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怎么制作宠物标本? 宠物标本制作方法?英文双语对照


怎么制作宠物标本? 宠物标本制作方法?英文双语对照








有,如果是用医学方面的回答来说 你只要去医院或者专业做标本的地方就可以做成标本,但是从人性方面这样来说 劝你别把自己心爱的狗狗做成标本 狗狗死后 应该像人一样安葬它 不应该让它的遗体长期放在外面当装饰品 而且看着狗狗的标本 你也会伤心难过 建议你好好安葬它 然后多去看看它就好


1、去除鱼的黏液在水中加点明矾(学名: 12 水硫酸铝钾),将纱布搓洗干净挤干平铺在桌子上,把鱼放在上面,进行测量记录。


3、将洗干净的鱼皮浸泡在 75%以上的酒精(主要是对细菌具有强烈的消毒、防腐作用)中脱脂和保存。

4、将鱼皮表面涂上防腐剂(硝基清漆)装进中心支架,随即把磨尖的两头铅丝或元钢,分别插进上下尾鳍的鳍条中去,装上支架,从下尾鳍向下颌,由皮内侧向外侧交叉的进行缝合,缝到胸鳍部位时为填料的方便,可留下2~ 3 cm的口子,以便进行填料。












  简单的:采集到植物后,把他压在几张吸水纸中,用重物压上,等到水分干了,把它粘在象框中,或放到两  片塑料膜间,抽去空气,粘牢!  复杂的:

1)压榨干燥。将采来并经过修整后的标本,铺垫好吸水性强的纸数张,矫正好标本花和叶的位置。摆放标本时,应注意显示植物的自然状态,避免花、叶压在一起,互相重叠。应该使标本有一个或几个花、叶转过来,以观察它们的背面。然后把它们用压榨板或标本夹压好,并用绳子捆绑紧。  换纸必须勤快,刚采回的新鲜标本,头3天要每天换纸3~4次,至少换2次,以后可每日换1次。换下来的湿纸晒干,以便再次使用。干燥需要时间长短,以植物本身性质而定,一般植物的干燥处理约需要4~5天。鉴别标本干燥得是否适度的简单方法是,当我们拿起标本时,如果是没有干的标本,个别柔软的部分,容易弯曲下垂;过于干燥的标本,很容易弯曲折断;干燥适度的标本有弹性,且不易破损。  

2)消毒处理。因为植物体上往往有虫子或卵在其内部,如不消毒,则会被虫子蛀食破坏。  消毒方法可以将压干的标本放在消毒室或消毒箱内,再放敌敌畏于玻璃器皿内,置入室内或箱内,利用气熏法杀虫。约3天后取出即可装帧。  

3)上台纸、贴标签。把已经干燥的标本放在台纸上,摆好位置,尽量作到美观,尤其应注意标本的花枝不可太近台纸边缘,否则易碰坏。固定的方法有多种。可用线将标本牢固地缝在台纸上;也可以用纸条贴在台纸上,或在台纸上要固定植物枝条的地方。用刀各割一个小口(宽窄正好能穿过纸条),穿过纸条,把纸条的两端粘贴在台纸的背面。  每件腊叶标本必须附有标签。标签是标本的科学证明,标签要按野外记录逐项填写清楚。通常贴在台纸的右下角。  

4)贴标本衬纸。最后,将一张跟台纸同样大小的油光纸贴在台纸上端的边缘,使油光纸盖在标本上面,以保护标本。  简便一点也可以垫两张纸夹在书,把书压在重物下面。等水分差不多干了。再  把植物用宽的封口胶(即大的封纸箱用的透明胶)粘住,对折。


One, how to make pet sample?

What use save drug, with alcohol most general. The animal sample that collects, but the sample that direct dip collects at the alcohol of 70% to live, should immerse in the fixed fluid in 95% alcohol above all, move again next park saves fluid in. Specimen of large body animal should be in after killing, the specimen answer face analyse one small seam, make save fluid to penetrate interior easily, or save fluid to body cavity inject with injector. Dip makes animal sample, should not secure in the specimen when hardening, appendage etc body ministry unbend, make appropriate gesture, go up in appendage or other position fasten label, make clear this specimen name with black, collect period with collect the ground. After specimen immerge saves fluid, if medical fluid turns into dirty, answer to change at any time. Hold the bottle that the specimen uses, olefin should be used in bottle stopper place sealed, save fluid to evaporate in case.

2, does pet specimen make a method?

Specimen of the pet that make should see the size of the specimen mostly, bodily form will decide, the price on the net from 1000-5000 yuan, it is to show 30 centimeters come 100 centimeters of length. Of the hair that still has pet itself of course more or less to also matter, wool is little do very hard because of bodily form, want many somes of money so, pilose does not look to give bodily form, better make bit of OK and less money. Had better be present commonly those who talk is good.

3, feline dog kind of pet specimen make?

Specimen of the pet that make should see the size of the specimen mostly, bodily form will decide, the price on the net from 1000-5000 yuan, it is to show 30 centimeters come 100 centimeters of length. Of the hair that still has pet itself of course more or less to also matter, wool is little do very hard because of bodily form, want many somes of money so, pilose does not look to give bodily form, better make bit of OK and less money. Had better be present commonly those who talk is good.

4, does Wuhan have the place of specimen of the pet that make?

Have, if be,you should go to a hospital only for the answer that uses medical field professional perhaps the place that becomes the specimen is OK make it specimen, but persuade you to fasten specimen of your beloved dog dog make it so to speak from human respect the remains that it buries to should not let it like the person should resemble after dog dog dies put for a long time become outside adornment and you also meet the specimen that looks at dog dog sad and sad proposal

5, is piscine specimen made?

1, the mucus of purify fish adds point out vitriol in water (formal name: 12 water are vitriolic aluminous Potassium) , wash gauze rub clean crowded dry tile to be on the table, the fish superpose, undertake metrical a record.

2, lever bone of eye socket wedge and deputy wedge bone, had turned over a body to also part across next, then again from the orbit in the mouth, go up with screw hilt skull of frontal bone, head, base the occipital certains or dolly, cut go the muscle that eyeball reachs join to go up in crust. Prepare and stuff the fish of large scale, with cusp in the middle of abdomen of clamp general fish a scale is pressed pieces unplug orderly early or late come down, had folded according to order again in case scale is confused, put inside small gauze to had wrapped up, after skin waiting for a fish has pared.

3, immerse the piscine skin that washs clean the alcohol in 75% above (advocate if have intense disinfection, anticorrosive effect to the bacterium) in defatted and save.

4, the antiseptic on besmear of piscine skin surface (nitro- varnish) hold central stand, immediately the both ends that wears a top lead wire or yuan steel, the fim that is inserted into fluctuation tail fin respectively in go, mount bracket, jaw downward from next tail fin, by leather inside of outward side across undertake oversewing, seam the convenience that filling is when pectoral fin place, can leave the hole of 2~ 3 Cm, so that undertake filling.

6, is dog dog specimen made?

Mammal is to make commonly prepare and stuff the specimen.

If accompany long dog with you child went Wang Xing, you want to leave commemoration day, the proposal takes a picture only or a few hair can.

If have the need of scientific research, it is need basis dog child before one's death bodily form makes stand first, include trunk and limb, want to be made according to scale, accomplish prop up strong, smooth, with dog dog height of original type of build or figure is close to. The fur that is dog of need general dog next is complete denude, this process needs technology and experience, do not suggest to try easily. The one side of body of fur press close to needs daub antiseptic, it is to have commonly virulent, be not professional personage to also do not suggest to try easily. Wait for fur airing to be able to enclothe its be on bracket, undertake oversewing to cut, give specimen mount eye and nose finally, finished basically.

7, is forest specimen made?

Plant specimen clip is among paper, but stoving, but insolation and into

8, is tomato specimen made?

The figure that can do tomato with bubble besmears again a lacquer is OK

9, specimen of the earthworm that make?

Very glad to answer your question, buy some of AB colophony glue, bask in the earthworm into next after working, put in the mould, glue of the AB on drop is OK

10, how to make the sample?

Simple: After gathering a plant, press him in a few pieces of waterleaf paper, go up with clog pressing, when moisture worked, stick it in resembling casing, or put to two between plastic film, smoke go air, cement! Complex:

1) presses bleed white dry. Will collect the sample after come and passing nap, the paper with matting good strong water imbibition is counted piece, specimen of correct as it happens spends the position with the leaf. When putting the sample, should notice to show floral natural state, avoid flower, leaf to be pressed together, mutual jackknife. Should make the specimen has or a few flowers, Xie Zhuai comes over, in order to observe their the reverse side. Use them next compress board or specimen clip has been pressed, bind with cord close. Trade paper must diligent, just collected the fresh sample that answer, the head should trade paper 3 days everyday 3 ~ 4, change 2 times at least, later but daily change 1 times. The wet paper insolation that changes, so that be used again. Length of dry need time, decide with plant itself property, general floral is dry processing needs 4 ~ 5 days about. Differentiate the specimen dry whether measurable simple method is, when we take the sample, if be the specimen that did not work, the part of individual softness, curve prolapse easily; Too dry specimen, very easy turn is broken zigzag; Dry and measurable specimen is bouncy, and not easy damaged.   

2) disinfects processing. Because there often are insect or egg on frond,be in its are in-house, if be not disinfected, can be fed to destroy by insect eat by moth. Alexipharmic method is OK will press dry specimen to be put inside alexipharmic room or alexipharmic box, put DDVP again within glass service, buy is entered indoor or inside box, use gas to fume a law to kill insect. Take out after about 3 days can binding and layout.   

3) appears on the stage paper, stick label. Put already dry sample on stage paper, place good place, make as far as possible beautiful, the beautiful branch that should notice the specimen especially cannot predestined relationship of trimming of too near table, touch easily bad otherwise. Fixed method has a variety of. Usable line seams the specimen firmly go up in stage paper; Also can stick on stage paper with scrip, or the place that wants fixed plant branch on stage paper. With the knife each cut small mouth (size just in time can cross scrip) , cross scrip, the two end scrip are stickup the reverse side in stage paper. Specimen of every dried meat leaf must with label. Label is the scientific proof of the specimen, it is clear that label should fill in by field note item-by-item. What be stuck in stage paper normally is right next horn.   

4) sticks specimen mount. Finally, a piece of paper following a stage the oily machine-glazed paper of same size is stuck in the brim of the end on stage paper, make glossy paper lid is above the specimen, in order to protect the specimen. A bit handier also can fill up two pieces of paper to be placed in the book, press the book below the clog. Cent waiting for water worked almost. Use the plant again wide heal glue (the transparent glue that seals paper box greatly to use namely) clingy, 50% discount.

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