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从成都人民中路出发——> 西御街 ——> 人民南路 ——> 红照壁街 ——> 上南大街 ——> 中南大街 ——> 洗面桥街 ——> 永丰路 ——> 创业路 ——> 成渝环线高速公路 ——> 茶马大道 ——> G318 ——> 向阳大道 ——> 环城路 ——> 沿江路 ——> G318 ——> 情歌大道 ——> 箭炉街 ——> 沿河东路 ——> 沿河西路 ——> 建设路 ——> 西大街 ——> 终点







第1天 区间重庆/泸定 (全程约640公里,车程约10小时左右) 住:泸定或康定

第2天 区间:泸定/稻城(全程约380公里,车程约12小时左右) 住:稻城

第3天 区间:稻城/亚丁景区/稻城(全程约114公里,车程约5小时左右) 住:稻城

第4天 区间:稻城/理塘/新都桥(全程约380公里,车程约10小时左右) 住:新都桥

第5天 区间:新都桥/康定木格措/泸定(全程约120公里,车程约4小时左右) 住:泸定

第6天 区间:康定或泸定/重庆(全程约640公里,车程约10小时左右)







1 可以选择成都出发,经过拉萨到达西藏的旅游路线;

2 出发地点为成都,可以选择乘坐飞机或火车去往拉萨,然后再选择不同的线路前往西藏的各个景点;

3 西藏拥有众多美丽的景点,如布达拉宫、纳木错、珠峰等,可以根据实际时间和预算选择适合自己的旅游线路。






1) 从起点向正东方向出发,沿光大巷行驶70米,右后方转弯进入红星路四段

2) 沿红星路四段行驶200米,右转进入锦兴路

3) 沿锦兴路行驶590米,调头进入锦兴路

4) 沿锦兴路行驶590米,左转进入红星路四段


推荐旅行线路:成都- 西宁 - 塔尔寺 - 青海湖 - 茶卡盐湖 - 德令哈 - 大柴旦 - 敦煌 - 雅丹魔鬼城 - 鸣沙山&月牙泉 - 莫高窟 - 瓜洲 - 嘉峪关 - 丹霞地貌 - 张掖 - 祁连山 - 门源 -西宁- 成都


Does Chengdu arrive health drive travel course strategy oneself surely?

The Chengdu City Kang Dingda makes an appointment with 320 kilometers, can Chengdu, elegant how, Lu is decided, health calm.

The first pace: Lu decides the bridge. Set out from Chengdu can take high speed, take the high speed below asbestine, go so that appropriate countryside decides to Lu next. Go looking to fly to the place that seizes Lu to decide the bridge. Can walk along the suspension bridge that board of that iron chain constitutes.

The 2nd pace: Can go the following day health decided, health it is autonomous prefecture of pleasant Zi Tibetian surely. Belong to Tibetian, can go first arrange of Kang Dingmu case. It is the main ground of Kang Dingqing song, it is the 4th pace: Tourist attraction of class A travel, can see virgin forest, meadow and snow mountain.

The 3rd pace: New the bridge. Be be charmed making a person " photography heaven " , here can see very natural view, it is one is like a haven of peace with picturesque poem.

The 4th pace: Area of elegant Ha Jing. It is the beauty spot that hill of spring of prairie, beach, brook, Ga comprises, with downy scene culture gives priority to He Muya, it is very beautiful place, can let popular feeling Kuang Shenyi.

The 5th pace: Area of tower general view. Tibetan language meaning is " the place that Bodhisattva likes " , according to legend is civil when entering Tibet into the princess the place of the way, can see prairie of He Muya of fair temple of Muyajinda, tower.

The 6th pace: Fill of Yu forest palace supports dash forward spring, it is old old days be bright system of appointing national minority hereditary headmen in the Yuan avoids arrange make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, king of county of fruit of according to legend ever was in this bath,

The 7th pace: Horse race hill, depend on hill and build, can see pool of Buddha of 5 kinds of seas, bath, scud wells balanced, everywhere beautiful scenery is just as elfland. Here still has museum of immaterial culture bequest, can see all sorts of Tibetan nation dress and culture custom.

Does Chengdu arrive health decide optimal course?

Car line

1, Chengdu---Cheng Yagao---Elegant how---Lu is decided---Health calm

2, Chengdu---Jiang Yan---4 girls hill----Xiaojin---Red cling to----New the bridge---Health calm

Aircraft line

Area of the Chengdu City---Chengdu double shed an International Airport----Health calm airport---(take a car)---Health calm county

Does Chengdu arrive health how to decide optimal course to go?

From inside Chengdu people the road sets out -->On the west drive street -->The road austral people -->Street of red a screen wall facing the gate of a house -->Go up south ave -->In south ave -->Street of the bridge that wash a face -->Always abundant road -->Poineering road -->Line of the link that become change freeway -->Tea Martha -->G318 -->Highway of exposed to the sun -->Road of around the city -->Edge river road -->G318 -->Love song highway -->Arrow furnace street -->Along the river east road -->Along the river on the west road -->Build a road -->On the west ave -->Terminal

Does Le Shan travel to Kangding optimal course?

Happy hill city walks along green heart road to enter high speed of change link line, to Yaanmengding hill town turns into high speed of Beijing elder brother, to Kang Daqiao collects fees on the west the high speed below the station, change 318 nations line to decide a county via channel of 2 man mountain, Lu until health calm city. Whole journey 310.7 kilometers, require travel 5 hours 26 minutes about.

Does eyebrow hill arrive health decide optimal travel course?

Eyebrow hill sets out Chengdu next via Cheng Ya (or into lukewarm Qiong) the freeway reachs pluvial city elegant how, go up continuously along elegant Qing Yijiang, arrive at home's longest highway tunnel - 2 man mountain (4172 meters of) , pass through home's longest highway tunnel channel of 2 man mountain (4.1 kilometers) , all previous yin and yang arrives to cross river valley greatly after double day (plain on the west the biggest the deepest gorge) , visit iron chain Lu to decide the bridge at one's own expenses (entrance ticket 10 yuan / person, amuse oneself is controlled 40 minutes) , the Feng Gongwei class of recall revolution martyr, reach love song home thereafter -- health calm.

Does Chongqing arrive health decided travel course?

It is 6 days of journeys below

Chongqing of the 1st day of interval / Lu is decided (whole journey makes an appointment with 640 kilometers, car Cheng controls about 10 hours) live: Lu is decided or health calm

The 2nd day of interval: Lu is decided / paddy city (whole journey makes an appointment with 380 kilometers, car Cheng controls about 12 hours) live: Paddy city

The 3rd day of interval: Paddy city / inferior Ding Jing area / paddy city (whole journey makes an appointment with 114 kilometers, car Cheng controls about 5 hours) live: Paddy city

The 4th day of interval: Paddy city / manage pond / new the bridge (whole journey makes an appointment with 380 kilometers, car Cheng controls about 10 hours) live: New the bridge

The 5th day of interval: New the bridge / arrange of Kang Dingmu case / Lu is decided (whole journey makes an appointment with 120 kilometers, car Cheng controls about 4 hours) live: Lu is decided

The 6th day of interval: Health decide or Lu is decided / Chongqing (whole journey makes an appointment with 640 kilometers, car Cheng is controlled about 10 hours)

Does Chongqing drive strategy of Kangding travel course oneself?

Chongqing arrives plain drive oneself on the west swim circuit recommends one: Classical annulet line

The commonnest plain annulet line line draws oneself on the west: Chongqing - Chengdu - mirror beautiful - lie dragon - 4 girls hill - Xiaojin - red cling to - 8 beauty - the tower is fair - new the bridge - health calm - Lu is decided - elegant how - Chongqing.

This plain annulet line drove to include almost oneself on the west plain on the west all representative beautiful scenery: Snow mountain, blue sky, gorge, prairie, watchtower, ~ Tibetan stockaded village

Basis the stand or fall of road condition, chengdu - mirror beautiful - lie dragon - 4 girls hill one Duan Ke change its course is elegant how - Lu Shan - clip golden hill or Chengdu - plain of short of Wenshui River - manage county - Maerkang - Jin Chuan - red cling to; Health calm - Lu is decided - elegant install one Duan Ke change its course health calm - elegant home straightens - grind on the west - asbestine - elegant install or health calm - Lu is decided - asbestine. Each circuitry has absolutely beautiful scenery to be admired for driving lover oneself!

Does Chengdu travel to Tibet course?

1 can choose Chengdu to set out, reach travel line of Tibet through Lhasa;

2 places setting out are Chengdu, can choose to take plane or train to go to Lhasa, the route that chooses to differ again next heads for each tourist attractions of Tibet;

3 Tibet have the tourist attraction of numerous beauty, wait like fault of wood of the Potala Palace, accept, Mount Everest, can suit oneself travel circuitry according to actual time and budgetary choice.

Does Chengdu go to Wuhan optimal travel course?

This data originates map, final result with the map newest data is accurate.

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 1132.2 kilometers

Start: The Chengdu City

Plan drives inside 1. the Chengdu City

1) sets out from direction of start Xiang Zhengdong, travel of edge light big alley 70 meters, right rear turn enter red star grade 4 paragraphs

Road of 2) edge red star 4 paragraphs of travel 200 meters, right-hand rotation is entered bright and beautiful start a journey

3) edge bright and beautiful the travel that start a journey 590 meters, tune is entered bright and beautiful start a journey

4) edge bright and beautiful the travel that start a journey 590 meters, left-hand rotation enters red star grade 4 paragraphs

Does Chengdu travel to Xining optimal course?

Recommend viatic circuitry: Chengdu - Xining - tower Er temple - Qinghai lake - tea card saline - heart make breath out - big Chai Dan - Dunhuang - city of elegant red devil - cry spring of crescent moon of Sha Shan & - Mo Gao hole - melon continent - fine valley closes - Dan Xia

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