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  高温瑜伽减局部赘肉  减肥力度:★★★★  主题动作:拉伸、腹式呼吸等  运动量:400卡路里/小时  很多女人最烦恼的不是过度肥胖,而是局部肥胖。腰部和腹部最容易堆积脂肪。瑜伽是通过头、身、心达到减肥目的的,瑜伽练习在减肥的同时,也能调整人体内分泌系统,即使是初学瑜伽的练习者也不难体会到,瑜伽减肥方式的针对性和有效性。热瑜伽将室内温度设为40度,通过拉伸运动使得肌肉变软,线条变匀称,热量消耗也比普通瑜伽大,出汗使皮肤排除废物的速度加快,每次只需1小时。  健康TIPS:瑜伽适合空腹练习,每周练习二至三次,不宜过多,练习后半个小时内不能洗澡。   钢管舞提升性感指数  减肥力度:★★★★★  类型:运动减肥  主题动作:杆下劈腿、下胯、杆上攀登、旋转等  运动量:500卡路里/小时  如今的钢管舞已经不仅仅是夜店舞娘的专利,很多明星和白领都对其情有独钟,蔡依林、小S等都纷纷连起了钢管舞,只因其不仅能塑身,还能修炼性感指数。练习钢管舞,你的腰身柔韧度会变得更好,整个人也更有活力和魅惑力。  健康TIPS:学习和联系钢管舞,开始学习基础动作会很难适应,不要追求太完美,动作的标准要按要领勤奋练习。不同场馆或者教练收费标准不同,一般在几百到几千元不等。  跆搏塑形提高身体协调度  减肥力度:★★★★★  主题动作:冲拳、踢腿等  运动量:600卡路里/小时  跆博Tae-Bo是目前欧美健身房里的最新热点,Tae是跆拳道的缩写,Bo是拳击的缩写。其上肢动作主要参考了拳击的动作特点,而腿部动作则以跆拳道的腿法为基本动作,配合音乐而练,绝不会枯燥。肢体不协调者最好的选择。对瘦腿和瘦腰都有很好的效果,很快就见到小蛮腰。不会反弹,既减肥又塑身。  健康TIPS:因为跆搏的上肢动作比较多,在做完跆搏练习以后,应注意对手臂的拉伸练习。  爵士舞提升魅力指数  减肥力度:★★★★  主题动作:踢踏、扭动等  减肥秘笈:有氧呼吸、全身血液循环  运动量:320卡路里/小时  每周跳3-5次爵士舞,每次舞蹈时间在30-50分钟,便会塑造出魔鬼身材。主要是锻炼个人的表现力。学了爵士舞后,一举手一投足都会更加协调,进退之间愈发时尚妩媚,可以大大增强个人社交魅力。  健康TIPS:学习爵士舞的费用各家场馆有所不同,一般的俱乐部学完一支成品舞费用大概为200左右。  高尔夫修身  减肥力度:★★★  类型:运动减肥  主题动作:挥杆、走路等  运动量:270卡路里/小时  都市白领普遍都运动不足以及饮食紊乱,生活和工作压力巨大,肺部的换气和心脏的搏动能力也因此降低,血管的弹力日趋降低。打高尔夫运动不仅可以增强体质,预防疾病,也可以解除巨大的精神压力。  因其走路的距离长,培养了人的毅力,对心脏和下肢都是很好的锻炼,同时高尔夫球场良好的环境和清净的空气极大地愉悦了锻炼者,有利于身体健康。


Gal of high temperature gem reduces strength of flesh of local go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married reducing weight: Movement of theme of   of ★ of ★ ★ ★ : The motion such as drawing, abdominal measures: 400 calorie / hour a lot of women are the most distraught is not excessive and fat, however local and fat. The waist and abdominal the easiest accumulation are adipose. Gem gal achieves goal reducing weight through head, body, heart, while gem gal practices reducing weight, also can adjust human body internal system, even if the practice person of gal of gem of begin to learn is experienced not hard also, the specific aim of gem gal means reducing weight and effectiveness. Heat gem gal sets indoor temperature it is 40 degrees, through drawing motion makes muscle molten, line becomes well-balanced, quantity of heat is used up also compare common gem gal is old, perspire the speed that makes the skin excludes waste material is accelerated, need 1 hour only every time. Healthy TIPS: Gem gal suits hollow exercise, weekly exercise 2 come 3 times, unfavorable and overmuch, exercise second half cannot bathe inside the hour. Steel tube dance promotes sex appeal exponential strength reducing weight: Type of   of ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★ : Movement of athletic theme reducing weight: The ascend on next leg, hip, lever breaks off below lever, rotate wait for motion to measure: 500 calorie / hour the patent that the steel tube dance nowadays has been woman of nocturnal inn dance not just, a lot of star and white-collar have a special liking to its, cai Yilin, small S had steel tube dance repeatedly in succession, because of its not only can model body, still can compile index of refine sex appeal. Practice steel tube dance, your girth soft toughness can become better, whole person also has vigor and power of evil spirit be puzzled more. Healthy TIPS: Learn and contact steel tube dance, begin to learn fundamental movement to be able to suit very hard, do not go after too perfect, behavioral standard should practice conscientiously by essentials. Different place or coach rate is different, be in commonly hundreds of differ to thousands of yuan. Form of Tai wrestle model raises the body to coordinate degree of strength reducing weight: Movement of theme of   of ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★ : Strong fist, kick the carry momentum such as the leg: 600 calorie / Tae-Bo of hour Tai rich is current the newest heat in Euramerican gym, tae is the abbreviate of taekwondo, bo is fistic abbreviate. Movement of its upper limbs basically consulted fistic movement characteristic, and leg department action is main action with the leg law of taekwondo, deserve to combine music and drill, absolutely won't as dry as a chip. Limbs not the choice with best coordinator. Have very good effect to thin leg and thin waist, see small pretty pocket very quickly. Won't rebound, reduce weight already model body. Healthy TIPS: Because the upper limbs action of Tai wrestle is more, in finish after Tai wrestle practices, the drawing that should notice adversary arm practices. Knight dance promotes glamour exponential strength reducing weight: Movement of theme of   of ★ of ★ ★ ★ : Kick step, the Ji of secret reducing weight such as twist: Motion of circulation of blood of breath having oxygen, whole body measures: 320 calorie / the hour jumps every week dance of Sir 3-5 second, every time dancing time is in 30-50 minute, can model a devil figure. Basically be the expressional power that exercises an individual. After learning knight dance, hand of with one action casts sufficient metropolis more harmonious, fashionable charm is sent more between advance and retreat, can enhance individual socialization glamour greatly. Healthy TIPS: The charge that learns knight dance each place differs somewhat, general club learns charge of dance of a finished product to be probably 200 the left and right sides. Golf cultivate one's morality reduces fat strength: Type of   of ★ ★ ★ : Movement of athletic theme reducing weight: Brandish lever, wait for carry momentum on foot: 270 calorie / hour city white-collar moves generally inadequacy and food are disorder, the life and actuating pressure are enormous, the take a breath of lung and cardiac beating ability also are reduced accordingly, hemal bounce is reduced with each passing day. Hit golf to move to be able to enhance a constitution not only, prevent a disease, also can remove enormous mental pressure. The distance that walks because of its is long, fostered the person's perseverance, it is very good to heart and lower limbs take exercise, the environment with golf favorable at the same time field and kosher air greatly cheerful the person that take exercise, be helpful for healthy.
