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都市之逆天修仙6漫画? 都市之逆天修仙等级划分?英文双语对照


都市之逆天修仙6漫画? 都市之逆天修仙等级划分?英文双语对照








都市修仙宗师等级,就是世俗武道的等级划分。 外劲-内劲-化劲-先天-天人 






都市修仙宗师等级,就是世俗武道的等级划分。 外劲-内劲-化劲-先天-天人 












1 都市之逆天仙尊小说中有很多人物角色,无法一一介绍,需要具体指定哪些角色。2 举例如下:主角叶天南,是一位有着仙尊血脉的少年,拥有强大的修炼天赋;女主角方晴雪,是一位聪慧美丽的女子,有着傲人的修为和智慧;还有反派角色如青帝、狮王等,也各具特色。3 此小说中除了人物角色外,还有丰富的情节设置和离奇的仙侠元素,非常值得一读。





龙逆天下 ...三位老爷子把逆天带进书房之后,良久不语,张老爷子说道:“逆天啊,你是我们三家... 仙逆神屠 作者:小何山中行   凡人的理想是进入飞天遁地的修真界。





One, the Xiu Xian countering a day of city 6 caricature?

Search the Xiu Xian countering a day of city directly in the browser of the mobile phone, such caricature can some.

2, does the grade of the Xiu Xian that counter a day of city differentiate?

The grade that repair celestial being differentiates as follows:

Outside strong - inside strong - turn interest - congenital - day person

Outside strong (Xi Wugao hand) , inside strong (fierce learns overmatch) , turn interest (Wuxue's Great Master) , congenital (Wu Daozong division) , day person (the god of terrestrial immortal)

3, does the state of the Xiu Xian that counter a day of city divide?

City builds social estate of celestial being great master, the grade that is lay fierce path differentiates. Outside strong - inside strong - turn interest - congenital - day person

Outside strong (Xi Wugao hand) , inside strong (fierce learns overmatch) , turn interest (Wuxue's Great Master) , congenital (Wu Daozong division) , day person (the god of terrestrial immortal)

City is repaired true together, share 9 stage.

It is respectively: Refine is angry, build base, knot red, yuan baby, change a mind, refine empty, fit, mahayana, cross disaster.

Leisurely 1 million carry, can cross disaster success, those who become true celestial being, it is rare in whole vast universe. In one party universe, can a few change divine period ace to had embarrassed quite.

4, does the state of the Xiu Xian that counter a day of city divide the answer?

City builds social estate of celestial being great master, the grade that is lay fierce path differentiates. Outside strong - inside strong - turn interest - congenital - day person

Outside strong (Xi Wugao hand) , inside strong (fierce learns overmatch) , turn interest (Wuxue's Great Master) , congenital (Wu Daozong division) , day person (the god of terrestrial immortal)

City is repaired true together, share 9 stage.

It is respectively: Refine is angry, build base, knot red, yuan baby, change a mind, refine empty, fit, mahayana, cross disaster.

Leisurely 1 million carry, can cross disaster success, those who become true celestial being, it is rare in whole vast universe. In one party universe, can a few change divine period ace to had embarrassed quite.

5, who is the heroine of the Xiu Xian that counter a day of city?

The heroine of the Xiu Xian that counter a day of city is good luck faery, her detailed circumstance introduces as follows

Good luck faery

Sage child. Consciousness is added on body of king of good luck law at the beginning, transfer host for many times later, the sound that its sounds of nature can weaken heart demon. Behave slow-witted bud, now and then the volition before extensive is resurgent, stay it seems that have sage defensive position, the blood of custodial sage. Hobby and beauty of snake of merits and virtues grab actor's lines, start slow-witted slow-witted sign oneself.

6, does city go against Tian Xiuxian state to differentiate?

The person is repaired, the god is repaired, celestial being is repaired. Every have 9 big states. Every state divides early days, metaphase and later period. The person repairs: 3 coagulate condition [early days coagulates body, metaphase coagulates force, later period coagulates gas. ] , build base condition, Yuan Dan condition, yuan disaster is crossed to become a spirit after the baby condition, condition that change a mind, refine empty condition, fit condition, Mahayana condition. The god repairs: Condition of condition of half god condition, true god condition, give a little attention to, clever fierce condition, divine fierce condition, ground shade condition, Tian Yang condition, life and death, Nie condition, cross of Nie of celestial being disaster to become celestial being next. Celestial being repairs: Come loose the celestial being on celestial being, true celestial being, Xuan Xian, Jin Xian, empyreal Xuan Xian, Luo Tian, big Luo Jinxian [accurate emperor] , mix yuan of Daluojin celestial being [sage] , later

7, of city go against introduction of figure of novel of a beauty honour?

Of 1 city there is part of a lot of characters in going against novel of a beauty honour, cannot introduce one by one, need is specific specify what part. 2 citing are as follows: South day of leading role leaf, it is a boy that is having arteries and veins of blood of celestial being honour, have the powerful talent that repair refine; Snow of heroine square fine, it is a woman of intelligent beauty, having be proud of the person long for He Zhihui; Still part of villain in drama waits like king of green emperor, lion, also have distinguishing feature each. In 3 this novels besides character role, still have rich clue setting and element of bizarre celestial being a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, very readable.

8, of city go against Lin Fan of leading role of novel of a beauty honour?

Cry " go against a beauty honour "

Brief introduction content: Gaze at canopy, heaven and earth all falls in the foot, who and contend for sharp edge. Fleshy body is heaven and earth the blackest of abstruse Mo Ce, xiu Xian is repair from laic flesh elfland step by step to person celestial being, go against stars, fight canopy, get eternal life, it is brother. One has break because of the pubic region cannot the teenager of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine is when Bai Xianzu of familial bethel hold a memorial ceremony for, discover in the corner one honour the Xian Zushi of old mystery resembles, and Na Zunshi falls off actually like ball of eye pupil stone, pour out of two tear, the teenager enters a wonderful place from inside tear, the god is slash.

9, leading role of which city novel calls Zhang Ni the day?

Dragon goes against the world. . . 3 lord child enter the area that counter a day after the study, a long time not language, piece lord child say: ? ? of bay beautiful a bow drawn to the full you are us 3. . . Celestial being goes against divine massacre author: The ideal with laic   of the travel in small He Shan is enter ground of flying Apsaras escape repair true extent.

Repair true person ideal is to fly litre of celestial being bound with Tian Tongshou.

10, the snow princess ending of the fiend that counter a day?

" the fiend that counter a day " pass through the suzerain that the princess of holy female snow of Feng Zong of god of black mainland of culmination of novel of black unreal network became divine Feng Zong finally, also be one of wives of hero cloud clear at the same time. The hill after Yun Che will to divine Feng Zongshi be in and Feng Xue encounter acquaintance, because two people are having the inheritance of hematic arteries and veins of phoenix, two people are very so close, and go finally arrived one case.

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