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财务处理流程? 财务处和计划财务处有何区别?英文双语对照


财务处理流程? 财务处和计划财务处有何区别?英文双语对照


(1 )日常经济业务发生时,业务人员将原始凭证提交给财会部门。由凭证录入人员在企业基础会计信息的支持下,直接根据原始单据编制凭证,并保存在凭证文件中。

(2 )对凭证文件中的凭证进行审核。如果审核通过,则对记账凭证作审核标记,否则,将审核未通过的凭证提交给录入人员。

(3 )登记日记账,出纳人员根据收款凭证和付款凭证,登记现金日记账和银行存款日记账。

(4 )登记各种明细账,一般单位根据业务量的大小设置各个会计岗位,即分别由多个财会人员登记多本明细账,如一个会计专门登记应收账款明细账;一个会计专门登记材料明细账等。

(5 )根据科目汇总表登记总账,总账会计根据记账凭证定期汇总编制科目汇总表,根据科目汇总表登记总分类账。

(6 )月末处理,由于总账、日记账、明细账分别由多个财会人员登记,不可避免地存在着这样或那样的错误。因此,每月月末,财会人员要进行对账,将日记账与总账核对,明细账与总账核对,做到账账相符。此外,财会人员月末还要进行结账,即计算会计账户的本期发生额和余额,结束账簿记录。

(7 )跟据企业银行账和银行对账单中的银行业务进行自动对账,并生成余额调节表。

(8 )查询与生成报表,根据日记账、明细账和总账编制管理者所需的会计报表和内部分析表。






驾车路线:全程约47.9公里 起点:武汉天河国际机场 1.从起点向西南方向出发,行驶90米,左前方转弯 2.行驶10米,左前方转弯进入南一路 3.沿南一路行驶200米,右转进入机场二通道 4.沿机场二通道行驶30米,直行进入机场二通道 5.沿机场二通道行驶20米,直行进入机场二通道 6.沿机场二通道行驶12.3公里,朝常青路/S18方向,稍向右转进入丰荷山互通 7.沿丰荷山互通行驶250米,过丰荷山互通,右前方转弯进入机场高速公路 8.沿机场高速公路行驶5.3公里,朝三环线/常青路方向,直行进入机场高速公路 9.沿机场高速公路行驶70米,直行进入汉飞大道 10.沿汉飞大道行驶900米,直行进入常青路 11.沿常青路行驶2.3公里,右转进入发展大道 12.沿发展大道行驶100米,朝长丰大道/解放大道/知音桥/发展大道方向,稍向右转上匝道 13.沿匝道行驶380米,直行进入二环线 14.沿二环线行驶4.7公里,直行进入龙阳大道 15.沿龙阳大道行驶7.1公里,过汪家嘴立交桥,直行进入东风大道 16.沿东风大道行驶90米,过汪家嘴立交桥,稍向右转进入汪家嘴立交桥 17.沿汪家嘴立交桥行驶250米,过汪家嘴立交桥,右前方转弯进入三环线 18.沿三环线行驶9.7公里,过武金堤立交桥,在白沙洲大道/武昌火车站/武昌/江夏出口,稍向右转进入青菱立交桥 19.沿青菱立交桥行驶640米,进入白沙洲大道 20.沿白沙洲大道行驶3.1公里,左转 21.行驶140米,直行进入杏坛南路 22.沿杏坛南路行驶30米,过右侧的武汉科技大学黄家湖校区西门约130米后,左转进入知行路 23.沿知行路行驶40米,到达终点(在道路右侧) 终点:武汉科技大学(黄家...






武汉科技大学面积是171.43万平方米。武汉科技大学简称武科大,坐落于湖北省武汉市,是湖北省人民政府、教育部和六家国家特大型企业共建高校,是湖北省双一流建设高校。 扩展资料 武汉科技大学入选国家“中西部高校基础能力建设工程”、高等学校学科创新引智计划、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、国家级新工科研究与实践项目、首批高等学校科技成果转化和技术转移基地、国家创新人才培养示范基地、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校。




















武汉科技大学 是1 本,青山是老校区,在建一,黄家湖是新校区,地方有点偏,不过这两年建的不错了,条件还过得去武汉科技大学中南分校是 3 本 ,在汤逊湖如果你分数够的话,上武汉科技大学自然要强一点我是武汉科技大学的,在青山和黄家湖都住了两年


One, financial processing flow?

(When business of 1) daily economy happens, business personnel submits primitive certificate money meeting branch. Type personnel to be below the support of information of company base accountant by the proof, weave according to original bill directly proof, in keeping existence proof file.

(2) undertakes examine and verify to the proof in proof file. If examine and verify is passed, make number of examine and verify to proof of charge to an account, otherwise, the certificate that did not carry examine and verify is referred type personnel.

(3) registers journal, cashier personnel is mixed according to gathering proof pay proof, journal of the cash that register and bank deposit journal.

(4) registers all sorts of detail Zhang, common unit sets each accountant post according to the size of portfolio, meet by many money respectively namely personnel registers many detail Zhang, if an accountant registers; of Zhang of detail of receivable Zhang money technically,an accountant registers material detail Zhang technically to wait.

(5) registers general ledger according to course summary table, general ledger accountant collects summary table of total staff course regularly according to proof of charge to an account, register total classification Zhang according to course summary table.

(End of 6) month is handled, because Zhang of general ledger, journal, detail parts to be met by many money,personnel is registered, existing inevitably such or in that way mistake. Accordingly, end of every month in and month out, meeting personnel should have money to Zhang, check journal and general ledger, detail Zhang and general ledger check, accomplish Zhang Zhang conform to. In addition, end of meeting personnel month has money even settle accounts, calculate namely of accountant account this period produce the forehead and remaining sum, end Zhang book-keeping to record.

(7) follows to be opposite according to company bank Zhang and bank the bank business in Zhang sheet undertakes be been opposite automatically Zhang, make list of remaining sum adjustment.

(8) inquiry and make etc, the accountant forms for reporting statistics that needs according to controller of Zhang of journal, detail and general ledger work out and interior analyse a watch.

2, do financial department and place of plan finance affairs have why to distinguish?

Financial department is more professional branch, point to the branch inside financial category alone, by asset, capital, accountant, duty Wu, investment, settle accounts, cost, the chamber of the budget a place that cannot constitute.

And planning financial department is the place chamber that constitutes by project division and financial department, the earliest two branches are depart, later period incorporates again room of a place. Finance affairs need not explain, and plan even if allot investment, program branch, of the composition such as the plan.

Some units follow project division manage put, also have put one case with finance affairs, later period specializations recombine, open finance affairs and plan depart, the setting becomes two independent place rooms.

3, does university of Wuhan science and technology reach Wuhan airport much further?

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 47.9 kilometers start: International Airport of Wuhan the Milky way 1. Set out to southwest direction from start, travel 90 meters, left ahead turns 2. Travel 10 meters, left ahead turns enter south all the way 3. South the edge all the way travel 200 meters, right-hand rotation enters the airport 2 passageways 4. Edge airport 2 passageways travel 30 meters, straight travel enters the airport 2 passageways 5. Edge airport 2 passageways travel 20 meters, straight travel enters the airport 2 passageways 6. Edge airport 2 passageways travel 12.3 kilometers, toward evergreen road / S18 direction, enter Feng Heshan each other to connect sunwise a bit 7. Along Feng Heshan each other connects travel 250 meters, each other of hill of carry on one's shoulder passing a surname is connected, west the front turns enter airport freeway 8. Travel of edge airport freeway 5.3 kilometers, toward 3 link line / evergreen way way, straight travel enters airport freeway 9. Travel of edge airport freeway 70 meters, straight travel enters Han Fei highway 10. Travel of edge Chinese flying highway 900 meters, straight travel enters evergreen grade 11. Along evergreen road travel 2.3 kilometers, right-hand rotation enters development highway 12. The edge develops highway travel 100 meters, face grows abundant highway / emancipatory highway / bosom friend bridge / development highway direction, go up sunwise a bit full line 13. Along full line travel 380 meters, straight travel enters 2 link line 14. Along travel of 2 link line 4.7 kilometers, straight travel enters Long Yang highway 15. Travel of edge dragon in relief highway 7.1 kilometers, cross crossroads of bark home mouth, straight travel enters east wind highway 16. Travel of highway of edge east wind 90 meters, cross crossroads of bark home mouth, enter crossroads of bark home mouth sunwise a bit 17. Travel of crossroads of mouth of edge bark home 250 meters, cross crossroads of bark home mouth, west the front turns enter 3 link line 18. Along travel of 3 link line 9.7 kilometers, cross crossroads of fierce gold bank, in white alluvion highway / Wu Changhuo station / Wu Chang / Jiang Xia is exported, enter crossroads of green water chestnut sunwise a bit 19. Travel of crossroads of edge green water chestnut 640 meters, enter white alluvion highway 20. Travel of highway of edge white alluvion 3.1 kilometers, left-hand rotation 21. Travel 140 meters, straight travel enters the grade austral apricot altar 22. Travel of the road austral edge apricot altar 30 meters, cross the university of Wuhan science and technology on the right side of Xi Menyao of campus of Home Huang lake 130 rice hind, left-hand rotation enters grade of knowing and doing 23. Travel of road of edge knowing and doing 40 meters, arrive at terminus (it is on the right side of road) terminal: University of Wuhan science and technology (Huang Jia. . .

4, is university of Wuhan science and technology professional?

Automation, machinist Cheng reachs its automation, environmental design, the vision communicates a design, painterly, protect a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, clinical medicine, application is chemical, chemical project and craft, project of inorganic metalloid material, law, biology project, collect collier Cheng, civil engineering, computer science and technology, software project, car project, machinist Cheng, administration, medicine learns, interpreter, german, english, electronic business affairs

5, postcode of university of Wuhan science and technology?

University of Wuhan science and technology is the high level university that is located in Hubei to visit Wuhan town, its postcode is 430081. This school sets many institutes and institute, covered the many course field such as labour, manage, canal, article.

6, is university of Wuhan science and technology how old?

Area of university of Wuhan science and technology is one million seven hundred and forteen thousand three hundred square metre. Family of fierce of abbreviation of university of Wuhan science and technology is big, be located at Hubei to visit Wuhan town, it is Hubei province people government, Ministry of Education and enterprise of 6 countries oversize build a college in all, it is Hubei saves college of double top-ranking construction. University of science and technology of patulous data Wuhan is selected country " capability of base of college of ministry of Chinese and Western builds a project " , innovation of course of colleges and universities is brought wisdom plan of poineering training of innovation of undergraduate of plan, state level, Ministry of Education " outstanding engineer education develops a plan " , national level new engineering course studies.

7, fellowship of university of Wuhan science and technology?

The grade level of outstanding student fellowship mixes university of Wuhan science and technology assess scale

Special grade fellowship · of person of 3000 yuan of / year, 1% what hold student sum total;

First prize learns gold · of person of 1500 yuan of / year, 3% what hold student sum total;

Second-class fellowship · of person of 1000 yuan of / year, 7% what hold student sum total;

Third class fellowship · of person of 800 yuan of / year, 12% what hold student sum total.

Obtain the postulate of outstanding student fellowship

(one) political quality is reliable: Abide by constitution and law, hold to 4 basic principles, support the course of the party, guiding principle and policy, care the affairs of state, political active demand is aspirant, without extreme words and deeds;

(2) thought moral character is outstanding: Thought health, behave well, bearing civilization, pay attention to social morals, for be as good as one's word of person integrity honesty, abide by undergraduate regulations and school self-consciously each regulations system;

(3) study result is admirable: Have deep love for place to learn major, study manner is decorous, abide by study discipline, learn conscientiously, achievement is admirable, specific standard is made according to this academy circumstance by each institute, after newspaper school puts on record, carry out;

(4) integrated performance is outstanding, the model can rise to be the first in the classmate action, care collective, active support, share work, each activity that enters organization of school, courtyard, class actively to begin and society carry out an activity, unitive classmate, be happy to help a person, respect a teacher, have good masses base, integrated expression is judged by accepted become reconciled of teachers and students;

(5) body and mind is healthy, have good habits and customs, appeal is decorous, without unhealthy addiction; Pay attention to exercise, enter activity of sports of after school culture actively;

(6) there is outstanding show in the activity such as activity of character of political thought, morality, spiritual civilization, work, society and science and technology, learning, literary, sports, obtain teachers and students accepted, society reputably but take into consideration the circumstances relaxes study result requirement is first consideration or special consideration.

8, does university of Wuhan science and technology contain Troy?

Wuhan is institute of Wuhan iron and steel before university of science and technology, it compares influential force inside colleges and universities of system of our country metallurgy, although it is not 985211 kinds of universities, but also be 2 universities, mining of the metallurgy major of this school, mine kind, building and actual strength of civil engineering major are stronger, have these professional master's degree to grant right.

This school graduate is fastened in steely metallurgy mine all is enterprise or business the unit is more, more welcome

9, university of Shandong science and technology and university of Wuhan science and technology?

University of Shandong science and technology and comprehensive strength of university of Wuhan science and technology comparative, it is course texture differs only just. Shandong family is big wait for course be good at with machinery of mining industry exploration, exploitation, colliery, geology; Original name of university of Wuhan science and technology institute of Wuhan iron and steel, most distinctive major is the course such as material science and metallurgy project, project. So, in the choice between these two universities, had better see you learn what major, regard an university as the basis of the choice with major.

10, is campus of Hong Shan of university of Wuhan science and technology university of Wuhan science and technology in south cent school?

University of Wuhan science and technology is 1, green hill is old campus, in build one, huang Jiahu is new campus, the place slants a bit, what build two this years nevertheless is pretty good, the condition returns university of science and technology of Wuhan of be able to pass in south cent school is 3, in soup abdicate lake if your mark is enough, attend college of Wuhan science and technology natural and a bit more ambitious I am university of Wuhan science and technology, lived two years in green hill and Home Huang lake
