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宽心的话? 宽心面的寓意?英文双语对照


宽心的话? 宽心面的寓意?英文双语对照






宽心歌 - 童丹



人生一世 不长也不短

忙忙碌碌 无非为了吃穿

谦逊友善 万事不难

不要自寻烦恼 把心放宽




这绿水青山 这美好人间


看花前月下 温婉缠绵



这段旅程 无悔无怨



把嘴角上扬 笑容满面













看看禾根下的土,关心一下水旱,看看桑树,关心蚕的生长就罢了,何苦想那么远啊! 非要等那秤砣掉到海里、落到海底,才甘心吗?

























































把面活好揉成团 搞成薄片 切成面条













Relaxedly if?

Go seeing the person of your infer. Take the advantage of sun just in time, take the advantage of gentle breeze not a confusion of voices, take the advantage of numerous flower to had not left to roseleaf raspberry, take the advantage of young still now, still can go very long very long way, still can recount very deep very deep longing, take the advantage of the world so not crowded still, take the advantage of a plane to had not taken off, take the advantage of oneself both hands still can embrace each other now, take the advantage of us to still have breath.

Relaxedly the implied meaning of the face?

"Relaxedly face " it is the festal food when Spring Festival of the Han nationality, popularity is taken at Shanxi Lv bridge, North Shaanxi. Annual when the New Year's Eve, make with bean flour, wider than average time and noodle oppose is thin, first the edible when eat of early in the morning, take " heart of all the year round is wide satisfying meaning " meaning, say so for " relaxedly face " . Implied meaning at every turn relaxedly, the family is harmonious.

Relaxedly is the song sung formerly?

Relaxedly song - Tong Dan

Word: Tong Dan

Music: Tong Dan

Life generation is not long not short also

Busy no more than for food and clothing

Condescending and affable all things is not bad

Do not bring vexation on self to relax the heart

Will ask don't bother to see me out this guest official

Will laugh

Break up trouble

This green water green hill this beautiful good world

Since we meet it is sure have a reason

Look before the flowers and below the moon Wen Wan lingering

Be deeply attached to each other fly wing to wing bird

Dou Feixiang is in blue sky

This paragraph itinerary do not have without regret complain

Beatific the world all people

Healthy and restful

Be all smiles the raise on corners of the mouth

Risible person is met certainly lucky and ceaseless

Urge a person when anything crops up relaxedly does line urge a person relaxedly how does line urge a person relaxedly if?

1, the winter goes putting Xu Pan on the ice, spring come grass is autogenous. Ask gentleman to watch this manage, way way is very trenchant. -- Feng of out Tang Dynasty " the day "

Colloquial article paraphrase: Went in the winter ice and snow is met melt, spring came flowers and plants can be opened. If you can be joined realize this truth, can see everythings on earth of worldly all things lucid.

2, give birth to year of dissatisfaction 100, often conceive 1000 years old of care. Day weak point suffers from night to grow, he Bubing candle swims! -- anonymous person of out the Eastern Han Dynasty " ancient poetry 19. Give birth to year of dissatisfaction 100 "

Colloquial article paraphrase: Vivid on earth of a person resents 100 years old normally, there often is the sadness after thousand all ages however in the heart, is this why bother? Since often grouse,day is so brief, the night is so endless, so why taking candlelight, keep day and night happy amuse oneself?

3, life is alive one ephemera, in an instant aconite changes hoary hair. A few can 100 years old of time have, a talk nonsense does not have cause. -- of acting Shi Tianji of out Qing Dynasty " Mo Choushi "

Colloquial article paraphrase: Life is alive resemble mayfly same, before you can say Jack Robinson a black hair is whiten hair, life suffering is short, written in water, you say you do not know days why hasty and over- , I say those who not have to actually life is empty. However the value of life, the life course that does not have this the trend for nothing eventually namely gifts meaning, have been to the life with a kind of many colorful appearance next, it is not to have the wonderful confused of life to show for nothing in the main.

4, broken already in Feburary came in March, gradually old Feng Chunneng a few. Outside not considering a body endless work, and use up before one's death finite cup. -- Du Fu of out Tang Dynasty " a poem of four lines is overflowed promote 9 · its 4 "

Colloquial article paraphrase: Had come in March in the past in Feburary, does the person that often goes gradually encounter spring to a few times you still can have? Do not consider the of countless issue outside the body, first drink uses up the content in the not much cup before.

5, life is malcontent 100, chang Huaiqian holds concern. Oneself is ill only then but, it is descendants anxious again. He Gentu is inspected below, mulberry head sees on. Counterpoise falls the East China Sea, after all only then know to rest. -- cold hill of · of out the Tang Dynasty " life is malcontent 100 "

Colloquial article paraphrase: Birthday number of the person passes inaccessibly 100, however often anxious hundred years later the thing of the descendants. Leave unborn family property for scrape up, break down from constant overwork, ill ability is strong just a bit, take care for descendants again, be anxious.

See the ground below standing grain root, the care enters the water drought, see mulberry, the growth that cares silkworm stopped, why bother thinks so far ah! Must wait for that counterbalance to drop sea mile, fall to sea floor, just be content with?

Meaning of ballad of Zhao Piao Chukuan heart?

Relaxedly ballad, cry again " doited song " . A variety of version are being passed when midstream in old people, the place when canard is Zhao Piao Chu 92 years old is made.

Home Zhao Piao Home Chu Youcheng learns, read 10 thousand, bellyful combs and arrange silk threads-attend to state affairs, a lot of poem words have words, verve finishs now, style is decorous. The madam Chen Bang at the beginning of Zhao Piao knits a lady to confirm, at the beginning of Zhao Piao before one's death, this ballad socially from mouth to mouth, zhao Piao Chu has a relative, excerptioned technically Piao Chu of Zhao of ask of this ballad face, zhao Piao Chu is what he makes in the negative, but do not think those who prevent ballad to circulate, think to want somebody to like only, go along with it.

Relaxedly is ballad true person sung formerly?

Relaxedly ballad libretto

Sing: formerly? Clique?

Write words: Liu Yudong

Compose: Liu Yudong


Love song calls drunk skyline way

Firewater irrigates a heart to wake dream person

Green tea one abdomen hard pass the time in a leisurely way is thirsty

Beautiful picture is not known at the moment true

1000 books read hazy thing

All over group of hill sceneries deep

Amusement chess is broken blast fan bunchy

Collect jade silver-colored remnant a few minutes

Whose home does not have irritated worry

Whose home hangs the card that avoid an issue high

Whose home the head of a bed flies colour phoenix

Whose home bosom does not cry child

Life is like dream dream life

Rainstorm scorching sun differs each

Pass carefreely year old years old year after year

White hair of 100 voice the seven human emotions is added

Confused look is flourishing if pass a photograph

Cloud of boil of 1000 10 thousand Lv is vacated

Thing of how of tired bone of work with one's mind or brains

Bosom sea broadness is spring breeze

Love song calls drunk skyline way

Firewater irrigates a heart to wake dream person

Green tea one abdomen hard pass the time in a leisurely way is thirsty

Beautiful picture is not known at the moment true

1000 books read hazy thing

All over group of hill sceneries deep

Amusement chess is broken blast fan bunchy

Collect jade silver-colored remnant a few minutes

Whose home does not have irritated worry

Whose home hangs the card that avoid an issue high

Whose home the head of a bed flies colour phoenix

Whose home bosom does not cry child

Life is like dream dream life

Rainstorm scorching sun differs each

Pass carefreely year old years old year after year

White hair of 100 voice the seven human emotions is added

Confused look is flourishing if pass a photograph

Cloud of boil of 1000 10 thousand Lv is vacated

Thing of how of tired bone of work with one's mind or brains

Bosom sea broadness is spring breeze

Bosom sea broadness is spring breeze

Daughter-in-law of help sb to get over his worries relaxedly word?

Again much comfort also cannot flick away your tear, again much short message also cannot stroke the heart door leaf that makes the same score you to get hurt. I want to say gently to you only: I bless you beside you forever, support you.

Know your overworked going to work, those who serve me comfort; to know your hardship going to work, serve my beatific; hope me comfort, the tired out; that eliminates you I wish my blessing, take away your hardship. Wish you happiness is happy sincerely each days!

Hate and angry it is a kind of negative psychology, waste our life. Hopeful and open-minded it is energy of a kind of front, enhance the self-confidence of people. Wish your conquer is vexed, value life. Optimistic take things philosophically, every day up.

The trouble of the life, need not the sadness of life of; of have sth weighing on one's mind, need not be reluctant to leave the blow of; life, need not the callosity of engrave; years, need not sentimental. The faces each days sunrise sunset of the calm, always can be in happily you beside surround!

Marry relaxedly the practice of the face?

Had lived the face to knead chip of round put through to cut noodle

Happy relaxedly couplet?

Happy relaxedly common heart laughs in greeting, take an examination of, height of Yong Pan of in big strides of rambling idle pace.

Happy relaxedly common heart laughs in greeting, take an examination of, height of Yong Pan of in big strides of rambling idle pace.

Happy relaxedly common heart laughs in greeting, take an examination of, height of Yong Pan of in big strides of rambling idle pace.

Happy relaxedly common heart laughs in greeting, take an examination of, height of Yong Pan of in big strides of rambling idle pace.

Happy relaxedly common heart laughs in greeting, take an examination of, height of Yong Pan of in big strides of rambling idle pace.

Relaxedly sentence only beautiful?

1, life once, we want with right kind, spend together with right person. The happiness of life, need common heart to bear the weight of. Life always has a lot of is inferior to meaning, we should relax heart. When happy joy, the brief; that we always feel time and when anguish is sad, we blame one day seems like a year however. Happiness and anguish that is original namely twin, god is fair, anguish often is to accompany happiness to coexist.

2, put wide state of mind, seek a thing that belongs to oneself really, make a heart quiet!

3, life has cross everywhere, living it is a kind of cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine. The petty thing that life experiences countless, cannot the overall situation that the life of very much however; of dispute encounters is very few, also can do what one can in order to listen to destiny, ordinary person have no alternative. For bagatelle Chang Jiehuai, not worth; is an important matter and constant Bei relative, ought not to. Reason, face bagatelle, want happy; to encounter an overall situation, want relaxedly.

4, so, affairs of human life is what to become a common practice becomes smoke can be in between one turn one's head, so everything can be in what mark of laughingstock intercrop dream looks, so, this is worldly what to still have cannot relaxedly, cannot put a bosom
