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2. 过程与方法目标:

从学生生活和学生已有的知识储备入手,通过丰富的图片,音像资料,让学生感受传统文化的方方面面,增强感性认识。开展探究性学习活动,让学生在探究、讨论中形成观点,掌握知识。 在掌握知识的基础上,形成正确的观点、态度,并且能学以致用。过程中让学生充分参与课堂,体现新课改学生主体地位。



1. 弘扬民族精神和文化自信:传统文化是中华民族的精神财富,它是经过漫长历史沉淀的,具有深层次的文化内涵。继承传统文化可以加深民族认同感和文化自信,让人们在现代社会快节奏的生活中,更好地了解自己的身份、历史和文化根源。

2. 建立文化认同和社会共同体:传统文化是文化认同的一个重要方面。继承传统文化可以促进不同文化背景的人们之间的相互理解和交流,进而减少文化和社会之间的隔阂和矛盾,建立更为统一和和谐的社会共同体。

3. 促进人格修养和身心健康:传统文化强调道德、伦理和精神等方面的修养。继承传统文化可以帮助人们培养优秀品质、良好习惯和健康生活方式,从而促进个体身心健康和全面发展。

4. 传承历史文化遗产和保护文化资源:传统文化遗产是人类文化宝库的重要组成部分,具有独特的历史、价值和意义。继承传统文化可以保护和传承历史文化遗产,减少文化资源的流失和破坏,维护文化多样性和人类历史遗产的连续性。















取其精华,去其糟粕" ,批判继承,古为今用。1、 继承发扬中华民族的有两传统2、 正确对待外来文化影响3、 必须与弘扬时代精神相结合4、 最重要的是发挥主心骨作用









特点:(1) 传统文化具有相对稳定性。传统文化要世代相传中保留着基本特征,同时,它的具体内涵又能够因时而变。 (2) 传统文化具有鲜明的民族性。作为特定历史发展的产物,传统文化是维系民族生存和发展的精神纽带

作用:在社会发展过程中 ,随着生产力的发展,经济,政治的变化,传统文化的相应内容如果能顺应社会生活的变迁,不断满足人们日益增长的精神需求,就能对社会与人的发展起积极作用。反之,如果一成不变,传统文化也会起阻碍社会进步、妨害人的发展的消极作用。


One, of traditional culture accede with development?

The development of traditional culture, should be over successive foundation, with when all is entered, the innovation that reflects culture develops. The development of ① culture, the thinking that should develop in order to innovate, compose proposes the new approach of development, can last what realize culture then development;

② is driving force with innovating, breed the modern breath of traditional culture, expand demand with the better society that gets used to new period;

Of ③ traditional culture accede and develop, need certain corporeal carrier. Be in especially of traditional culture in acceding, should make policy, proffer be ensured character, this conduces to the enthusiasm that increases the people to participate in culture to accede, solve on certain level then " temporary shortage " problem.

Accordingly, of traditional culture accede and develop, need innovates, also need carrier, in new development structure, the new space that plan tradition culture develops.

2, the example with traditional unmanned and successive culture?

Of music of odd bowstring fork downfallen

Quiet day last years of a dynasty or reign when, imperial noble likes to hear music of odd bowstring fork very much, also promoted music of odd bowstring fork so circulate, become the main content that palace recreation lives, so quiet day is development of music of odd bowstring fork most summit summit, be inbreaked by western the various states as quiet day last years of a dynasty or reign later, of Eight Banners child downfallen, the person position that caused music of fork of very much can odd bowstring drops gradually, become the actor of make a living as a performer finally. Spread out as what new culture moves later, the audience that causes music of fork of bowstring audition sheet is less and less. Music of fork of odd finally bowstring is moved toward gradually downfallen.

3, of traditional culture successive guide language?

1. knowledge and ability target

Live in modern society through introducing traditional and traditional and consuetudinary, traditional structure, literary, traditional idea the continuance of each respect and its influence, the meaning that lets a student make clear traditional culture, characteristic reachs the true attitude of pair of traditional culture, comprehend the effect of traditional culture in actual life, be good at the elite in divisional and traditional culture and scum

2.Process and methodological end:

From student life and student already some knowledge lay in proceed with, carry rich picture, phonic resembling data, let a student feel the square side side of traditional culture, enhance perceptual knowledge. Begin dug sex to study an activity, let a student be in dug, the point of view is formed in discussing, master knowledge. On the foundation that masters knowledge, form proper point of view, manner, and can study sth in order to apply it. The student lets sufficient participate in classroom in the process, reflect new tax to change position of student main body.

4, the meaning of successive and traditional culture?

Successive and traditional culture has a lot of senses, include the following field:

1.Promote ethos and culture self-confidence: Traditional culture is the mental fortune of the Chinese nation, it precipitates through long history, have the culture intention of deep administrative levels. Successive and traditional culture can deepen a nation to agree with feeling and culture self-confidence, let people be in the life of modern society fast rhythm, understand oneself identity, history and culture origin better.

2.Build culture self-identity and social community: Traditional culture is a when culture agrees with important facet. Successive and traditional culture can promote the mutual understanding between the people of different culture setting and communication, reduce the estrangement between culture and society and contradiction then, build more unified the social community with harmony.

3.Stimulative character accomplishment and body and mind are healthy: Traditional culture stresses the accomplishment of the respect such as morality, ethics and spirit. Successive and traditional culture can help people develop fine quality, good convention and healthy life style, promote health of individual body and mind and full-scale development thereby.

4.Bequest of inheritance history culture and protective culture resource: Traditional culture bequest is the main component of human culture treasury, have distinctive history, value and sense. Successive and traditional culture can be protected and bequest of inheritance history culture, the prediction of a person's luck in a given year that reduces culture resource and destroy, those who safeguard culture diversity and human history bequest is successional.

Anyhow, successive and traditional culture not only the meaning is far-reaching, and contemporary to developing culture and society of full-scale development mankind are crucial also. Protect as good as inheritance traditional culture only, we just can welcome prospective challenge and opportunity better.

5, meaning of successive and traditional culture?

1, the main drive of the traditional culture of main drive China of China and traditional goodness is the traditional sense that can reflect ethical feature and ideology, it is the world outlook that has ethical feature and view. It is constantly strive to become stronger of the Chinese nation, advance wave upon wave, the spiritual prop that heroism forms tenaciously, it is the main drive that coachs people carries out an activity.

2, traditional culture is exquisite advocate ethics, pay attention to humanitarian reason, emphasize and humorous idea, advocate hardship consciousness to wait a moment, learn and study these Chinese traditional culture, then the successive, traditional goodness that promote and develops the Chinese nation.

These hard is opposite compose builds harmonious society, promote outstanding ethical culture bequest, strengthen the education that overall to the countryman quality teachs, having inestimable effect.

3, the soul that culture is a nation. Culture construction, it is the construction of the construction of spirit of a nation, inner world.

China culture is of long standing and well established, broad and profound, sense of honor of the kindheartedness of faithful filial piety of its place advocate, ceremony justice, Shen Yanmin is travel, severe at be self restrained, mend one's ways the ethic such as change be apt to, come thousands of years with respect to casting the mental spirit of Chinese people, form the disposition of the Chinese nation, bred entire nation to be mixed pursuit and incorruptness of humorous, hardworking and thrifty, assiduously hardily essence of life faithful patriotic good quality.

4, the formation of goodness of tradition of the Chinese nation, of system of exalted morality value build, do not divide with the long-term be pregnant with of traditional culture.

China tradition goodness is the Chinese nation passes the development 5000, past dynasties sheds the precious moral culture bequest that hand down, it included fine ethical quality, admirable ethos, great nation moral courage, exalted nation affection, good people formal wait for a respect.

5, condensing the Chinese nation " form " with " fetch " . The tenet that strengthens education of China tradition goodness is to be below new condition, successive, promote, the traditional goodness that rise and develops the Chinese nation.

Rise the outstanding culture of our country and traditional goodness concentration, be united in wedlock with revolutionary tradition, gift new era content, accommodate new times drive, achieve bear before after opening, with when all is entered, view of the has Chinese distinguishing feature viewpoint of value of make the past serve the present, morality and code of conduct.

6, how to accede China tradition culture?

Need strengthens education and conduct propaganda to accede develop Chinese traditional culture. Chinese traditional culture is culture gene of the Chinese, but these culture are in modern society by desolate or negligence, a lot of people to traditional culture the understanding that is fur type only. Accordingly, we need to strengthen relevant education and conduct propaganda, with traditional culture of multiform transmission China, the artistic appreciation that raises people and self-identity are spent. In addition, also be necessary to prompt the improvement of relevant policy and system, let traditional culture receive better protection and inheritance. Accede developing Chinese traditional culture is for inheritance culture gene not only, it is to promote a country cultural life of soft actual strength, rich people more, enhance culture self-confidence heart. In globalization today, understanding and the premise that respect other culture are the culture that should understand first and respects his, master and apply the wisdom of traditional culture, sure meeting moves toward future to offer powerful culture to prop up for us.

7, how to accede traditional culture?

Take its flower, go its scum " , critically and successive, make the past serve the present. 1, successive those who develop the Chinese nation have two traditions 2, treat foreign culture correctly to affect 3, must with promote times spirit appearance to be united in wedlock 4, the most important is play backbone action

8, is the purpose of successive and traditional culture development tradition culture?

The primary purpose of culture inheritance is the good convention of successive the Chinese nation, learn the experience that archaic a person of virtue leaves and lesson, draw the essence of culture, go berth of its broken bits, the socialistic modernization that is new period serves, build great socialistic society, flourish jointly, collective and rich, social harmony, civilized and prosperous.

The good convention of the Chinese nation, be with factitious be apt to, get along well, mutual fraternal love, mutual understanding, include each other, mutual understanding. It is difficult to advocate one party to have, all directions is assisted, the aid that help deficient up is tired, cherish public property, love the motherland, love people. Tell civilization, tell culture, virtuous, tell courtesy, tell kindheartedness, self-denying need a person, do not have an insatiable desire for corrupt, preserve one's moral integrity, clean-fingered act according to fair, it is people to take heart and soul.

Object aggression, object socially undesirable ethos, object endangering all bad behavior of the society. Education socially all people loves to read, read the culture atmosphere of good book, study intellectual culture, master knowledge, do to be learned and courteous, strive good citizen of upper reaches, make contribution to build socialism, realize happy and happy comparatively well-off life, go up too good happy life.

9, is the ceremony is pair of traditional culture successive?

The ceremony makes some day and other day different namely, make some hour and other hour different.

Resemble bridal ceremony, do not care how old ostentation and extravagance and expenditure, but need clear of a ceremony to tell the world, also be to tell oneself at the same time: Engrave from now on case, new life began. Traditional culture inheritance needs ceremonial sense, want to build the culture of modern to agree with namely, look for the mental coordinate of traditional culture, what ceremonial feeling is reflecting pair of traditional culture is awe-stricken with esteem.

10, the characteristic that traditional culture accedes and action?

Characteristic: (1) traditional culture has relative stability. Traditional culture should withhold main feature in run in the family, in the meantime, its specific connotation can change because of from time to time again. (2) traditional culture has bright nationality. Regard specific history as the child of development, traditional culture is the mental tie that hold together people lives and develops

Action: In social development process, as the development of productivity, economy, political change, if the corresponding content of traditional culture can comply with the changes that the society lives, satisfy the mental demand that people increases increasingly ceaselessly, can have positive effect to the development of society and person. Conversely, if invariable, traditional culture also can have the negative effect of the development of progress of block up society, obstructive person.
