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(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)。在北京市,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为78278950万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 和 1000-5000万 规模的企业中,共25157家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于良好。北京霞光国际文化发展有限公司对外投资0家公司,具有1处分支机构。







One, does Beijing creativeness culture expand limited company?

Culture of Beijing creativeness stars develops limited company to hold water at 2018-11-29, the legal representative is Wang Zhanlu, register capital to be 1 million yuan of RMBs, code of unified society credence is 91110112MA01FWBE14. Business address is located in Beijing to open the way austral center of state division north 44 9 date buildings - 1 530, what belong to an industry to be retail trade, scope of operations includes: Constituent culture art communicates an activity; Education seeks advice; Undertake the exhibition is revealed; Service of promotion of technical development, technology, technology, technology seeks advice; Retail clean water is special equipment; Household and similar electrical appliance is repaired, product of family expenses electron is repaired (do not accord with electric equipment of family expenses electron to maintain course of study to serve management standard to must not develop management activity) ; Planar design; Products plan; The conference serves; Public concern serves; Building cleanness serves; Motor vehicle is communal parking lot management; Hotel management; Meal management; Property management; Major contracts; Construction always contracts; The service distributes a packet; Urban park afforest; Build project project management; Interior decoration design; All of computer science department serves; Cap of shoe of goods of equipment of software and retail computer, auxiliary equipment, electronic product, communication, knitting, dress, kitchenware, commodity, cosmetic, wholesome things, mechanical equipment, toy, sporting goods (do not contain crossbow) , headgear of bag of produce of infantile things, edible, box, gem; Goods imports and exports, technology imports and exports, representative imports and exports; Retail food; Internet information serves; Publication is retail; Run telegraphic business.

2, what is limited company of development of Lanzhou culture travel?

Limited company of group of development of estate of Lanzhou culture travel (ever used a name: Industry of Lanzhou culture travel expands limited company) held water 2015, be located in city of Lanzhou of the Gansu Province. This is an enterprise that with be engaged in culture art course of study gives priority to, the legal representative is Wei Moquan.

The scope of operations of this company includes to with the enterprise oneself asset is engaged in project of culture travel industry investing external (do not contain finance kind business) ; Visit scene area to run a service; Establishment of form a complete set of travel scene area is built; The plan of activity of communication of art of culture travel entertainment, carry out; Sports match plan, organization serves; Meeting Wu can extend a service; Advertisement design, make, representative, release; Company image is engineered; The design of handicraft, sale; Hotel management; Building adornment decorates a project; Estate development and commodity house sale.

Above content offers reference only, if want more information, the proposal inquires this company official net or seek advice from relevant personage.

3, does travel of culture of Chongqing Yue luck expand limited company?

This company held water on September 21, 2011.

The legal representative adds Chong Xi.

Company scope of operations includes: Average project: Travel project is developed; Scene area manages; Undertake to communicate an activity via the culture art sports of approval; Estate is developed (after obtaining relevant administration to permit, be engaged in running an activity inside permissive limits) ; The building is rented (do not contain room) ; Sale: Housing materials (do not contain dangerous chemical) ; Hotel management; Accommodation serves; Meal serves (after above obtains relevant administration twice to permit, be engaged in running an activity inside permissive limits) ; Meal management; Make, sale: Arts and crafts is tasted (cultural relic, ivory and its goods except) ; Sale: Publication of goods of books, the press, sound resembling, electron (after above obtains relevant administration 4 times to permit, be engaged in running an activity inside permissive limits) ; The exhibition shows a service; Ticket Wu acts as agent; Goods and technical imports and exports.

4, does travel of culture of Chongqing landscape city expand limited company?

The travel that is a joint-stock major expands a company, the Chongqing raise that is located at beauty child river bank, with once swim curtilage landscape city partnership held water 2016, register capital to be 40 million yuan, have nearly 1000 workers at present. Invest one of projects as key of Chongqing municipal government, devote oneself to to swim curtilage water city makes hill be travel of level of a state to lie fallow go vacationing holiday resort, aid force to swim curtilage landscape city establishs group of system of tourist attraction of circumjacent macrocosm travel, to swim curtilage culture and new technology domain are brought change condition of travel new job, structure of stimulative Chongqing economy is optimized, strengthen the brand force of Chongqing. Much home branch and joint-stock company are had below the banner, be in charge of the many business domain such as travel development, construction, sale, investment, social security respectively, travel of travel development and culture travel, city travel, landscape travel, new energy resources, make travel of directive Chongqing city freely develop 935 programs. The company pays close attention to Chongqing city and circumjacent area not only, also implement the tourism form that implements a variety of types and investment project on many province and international, be headed to approve unit of company of inland river travel by assess of bureau of tourism of committee of development of Chongqing municipal government, city, with Chongqing city tourism bureau is signed " have a good swim Mekong " wait for an agreement, cooperate with tourism of Chongqing bus bay, had the honor to win Chongqing 2016 " dreamy star " company name.

5, does travel culture develop limited company scope of operations?

(1) development of travel scene area, construction, manage, program of gardens of travel scene area, design reachs construction, passenger transport of the travel inside scene area and relevant form a complete set serve; Handicraft research and development, make, management sale; The conference serves.

(2) travel develops the main scope of operations of the company to be: Travel resource development and management, area of construction of establishment of form a complete set of area of scene of sale of development of commodity of plan of sales promotion of travel conduct propaganda, travel, travel, scene visits project of service, travel afforest of transmission of development of investment, estate, sale, culture, gardens.

6, does Luoyang China achieve travel to expand limited company how appearance?

Quite good. Luoyang China achieves travel to develop limited company to held water on December 12, 2018. Legal representative Zhangya is strong, company scope of operations includes: Travel resource is developed; Estate development is managed; Estate is rented manage; Construction of gardens afforest engineering; Property management; Accommodation, meal serves; The building is decorated and decorate; Culture art seeks advice from a service; Conference exhibition reachs relevant service; Literary creation and performance; Advertisement is made, representative and release a service; Arts and crafts is tasted reach collect article retail (the except that the country prohibits restricting) ; Hotel management (do not participate in investment and manage) ; Ticket Wu representative serves; Programming of movie and TV; The film is shown; Arena equipment, equipment is rental; Professional design service.

7, continent Beijing sea (Beijing) does culture develop limited company introduction?

Continent Beijing sea (Beijing) culture development limited company held water on September 26, 2011, the ground is located in road of north of field of Yo of human body of industry of region of Beijing rising sun 21 6 2 unit 611.

Art of culture of company management organization communicates an activity (do not contain a show) ; Plan of movie and TV; The exhibition serves; Lighting acoustics is designed; Design, make, representative, release advertisement.

The company invests a company external.

8, does culture of international of Beijing rays of morning or evening sunshine develop limited company introduction?

Limited company of development of culture of international of Beijing rays of morning or evening sunshine is 2002-11-20 in Beijing sunny area registers the finite liability company that establish (the natural person invests or accuse a) , register an address to be located in area of Beijing rising sun building of 417 houses in Hui Zhongbei 3 602 rooms. The code of unified society credence of limited company of development of culture of international of Beijing rays of morning or evening sunshine / registering name is 91110105745495650X, wen Di of legal entity Liu, at present the enterprise is in practice condition. The scope of operations of limited company of development of culture of international of Beijing rays of morning or evening sunshine is: Constituent culture art communicates an activity; Public relations plan; Business management seeks advice; Plan of movie and TV; Undertake the exhibition shows an activity; The interpreter serves; Information seeks advice (do not contain intermediary to serve) ; Pursue culture manager business.

(The enterprise chooses to manage a project independently lawfully, develop management activity; Need the item of classics approval lawfully, the content that approval depends on after the branch is approved related classics develops management activity; Pursue this city industry policy prohibits and do not restrict category purpose to run an activity. ) . Be in Beijing, the company of close scope of operations always registers capital to be seven hundred and eighty-two billion seven hundred and eighty-nine million five hundred thousand yuan, main sth used to one's own advantage is centrally in the enterprise of 10 thousand dimensions of 50 million above and 1000-5000, in all 25157. Inside this province limits, the enrollment of current business capital is belonged to good. Culture of international of Beijing rays of morning or evening sunshine develops limited company to invest 0 companies external, have 1 punish to raise an orgnaization.

9, does travel of culture of Chongqing Yue luck develop limited company treatment?

OK still, travel project is developed; Scene area manages; Undertake to communicate an activity via the culture art sports of approval;

10, does Yin Huawen of Guiyang gold bridge change travel to develop limited company introduction?

Brief introduction: Silver of Guiyang gold bridge spends culture travel to develop limited company to held water on June 11, 2012, main scope of operations decides to stipulate illicit must not be managed for law, code, the State Council etc.

Legal representative: Xiong Guojiang registers capital: 2 million RMB contacts means: 15180806376 addresses: Alley of stone of shuttle of Na Ming district of city of Guizhou Province Guiyang 95 [west lake community]

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