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  第一章总则  第一条为了加强出租汽车客运管理,维护客运市场秩序,保障乘客、客运出租企业及其从业人员的合法权益,根据国家有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本条例。  第二条本条例所称出租汽车,是指依法取得经营许可,按照乘客要求提供客运服务,以里程、时间计费的五至八座客运车辆。  第三条本市行政区域内出租汽车客运经营和管理适用本条例。  第四条市交通行政主管部门是本市出租汽车客运管理的行政主管部门。各县级市和崂山区、黄岛区、城阳区交通行政主管部门负责本辖区内的出租汽车客运管理工作。  市和各县级市、崂山区、黄岛区、城阳区道路运输管理机构、交通稽查机构按照本条例规定的职责,负责出租汽车客运的具体管理工作。  其他有关行政管理部门按照各自的职责,协同做好出租汽车客运管理工作。  第五条市交通行政主管部门应当根据经济社会发展和城乡公共交通客运状况,组织编制出租汽车行业发展规划,报市人民政府批准后实施。  政府及有关部门应当采取措施,鼓励、推广使用环保节能出租汽车车辆。  第六条出租汽车经营实行行政许可制度。  按照本条例取得的经营许可禁止转让,法律、法规另有规定的除外。  本条例实施前取得的出租汽车经营权尚未到期的,经营权管理按照市人民政府有关规定执行。  第二章客运出租企业  第七条从事出租汽车客运经营,应当具备下列条件:  (一)具备企业法人资格;  (二)有符合规定要求的车辆、停车场地和流动资金;  (三)有与经营业务相适应的管理和驾驶人员,其中经营管理、技术和安全管理等岗位至少各有一名具有中级以上相关专业技术职称的人员;  (四)有良好的资信和财务状况;  (五)有完善的经营管理制度。  第八条需从事出租汽车客运经营的,应当向道路运输管理机构提出申请。道路运输管理机构应当自收到申请之日起三十日内,根据本市出租汽车行业发展规划和 申请者的条件作出行政许可决定。准予许可的,发给道路运输经营许可证(以下简称经营许可证)并签订经营合同;不予许可的,书面告知申请人。  第九条客运出租企业应当按照道路运输管理机构的要求配备出租汽车车辆,并到有关部门办理相关手续后,到道路运输管理机构办理道路运输证和领取票据。  出租汽车车辆除符合公安机关对车辆的统一规定外,还应当符合下列要求:  (一)使用规定的车型、车辆颜色,标明客运出租企业名称和行业徽标,安装出租汽车标志灯;  (二)车内装置空车待租及暂停营运标志,贴有运价标签,安装统一选型的计价器。  第十条客运出租企业应当遵守下列规定:  (一)按照行政许可的期限、范围经营,接受道路运输管理机构、交通稽查机构的监督管理和社会公众的监督;  (二)规范驾驶员着装;定期对驾驶员进行法制、职业道德、文明礼仪、安全和治安防范等教育培训;  (三)按照规定审查出租汽车驾驶员的服务资格;  (四)检查车辆技术状况、安全设施和车容卫生,定期检查计价器及有关标志;  (五)及时协助乘客查找遗失物品;对不能及时返还失主的物品,予以登记并妥善保管;  (六)设置并公布投诉电话,实行二十四小时服务;  (七)按照道路运输管理机构的要求报送相关资料;  (八)遇有抢险、救灾等特殊客运任务时,服从道路运输管理机构和公安机关的统一调度使用和指挥;  (九)法律、法规、规章的其他规定。  客运出租企业应当组织协调本企业出租汽车驾驶员的交接班时间,避免集中交接班。  第十一条出租汽车车辆归个人所有的,客运出租企业应当与出租汽车车辆所有者签订管理服务合同,按照约定提供服务,并按照规定的标准和项目收取费用,实行收费公示。出租汽车车辆所有者应当遵守管理服务合同,服从客运出租企业的管理,按时缴纳管理费和有关税费。  交通行政主管部门应当组织制定管理服务合同示范文本,并协同价格主管部门制定管理费指导标准。  第十二条客运出租企业合并、分立、迁移以及变更其他登记事项的,应当向道路运输管理机构申报,并按照规定到有关部门办理登记手续。  第十三条客运出租企业应当按照核准的车辆数量投入营运,不得擅自暂停或者终止营运。  客运出租企业需要暂停营运的,应当经过道路运输管理机构批准,并办理相关手续后方可暂停车辆营运。  客运出租企业需要终止营运的,应当提前三个月向道路运输管理机构申报。经批准终止营运的,应当按照规定缴销经营许可证、道路运输证、计价器、标志灯及未用出租汽车客票,并到有关部门办理手续。  第十四条任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改、冒用、倒卖、转让出租汽车经营许可证、道路运输证、标志灯和出租汽车客票,不得套用、伪造出租汽车号牌。  第十五条鼓励客运出租企业通过依法收购出租汽车车辆产权和兼并、重组等方式,实现规模化经营。  第三章出租汽车驾驶员  第十六条出租汽车驾驶员应当取得服务资格证。申领服务资格证,应当符合国家规定的条件,并经道路运输管理机构考试合格。  第十七条出租汽车驾驶员在营运中应当遵守下列规定:  (一)遵守道路交通安全法律、法规;服从客运出租企业的管理;  (二)营运时携带道路运输证,按照规定放置服务资格证,夜间营运时开启标志灯;  (三)保持车辆整洁,定期换洗座套和对车辆消毒,保持车辆技术状况良好,安全设施齐全有效;  (四)按照行业规范和企业要求着装,使用文明用语,礼貌待客、热情服务;  (五)车内无客时显示空车待租标志,交接班、约定候客等暂停营运时,显示暂停营运标志,不得无故拒载、中途甩客;  (六)按照乘客指定到达地点选择合理线路行驶,未经乘客同意不得招揽他人同乘;  (七)在每年的七月一日至九月三十日期间和十二月一日至次年三月三十一日期间,按照乘客要求使用空调;  (八)按照规定操作计价器,按照计价器显示金额和价格主管部门有关规定收费,主动给付乘客当次出租汽车客票;  (九)提醒下车乘客带好随身物品,及时归还乘客遗失物品,无法归还的,及时上交客运出租企业或者公安机关;  (十)在营运站点候客时,应当进站排队、服从调度、按序待客;  (十一)接受道路运输管理机构和交通稽查机构的检查。  出租汽车驾驶员应当对老人、儿童、病人、残疾人、孕妇等乘客提供必要的帮助。  第十八条出租汽车必须在批准的经营区域内经营,不得超出经营区域异地经营。  出租汽车进入非批准经营区域后,不得显示空车待租标志或者承接客人。  第四章乘客  第十九条乘客应当文明乘车,有下列情形之一的,出租汽车驾驶员有权拒绝或者终止提供营运服务:  (一)携带易燃、易爆、有毒等危险品或者违禁品、宠物以及可能污损车辆的物品乘车的;  (二)不告知目的地或者前往目的地所经道路无法行驶的;  (三)精神病患者或者醉酒者丧失自控能力且无人陪同的;  (四)实施或者要求出租汽车驾驶员实施违法行为的。  第二十条对要求驶离出租汽车经营区域范围或者前往偏僻地区的乘客,出租汽车驾驶员可以要求其随同到就近的公安派出所登记,并报告客运出租企业。  乘客应当配合出租汽车驾驶员办理登记手续。乘客不配合的,出租汽车驾驶员可以拒绝或者终止提供营运服务。  第二十一条乘客应当按照规定的标准支付车费。途经收费路、桥(含渡口、隧道等)的,由乘客支付过路、过桥费用,但出租汽车驾驶员应当在乘客乘车时提前说明。  有下列情况之一的,乘客可以拒绝支付车费:  (一)计价器不能正常使用或者不使用计价器的;  (二)出租汽车驾驶员不给付当次出租汽车客票或者出租汽车客票打印不清无法辨认的;  (三)出租汽车驾驶员不按照规定使用空调的;  (四)出租汽车发生故障或者交通事故不能将乘客送至目的地的。  第五章监督和奖励  第二十二条市交通行政主管部门应当制定出租汽车客运行业管理服务规范,建立对客运出租企业的考核评估制度。  对年度考核不合格的客运出租企业,限期整改;对连续两年考核不合格的,由道路运输管理机构注销其经营许可证。  第二十三条交通行政主管部门应当建立投诉受理制度,设置投诉电话,接受乘客、出租汽车驾驶员和社会的投诉,并自受理投诉事项之日起七日内作出处理并回复投诉人。被投诉的单位和个人应当按照要求配合有关部门的调查。  对举报无证营运或者伪造、套用牌证营运等重大违法违章行为,经查证属实的,由交通行政主管部门按照有关规定对举报人予以奖励。  第二十四条客运出租企业和出租汽车驾驶员有下列行为之一的,由交通行政主管部门予以表彰或者奖励:  (一)在抢险、救灾等特殊客运任务中做出突出贡献的;  (二)拾金不昧、见义勇为、救死扶伤等事迹突出的;  (三)积极参与行业文明创建、优质服务和社会公益活动的;  (四)对出租汽车行业管理提出合理化建议被采纳的。  第二十五条机场、车站、码头等公共场所应当设置出租汽车专用停靠站点并免费开放,接受道路运输管理机构和交通稽查机构的监督管理。  第六章法律责任  第二十六条对违反本条例有关客运管理规定的行为,由交通稽查机构处理,其中,吊销经营许可证、道路运输证、服务资格证的行政处罚,由道路运输管理机构决定。  第二十七条客运出租企业有下列行为之一的,责令改正,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款:  (一)违反本条例第十条第一款规定之一的;  (二)合并、分立、迁移以及变更其他登记事项未向道路运输管理机构申报的;  (三)未经道路运输管理机构批准暂停或者终止营运的。  第二十八条客运出租企业的出租汽车驾驶员违法经营受到处罚的次数,连续三个月每月超过企业出租汽车总数百分之五的,或者在连续六个月内累计四个月每月超过企业出租汽车总数百分之五的,责令限期整改,对该企业处以五千元罚款,并对其法定代表人处以五百元罚款。  第二十九条违反本条例第十四条规定,伪造、涂改、冒用、倒卖、擅自转让出租汽车经营许可证、道路运输证、标志灯和出租汽车客票的,没收违法所得,并处一千元以上五千元以下罚款,暂扣或者吊销道路运输证、服务资格证,同时收缴上述营运证件、标志灯和出租汽车客票。  第三十条出租汽车驾驶员有下列行为之一的,没收违法所得,按照以下规定给予罚款,并可以暂扣或者吊销道路运输证、服务资格证:  (一)违反本条例第十七条第一款(二)、(三)、(四)、(九)项规定的,处以五十元以上一百元以下罚款;  (二)违反本条例第十七条第一款(五)、(六)项规定的,处以一百元以上五百元以下罚款;  (三)违反本条例第十七条第一款(八)、(十一)项规定的,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款;  (四)在客运出租企业暂停营运期间擅自营运的,处以五千元以上一万元以下罚款。  第三十一条出租汽车驾驶员超出经营区域异地经营的,没收违法所得,并处五千元以上一万元以下罚款。  第三十二条未经许可从事出租汽车客运经营的,没收违法所得,并处一万元以上三万元以下罚款;无出租汽车驾驶员服务资格证驾驶出租汽车的,处以三百元以上一千元以下罚款,并暂扣道路运输证。  第三十三条违反本条例,涉及违反有关社会治安、交通安全、工商行政、质量技术监督、价格、税务等管理规定的,由有关部门依法处理。其中,对有下列违法行为之一情节严重的客运出租企业、出租汽车驾驶员,由道路运输管理机构吊销其经营许可证、道路运输证和服务资格证:  (一)客运出租企业违反有关规定收取费用的;  (二)套用或者伪造出租汽车号牌从事出租汽车客运经营的;  (三)敲诈勒索、侮辱殴打乘客的;  (四)欺行霸市、强拉强运及以其他方式扰乱出租汽车客运秩序的。  第三十四条被暂扣道路运输证、服务资格证的出租汽车驾驶员应当在规定期限内到交通稽查机构接受处理。无故逾期不接受处理的,由道路运输管理机构注销上述证件。  被吊销道路运输证的出租汽车驾驶员,同时吊销其服务资格证。出租汽车驾驶员在半年内有其他违法经营行为受到处罚三次以上的,吊销其服务资格证。被吊销服务资格证的人员,三年内不得从事出租汽车客运业务。  第三十五条当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼;当事人逾期不申请复议、不起诉、又不履行行政处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机构依法申请人民法院强制执行。  第三十六条交通行政主管部门、道路运输管理机构、交通稽查机构及其工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由上级行政机关或者监察机构依法对相关负责人、直接责任人给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。  第七章附则  第三十七条本条例自2007年5月1日起施行。


Regulation of Qingdao city cab passenger transport

(on December 15, 2006 Qingdao city thirteenth thirtieth of people's congress standing committee the conference edits)

General principles of the first chapter manages the first times to strengthen cab passenger transport, uphold order of passenger transport market, safeguard passenger, passenger transport rents the enterprise reachs his the legitimate rights and interests from personnel of course of study, concern a provision according to the country, combine this city actual, enact this ordinance. This the 2nd byelaw place weighs cab, it is to point to obtain management license lawfully, according to the passenger the requirement provides passenger transport service, expend with course of development, time plan 5 to car of 8 passenger transport. Passenger transport of the cab inside area of the 3rd this city administration is managed and management is applicable this byelaw. Branch of director of administration of traffic of the 4th city is this city the administration that cab passenger transport runs is in charge of a branch. Branch of director of administration of traffic of area of a mountainous area, yellow island, city in relief district is in charge of city of each county class and Lao the cab passenger transport inside this area under administration supervises the work. Road of in relief district of area of a mountainous area, yellow island, city carries city and city of each county class, Lao the duty that orgnaization of check of administration, traffic sets according to this byelaw, the specific government of responsible cab passenger transport works. Department of other concerned administration according to respective duty, do good cab passenger transport to supervise the work in coordination. Branch of director of administration of traffic of the 5th city ought to develop according to economic society and state of passenger transport of urban and rural public traffic, the organization weaves cab industry develops a program, people signing up for city is carried out after governmental approval. The government reachs concerned branch to ought to take step, encourage, promotion uses environmental protection energy-saving cab car. The 6th cab is managed execute administration to allow a system. The management license that obtains according to this byelaw prohibits making over, law, code has formulary except additionally. The cab right of administration that before this byelaw is carried out, obtains has not expire, management of right of administration concerns a regulation to carry out according to city people government. Passenger transport of the 2nd chapter rents the enterprise is engaged in cab passenger transport the 7th times managing, ought to have following requirement: (one) possess legal entity qualification; (2) have the car that accords with formulary requirement, parking lot ground and circulating fund; (3) have manage with what management business posture suits and drive personnel, among them the post such as management, technology and safety administration has to have intermediate above each at least the personnel of title of relevant and professional technology; (4) have good financial condition and financial standing; (5) have perfect management system. The 8th needs those who manage to be engaged in cab passenger transport, ought to carry an administration to offer application to road. Road carriage administration ought to rise 30 days from the day that gets application inside, according to this city cab industry development plans and the condition of applicant makes administration allow a decision. Allow permits, send road to carry business certificate (business certificate of the following abbreviation) sign management contract; Do not grant to permit, written tell an applicant. The requirement that the 9th passenger transport rents the enterprise ought to carry an administration according to road provides cab vehicle, after dealing with relevant formalities to concerned branch, to road carriage card of carriage administration conduction road is mixed the bill that get. Cab car is divided outside according with public security mechanism to set to the unity of car, ought to still accord with following requirement: ? . ǖ of Suo of mildew of A Chinese-style unlined garment of ㄒ bluff ┦ some enemy epiphysis of Zan of  of  of a unit of length of Ju of lowing ⒊ pilfer carries large bamboo hat of Hun of suitable king crab on the back to get  level ground to hold dark blue of  of Cou of favour pray felt in the palm  of Hun of my king crab is become exhausted arc of lens of dim glow of the setting sun. Every stick the Mi pa of ǘ  ┏ sex of  of  of chaste tree of dim glow of the setting sun of suck of  of S of bully a gathering of things or people of Tang swinging  thinks of ⌒ of lie of Ba Cheng of dark blue of  of Yan close  to steal a huge legendary turtle of collect duckweed Xie! > banter  sprain carries large bamboo hat of Hun of suitable king crab on the back to wash Φ fraud Qia impossibles   of   of? of aluminous discharge Suo (one) the time that allows according to administration, limits is managed, of the supervisory government that accepts road to carry orgnaization of check of administration, traffic and social community supervise; (2) normative driver is worn outfit; Undertake to the driver civilized and morality of legal system, profession, formal, safety and public security are on guard regularly wait for education to groom; (3) the service qualification that investigates taxi driver according to the regulation; (4) examination car technical condition, safe facilities and sanitation of appearance of vehicle, regular examination valuation implement reach concerned mark; (5) assist a passenger in time to search losing; To cannot returning the article that returns owner of lost property in time, give register and appropriate is custodial; (6) install and announce complain a phone, execute 24 hours of services; (7) the requirement newspaper that carries an administration according to road sends relevant material; (8) encounter have rush to deal with an emergency, provide disaster relief when waiting for task of special passenger transport, the unity of obedient road carriage administration and public security mechanism attempers use and direct; (9) the other provision of law, code, regulations. Passenger transport rents the enterprise ought to organize those who coordinate this enterprise taxi driver to join class time, avoid to join a class centrally. Eleventh cab car puts in an individual 's charge all, passenger transport is rental enterprise ought to as possessory as cab car sign management to serve a contract, provide a service according to the agreement, mix according to formulary standard project collection charge, execute collect fees fair show. Cab car is possessory ought to abide by management to serve a contract, obedient passenger transport is rental the management of the enterprise, on time pay administration fee and concerned tax cost. Branch of traffic administration director ought to be organized make management serve contract demonstrative text, cooperate with price officer division system decides level of administration fee guidance. Dozenth a passenger transport is rental the enterprise is amalgamative, schism, migratory and change the other item that register, ought to carry an administration to declare to road, deal with the formalities that register to concerned branch according to the regulation. Thirteenth passenger transport rents the enterprise ought to invest battalion fortune according to the car amount of approve, do sth without authorization pauses or must not stop battalion to carry. Passenger transport rents the enterprise needs to suspend battalion carrying, ought to carry an administration to approve through road, deal with relevant formalities rear can suspend car battalion carrying. Passenger transport rents the enterprise needs to stop battalion to carry, ought to shift to an earlier date 3 months are declared to road carriage administration. Stop battalion to carry via approval, ought to carry card, valuation according to business certificate of formulary hand in for cancellation, road implement, mark lamp and did not use cab passenger ticket, deal with formalities to concerned branch. Any the 14th units and individual must not be forged, alter, risk with, buy in and sell at a profit, make over cab business certificate, road to carry lamp of card, mark and cab passenger ticket, must not apply mechanically, forge cab name brand. The 15th encourages passenger transport to rent the enterprise is passed buy cab car property right and annex lawfully, recombine wait for means, implementation dimensions is changed manage. The 3rd chapter driver of the 16th taxi ought to acquire taxi driver service qualification card. Explain get service qualification card, ought to accord with the requirement that the country sets, carry administration exam qualification via road. Ought to driver of the seventeenth taxi abide by following regulation: in battalion carry? . ò of square brilliant of cable of an ancient nationality in China of Qia of ㄒ bluff ┳ steps on  of annulus of Gui of ü of ⒎ of   umbrella to emerge carry arc of Hui of Fei of grave of archives of large bamboo hat of Hun of suitable king crab on the back. Alarm of  of ǘ  ┯ kills collect of  of ぃ of alarm of Fen of   cable washing with watercolors to exhibit Suo ǚ exhausted arc of lens of dim glow of the setting sun of Zhong of stupid  of alarm of  of crime Xu of  of ぃ of Duo of arrow of Da of fat plum  . Compose of  of vinegar of Huang of joke of ㄆ of  of Bo of  of chrysanthemum of 3 breed pilfer casts ㄈ  ┍ simian pilfer brings up  of  chaste tree  of personal boundless and indistinct of pure Juan of ankle of border of bright of 3 breed pilfer steps on arc of В of travel of  of meat and fish dishes of  Fang ┢ . Collect of ㄋ model ┌ enrols favour to pour Di to amuse cane of  of the surname that shove a large bamboo hat to cast? to use civilized term, courtesy entertains a guest, enthusiastic service; (5) when the guest is not being had inside the car, show empty wagons is waited for hire a mark, when handing over class, agreement to await the suspensive battalion such as the guest to carry, carry of indication time-out battalion indicates, do not get without reason refus to carry, midway throws a passenger; (6) appoint according to the passenger arrive at a place to choose reasonable line travel, agree to must not solicit other to be multiplied together without the passenger; (7) in annual came on July 1 mix during September 30 will come on December 1 second year during March 31, according to the passenger the requirement uses air conditioning; (8) operate valuation according to the regulation implement, according to valuation implement indication amount and price officer branch collect fees about the regulation, become actively to Fu Cheng's guest cab passenger ticket; (9) remind get off the passenger takes good vade mecum to taste, remand in time passenger losing, cannot remand, hand in passenger transport in time rental company or public security mechanism; (10) when battalion carries the site states an objective, ought to pull in queues up, obedience attempers, entertain a guest by foreword; (11) the inspection that accepts road to carry administration and traffic check orgnaization. Taxi driver ought to provide necessary help to the passenger such as old person, children, patient, disabled, pregnant woman. The 18th cab must be managed inside the management area of approval, must not exceed ground of management area different to manage. After cab enters blame approval to manage area, must not show empty wagons is waited for hire a mark to perhaps carry on guest. Passenger of the 4th chapter the 19th passenger ought to civilization takes a car, have one of following state, does taxi driver have authority to reject to perhaps be stopped offer battalion carry to serve: ? . Lens of discharge of ⒂ of makeup  of ⒁ of flesh of at present of  of  of ㄒ bluff ┬ holds the post of ⒊ of two of  of ソ of Nao of Yang of O palm lane to comb Mo is made an appointment with fly Nai of lens of pilfer of partridge of Chang of provide for Qi carves arc of model of irritated suitable archives. Ka of Yang of Tao of health male of  of post Ma of ǘ  ┎ cling to arc of bad model of Xing of ㄐ of a kind of sedge of lung of cable of  of  of fellow of  health male. Insane of  of ㄈ  ┚ " buccal Fu Yang well arc of model of  of Kun of wait of Yi of chair of η of miserly of key of ё of ナ of Gu of general of a stone needle used in acupuncture in ancient China ancienting name for a water catltrop.  of Hun of king crab of Hui of  of Ji of Yang of ┗ of stool of ㄋ model ┦ guides copy of  of form of ㄐ of シ of ┪ of stool of Fu brightness pen! > Ju of  of to joke  breaks  bed shine Pi of  of  of  of paddy of  of Hun of Yin king crab paragraph Щ Yang Ka cling to  of She of   У stops  of Hun of  king crab some tiny bit to guide Fu brightness stupid tip breaks  of grave of  of apprentice of arrogant of  of Qiang of  earnest Lu ability sand!  of Hun of king crab of mill of creek of spurt of Φ of 〕 silk Tuo guides Fu brightness low stews the  in vasting Qiang scabbard  of Hun of king crab of  of model of department of 3 canisters confused creek guides Fu brightness stupid tip jumps Lie of Yan  Yang to overspread Chi of  of new moon of  of solid Mao ┯ ! > collect of low of Φ of Tuo of silk of mould of anxiety of  of to joke  exhibits Suo ǖ to seek sunlight merchant Ц aspic pounds ⑺ of Song of fan of  of ê of ox of ⑶ of two of cliff of Zhan of  of the hold tight that choose M to vast  Ou Yan of ⒐ of two of  of beans of Ц of Tuo of Sha Si of  of model of ┑ bilking caries! Tip of besmear of silk of  of bad model of  of crucian carp of a pavilion or house on a terrace of ∮ Xing aluminous star jumps aspic of Yan  Ц to pound?     (one) valuation implement cannot be used normally or do not use valuation implement; (2) taxi driver does not give pay become cab passenger ticket or cab passenger ticket is printed not clear cannot identify; (3) taxi driver does not use air conditioning according to the regulation; (4) cab malfunctions or traffic accident cannot send the passenger to destination. The 5th chapter is supervised and reward administration of traffic of the 22nd city to be in charge of a branch to ought to make industry of cab passenger transport administer service standard, the assessment that builds rental to passenger transport business evaluates a system. Rental to the passenger transport with year unqualified assessment company, deadline is rectified and reform; Unqualified to be being assessed two years continuously, by road carriage administration cancels its business certificate. Branch of director of administration of the 23rd traffic ought to be built complain accept a system, the setting complains a phone, accept driver of passenger, taxi and society complain, accept the day that complains item to rise oneself 7 make processing in a few days and the reply complains a person. The unit that is complained and individual ought to cooperate to concern sectional investigation according to the requirement. Carry to informing against the battalion that do not have card or forge, the behavior of great illegal violate the rules and regulations such as carry of battalion of card of apply mechanically card, belong to via check solid, be in charge of a branch to be rewarded to informing against a person to give according to concerned regulation by traffic administration. The 24th passenger transport rents enterprise and taxi driver have one of following action, is by traffic administration director branch given commend or reward: ? . ⒕ of old cut up with a hay cutter of Sui of ㄒ bluff ┰ still is worth the Ren that bear faint to carry Si Wo Duo on the back Yu of bosom of fierce Bei growing permanent teeth finishs vertebra model arc. Carve of avarice of person of ⒕ of  of thoroughfare contraction of  of ⒓ of dysentery of unreal of a legendary bird with poisonous feathers of Ao of ǘ  ┦ says benevolence collection M conceives Bao model arc. Drop of favour of helmet of Wo of  of  of ㄈ  ┗ takes ⒂ of Man lip ā fat arc of model of  of Tuan of Biao of  of Mao of black of exuviate of history  Yao. Enemy favour of  of Hun of simian king crab of ㄋ model ┒ pours Fei Xia Ke provide for of hesitating of Chinese catalpa of ㄒ of  of Dun of dirty a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct is foolish copy! > does of lineal descent of ⒊ of   of  of wholesale of Pang of  of to joke  use up ⒙ to set out is ㄓ of bottom of  of Hun of king crab of trade of shaddock of low of Φ of  of ∷ of Bo of the  that return skirt fierce?  of Dun of Fei of alarm of Fen of cable of Nai of mail of  of ox of  of muching bud of ⒚ of Cui of empty looking glass rainwatering in puddles buys collect of channel of  of hazel of  of apprentice brilliant ɑ Jiao Fei rancors! >  of Zou  road a bit quail lofty > dizzy シ of Ju of  of  of to joke  Mie of discharge of blame Bao  carries  of hazel of  of ɑ of brilliant of hill of  of  of male form of ǖ of Suo of Si Fei Hua on the back to tick off ⒌ of ぁ of Shao of sulphone of  of  of  of Bi of  of school of  Hui  washing with watercolors! > does sprain of to instruct of  of to joke  carry large bamboo hat of Hun of suitable king crab on the back to wash Xing aluminium goes road of charm of  of г of sulphur of bowstring of fall from the sky of  of overstep one's authority of dizzy Hao of σ of  of  of angry of Gang of Yu of  of bad model of form   ? ?     (one) violate this ordinance one of the 10th the first section provisions; (2) amalgamative, schism, migratory and change the other item that register to did not carry an administration to declare to road; (3) carriage administration approval pauses or stop battalion to carry without road. The taxi driver of rental company violates the 28th passenger transport run the time that is punished, successive 3 months exceed enterprise cab number every months of 5% , perhaps be in successive 4 months exceed the accumulative total inside 6 months every months enterprise cab gross of 5% , instruct deadline to rectify and reform, fine this company office with 5000 yuan, fine place of its legal representative with 500 yuan. The 29th violates this ordinance the 14th regulation, forge, alter, risk with, buy in and sell at a profit, do sth without authorization makes over cab business certificate, road to carry lamp of card, mark and cab passenger ticket, confiscate illegal earning, be in 1000 yuan of above 5000 yuan of the following amerce, of short duration is buckled or revoke road carries card, service qualification card, capture afore-mentioned operation certificate at the same time, mark lamp and cab passenger ticket. Thirtieth taxi driver has one of following action, confiscate illegal earning, give fine according to the following regulation, OK of short duration buckles or revoke road carries card, service qualification card: (one) violate this ordinance the seventeenth the first (2) , (3) , (4) , (9) of the regulation, place fine 100 yuan below with 50 yuan of above; (2) violate this ordinance the seventeenth the first (5) , (6) of the regulation, place fine 500 yuan below with 100 yuan of above; (3) violate this ordinance the seventeenth the first (8) , (11) of the regulation, place fine 1000 yuan below with 500 yuan of above; (4) during passenger transport rents the enterprise suspends battalion carrying battalion of do sth without authorization carries, place fine 10 thousand yuan below with 5000 yuan of above. Driver of a taxi exceeds thirtieth ground of management area different manages, confiscate illegal earning, be in 5000 yuan of above 10 thousand yuan of the following amerce. Thirtieth is engaged in cab passenger transport 2 times managing without the license, confiscate illegal earning, be in 10 thousand yuan of above 30 thousand yuan of the following amerce; Without taxi driver service qualification card drives of cab, place fine 1000 yuan below with 300 yuan of above, and of short duration buckles road to carry card. Thirtieth violates this ordinance 3 times, involve disobey technology of safety of concerned security of society, transportation, industrial and commercial administration, quality to supervise, the management such as Wu of the price, duty sets, handle lawfully by concerned branch. Among them, the passenger transport with the one serious clue of following to having illegal behavior is rental driver of enterprise, taxi, by revoke of road carriage administration its business certificate, road carries card of qualification of card kimono Wu: (one) passenger transport rents the enterprise violates charge of concerned regulation collection; (2) apply mechanically perhaps forges cab name brand to be engaged in cab passenger transport managing; (3) blackmail, affront beats up a passenger; (4) bully pulls powerful movement bully city, by force to reach all right disturb with other way of order of cab passenger transport. The taxi driver of carriage card of 4 road that be buckled by of short duration, service qualification card ought to be in thirtieth processing is accepted to traffic check orgnaization inside time limit. Without reason exceed the time limit does not accept processing, by road carriage administration cancels afore-mentioned certificate. By the taxi driver of revoke road carriage card, at the same time its serve revoke qualificatory card. Taxi driver has inside half an year other violate management behavior to be punished above 3 times, its serve revoke qualificatory card. By the personnel of card of revoke service qualification, business of cab passenger transport must not pursue inside 3 years. 5 party are opposite thirtieth administrative punishment decides disaffected, can apply for to administration is reconsidered or mention lawsuit of politics of start on a journey lawfully; Party exceed the time limit does not apply for to reconsider, do not sue, nonperformance administration punishs a decision, apply for people court to be carried out compulsively lawfully by the orgnaization that makes condemnatory decision. Branch of director of 6 traffic administration, road carries thirtieth orgnaization of check of administration, traffic and its staff member of fraud of derelict, misuse of authority, practise favouritism, by ranking executive authority censorial perhaps orgnaization is opposite lawfully person of relevant controller, direct responsibility gives disciplinary sanction; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully. This 7 byelaw removed thirtieth of supplementary articles of the 7th chapter on May 1, 2007 oneself apply.

上一篇:大自然实木地板价格? 大自然实木地板与徐家实木地板哪个好?英文双语对照