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 郑多燕小红帽是第一套,小灰色帽子是第二套。小红帽减肥舞比小灰帽运动量要大一些,减脂效果好,但小灰帽塑三围效果好。因此,二者搭配跳减脂塑形效果最完美。  建议第一周小红帽先跳20分钟、小灰帽跳15分钟左右,一周跳五到六天,休息一到两天。 第二周每天适当的加长锻炼时间,晚上再练练瑜伽等缓慢的运动增加脂肪的燃烧量 ,每次十分钟左右就可以。等两周后,你会觉得小红帽已经比较轻松了,再逐渐加长时间,直到能够完整的做完一套。














1. 抖音:一款非常流行的短视频分享平台,用户可以观看和发布短视频内容,内容类型丰富多样。

2. 快手:与抖音类似的短视频平台,用户可以通过快手拍摄、编辑和分享短视频。

3. Bilibili:一个面向二次元文化的视频分享平台,用户可以观看和发布各种类型的动画、漫画、游戏相关的视频内容。

4. 西瓜视频:一款提供各种类型视频内容的短视频平台,用户可以浏览和分享有趣、有价值的视频。

5. 哔哩哔哩漫画:Bilibili旗下的漫画平台,用户可以阅读、分享和评论各种类型的漫画作品。





个人认为郑多燕减肥操小红帽最有效果了,但是因为很多人做了好几天体重没变化,就说小红帽没用, 其实因为刚跳身体需要很多热量和水份,如果不自觉的吃其他东西,结果你懂的。 所以跳郑多燕减肥操的时候饮食也要控制好了,我晚上直接灌一杯雷5就开始跳, 抗饿不说了圈内有名的,预燃脂跟减肥操才是绝配,一个月7、8斤轻飘飘的


Does small red cap reduce weight hold use a method correctly?

Small red cap of Zheng Duoyan reduces weight hold a lot of people to be in experienced, look at simple, can jump with respect to sweat of all over the body, time jumps everyday a hour, time goes, hold on to be able to see the effect

Zheng Duoyan is small red cap reduces weight hold, is the whole body fast is setting-up exercise reducing weight useful?

I am doing Zheng Duoyan to reduce weight hold, have 3 weeks, abdomen waist is apparently thin, it is the most apparent! Ah, very happy! It is all the time everyday small red cap + small grey cap, next dinner does not have rice namely into staple food, water boils green vegetables a bowl, perhaps take some of course, 3 weeks I became thin 4 jins, breakfast Chinese meal is normal, it is dinner control. I also do not calculate originally fat (height 163cm, weight 115 jins) , just gave birth to child abdomen to follow flesh of lumbar go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married much. I feel to want you only sturdy belief, dinner is controlled + athletic = good figure! Must hold to, do not give oneself any excuse, insist to take exercise everyday, tubal Pull in your ears! , stride a leg, just be blamed without good figure. Still have small red cap that is very tired, I am to jump first small red cap jumps again small grey cap, such athletic intensity from arrive high low full with respect to calm. Finished to had better do drawing even, I can do 10 minutes of drawing commonly, rest 5 minutes to bathe again, after kubla khah dripping wet bathes, exceed comfortable! Bathe to have a break to drink water again! I am mixed commonly smaller part cup is enough also did not feel very thirsty, the meeting when just beginning to jump nevertheless feels very thirsty, it is good to spend period of time. Because I am to jump in the evening, if feel not thirsty to be drunk less,choose water so right amount good, or bad also to the body. I jump commonly one dock-glass water is drunk before holding, can light 0.4KG says again after bathing! The sister that I hope my personal experience wooes good figure to everybody has effect!

Cao Xiaogong of Zheng much swallow reducing weight is the cap tight?

Zheng Duoyan is small red cap is the first, small gray cap is the 2nd. Dance of small red cap reducing weight compares quantity of motion of small grey cap to want a few bigger, the effect that reduce fat is good, but model of small grey cap 3 it is good to surround the result. Accordingly, both collocation jumps effect of form of the model that reduce fat is the most perfect. Suggest small Gong Maoxian of a week jumps 20 minutes, small grey cap jumps 15 minutes or so, a week jumps 5 to 6 days, rest to arrive two days. The 2nd week everyday proper lengthen exercises time, the slow motion such as again experienced in the evening Lian Yuga increases adipose combustion to measure, every time it is OK that ten minutes are controlled. Wait for two week hind, you can feel small to red cap has been compared relaxed, add gradually again long, until can finish thoroughly.

How does download reduce weight do video?

This has a lot of ways to download, there are such a lot of videoes to be able to be bought on salty fish for instance, clean out treasure to go up to also have a businessman selling this video, also have in Baidu library, there also is similar book in the bookshop even send CD, these ways can have a try.

Is Zheng Duoyan small does red cap reduce weight do the result how?

Say next my results reducing weight, I will begin to do in October from last year, basically make small red cap and small grey cap two are held, hip circumference is more apparent 91 → 88, stomach is apparently much less, the mainest is through taking exercise, healthy, before me if fall ill, get dozen of a bit every time almost, get half many month gift is nice, begin to do this to cover the time that holds small now half an year, had fallen ill, take medicine 3, 4 days good. I am main the purpose is model form, a week makes 5-6 day now, everyday 30-60 minute, the 2 small fortune after my meal are moved, do a few mat work, be aimed at form of model of below half body (notice physiology period is not done) . If want to reduce weight, do cap of small ash of small red cap and the drill that distribute equipment the effect is better, small red cap is to oxygen is held, move in the light of the whole body, just began to do ache slightly of meeting feeling whole body, general it is good that 5 days are controlled, those who do Zheng Duoyan hold of kubla khah dripping wet, the likelihood is concerned this with individual constitution, finish hold not be eager to sitting down or drink water, loosen first loosen, silent heart.

Is Zheng Duoyan small does red cap reduce weight hold a day to a few times be done?

It is OK that one day is done, about 30-40 minute.

Believe many people have such error: ? Spruce  of large  fade arranges dirty? and sweat goes out morer to be opposite. . . Accordingly, to a few perspire, need not need too care about; but to perspiring in great quantities, we ought not to overlook.

1, the fitness of everybody: The person with strong constitution, muscle and athletic organ are more healthy, although have the campaign with greater strength, also without striking a blowing, the sweat nature that give is little; is contrary, the activity of person in a way with poor constitution, with respect to dripping wet of meeting kubla khah.

2, humoral content: Perspire when humoral more exercise much. And humoral more or less to decide by the adipose content inside body, because adipose organization is medium water content is less, of fat person humoral want instead than lath lath little, although fat person perspires when motion much, but be able to bear or endure the ability that gets moisture to lose is poorer however, because this fatso is in,motion can feel not for long very fatigue.

Do I jump 150 jins does Zheng Duoyan reduce weight Cao Xiaogong cap and small grey cap how long can thin?

Small red cap of Zheng Duoyan is thin whole body, small grey cap is model form, if want to reduce weight, still jump small red cap, can morning and evening each, also can jump everyday, above of athletic half an hour can reduce weight, a summer vacation is OK thin 8 jins, want to hold to more, how to also get 34 months to be able to see apparently, experienced abdominal muscle won't be affected long tall

Similar APP of video of small red cap?

Hello, it is below a few similar the commendation of APP of video of small red cap:

1.Tremble sound: A very popular short video shares platform, the user can be watched and release nearsightedness frequency content, content type abounds diversity.

2.Quick worker: With shake the nearsightedness frequency platform with similar tone, the user can film through quick worker, edit and share nearsightedness frequency.

3.Bilibili: A video that faces 2 dimension culture shares platform, the user can be watched and release the video content related the animation of all sorts of types, caricature, game.

4.Watermelon video: One provides the nearsightedness frequency platform of all sorts of type video content, the user can be browsed and share interesting, valuable video.

5.Bi Bi caricature: The caricature platform with subordinate Bilibili, the user can be read, the cartoon work that share and comments on all sorts of types.

These platform provided the video content of rich diversity, the user can choose to suit his platform according to his interest and be fond of.

Jump does whole body of small red cap have Zheng Duoyan does oxygen reduce weight after holding how drawing?

Say next my results reducing weight, I will begin to do in October from last year, basically make small red cap and small grey cap two are held, hip circumference is more apparent 91 → 88, stomach is apparently much less, the mainest is through taking exercise, healthy, before me if fall ill, get dozen of a bit every time almost, get half many month gift is nice, begin to do this to cover the time that holds small now half an year, had fallen ill, take medicine 3, 4 days good. I am main the purpose is model form, a week makes 5-6 day now, everyday 30-60 minute, the 2 small fortune after my meal are moved, do a few mat work, be aimed at form of model of below half body (notice physiology period is not done) . If want to reduce weight, do cap of small ash of small red cap and the drill that distribute equipment the effect is better, small red cap is to oxygen is held, move in the light of the whole body, just began to do ache slightly of meeting feeling whole body, general it is good that 5 days are controlled, those who do Zheng Duoyan hold of kubla khah dripping wet, the likelihood is concerned this with individual constitution, finish hold not be eager to sitting down or drink water, loosen first loosen, silent heart.

Does Zheng Duoyan reduce weight Cao Xiaogong cap how? Can thin?

The individual thinks Zheng Duoyan reduces weight Cao Xiaogong cap has the effect most, but because a lot of people did several days of weight,did not change, say small red cap is trashy, because just jumped,actually the body needs a lot of quantity of heat and water share, if not self-conscious have other thing, as a result you understand. Jump so Zheng Duoyan reduces weight when holding, food also should have been controlled, I am direct in the evening fill a cup of thunder 5 begin to jump, fought hunger not to say a group inside famous, light fat to follow beforehand reduce weight holding ability is to match absolutely, a month 7, 8 jins buoyant

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