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郫 县:郫县豆瓣、郫筒酒、蜀绣、大蒜、川芎金 堂:云顶明参、大红袍海椒、红桔、广柑、红毛橙

新 津:火腿肠、辣椒、泡菜、雪梨、脐橙、黄辣丁、河鱼系列

彭 山:“金条子”海椒、彭祖寿柑、脐橙、彭祖牌曲酒、长春军南味豆腐乳、杏仁豆瓣、甜皮鸭

蒲 江:白菜豆腐乳、米花糖、全兴矿泉水、绿昌茗茶叶、黑米酥

邛 崃:文君酒、文君绿茶、丝绸制品、瓷胎竹编工艺品、邛陶、邛竹杖(以石竹或罗汉竹为上品)

大 邑:金蜜李、黄醪糟、唐场豆腐乳、栗子坪杨梅、鹤鸣山贡茶、白果、猕猴桃蘑芋、成都麻羊、“三木”药材、黄连、棕片、山药、双河豆花、野猪肉


























青岩的玫瑰糖和玫瑰酱可以买回去。 民生路丁家脆哨可以买回去。





土笋冻是起源于福建泉州,一种色香味俱佳的特色传统风味小吃,是一种由特有产品加工而成的冻品。相传发明人是民族英雄郑成功。 它含有胶质,主原料是一种蠕虫,属于星虫动物门,学名可口革囊星虫,身长二、三寸。经过熬煮,虫体所含胶质溶入水中,冷却后即凝结成块状,其肉清,味美甘鲜。配上好酱油、永春陈醋、蒜蓉。









One, Chengdu what cate can be taken away?

1, sichuan bright and beautiful

Sichuan bright and beautiful, sichuan saves special local product of the Chengdu City, product of mark of Chinese country geography. Sichuan bright and beautiful, point to Sichuan ground only (Sichuan Chengdu area) brocade of silk jacquard weave. Sichuan bright and beautiful is multi-purpose line of colored boiled-off silk is woven, with longitudinal rocket, apply striped have variety or striped add a flower, with geometry design is organized and the method of union of photograph of grain act the role ofing is woven.

2, 9 feet salted duck

9 feet salted duck is to originate in Sichuan to visit town of city of Peng of the Chengdu City the traditional name that 9 feet press down eats, the people all through the ages of 9 feet of Peng state city has the habit that raises a duck, 9 feet town was saved by Sichuan 1986 praise for " the countryside of salted duck " .

3, chief of army collect boiler

Chief of army collect boiler, say again " crisp boiler chief " , renown " ghee multi-layer steamed bread " , it is city of Sichuan Chengdu Peng (former Peng county) traditional and fastfood. The history is long, fastidious of charge for the making of sth. , have a color alone, with sweet, crisp, fragile, delicate change broken bits and renown Yangchuanxi.

4, cai bay shaddock

Shaddock common calls " gas (bag) mandarin orange " . Good person brook of bay having Cai, prejudicial, Sha Tian, bitter fleabane, hearts, acerbity shaddock, poll shaddock. Cai bay shaddock is shaddock of name of place of new ferry county, crown of a tree opens business, fruit big skin is thin, pulp is shallow yellow, tender and juicily, acid is sweet goluptious, because originate in beautiful bridge,press down Cai bay village and get a name.

5, mu Mashan chili

Chili is the famous local speciality on history of new ferry county is tasted, advocate the garden that originates in Mu Mashan area, Huang Du, general is promoted, Jin Hua and other places. Because chili of herd horse hill is lubricious red, flesh is thick, sweet hot, taste is pure and celebrated far and near, the cafeteria that all through the ages is Chengdu, new ferry and place of inn of cooked wheaten food want the main source of chili.

2, the cate of special local product that what Chengdu has to you can be taken away?

1, lukewarm duck, lukewarm duck is the cate of special local product that Chengdu can take away, the proposal chooses to go clear becomes aware the shop there buys the temple, this inn is to belong to registered office, having long historical time. The taste of the duck is very good, crisp feels appropriate, still having full-bodied sweet smell, suit the dot on the belt to go back to sample to family very much.

2, king Mom hand rips the hare that bake, king Mom hand rips the travel that the hare that bake also is Chengdu, suit the cate of special local product that take away very much, flavour is very good, still attracted a lot of tourists to queue up to buy. Although this kind of cate has very much taste, crossing what suit most should be flavour of the five spices, let stream of people forget to return repeatedly indeed.

3, Deng hare head, although in Chengdu a lot of places can see hare head, the place to go that suits most nevertheless should be northwest bridge around, the hare head flavour inside that inn does not have lasting appeal one time, and practice time is longer also, had had time of more than 20 years almost, suit everybody very much specially goes, bale place area goes back fine fine savour.

4, lamp shadow beef, want to buy bit of special local product to be able to bring back the cate that go in Chengdu, lamp shadow beef is right choice, be in place nowadays can buy inside a lot of supermarkets, the place to go that suits most nevertheless should be old Chengdu, and when everybody is being bought, had better choose Zhang Fei this brand, belong to old name, quality also can special be at ease.

5, chaffy dish footing, chengdu is the good place that takes chaffy dish, be in place at the same time the word of amuse oneself, also can ignite boiler footing goes back on choice belt. The brand of chaffy dish footing or pretty are much nevertheless, flavour does not have how old difference actually, can choose according to individual be fond of.

Patulous data:

Chengdu gust special local product:

Pi county: Hall of gold of wine of canister of valve of Pi county beans, Pi, Sichuan embroidery, garlic, the rhizome of chuanxiong: Cloud top is any of several hot spice plants of sea of bright ginseng, bright red gown, red orange, a kind of orange, Gong Maochen

New ferry: Series of fish of orange of ham bowel, chili, pickle, Xue Li, hilum, yellow hot man, river

Peng Shan:

Pu Jiang: Beautiful candy of Chinese cabbage fermented bean curd, rice, complete promote mineral water, green Chang Ming tea, black rice is crisp

Qiong Lai: Bamboo of embryo of goods of green tea of article gentleman wine, Wen Jun, silk, porcelain makes up bastinado of bamboo of contented of handicraft, Qiong, Qiong (it is top grade with China pink or arhat bamboo)

Big city: Jin Mi plum, yellow fermented glutinous rice, the Tang Dynasty arbutus of level ground of field fermented bean curd, chestnut, crane cries sheep of hemp of taro of hill tribute tea, ginkgo, yangtao mushroom, Chengdu, " 3 wood " medicinal material, the rhizome of Chinese goldthread, palm piece, beans of yam, double river is beautiful, wild

3, the cate that can Li Jiang take away?

Li Jiang is located in the northwest department that Yunnan visits, height above sea level is in 2400 the left and right sides, because advantaged situation awaits diversity compatibly, producing also is quite rich a little unique even cate, let our covet 3 feet!

The cate that key introduction can take away a few times today: 1) dried meat chop, previously dried meat on holidays ability eats chop, but the life is better and better now, dried meat chop also appears on sundry table again and again. Superior dried meat the platoon of essence of life that chop must choose a year of or so small boar, in the greenfeed for pigs of the corn that him common people uses only in feed process, Mai Kang, pumpkin and field edge of a field, reject formula feed! Butcher of annual and solstitial around, souse, natural air is basked in! First-rate edible time is when Spring Festival of the coming year begins tomb-sweeping day, if did not eat,had better be to put freezer to save, or can a few breath out flavour (Lijiang is dialectal, refer in particular to a kind of when bring after souse time is too long not quite friendly flavour, ginger of a few green, Bai Luobo, tomato is joined in the boil process that boil meeting purify flavour, but also affected at the same time dried meat the former juice raw ingredient of chop) , can boil soup of on 15 minutes of gangmasters to fall of course, the bath that use Qing Dynasty is clean, slow fire of firewood earth boiler two hours, such dried meat chop still meets those who make your dribble not self-conscious to flow drip come out!

Dried meat chop just is carried, easy boil is boiled, facilitate save!

Time concerns, introduce other cate again next time

4, the cate that can appropriate guest take away?

The cate that appropriate guest can take away has Na Xi bacon of face of Bin Ran of bean curd doing, appropriate, Lan Xiangzhai and Li Zhuang plain boiled pork.

5, the cate that what Fuzhou has to you can be taken away?

The cate that Fuzhou can take away, have piscine ball, fleshy swallow, chinese olive.

6, can Zhengzhou characteristic cate take away?

Braise face, paper hot boiling water, xin Zhenggong jujube can take away.

7, the cate that can peaceful wave special local product take away?

Oily assist of 1. peaceful wave child

Oily assist of Ning Bo child it is very famous, oily assist child have sweet salty two taste, the sense that different taste gives a person is completely different. Saline taste is flavour of sea liver mosses, the friend of a lot of south is preferred have saline taste, this kind of oily assist child sweet fragile tastily, aroma is full, be very good recreational between-meal nibbles anthology, had taken oily support child friend come to an agreement or understanding, reputably again and again oh.

Stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup of 2. Ning Bo

Peaceful wave stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup also is very distinctive, peaceful wave stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup is sesame seed stuffing commonly, for nothing the wrap up in polished glutinous rice is worn sweet thick black sesame seed is burnt, bite readily go down sesame seed fragrance came out with respect to excessive immediately; mouthfeel is sweet aroma of be bored with, glutinous is sweet goluptious,

New Year cake of 3. Ning Bo

Peaceful wave New Year cake also is peaceful baud some fastfood, peaceful wave person is met normally wear New Year cake snow vegetable takes together, new Year cake of this kind of peaceful wave is having very ages ago history, and pure handiwork makes instantly, this is very god-given, the mouthfeel of New Year cake that pure handiwork makes is more exquisite and full, make in what place still can experience this kind of New Year cake.

8, the old name cate that can street of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles take away?

1, hemp children, this is the fascia of street of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles and characteristic dish, the cate with the most ablaze street of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles stars. "Hemp children " hot crayfish of full name hemp, fry the crayfish that come out with a large number of Chinese prickly ash and chili, color is bright red,

2, hotpot bubble steamed bun, the hotpot bubble steamed bun of street of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles acceded the making method with the most typical Xi'an, it is cooked careful, expect heavy taste is pure, fleshy sodden soup is thick, fat and not be bored with, nutrition is rich, aroma 4 excessive, inviting appetite, after the person is fed, recall today boundless;

3, gold spends clam a round mass of food, it is the fascia of street of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles and one of characteristic dish, beautiful clam is opened large meatball is put inside, below matting beans seedling, as it happens absorbs soup juice, mouthfeel tightened solid large meatball to admit the little taste of clam, delicate and unusual, it is street of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles one of cate of rare.

9, the cate with delicious what does Guizhou have to you can be taken away?

Wave wave candy, jerk (recommend card of hole of Buddha of stone of abide by justice) , dry, thorn pear does wild Chinese flowering quince, the footing of yellow cake and chaffy dish of Chi of duck brook potato and Liu mustache acerbity Shang Yu (remember buying Mu Jiang.

Food market can fry hot pepper chicken in relief perhaps bright chicken vacuum bales bring back.

Rose candy of Qing Yan and rose sauce can be bought. Fragile chirp of fourth home of way of the people's livelihood can be bought.

10, the cate of special local product that what fontal city has to you can be taken away?

1, Ya mouth earthnut

Ya mouth earthnut is special local product of village of mouth of Ya of town of lake of dragon of advance river city. It chooses thoroughbred earthnut " small Liu ball " , " in Liu ball " cultivate go up in sandiness ground, colour and lustre of fruit carapace surface layer is white, nature of the decorative pattern inside housing is clear. Its are chosen when results full fruit pod, abluent hind add right amount water and salt evaporate to boil, ingle needs already fierce pure, squashy hind below colourful this world ted comes dry.

2, earthy bamboo shoot freezes

Aspic of earthy bamboo shoot is city of traceable Fujian spring, the characteristic tradition gust of beautiful of all of a kind of lubricious fragrance is fastfood, it is a kind of aspic that be machined by peculiar product and becomes is tasted. Inventor of according to legend is ethical hero Zheng Chenggong. It is contained colloid, advocate raw material is a kind of worm, reside siphon-worm animal door, formal name is goluptious change bursa siphon-worm, height 2, 3 inches. Through infusion, bug body place contains colloid dissolve to enter water in, refrigeration hind condenses into lump namely, its flesh is clear, delicious pleasant is bright. Match superior soy, always spring Chengdu of mature vinegar, garlic.

3, tribute candy

Tribute candy is the renown dot of tradition of Fujian place folk. Be first civilian the high-quality goods of piously worship pilgrim. The traditional making craft of tribute candy is excellent, quality is excellent, mouthfeel is sweet crisp melting, the glibly after feeding stays sweet, the aftertaste is boundless. Among them relatively famous is candy of white water tribute and candy of golden gate tribute, still have lion of stone of city of spring of Fujian of the foreland austral Fujian and the manual product that always decide.

4, source and hall confiture

Source and hall are the Fujian Province classical local confiture is fastfood. Furniture has 80 years of histories " old name " , celebrated global. Although at present the various confiture a superb collection of beautiful things on market, various booth dot spreads all over ave lane, but adept person still wants a choose and buy authentic " source and hall " confiture, regard assist tea as to entertain a guest beautiful is tasted.

Afterbirth of alien of the brigade austral Fujian loves to carry " source and hall " confiture returns live abroad land, and countryside person also every with " source and hall " confiture is a family member " send downwind " .

5, ground rice of lake head special local product

Head of lake of Anxi of raw material choose and buy is high grade rice, take big top spring of pleasant of natural Qing Xi, use traditional handiwork to refine and become. Delicacy of colour and lustre is white, loose pliable but strong of noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch, boil easily fast ripe, flavour Qing Dynasty pledges without acid, carry convenient, wholesome and reliable.
