according to specific fitness of the individual only. Still should give priority to in order to decrease grease food commonly. For instance chicken or beef is waited a moment.

What to eat before fitness afternoon?

Afternoon before fitness, can choose a few be fed gently or the nutrition that the food of high-energy quantity will come to to offer body place to need and energy, but should avoid at the same time excessive full abdomen, lest affect athletic result. It is below a few suit afternoon the choice of the edible before fitness:

Fruit: For example banana, apple, orange, offer fast energy and natural candy cent.

Nut and seed: For example almond, walnut, cashew, contain a lot ofhealth adipose with protein, provide abiding energy.

Tall fiber food: For example whole wheat bread, oatmeal, conduce to the energy that provides stability releasing.

Protein eat nods: Boil egg, lean lean, yoghurt to wait for example, offer body rehabilitate and muscle to grow needs protein.

Beverage: For example coffee or green tea, can provide certain energy and life-giving result.

Overall and character, choose food of low fat, low candy, digestible, avoid fry or food of high in syrup as far as possible, lest cause dyspeptic or energy is excess. Food needs to undertake adjustment according to body state of the individual and gymnastical target, if have the proposal with special dietary requirement or more specific need, division of best advisory nutrition or professional fitness teach experienced opinion.

What to eat before fitness reducing weight?

Bread of a few whole wheat or banana eat before fitness reducing weight, had better eat 0 adipose food, every time gymnastical time should achieve 30 minutes of above, want to eat tall fat of high in syrup less on food kind food, eat fresh and vegetable fruit more, staple food eats less, the fried dish puts oily salt less, dish can the move that boil takes steam best, those who reduce fat absorb. Be in charge of Pull in your ears! only, stride a leg, those who absorb is adipose little at what use up adipose, ability has very good effect reducing weight.

What to eat before fitness in the evening?

     The first, banana, what because should not be actually before fitness in the evening,eat is too full, also do not suit to eat the glycogen such as too much rice, cooked wheaten food and carbohydrate content to compare much food, and the carbohydrate that banana place contains is less, and have full abdomen feeling easily, won't be in fitness when let a person feel hunger, return the energy that can provide gymnastical place to use up, because absorb too much carbohydrate,won't cause gymnastical effect again not apparent.

     The 2nd, oaten, oaten in contain rich vitamin B, and the full abdomen sense with be had better, and oaten in still contain many fiber, energy can be provided in motion, compare low fat again, won't affect gymnastical result.

     The 3rd, egg, because in the late evening before fitness, need is much actually a few more compensatory the food that contains a lot ofprotein, because be in athletic process,the protein meeting of meeting body is used up, a few eggs had better eat first before fitness in the late evening so, perhaps drink milk to complement first protein, use up in order to offer in gymnastical process.

     The 4th, whole wheat bread, rich fiber is contained in whole wheat bread, while humanness body brings full abdomen to feel, because had absorbed much starch,won't cause gymnastical effect again not apparent, and need complement also is in gymnastical process of a few carbohydrate, and carbohydrate of complement of bread of edible whole wheat is again appropriate do not pass.

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What food to eat before fitness?

1, banana

Banana contains a lot ofcarbohydrate and Potassium, it is one of snacks that gymnastical enthusiast likes most. Banana also contains prandial fiber, it is helpful to controlling weight.

2, oaten

Oaten have content of tall prandial fiber, this makes the synthesis of carbohydrate slower, this brings about the energy with every faster food to use up, allow more grow and more acuteness take exercise. Oaten very good also, because they are the origin of vitamin B.

3, dried fruit

Currant, the dried fruit such as berry is the good origin of easy digestive carbohydrate. They still contain indispensible vitamin, make they make the sock that before iron lever takes exercise, likes most.

4, pigeon breast flesh, orchid is mixed on the west sweet potato

Say simply, these 3 kinds of food contain many protein, vitamin and good carbohydrate. This food combination conduces to let a person exercise muscle better, eating before taking exercise intensely is very helpful.

5, Greek yoghurt matchs fresh fruit

Greek yoghurt is contained adipose and very few, it is low carbohydrate, contain a lot ofprotein food, fresh fruit is the optimal origin of simple carbohydrate, can decompose pure energy easily. Greek yoghurt matchs fresh fruit already delicate healthy, can serve as before taking exercise prandial.
