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酒后开飞机? 日本航空一名副机长因酒驾被捕(英语双语阅读)


酒后开飞机? 日本航空一名副机长因酒驾被捕(英语双语阅读)

A Japan Airlines pilot has admitted to failing a breath test shortly before he was due to fly from London Heathrow to Tokyo, the UK's Press Association reports. 据英国报业协会报道,日本航空公司的一名飞行员近日承认,在从伦敦希思罗机场飞往东京的航班起飞前不久,他未能通过酒精测试。 Katsutoshi Jitsukawa, 42, had almost 10 times more than the legal permitted amount of alcohol in his bloodstream when he was arrested, the Metropolitan Police said. 据伦敦警察厅透露,42岁的实川幸夫被捕时血液中的酒精含量几乎是法定许用量的10倍。 At Uxbridge Magistrates' Court, the pilot pleaded guilty to being over the alcohol limit. 在阿克斯布里奇的法庭上,这位飞行员承认了自己酒精浓度超标。 Japan Airlines flight JL44 was due to take off just 50 minutes after tests showed that First Officer Jitsukawa had 189 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood in his body. 日本航空公司JL44航班原定于酒精测试50分钟后起飞,但测试结果显示,该航班的副机长实川幸夫体内的血液酒精浓度高达每100毫升189毫克。

The legal limit for pilots is 20 mg, while drivers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are allowed as much as 80 mg. 飞行员的法定血液酒精浓度上限是每100毫升20毫克,而英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的驾驶员最多允许每100毫升80毫克。 He was caught after the driver of a crew bus smelled alcohol and called the police, according to Japanese broadcaster NHK. 据日本广播公司NHK报道,在机场巴士的司机闻到实川幸夫身上有酒精味道并报警之后,这名飞行员随即被抓获。 The pilot admitted that he had drunk two bottles of wine and a pitcher of beer the night before the flight, NHK reported. NHK报道称,实川幸夫承认了他在飞行前一晚喝了两瓶葡萄酒和一罐啤酒。 Japan Airlines has apologized for the incident. The airline said "safety remains our utmost priority" and it will "implement immediate actions to prevent any future occurrence." 日本航空公司已经就此次事件进行了道歉。该航空公司称,“安全仍然是我们最优先考虑的事情”,并将“立即采取行动,防止未来任何安全事故的发生”。

上一篇:酒后开飞机? 日本航空一名副机长因酒驾被捕(英语双语阅读)
下一篇:日本一公园售票员因害怕外国人 免费赠数万张门票(英语双语阅读)